

About the Authors

1. Water Technology

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Sources of Water

1.3 Types of Impurities Present in Water

1.4 Hard Water and Hardness

1.5 Determination of Hardness

1.6 Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

1.7 Determination of Chlorides in Water

1.8 Determination of Acidity in Water

1.9 Alkalinity of Water

1.10 Disadvantages of Hard Water

1.11 Quality of Water for Domestic Use

1.12 Treatment of Water for Domestic Use

1.13 Break-Point Chlorination

1.14 Boilers and Boiler Troubles

1.15 Softening of Water

1.16 Desalination

1.17 Review Questions

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Problems for Practice

2. Polymers

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Degree of Polymerisation

2.3 Classification of Polymers

2.3.1 Classification Based on Source

2.3.2 Classification Based on Composition

2.3.3 Classification Based on Chemical Composition

2.3.4 Classification Based on Structure

2.3.5 Classification Based on Mode of Polymerisation

2.3.6 Classification Based on the Molecular Forces

2.3.7 Classification Based on Tacticity

2.4 Types of Polymerization

2.4.1 Condensation Polymerisation or Step Polymerisation

2.4.2 Addition/Vinyl/Chain Polymerisation

2.4.3 Coordination Polymerisation

2.5 Molecular Mass of a Polymer

2.6 Plastics

2.7 Important Polymers—Composition, Preparation, Properties and Engineering Uses

2.7.1 Thermoplastics

2.7.2 Thermosetting Plastics

2.8 Rubber (Elastomers)

2.8.1 Processing of Natural Rubber

2.8.2 Gutta–Percha

2.8.3 Vulcanisation of Rubber

2.8.4 Compounding of Rubber

2.8.5 Synthetic Rubbers or Artificial Rubber

2.8.6 Important Artificial Rubbers

2.9 Reinforced or Filled Plastics

2.9.1 Composition

2.9.2 Nature of Polymers Used

2.9.3 Application of Filled Plastics (Reinforced Plastics)

2.10 Biopolymers

2.10.1 Major Feed Stocks for Biopolymers

2.10.2 Preparation Methods

2.10.3 Important Biodegradable Polymers

2.10.4 Importance of Biopolymers in Sustainable Development

2.11 Conducting Polymers

2.11.1 Intrinsically Conducting Polymer (ICP) or Conjugated π-Electrons Conducting Polymer

2.11.2 Conducting Polyaniline

2.11.3 Extrinsically Conducting Polymers

2.12 Polyphosphazenes/Phosphonitrilic Polymers

2.13 Composites

2.13.1 Constituents of Composites

2.13.2 Classification of Composites

2.13.3 Advantages of Composites over Conventional Materials

2.13.4 Applications of Composites

2.14 Review Questions

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3. Fuels and Combustion

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Classification of Fuels

3.3 Units of Heat

3.4 Calorific Value

3.5 Determination of Calorific Value

3.5.1 Bomb Calorimeter

3.5.2 Junker’s Calorimeter

3.6 Characteristics of Good Fuel

3.7 Solid Fuels

3.7.1 Coal

3.7.2 Analysis of Coal

3.7.3 Metallurgical Coke

3.7.4 Manufacture of Metallurgical Coke

3.8 Liquid Fuels

3.8.1 Petroleum Refining

3.8.2 Important Petroleum Products and their Uses

3.9 Synthetic Petrol

3.9.1 Cracking

3.9.2 Fischer–Trapsch Method

3.9.3 Bergius Method

3.10 Power Alcohol

3.10.1 Manufacture of Power Alcohol

3.11 Knocking

3.12 Diesel Engine, Cetane and Octane Number

3.13 Gaseous Fuels

3.13.1 Natural Gas

3.13.2 Producer Gas (or) Suction Gas

3.13.3 Water Gas (or) Blue Gas

3.13.4 Coal Gas

3.13.5 Biogas

3.14 Flue Gas Analysis by Orsats Apparatus

3.15 Review Questions

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4. Alternate Energy Resources

4.1 Introduction

4.1.1 Conventional or Traditional Energy Resources

4.1.2 Nonconventional Energy Resources or Renewable Energy Sources

4.1.3 Alternative Energy

4.2 Non-Conventional Energy Sources and Storage Devices

4.2.1 Solar Energy

4.2.2 Wind Energy

4.2.3 Geothermal Energy

4.2.4 Water Power

4.2.5 Biomass

4.2.6 Nuclear Energy

4.2.7 Nuclear Reactions

4.3 Review Questions

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5. Electrochemistry and Batteries

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Electrolysis

5.2.1 Laws of Electrolysis

5.3 Electrolytic Conduction

5.3.1 Factors Affecting Electrolytic Conduction

5.3.2 Electrical Resistance and Conductance

5.3.3 Specific, Equivalent and Molar Conductivities

5.3.4 Equivalent Conductivity

5.3.5 Molar Conductivity

5.3.6 Measurement of Electrolytic Conductance

5.3.7 Variation of Conductivity with Concentration

5.3.8 Conductance Behaviour of Strong Electrolyte

5.3.9 Conductance Behaviour of Weak Electrolyte

5.4 Kohlrausch’s Law of Independent Migration of Ions

5.5 Conductometric Titrations

5.6 Electrochemical Cells

5.7 Types of Electrodes

5.8 Reference Electrode

5.9 Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE)

5.9.1 Electrochemical Circuit and Working of ISE

5.9.2 Types of Ion – Selective Membranes

5.9.3 Applications of Ion Selective Electrodes

5.10 Glass Electrode

5.10.1 Construction of Glass Electrode

5.11 Concentration Cell

5.12 Potentiometric Titrations

5.13 Electrochemical Sensors

5.13.1 Potentiometric Sensor

5.13.2 Analysis of Glucose in Blood

5.13.3 Analysis of Urea

5.14 Voltammetry

5.14.1 Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)

5.14.2 Ferric Fe3+/Fe2+ System

5.14.3 Cyclic Voltammetry

5.14.4 Applications of Voltammetry

5.15 Batteries

5.15.1 Advantages of Batteries

5.15.2 Disadvantages of Batteries

5.16 Review Questions

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6. Science of Corrosion

6.1 Introduction

6.1.1 Causes of Corrosion

6.1.2 Types of Corrosion

6.2 Galvanic Series

6.2.1 Factors Affecting Corrosion

6.3 Protection from Corrosion (Preventive Measures for Corrosion Control)

6.4 Review Questions

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7. Chemistry of Engineering Materials

7.1 Semiconducting and Super Conducting Materials

7.1.1 Semiconductor

7.1.2 Applications of Semiconductors

7.1.3 Superconductors

7.2 Magnetic Materials

7.2.1 General Properties of Magnetic Materials

7.2.2 Classification of Magnetic Materials

7.2.3 Applications of Magnetic Materials

7.3 Cement

7.3.1 Classification of Cement

7.3.2 Raw Materials used in the Manufacture of Portland Cement

7.3.3 Manufacture of Portland Cement

7.3.4 Chemical Composition of Portland Cement and its Importance

7.3.5 Setting and Hardening of Cement

7.3.6 ISI Specifications of Cement

7.3.7 Analysis of Cement

7.3.8 Plaster of Paris/Gypsum Plaster

7.4 Refractories

7.4.1 Characteristics of Good Refractory Materials

7.4.2 Failures of Refractory Materials

7.4.3 Classification of Refractories

7.4.4 Properties of Refractories

7.4.5 Manufacture of High-Alumina Bricks, Magnesite Bricks and Zirconia Bricks

7.5 Lubricants

7.5.1 Important Functions of Lubricants

7.5.2 Mechanism of Lubrication

7.5.3 Classification of Lubricants

7.5.4 Properties of Lubricants

7.5.5 Redwood Viscometer

7.5.6 Engler’s Viscometer

7.5.7 Saybolt Viscometer

7.5.8 U-Tube Viscometer

7.5.9 Conversion of Redwood, Engler and Saybolt Viscosities into Absolute Units

7.6 Explosives and Propellants

7.6.1 Some Important Terms about Explosives

7.6.2 Classification of Explosives

7.6.3 Precautions during Storage of Explosives

7.6.4 Blasting Fuses

7.6.5 Important Explosives and their Preparation

7.6.6 Rocket Propellants

7.6.7 Characteristics of a Good Propellant

7.6.8 Classifications of Propellants

7.7 Nanomaterials

7.7.1 Synthesis of Nanomaterials

7.7.2 Characterisation

7.7.3 Importance

7.7.4 Broad Classification of Nanomaterials

7.7.5 Fullerenes

7.7.6 Types of Fullerenes

7.7.7 Properties of Nanomaterials

7.7.8 Applications of Nanomaterials

7.8 Liquid Crystals

7.8.1 Characteristics of Liquid Crystal Phase

7.8.2 Classification of Liquid Crystals

7.8.3 Thermotropic Liquid Crystals

7.8.4 Lyotropic Liquid Crystals

7.8.5 Chemical Properties of Liquid Crystals

7.8.6 Applications of Liquid Crystals

7.9 Abrasives

7.9.1 Hardness of Abrasive

7.9.2 Natural Abrasives

7.9.3 Artificial Abrasives

7.10 Review Questions

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8. Phase Rule

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Explanation of the Terms Involved in Phase Equilibria

8.2.1 Phase (P)

8.2.2 Components (C)

8.2.3 Degree of Freedom (F)

8.2.4 True and Metastable Equilibrium

8.2.5 Eutectic Mixture and Eutectic Point

8.2.6 Triple Point

8.3 Phase Rule

8.3.1 Assumptions for the Validation of Phase Rule

8.3.2 Thermodynamic Derivation of the Phase Rule

8.3.3 Utility of Phase Rule | Application of Phase Rule

8.3.4 Limitations of Phase Rule

8.4 Phase Diagrams

8.5 One Component System

8.6 Two Component System

8.6.1 Eutectic System

8.6.2 Lead (Pb) – Silver (Ag) System

8.7 Heat Treatment of Steel

8.8 Review Questions

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9. Photochemistry

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Light Source in Photochemistry

9.3 Laws of Photochemistry

9.3.1 Grotthuss–Draper Law or The First Law of Photochemistry

9.3.2 Stark-Einstein Law or Photochemical Equivalence Law

9.3.3 Beer-Lambert Law

9.4 Photophysical and Chemical Processes

9.4.1 Photophysical Process

9.4.2 Photochemical Process

9.5 Quantum Yield and Quantum Efficiency

9.6 Photosensitisation

9.7 Photodynamic Therapy

9.8 Important Photochemical Reactions

9.9 Review Questions

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10. Surface Chemistry

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Adsorption

10.2.1 Mechanism of Adsorption

10.2.2 Adsorption is Exothermic

10.2.3 Difference between Adsorption and Absorption

10.2.4 Examples of Adsorption, Absorption, and Sorption

10.2.5 Positive and Negative Adsorptions

10.2.6 Classification of Adsorption

10.2.7 Factors Affecting the Adsorption of Gases by Solids

10.2.8 Adsorption Isotherms

10.2.9 Applications of Adsorption

10.3 Colloidal State

10.3.1 Types of Solution

10.3.2 Classification of Colloids

10.3.3 Properties of Colloidal Solutions

10.3.4 Applications of Colloids

10.4 Review Questions

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11. Thermodynamics

11.1 Introduction

11.1.1 Thermodynamic Terms and Basic Concepts

11.2 Types of Thermodynamic Systems

11.2.1 Isolated System

11.2.2 Closed System

11.2.3 Open System

11.3 Intensive and Extensive Properties

11.3.1 Intensive Property

11.3.2 Extensive Property

11.3.3 State Variables

11.4 Reversible and Irreversible Process

11.4.1 Reversible Process

11.4.2 Irreversible Process

11.4.3 Thermodynamic Processes

11.4.4 Isothermal Process or Isothermal Change

11.4.5 Indicator Diagram

11.4.6 Work Done by a System in an Adiabatic Process

11.4.7 First Law of Thermodynamics and its Application

11.4.8 Second Law of Thermodynamics

11.4.9 Carnot’s Engine, Efficiency

11.4.10 Working of Carnot’s Engine

11.4.11 Absolute Zero

11.4.12 Numerical Problems Based on Carnot’s Cycle

11.4.13 Solved Numerical Problems Based on Isothermal and Adiabatic Process

11.5 Thermodynamic Potentials and Maxwell Equations

11.5.1 Thermodynamic Potential

11.5.2 Internal Energy (U)

11.5.3 Total Heat Function (H)

11.5.4 Helmholtz Function (F)

11.5.5 Gibb’s Free Energy or Gibb’s Function (G)

11.5.6 Maxwell’s Equations

11.5.7 Clausius–Clapeyron Equation

11.5.8 Derivation of the Stefan–Boltzmann Law using Maxwell’s Equations

11.5.9 Joule–Thomson Effect or Joule–Kelvin Effect

11.6 Review Questions

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12. Metals in Biological System

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Essential Elements

12.2.1 Bulk Elements

12.2.2 Macrominerals

12.2.3 Micro Elements (Trace Elements)

12.3 Non-Essential Elements

12.4 Important Metals in Biological Systems

12.4.1 Haemoglobin

12.4.2 Myoglobin

12.4.3 Vitamin B12

12.4.4 Chlorophyll

12.5 Metals and their Toxicity

12.5.1 Toxicity of Arsenic

12.5.2 Toxicity of Lead

12.5.3 Toxicity of Mercury

12.6 Review Questions

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13. Organometallic Compounds

13.1 Introduction

13.1.1 Organometallic Chemistry Timeline

13.2 Organolithium Compounds

13.2.1 Preparation of Organolithium Compounds

13.2.2 Properties of Organolithium Compounds

13.3 Organomagnesium Compounds

13.3.1 Preparation of Organomagnesium Compounds

13.3.2 Properties of Organomagnesium Compounds

13.4 Metal Carbonyls

13.4.1 Ligand

13.4.2 Effective Atomic Number

13.4.3 Preparation of Carbonyls

13.4.4 Properties of Carbonyls

13.4.5 Structure of Carbonyls

13.5 Review Questions

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14. Coordination Chemistry

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Basic Requirements to Formation of Coordination Compound

14.3 Nomenclature of Metal Complexes

14.3.1 Cationic Complex

14.3.2 Anionic Complex

14.3.3 Nonionic Complexes

14.3.4 Polynuclear Complex

14.3.5 Complex with Metal-Metal Bond

14.4 Theories of Coordination Chemistry

14.4.1 Werner’s Theory

14.4.2 Sidgwick’s Electronic Concept Theory

14.4.3 Valance Bond Theory

14.4.4 Crystal Field Theory

14.4.5 Common Single Atomic Ligands and their Field Strength

14.4.6 Molecular Orbital Theory of Coordination Complexes

14.5 Factors Affecting the Stability of Coordination Compounds

14.6 Determination of Complex Ion Formation

14.7 Stability of Coordination Compounds

14.8 Applications of Coordination Compounds

14.9 Review Questions

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15. Structure and Reactivity of Organic and Inorganic Molecules

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Hybridisation

15.2.1 Salient Features of Hybridisation

15.2.2 Important Conditions for Hybridisation

15.2.3 Types of Hybridisation

15.3 Bond Polarisation

15.3.1 Electron Displacement in Covalent Bonds

15.4 Reaction Intermediates

15.4.1 Free Radicals

15.4.2 Carbocations or Carbonium Ions

15.4.3 Carbanions

15.4.4 Carbenes

15.4.5 Nitrenes or Imidogens

15.4.6 Benzynes

15.5 Molecular Orbital Theory

15.5.1 Important Points on Molecular Orbital Diagrams

15.5.2 Fundamental Steps for Constructing Molecular Orbitals

15.5.3 Five Basic Rules of Molecular Orbital Theory

15.5.4 Linear Combination of Atomic Orbitals and Type of Atomic Orbitals

15.5.5 Molecular Orbital Energy Level Diagrams of Homo Atomic Molecules

15.5.6 Molecular Energy Level Diagrams of Hetero Atomic Molecules

15.6 Review Questions

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16. Stereochemistry

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Isomerism

16.2.1 Structural Isomerism

16.2.2 Space or Stereoisomerism

16.3 Classification of Structural Isomerism

16.3.1 Chain or Nuclear Isomerism

16.3.2 Position Isomerism

16.3.3 Ring or Chain Isomerism

16.3.4 Functional Group Isomerism

16.3.5 Metamerism

16.3.6 Tautomerism

16.4 Classification of Stereoisomerism

16.4.1 Geometrical Isomerism

16.4.2 Optical Isomerism

16.4.3 Conformational Isomers

16.4.4 R–S Nomenclature or CIP Nomenclature

16.4.5 E–Z Nomenclature

16.5 Molecular Representation

16.5.1 Wedge and Dash Projections

16.5.2 Fisher Projections

16.5.3 Sawhorse Representation

16.5.4 Newman Representation

16.6 Molecular Isomerism

16.7 Review Questions

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17. Spectroscopy

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Ultra Violet and Visible Spectroscopy

17.2.1 Principle

17.2.2 Instrumentation

17.2.3 Instrumental Design

17.2.4 Electronic Transitions

17.2.5 Chromophores

17.2.6 Auxochrome

17.2.7 Woodward–Fieser Rules

17.2.8 Factors Affecting the Position of the λ Maximum and Intensity of Radiation

17.2.9 Franck-Condon Principle

17.2.10 Solved Problems Based on UV-Vis Spectroscopy

17.2.11 Applications of UV-Visible Spectroscopy

17.3 IR-Spectroscopy

17.3.1 Basic Principle

17.3.2 Instrumentation

17.3.3 Molecular Vibrations

17.3.4 Factors Affecting Vibrational Frequency

17.3.5 Degrees of Freedom

17.3.6 Solved Problems Based on IR Spectra

17.3.7 Applications of IR Spectroscopy

17.4 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

17.4.1 Principle

17.4.2 Instrumentation

17.4.3 Chemical Shift

17.4.4 Spin-Spin Splitting, Spin-Spin Interaction, Spin–Spin Coupling or Fine Spectrum

17.4.5 Magnetic Resonance Imaging

17.4.6 High Resolution Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

17.4.7 NMR Applications

17.4.8 Solved Problems Based on Proton NMR

17.5 Review Questions

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18. Thermal Analysis

18.1 Introduction

18.2 Thermogravimetric Analysis

18.2.1 Principle of TGA

18.2.2 Applications of TGA

18.3 Differential Thermal Analysis

18.3.1 Principle of DTA

18.4 Review Questions

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19. Chromatography

19.1 Introduction

19.1.1 Chromatography Timeline

19.2 Classification of Chromatography

19.2.1 Classification Based on Mobile Phase

19.2.2 Classification Based on Attractive Forces

19.2.3 Classification Based on Partition of Relative Solubility of Analyte in Mobile and Stationary Phase

19.2.4 Chromatographic Techniques on the Type of Support Material Used in the System

19.3 Types of Chromatography

19.3.1 Gas-Liquid-Chromatography

19.4 Chromatography Theory

19.4.1 Distribution Coefficient or Partition Coefficient (K)

19.4.2 Retention Time (tR)

19.4.3 Retention Volume (VR)

19.4.4 Plate Theory

19.5 High Performance Liquid Chromatography

19.5.1 Instrumentation

19.5.2 Theory of High Performance Liquid Chromatography

19.6 Review Questions

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20. Solid State and X-Ray Diffraction

20.1 Introduction

20.1.1 Crystal Structure

20.2 Crystal Systems

20.2.1 Laws of Crystallography

20.3 Crystal Defects

20.3.1 Stoichiometric Defect

20.3.2 Non-stoichiometric Defect

20.4 X-Ray Diffraction

20.4.1 Introduction

20.4.2 Principle

20.4.3 X-ray Diffraction of Crystals and Bragg’s Equation

20.4.4 Determination of Crystal Structure with Bragg’s Equation

20.4.5 X-ray Diffraction Methods

20.4.6 Instrumentation of X-ray

20.5 Application of X-ray Diffraction

20.6 Review Questions

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21. Green Chemistry

21.1 Introduction

21.2 Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry

21.3 Importance of Green Synthesis

21.3.1 Methods for Green Synthesis

21.3.2 Applications of Green Synthesis

21.4 Greenhouse Concepts

21.4.1 Types of Greenhouse

21.5 Greenhouse Gases and Greenhouse Effect

21.5.1 Natural Greenhouse Effect

21.5.2 Enhanced Greenhouse Effect

21.5.3 Greenhouse Gas Effect

21.5.4 Requirements for Greenhouse

21.6 Carbon Sequestration

21.6.1 Importance of Carbon Sequestration

21.7 Why Carbon Dioxide is a Major Problem

21.8 Review Questions

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Lab Manual


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