Splay Trees

Sanjeev Saxena

Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur


13.2Splay Trees


Access and Update Operations

13.4Optimality of Splay Trees

Static OptimalityStatic Finger TheoremWorking Set TheoremOther Properties and Conjectures

13.5Linking and Cutting Trees

Data StructureSolid TreesRotationSplicingSplay in Virtual TreeAnalysis of Splay in Virtual TreeImplementation of Primitives for Linking and Cutting Trees

13.6Case Study: Application to Network Flows

13.7Implementation without Linking and Cutting Trees

13.8FIFO Dynamic Tree Implementation

13.9Variants of Splay Trees and Top-Down Splaying




In this chapter, we discuss the following topics:

1.Introduction to splay trees and their applications

2.Splay trees—description, analysis, algorithms, and optimality of splay trees

3.Linking and cutting trees

4.Case study: application to network flows

5.Variants of splay trees.

There are various data structures such as AVL-trees, red-black trees, and 2-3-trees (see Chapter 11), which support operations such as insert, delete (including deleting the minimum item), and search (or membership) in O(log n) time (for each operation). Splay trees introduced by Sleator and Tarjan [1,2] support all these operations in O(log n) amortized time, which roughly means that starting from an empty tree, a sequence of m of these operations will take O(m log n) time (deterministic), an individual operation may take either more time or less time (see Theorem 13.1). We discuss some applications in the rest of this section.

Assume that we are searching for an item in a “large” sorted file, and if the item is in the kth position, then we can search the item in O(log k) time by exponential and binary search. Similarly, finger search trees (see Chapter 12) can be used to search any item at distance f from a finger in O(log f) time. Splay trees can search (again in amortized sense) an item from any finger (which need not even be specified) in O(log f) time, where f is the distance from the finger (see Section 13.4.2). Since the finger is not required to be specified, the time taken will be minimum over all possible fingers (time, again in amortized sense).

If we know the frequency or probability of access of each item, then we can construct an optimum binary search tree (see Chapter 11) for these items; total time for all access will be the smallest for optimal binary search trees. If we do not know the probability (or access frequency), and if we use splay trees, even then the total time taken for all accesses will still be the same as that for a binary search tree, up to a multiplicative constant (see Section 13.4.1).

In addition, splay trees can be used almost as a “black box” in linking and cutting trees (see Section 13.5). Here we need the ability to add (or subtract) a number to key values of all ancestors of a node x.

Moreover, in practice, the rebalancing operations (rotations) are very much simpler than those in height balanced trees. Hence, in practice, we can also use splay trees as an alternative to height balanced trees (such as AVL-trees, red-black trees, and 2-3-trees), if we are interested only in the total time. However, some experimental studies [3] suggest that for random data, splay trees outperform balanced binary trees only for highly skewed data; and for applications like “vocabulary accumulation” of English text [4], even standard binary search trees, which do not have good worst-case performance, outperform both balanced binary trees (AVL-trees) and splay trees. In any case, the constant factor and the algorithms are not simpler than those for the usual heap, hence it will not be practical to use splay trees for sorting (say as in heap sort), even though the resulting algorithm will take O(n log n) time for sorting, unless the data has some degree of presortedness, in which case splay sort is a practical alternative (see Chapter 11) [5]. Splay trees, however, cannot be used in real-time applications.

Splay trees can also be used for data compression. As splay trees are binary search trees, they can be used directly [6] with guaranteed worst-case performance. They are also used in data compression with some modifications [7]. Routines for data compression can be shown to run in time proportional to the entropy of input sequence [8] for usual splay trees and their variants.

13.2Splay Trees

Let us assume that for each node x, we store a real number key(x).

In any binary search tree, left subtree of any node x contains items having “key” values less than the value of key(x) and right subtree of the node x contains items with “key” values larger than the value of key(x).

In splay trees, we first search the query item, say x as in the usual binary search trees (see Chapter 3)—compare the query item with the value in the root, if smaller then recursively search in the left subtree else if larger then, recursively search in the right subtree, and if it is equal then we are done. Then, informally speaking, we look at every disjoint pair of consecutive ancestors of x, say y = parent(x) and z = parent(y), and perform certain pair of rotations. As a result of these rotations, x comes in place of z.

In case x has an odd number of proper ancestors, then the ancestor of x (which is child of the root) will also have to be dealt separately, in terminal case—we rotate the edge between x and the root. This step is called zig step (see Figure 13.1).


Figure 13.1parent(x) is the root—edge xy is rotated (zig case).

If x and y are both left or are both right children of their respective parents, then we first rotate the edge between y and its parent z and then the edge between x and its parent y. This step is called zig-zig step (see Figure 13.2).


Figure 13.2x and parent(x) are both right children (zig-zig case)—first edge yz is rotated then edge xy.

If x is a left (respectively right) child and y is a right (respectively left) child, then we first rotate the edge between x and y and then between x and z, this step is called zig-zag step (see Figure 13.3).


Figure 13.3x is a right child while parent(x) is a left child (zig-zag case)—first edge xy is rotated then edge xz.

These rotations (together) not only make x the new root but also roughly speaking halve the depth (length of path to root) of all ancestors of x in the tree. If the node x is at depth “d,” splay(x) will take O(d) time, that is, time proportional to access the item in node x.

Formally, splay(x) is a sequence of rotations which are performed (as follows) until x becomes a root:

If parent(x) is root, then we carry out usual rotation (see Figure 13.1).

If x and parent(x) are both left (or are both right) children of their parents, then we first rotate at y = parent(x) (i.e., the edge between y and its parent) and then rotate at x (see Figure 13.2).

If x is left (or respectively right) child but parent(x) is right (respectively left) child of its parent, then first rotate at x and then again rotate at x (see Figure 13.3).


We will next like to look at the “amortized” time taken by splay operations. Amortized time is the average time taken over a worst-case sequence of operations.

For the purpose of analysis, we give a positive weight w(x) to (any) item x in the tree. The weight function can be chosen completely arbitrarily (as long it is strictly positive). For analysis of splay trees, we need some definitions (or nomenclature) and have to fix some parameters.

Weight of item x: For each item x, an arbitrary positive weight w(x) is associated (see Section 13.4 for some examples of function w(x)).

Size of node x: Size(x) is the sum of the individual weights of all items in the subtree rooted at the node x.

Rank of node x: Rank of a node x is log2(size(x)).

Potential of a tree: Let α be some positive constant (we will discuss choice of α later), then the potential of a tree T is taken to be

α(Sum of rank(x) for all nodes xT) = αxTrank(x).

Amortized time: As always,

Amortized time = Actual Time + New Potential − Old Potential.

Running time of splaying: Let β be some positive constant, choice of β is also discussed later but βα, then the running time for splaying is

β × Number of rotations.

If there are no rotations, then we charge one unit for splaying.

We also need a simple result from algebra. Observe that 4xy = (x + y)2 − (xy)2. Now if x + y ≤ 1, then 4xy ≤ 1 − (xy)2 ≤ 1 or taking logarithms,* log x + log y ≤ −2. Note that the maximum value occurs when x = y = 1/2.

Fact 13.1

[Result from Algebra] If x + y ≤ 1, then log x + log y ≤ −2. The maximum value occurs when x = y = 1/2.

Lemma 13.1

[Access Lemma] The amortized time to splay a tree (with root “t”) at a node “x” is at most


Proof. We will calculate the change in potential, and hence the amortized time taken in each of the three cases.

Let s( ) denote the sizes before rotation(s) and s′( ) be the sizes after rotation(s). Let r( ) denote the ranks before rotation(s) and r′( ) be the ranks after rotation(s).

Case 1: x and parent(x) are both left (or both right) children

Please refer to Figure 13.2. Here, s(x) + s′(z) ≤ s′(x) or (s(x)/s′(x)) + (s′(z)/s′(x)) ≤ 1.

Thus, by Fact 13.1,




Observe that two rotations are performed and only the ranks of x, y, and z are changed.

Further, as r′(x) = r(z), the amortized time is

= 2β + α((r′(x) + r′(y) + r′(z)) − (r(x) + r(y) + r(z)))

= 2β + α((r′(y) + r′(z)) − (r(x) + r(y)))

≤ 2β + α((r′(y) + r′(z)) − 2r(x)), (as r(y) ≥ r(x)).

As r′(x) ≥ r′(y), amortized time

≤ 2β + α((r′(x) + r′(z)) − 2r(x))

≤ 2β + α((r′(x) + (2r′(x) − r(x) − 2) − 2r(x)))

≤ 3α(r′(x) − r(x)) − 2α + 2β

≤ 3α(r′(x) − r(x)) (as αβ).

Case 2: x is a left child, parent(x) is a right child

Please refer to Figure 13.3. s′(y) + s′(z) ≤ s′(x) or (s′(y)/s′(x)) + (s′(z)/s′(x)) ≤ 1.

Thus, by Fact 13.1,

−2 ≥ log (s′(y)/s′(x)) + log (s′(z)/s′(x)) = r′(y) + r′(z) − 2r′(x) or

r′(y) + r′(z) ≤ 2r′(x) − 2.

Now Amortized time = 2β + α((r′(x) + r′(y) + r′(z)) − (r(x) + r(y) + r(z))). But, as r′(x) = r(z), Amortized time

= 2β + α((r′(y) + r′(z)) − (r(x) + r(y))). Using r(y) ≥ r(x), Amortized time

≤ 2β + α((r′(y) + r′(z)) − 2r(x))

≤ 2α(r′(x) − r(x)) − 2α + 2β

≤ 3α(r′(x) − r(x)) − 2(αβ) ≤ 3α(r′(x) − r(x)).

Case 3: parent(x) is a root

Please refer to Figure 13.1. There is only one rotation, Amortized time

= β + α((r′(x) + r′(y)) − (r(x) + r(y))).

But as r′(x) = r(y), Amortized time is

β + α(r′(y) − r(x))

β + α(r′(x) − r(x))

β + 3α(r′(x) − r(x)).

As case 3, occurs only once, and other terms vanish by telescopic cancellation, the lemma follows.

Theorem 13.1

Time for m accesses on a tree having at most n nodes is O((m + n) log n)

Proof. Let the weight of each node x be fixed as 1/n. As there are n nodes in the entire tree, the total weight of all nodes in the tree is 1.

If t is the root of the tree, then size(t) = 1 and as each node x has at least one node (x itself) present in the subtree rooted at x (when x is a leaf, exactly one node will be present), for any node x, size(x) ≥ (1/n). Thus we have following bounds for the ranks—r(t) ≤ 0 and r(x) ≥ − log n.

Or, from Lemma 13.1, amortized time per splay is at most 1 + 3 log n. As maximum possible value of the potential is n log n, maximum possible potential change is also O(n log n), the theorem follows.

We will generalize the result of Theorem 13.1, where we will be choosing some other weight functions, to discuss other optimality properties of Splay trees.

13.3.1Access and Update Operations

We are interested in performing the following operations:

1.Access(x): x is a key value which is to be searched.

2.Insert(x): a node with key value x is to be inserted, if a node with this key value is not already present.

3.Delete(x): node containing key value x is to be deleted.

4.Join(t1, t2): t1 and t2 are two trees. We assume that all items in tree t1 have smaller key values than the key value of any item in the tree t2. The two trees are to be combined or joined into a single tree, as a result, the original trees t1 and t2 get “destroyed.”

5.Split(x, t): the tree t is split into two trees (say) t1 and t2 (the original tree is “lost”). The tree t1 should contain all nodes having key values less than (or equal to) x and tree t2 should contain all nodes having key values strictly larger than x.

We next discuss implementation of these operations, using a single primitive operation—splay. We will show that each of these operations for splay trees can be implemented using O(1) time and with one or two “splay” operations.

Access(x, t): Search the tree t for key value x, using the routines for searching in a “binary search tree” and splay at the last node—the node containing value x, in case the search is successful, or the parent of “failure” node in case the search is unsuccessful.

Join (t1,t2): Here we assume that all items in splay tree t1 have key values which are smaller than key values of items in splay tree t2, and we are required to combine these two splay trees into a single splay tree.

Access largest item in t1, formally, by searching for “+∞,” that is, a call to Access(+∞, t1). As a result, the node containing the largest item (say r) will become the root of the tree t1. Clearly, now the root r of the splay tree t1 will not have any right child. Make the root of the splay tree t2 the right child of r, the root of t1, as a result, t2 will become the right subtree of the root r and r will be the root of the resulting tree.

Split(x, t): We are required to split the tree t into two trees: t1 containing all items with key values less than (or equal to) x and t2 containing items with key values greater than x.

If we carry out Access(x, t), and if a node with key value x is present, then the node containing the value x will become the root. We then remove the link from node containing the value x to its right child (say node containing value y); the resulting tree with root, containing the value x, will be t1, and the tree with root, containing the value y, will be the required tree t2.

And if the item with key value x is not present, then the search will end at a node (say) containing key value z. Again, as a result of splay, the node with value z will become the root. If z > x, then t1 will be the left subtree of the root and the tree t2 will be obtained by removing the edge between the root and its left child.

Otherwise, z < x, and t2 will be the right subtree of the root and t1 will be the resulting tree obtained by removing the edge between the root and its right child.

Insert(x, t): We are required to insert a new node with key value x in a splay tree t. We can implement insert by searching for x, the key value of the item to be inserted in tree t using the usual routine for searching in a binary search tree. If the item containing the value x is already present, then we splay at the node containing x and return. Otherwise, assume that we reach a leaf (say) containing key y, yx. Then if x < y, then add the new node containing value x as a left child of node containing value y, and if x > y, then the new node containing the value x is made the right child of the node containing the value y, in either case we splay at the new node (containing the value x) and return.

Delete(x, t): We are required to delete the node containing the key value x from the splay tree t. We first access the node containing the key value x in the tree t—Access(x, t). If there is a node in the tree containing the key value x, then that node becomes the root, otherwise, after the access the root will be containing a value different from x and we return(−1)—value not found. If the root contains value x, then let t1 be the left subtree and t2 be the right subtree of the root. Clearly, all items in t1 will have key values less than x and all items in t2 will have key values greater than x. We delete the links from roots of t1 and t2 to their parents (the root of t, the node containing the value x). Then, we join these two subtrees—Join(t1, t2) and return.

Observe that in both “Access” and “Insert,” after searching, a splay is carried out. Clearly, the time for splay will dominate the time for searching. Moreover, except for splay, everything else in “Insert” can be easily done in O(1) time. Hence the time taken for “Access” and “Insert” will be of the same order as the time for a splay. Again, in “Join,” “Split,” and “Delete,” the time for “Access” will dominate, and everything else in these operations can again be done in O(1) time, hence “Join,” “Split,” and “Delete” can also be implemented in same order of time as for an “Access” operation, which we just saw is, in turn, of same order as the time for a splay. Thus each of above operations will take same order of time as for a splay. Hence, from Theorem 13.1, we have

Theorem 13.2

Time for m update or access operations on a tree having at most n nodes is O((m + n) log n).

Observe that, at least in amortized sense, the time taken for first m operations on a tree which never has more than n nodes is the same as the time taken for balanced binary search trees (see Chapter 11) such as AVL-trees, 2-3-trees, and so on.

13.4Optimality of Splay Trees

If w(i) the weight of node i is independent of the number of descendants of node i, then the maximum value of size(i) will be W=w(i) and minimum value of size(i) will be w(i).

As size of the root t will be W, and hence rank log W, so by Lemma 13.1, the amortized time to splay at a node “x” will be O(log (Size(t)/Size(x))) = O(log(W/Size(x))) = O(log W/w(x)).

Also observe that the maximum possible change in the rank (for just node i) will be log W − log w(i) = log (W/w(i)) or the total maximum change in all ranks (the potential of the tree, with α = 1) will be bounded by log(W/w(i)).

Note that, as w(i)/W=1, |log(W/w(i))|nlogn (the maximum occurs when all (w(i)/W) are equal to 1/n), hence maximum change in potential is always bounded by O(n log n).

As a special case, in Theorem 13.1, we had fixed w(i) = 1/n, and as a result, the amortized time per operation is bounded by O(log n) or time for m operations become O((m + n) log n). We next fix w(i)’s in some other cases.

13.4.1Static Optimality

On any sequence of accesses, a splay tree is as efficient as the optimum binary search tree, up to a constant multiplicative factor. This can be very easily shown.

Let q(i) be the number of times the ith node is accessed, we assume that each item is accessed at least once or q(i) ≥ 1. Let m=q(i) be the total number of times we access any item in the splay tree. Assign a weight of q(i)/m to item i. We call q(i)/m the access frequency of the ith item. Observe that the total (or maximum) weight is 1 and hence the rank of the root r(t) = 0.



Hence, from Lemma 13.1, with α = β = 1, the amortized time per splay (say at node “x”) is at most

3α(r(t) − r(x)) + β

= 1 + 3(− log (q(x)/m))

= 1 + 3 log (m/q(x)).

As ith item is accessed q(i) times, amortized total time for all accesses of the ith item is O(q(i) + q(i) log (m/q(i))), hence total amortized time will be O(m+q(i)log(m/q(i))). Moreover, as the maximum value of potential of the tree is max{r(x)}log(m/q(i))=O(log(m/q(i))), the total time will be O(m+q(i)log(m/q(i))).

Theorem 13.3

Time for m update or access operations on an n-node tree is O(m+q(i)log(m/q(i))), where q(i) is the total number of times item i is accessed, here m=q(i).

Remark 13.1

The total time for this analysis is the same as that for the (static) optimal binary search tree.

13.4.2Static Finger Theorem

We first need a result from mathematics. Observe that, in the interval k − 1 ≤ xk, 1/x ≥ (1/k) or (1/x2) ≥ (1/k2). Hence, in this interval, we have 1/k2k1k(dx/x2) summing from k = 2 to n, 2n(1/k2)1n(dx/x2)=11/n or


If f is an integer between 0 and n, then we assign a weight of 1/(|if|+1)2 to item i. Then W2k=1(1/k2)<4=O(1).

Consider a particular access pattern (i.e., a snapshot or history or a run). Let the sequence of accessed items be i1,,im, some ij’s may occur more than once.

Then, by the discussion at the beginning of this section, amortized time for the jth access is O(log (|ijf| + 1). Or the total amortized time for all access will be O(m+j=1mlog(|ijf|+1)). As weight of any item is at least 1/n2, the maximum value of potential is n log n. Thus total time is at most O(nlogn+m+j=1mlog(|ijf|+1)).

Remark 13.2

f can be chosen as any fixed item (finger). Thus this outperforms finger search trees, if any fixed point is used as a finger, but here the finger need not be specified.

13.4.3Working Set Theorem

Splay trees also have the working set property, that is, if only t different items are being repeatedly accessed, then the time for access is actually O(log t) instead of O(log n). In fact, if tj different items were accessed since the last access of ijth item, then the amortized time for access of ijth item is only O(log (tj + 1)).

This time, we number the accesses from 1 to m in the order in which they occur. Assign weights of 1, 1/4, 1/9, … , 1/n2 to items in the order of the first access. Item accessed earliest gets the largest weight and those never accessed get the smallest weight. Total weight W=(1/k2)<2=O(1).

It is useful to think of item having weight 1/k2 as being in the kth position in a (some abstract) queue. After an item is accessed, we will be putting it in front of the queue, that is, making its weight 1 and “pushing back” items which were originally ahead of it, that is, the weights of items having old weight 1/s2 (i.e., items in sth place in the queue) will have a new weight of 1/(s + 1)2 (i.e., they are now in place s + 1 instead of place s). The position in the queue will actually be the position in the “move to front” heuristic.

Less informally, we will be changing the weights of items after each access. If the weight of item ij during access j is 1/k2, then after access j, assign a weight 1 to item ij. And an item having weight 1/s2, s < k gets weight changed to 1/(s + 1)2.

Effectively, item ij has been placed at the head of queue (weight becomes 1/12) and weights have been permuted. The value of W, the sum of all weights remains unchanged.

If tj items were accessed after last access of item ij, then the weight of item ij would have been 1/tj2, or the amortized time for jth access is O(log (tj + 1)).

After the access, as a result of splay, the ijth item becomes the root, thus the new size of ijth item is the sum of all weights W—this remains unchanged even after changing weights. As weights of all other items, either remain the same or decrease (from 1/s2 to 1/(s + 1)2), size of all other items also decreases or remains unchanged due to permutation of weights. In other words, as a result of weight reassignment, size of nonroot nodes can decrease and size of the root remains unchanged. Thus weight reassignment can only decrease the potential, or amortized time for weight reassignment is either zero or negative.

Hence, by discussions at the beginning of this section, total time for m accesses on a tree of size at most n is O(nlogn+log(tj+1)) where tj is the number of different items which were accessed since the last access of ijth item (or from start, if this is the first access).

13.4.4Other Properties and Conjectures

Splay trees are conjectured [1] to obey “Dynamic Optimality Conjecture” which roughly states that cost for any access pattern for splay trees is of the same order as that of the best possible algorithm. Thus, in amortized sense, the splay trees are the best possible dynamic binary search trees up to a constant multiplicative factor. This conjecture is still open.

However, dynamic finger conjecture for splay trees which says that access which is close to previous access is fast has been proved by Cole [9]. Dynamic finger theorem states that the amortized cost of an access at a distance d from the preceding access is O(log (d + 1)); there is, however, O(n) initialization cost. The accesses include searches, insertions, and deletions (but the algorithm for deletions is different) [9]. Thus splay trees can be used in place of finger search trees to sort a partially sorted file by repeated insertions (see Chapter 11).

Splay trees also obey several other optimality properties [10].

13.5Linking and Cutting Trees

Tarjan [2] and Sleator and Tarjan [1] have shown that splay trees can be used to implement linking and cutting trees.

We are given a collection of rooted trees. Each node will store a value, which can be any real number. These trees can “grow” by combining with another tree link and can shrink by losing an edge cut. Less informally, the trees are “dynamic” and grow or shrink by following operations (we assume that we are dealing with a forest of rooted trees).

link: If x is root of a tree, and y is any node, not in the tree rooted at x, then make y the parent of x.

cut: Cut or remove the edge between a nonroot node x and its parent.

Let us assume that we want to perform operations like

Add (or subtract) a value to all ancestors of a node.

Find the minimum value stored at ancestors of a query node x.

More formally, following operations are to be supported:

find_cost(v): Return the value stored in the node v.

find_root(v): Return the root of the tree containing the node v.

find_min(v): Return the node having the minimum value, on the path from v till find_root(v), the root of the tree containing v. In case of ties, choose the node closest to the root.

add_cost(v, δ): Add a real number δ to the value stored in every node on the path from v to the root (i.e., till find_root(v)).

find_size(v): Find the number of nodes in the tree containing the node v.

link(v, w): Here v is a root of a tree. Make the tree rooted at v a child of node w. This operation does nothing if both vertices v and w are in the same tree or v is not a root.

cut(v): Delete the edge from node v to its parent, thus making v a root. This operation does nothing if v is a root.

13.5.1Data Structure

For the given forest, we make some of the given edges “dashed” and the rest of them are kept solid. Each nonleaf node will have only one “solid” edge to one of its children. All other children will be connected by a dashed edge. To be more concrete, in any given tree, the rightmost link (to its child) is kept solid, and all other links to its other children are made “dashed.”

As a result, the tree will be decomposed into a collection of solid paths. The roots of solid paths will be connected to some other solid path by a dashed edge. A new data structure called a “virtual tree” is constructed. Each linking and cutting tree T is represented by a virtual tree V, containing the same set of nodes. But each solid path of the original tree is modified or converted into a binary tree in the virtual tree; binary trees are as balanced as possible. Thus a virtual tree has a (solid) left child, a (solid) right child, and zero or more (dashed) middle children.

In other words, a virtual tree consists of a hierarchy of solid binary trees connected by dashed edges. Each node has a pointer to its parent, and to its left and right children (see Figure 13.4).


Figure 13.4(a) Original tree and (b) virtual trees: solid and dashed children.

13.5.2Solid Trees

Recall that each path is converted into a binary tree. Parent (say y) of a node (say x) in the path is the inorder (symmetric order) successor of that node (x) in the solid tree. However, if x is the last node (in symmetric order) in the solid subtree then its parent path will be the parent of the root of the solid subtree containing it (see Figure 13.4). Formally, Parentpath(v) = Node(Inorder(v) + 1).

Note that for any node v, all nodes in the left subtree will have smaller inorder numbers and those in the right subtree will have larger inorder numbers. This ensures that all nodes in the left subtree are descendants and all nodes in the right subtree are ancestors. Thus the parent (in the binary tree) of a left child will be an ancestor (in the original tree). But, parent (in the binary tree) of a right child is a descendant (in the original tree). This order helps us to carry out add_cost effectively.

We need some definitions or notation to proceed.

Let mincost(x) be the cost of the node having the minimum key value among all descendants of x in the same solid subtree. Then in each node, we store two fields δcost(x) and δmin(x). We define,

δmin(x) = cost(x) − mincost(x). And,

δcost(x)={cost(x)(δcost(parent(x))ifxhas a solid parentcost(x)otherwise(xis a solid tree root).

Fact 13.2

δmin(x) − δcost(x) = cost(parent(x)) − mincost(x).

Thus if u and v are solid children of node z, then

mincost (z)=min{cost(z), mincost(v), mincost(w)} or

δmin(z) = cost(z) − mincost(z) = max{0, cost(z) − mincost(v), cost(z) − mincost(w)}.

Using Fact 13.2, and the fact z = parent(u) = parent(v), we have

Fact 13.3

If u and v are children of z, then

δmin(z) = max{0, δmin(u) − δcost(u), δmin(v) − δcost(v)}.

For linking and cutting trees, we need two primitive operations—rotation and splicing.


Let us discuss rotation first (see Figure 13.5).


Figure 13.5Rotation in solid trees—rotation of edge (v, w).

Let w be the parent of v in the solid tree, then rotation of the solid edge (v, p(v)) ≡ (v, w) will make w = p(v) a child of v. Rotation does not have any effect on the middle children. Let a be the left solid child of w and v be the right solid child of w.

Let “nonprimes” denote the values before the rotation and “primes” the values after the rotation of the solid edge (v, w). We next show that the new values δcost′, δmin′, and δsize′ can be calculated in terms of old known values.

We assume that b is the left solid child of v and c is the right solid child of v.

First we calculate the new δcost′ values in terms of old δcost values. From Figure 13.5,

δ cost′(v) = cost(v) − cost(parent′(v))

= cost(v) − cost(parent(w))

= cost(v) − cost(w) + cost(w) − cost(parent(w))

= δcost(v) + δcost(w).

δcost′(w) = cost(w) − cost(v)

= −δcost′(v).

δcost′(b) = cost(b) − cost(w)

= cost(b) − cost(v) + cost(v) − cost(w)

= δcost(b) + δcost(v).


δcost′(a) = δcost(a) and δcost′(c) = δcost(c).

We next compute δmin′ values in terms of δmin and δcost.

δmin′(v) = cost(v) − mincost′(v)

= cost(v) − mincost(w)

= cost(v) − cost(w) + cost(w) − mincost(w)

= δcost(v) + δmin(w).

δmin( ) of all nodes other than w will remain same, and for w, from Fact 13.3, we have

δmin′(w) = max{0, δmin′(a) −

δcost′(a), δmin′(b) − δcost′(b)}

= max{0,δmin(a) − δcost(a), δmin(b) − δcost(b) − δcost(v)}.


Let us next look at the other operation, splicing. Let w be the root of a solid tree. And let v be a child of w connected by a dashed edge. If u is the leftmost child of w, then splicing at a dashed child v, of a solid root w, makes v the left child of w. Moreover, the previous left child u now becomes a dashed child of w. Thus informally speaking splicing makes a node the leftmost child of its parent (if the parent is root) and makes the previous leftmost child of parent as dashed.

We next analyze the changes in “cost” and “size” of various nodes after splicing at a dashed child v of solid root w (whose leftmost child is u). As before, “nonprimes” denote the values before the splice and “primes” the values after the splice.

As v was a dashed child of its parent, it was a root earlier (in some solid tree). And as w is also a root,

δcost′(v) = cost(v) − cost(w)

= δcost(v) − δcost(w).

And as u is now the root of a solid tree,

δcost′(u) = cost(u)

= δcost(u) + cost(w)

= δcost(u) + δcost(w).

Finally, δmin′(w) = max{0, δmin(v) − δcost′(v), δmin(right(w)) − δcost(right(w))}.

All other values are clearly unaffected.

13.5.5Splay in Virtual Tree

In virtual tree, some edges are solid and some are dashed. Usual splaying is carried out only in the solid trees. To splay at a node x in the virtual tree, following method is used. The algorithm looks at the tree three times, once in each pass, and modifies it. In first pass, by splaying only in the solid trees, starting from the node x, the path from x to the root of the overall tree becomes dashed. This path is made solid by splicing. A final splay at node x will now make x the root of the tree. Less informally, the algorithm is as follows:

Algorithm for Splay(x)

Pass 1: Walk up the virtual tree, but splaying is done only within solid subtree. At the end of this pass, the path from x to root becomes dashed.

Pass 2: Walk up from node x, splicing at each proper ancestor of x. After this step, the path from x to the root becomes solid. Moreover, the node x and all its children in the original tree (the one before pass 1) now become left children.

Pass 3: Walk up from node x to the root, splaying in the normal fashion.

13.5.6Analysis of Splay in Virtual Tree

Weight of each node in the tree is taken to be the same (say) 1. Size of a node is the total number of descendants—both solid and dashed. And the rank of a node as before is rank(x) = log(size(x)). We choose α = 2, and hence the potential becomes potential = 2 Σx rank(x). We still have to fix β. Let us analyze the complexity of each pass.

Pass 1: We fix β = 1. Thus, from Lemma 13.1, the amortized cost of single splaying is at most 6(r(t) − r(x)) + 1. Hence, the total cost of all splays in this pass will be



Here, k is number of solid trees in path from x to root. Or the total cost


Recall that the size includes those of virtual descendants, hence each term in the bracket is nonnegative. Or the total cost

k + 6(r(root) − r(x)).

Note that the depth of node x at end of the first pass will be k.

Pass 2: As no rotations are performed, actual time is zero. Moreover as there are no rotations, there is no change in potential. Hence, amortized time is also zero. Alternatively, time taken to traverse k-virtual edges can be accounted by incorporating that in β in pass 3.

Remark 13.3

This means, that in effect, this pass can be done together with Pass 1.

Pass 3: In Pass 1, k extra rotations are performed, (there is a +k factor), thus, we can take this into account, by charging, 2 units for each of the k rotation in Pass 3, hence we set β = 2. Clearly, the number of rotations is exactly “k.” Cost will be 6 log n + 2. Thus in effect we can now neglect the +k term of pass 1.

Thus total cost for all three passes is 12 log n + 2.

13.5.7Implementation of Primitives for Linking and Cutting Trees

We next show that various primitives for linking and cutting trees described in the beginning of this section can be implemented in terms of one or two calls to a single basic operation—“splay.” We will discuss implementation of each primitive, one by one.

find_cost(v): We are required to find the value stored in the node v. If we splay at node v, then node v becomes the root and δcost(v) will give the required value. Thus the implementation is

splay(v) and return the value at node v.

find_root(v): We have to find the root of the tree containing the node v. Again, if we splay at v, then v will become the tree root. The ancestors of v will be in the right subtree, hence we follow right pointers till root is reached. The implementation is

splay(v), follow right pointers till last node of solid tree, say w is reached, splay(w) and return(w).

find_min(v): We have to find the node having the minimum value, on the path from v till the root of the tree containing v; in case of ties, we have to choose the node closest to the root. We again splay at v to make v the root, but, this time, we also keep track of the node having the minimum value. As these values are stored in incremental manner, we have to compute the value by an “addition” at each step.

splay(v), use δcost( ) and δmin( ) fields to walk down to the last minimum cost node after v, in the solid tree, say w, splay(w) and return(w).

add_cost(v, δx): We have to add a real number δx to the values stored in each and every ancestors of node v. If we splay at node v, then v will become the root and all ancestors of v will be in the right subtree. Thus, if we add δx to δcost(v), then in effect, we are adding this value not only to all ancestors (in right subtree) but also to the nodes in the left subtree. Hence, we subtract δx from δcost( ) value of left child of v. Implementation is

splay(v), add δx to δcost(v), subtract δx from δcost(LCHILD(v)) and return.

For implementing find_size( ), we find the number of descendants of each node in the original tree. This can be done by looking at nodes in postorder (from leaves upwards). These values are stored (say) in a field “size” which is maintained just like the field “cost.”

find_size(v): We have to find the number of nodes in the tree containing the node v. If we splay at the node v, then v will become the root and by definition of δsize, δsize(v) will give the required number.

splay(v) and return(δsize(v)).

link(v, w): If v is a root of a tree, then we have to make the tree rooted at v a child of node w.

Splay(w), and make v a middle (dashed) child of w. Update the number of descendants of w and its ancestors by add_size(w, size(v)).

cut(v): If v is not a root, then we have to delete the edge from node v to its parent, thus making v a root. The implementation of this is also obvious:

splay(v), add δcost(v) to δcost(RCHILD(v)), and break link between RCHILD(v) and v. Update the number of descendants of v and its ancestors by add_size(w, −size(v)).

13.6Case Study: Application to Network Flows

We next discuss application of linking and cutting trees to the problem of finding maximum flow in a network. Input is a directed graph G = (V, E). There are two distinguished vertices s (source) and t (sink). We need a few definitions and some notations [11,12]. Most of the results in this case study are from [11,12].

PreFlow: g(*, *) is a real-valued function having the following properties:

Skew-Symmetry: g(u, v) = −g(v, u)

Capacity Constraint: g(u, v) ≤ c(u, v)

Positive-Flow Excess: e(v)w=1ng(v,w)0 for vs.

Flow-Excess: Observe that flow-excess at node v is e(v)=w=1ng(w,v), if vs, and flow excess at source s is e(s) = ∞.

Flow: f(*, *) is a real-valued function having the following additional property:

Flow Conservation: w=1nf(v,w)=0 for v ∉ {s, t}

PreFlow: f is a preflow.

Value of flow: |f|=w=1nf(s,w), the net flow out of source.

Remark 13.4

If (u, v) ∉ E, then c(u, v) = c(v, u) = 0. Thus, f(u, v) ≤ c(u, v) = 0 and f(v, u) ≤ 0. By skew-symmetry, f(u, v) = 0.

Cut: Cut (S,S¯) is a partition of vertex set, such that sS and tS¯

Capacity of Cut: c(S,S¯)=vS,wS¯c(v,w).

Preflow across a Cut: g(S,S¯)=vS,wSg(v,w).

Residual Capacity: If g is a flow or preflow, then the residual capacity of an edge (v, w) is rg(v, w) = c(v, w) − g(v, w).

Residual Graph: Gg contains same set of vertices as the original graph G, but only those edges for which residual capacity is positive; these are either the edges of the original graph or their reverse edges.

Valid Labeling: A valid labeling d( ) satisfies the following properties:

1.d(t) = 0

2.d(v) > 0 if vt

3.if (v, w) is an edge in residual graph, then d(w) ≥ d(v) − 1.

A trivial labeling is d(t) = 0 and d(v) = 1 if vt.

Remark 13.5

As for each edge (v, w), d(v) ≤ d(w) + 1, dist(u, t) ≥ d(u). Thus, label of every vertex from which t is reachable is at most n − 1.

Active Vertex: A vertex vs is said to be active if e(v) > 0.

The initial preflow is taken to be g(s, v) = c(s, v) and g(u, v) = 0 if us.

Flow across a Cut: Please refer to Figure 13.6. Observe that flow conservation is true for all vertices except s and t. In particular sum of flow (total flow) into vertices in set S − {s} (set shown between s and cut) is equal to |f| which must be the flow going out of these vertices (into the cut). And this is the flow into vertices (from cut) in set S¯{t} (set after cut before t) which must be equal to the flow out of these vertices into t. Thus the flow into t is |f| which is also the flow through the cut.


Figure 13.6st Cut.

Fact 13.4

As |f|=f(S,S¯)=vS,wSf(v,w)vS,wSc(v,w)=c(S,S¯).

Thus maximum value of flow is less than minimum capacity of any cut.

Theorem 13.4

[Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem] max|f|=minimum cut

Proof. Consider a flow f for which |f| is maximum. Delete all edges for which (f(u, v) = = c(u, v)) to get the residual graph. Let S be the set of vertices reachable from s in the residual graph. Now, tS, otherwise there is a path along which flow can be increased, contradicting the assumption that flow is maximum. Let S¯ be set of vertices not reachable from s. S¯ is not empty as tS. Thus (S,S¯) is an st cut and as all edges (v, w) of cut have been deleted, c(v, w) = f(v, w) for edges of cut.


Push(v, w)

1./* v is an active vertex and (v, w) an edge in residual graph with d(w) = d(v) − 1 */

Try to move excess from v to w, subject to capacity constraints, that is, send δ=min{e(v),rg(v,w)} units of flow from v to w.

2./* g(v, w) = g(v, w) + δ; e(v) = e(v) − δ and e(w) = e(w) + δ */

If δ = rg(v, w), then the push is said to be saturating.


For vs, the new distance label is

d(v)=min{d(w)+1|(v,w)is a residual edge}.

Preflow-Push Algorithms

Following are some of the properties of preflow-push algorithms:

1.If relabel v results in a new label, d(v) = d(w*) + 1, then as initial labeling was valid, dold(v)dold(w)+1. Thus labels can only increase. Moreover, the new labeling is clearly valid.

2.If push is saturating, edge (v, w) may get deleted from the graph and edge (w, v) will get added to the residual graph, as d(w) = d(v) − 1, d(v) = d(w) + 1 ≥ d(w) − 1, thus even after addition to the residual graph, conditions for labeling to be valid are satisfied.

3.As a result of initialization, each node adjacent to s gets a positive excess. Moreover all arcs out of s are saturated. In other words in residual graph there is no path from s to t. As distances cannot decrease, there can never be a path from s to t. Thus there will be no need to push flow again out of s.

4.By definition of preflow, flow coming into a node is more than flow going out. This flow must come from source. Thus all vertices with positive excess are reachable from s (in the original network). Thus as s is initially the only node, at any stage of the algorithm, there is a path Pv to a vertex v (in the original network) along which preflow has come from s to v. Thus, in the residual graph, there is reverse path from v to s.

5.Consider a vertex v from which there is a path till a vertex X. As we trace back this path from X, then distance label d( ) increases by at most one. Thus d(v) can be at most dist(v, X) larger than d(X). That is d(v) ≤ d(X) + dist(v, X).

6.As for vertices from which t is not reachable, s is reachable, d(v) ≤ d(s) + dist(s, v) = n + (n − 1) = 2n − 1 (as d(s) = n). Thus maximum label of any node is 2n − 1.

Fact 13.5

As label of t remains zero, and label of other vertices only increase, the number of Relabels which result in change of labels is (n − 1)2. In each relabel operation, we may have to look at degree(v) vertices. As each vertex can be relabeled at most O(n) times, time for relabels is O(n)×degree(v)=O(n)×degree(v)=O(n)×O(m)=O(nm).

Fact 13.6

If a saturating push occurs from u to v, then d(u) = d(v) + 1 and edge (u, v) gets deleted, but edge (v, u) gets added. Edge (u, v) can be added again only if edge (v, u) gets saturated, that is, dnow(v)=dnow(u)+1d(u)+1=d(v)+2. Thus the edge gets added only if label increases by 2. Thus, for each edge, number of times saturating push can occur is O(n). So the total number of saturating pushes is O(nm).

Remark 13.6

Increase in label of d(u) can make a reverse flow along all arcs (x, u) possible, and not just (v, u); in fact there are at most degree(u) such arcs. Thus number of saturating pushes are O(nm) and not O(n2).

Fact 13.7

Consider the point in time when the algorithm terminates, that is, when pushes or relabels can no longer be applied. As excess at s is ∞, excess at s could not have been exhausted. The fact that push/relabels cannot be applied means that there is no path from s to t. Thus, S¯g, the set of vertices from which t is reachable, and Sg, set of vertices from which s is reachable, form an st cut.

Consider an edge (u, v) with uSg and vS¯g. As t is reachable from v, there is no excess at v. Moreover, by definition of cut, the edge is not present in residual graph, or in other words, flow in this edge is equal to capacity. By Theorem 13.4, the flow is the maximum possible.

13.7Implementation without Linking and Cutting Trees

Each vertex will have a list of edges incident at it. It also has a pointer to current edge (candidate for pushing flow out of that node). Each edge (u, v) will have three values associated with it c(u, v), c(v, u), and g(u, v).


Here we assume that v is an active vertex and (v, w) is current edge of v.

1.If (d(w) == d(v) − 1)&& (rg(v, w) > 0) then send δ=min{e(v),rg(v,w)} units of flow from v to w.

2.Else if v has no next edge, make first edge on edge list the current edge and Relabel(v): d(v)=min{d(w)+1|(v,w)isaresidualedge} /* this causes d(v) to increase by at least one */

3.Else make the next edge out of v, the current edge.

Relabeling v requires a single scan of v’s edge list. As each relabeling of v causes d(v) to go up by one, the number of relabeling steps (for v) are at most O(n), each step takes O(degree(v)) time. Thus total time for all relabelings will be:

O(ndegree(v))=O(ndegree)=O(n×2m)=O(nm). Each nonsaturating push clearly takes O(1) time, thus time for algorithm will be O(nm) + O(#nonsaturating pushes).


Keep on applying Push/Relabel(v) until either

1.Entire excess at v is pushed out or

2.Label(v) increases.


Initialize a queue “Queue” to contain s.

Let v be the vertex in front of Queue. Discharge(v), if a push causes excess of a vertex w to become nonzero, add w to the rear of the Queue.

Let phase 1 consists of discharge operations applied to vertices added to the queue by initialization of preflow.

Phase (i + 1) consists of discharge operations applied to vertices added to the queue during phase i.

Let Φ = max{d(v)|v is active}, with maximum as zero, if there are no active vertices. If in a phase, no relabeling is done, then the excess of all vertices which were in the queue has been moved. If v is any vertex which was in the queue, then excess has been moved to a node w, with d(w) = d(v) − 1. Thus max{d(w)|w has now become active} ≤ max{d(v)−1|v was active } = Φ − 1.

Thus, if in a phase, no relabeling is done, Φ decreases by at least one. Moreover, as number of relabeling steps are bounded by 2n2, number of passes in which relabeling takes place is at most 2n2.

Only way in which Φ can increase is by relabeling. Since the maximum value of a label of any active vertex is n − 1, and as a label never decreases, the total of all increases in Φ is (n − 1)2.

As Φ decreases by at least one in a pass in which there is no relabeling, number of passes in which there is no relabeling is (n1)2+2n23n2.

Fact 13.8

Number of passes in FIFO algorithm is O(n2).

13.8FIFO Dynamic Tree Implementation

Time for nonsaturating push is reduced by performing a succession of pushes along a single path in one operation [12]. After a nonsaturating push, the edge continues to be admissible and we know its residual capacity. Initially each vertex is made into a one vertex node. Arc of dynamic trees are a subset of admissible arcs. Value of an arc is its admissible capacity (if (u, parent(u)) is an arc, value of arc will be stored at u). Each active vertex is a tree root.

Vertices will be kept in a queue as in FIFO algorithm, but instead of discharge(v), Tree-Push(v) will be used. We will further ensure that tree size does not exceed k (k is a parameter to be chosen later). The Tree-Push procedure is as follows.


/* v is active vertex and (v, w) is an admissible arc */

1./* link trees rooted at v and the tree containing w by making w the parent of v, if the tree size doesn’t exceed k */.

If v is root and (find_size(v) + find_size(w))≤ k, then link v and w. Arc (v, w) gets the value equal to the residual capacity of edge (v, w).

2.If v is root but find_size(v) + find_size(w) > k, then push flow from v to w.

3.If v is not a tree root, then send δ = min{e(v), find_cost(find_min(v))} units of flow from v, by add_cost(v, − δ) /* decrease residual capacity of all arcs */ and while v is not a root and find_cost(find_min(v))= = 0 do

{z := find_min(v); cut(z); /* delete saturated edge */

f(z, parent(z)) := c(z, parent(z));

/* in saturated edge, flow=capacity */

f(parent(z), z) := −c(z, parent(z));


4.But, if arc(v, w) is not admissible, replace (v, w), as current edge by next edge on v’s list. If v has no next edge, then make the first edge, the current edge and cut-off all children of v, and relabel(v).


1.Total time for relabeling is O(nm).

2.Only admissible edges are present in the tree, and hence if an edge (u, v) is cut in step (3) or in step (4) then it must be admissible, that is, d(u) = d(v) + 1. Edge (v, u) can become admissible and get cut, iff, dthen(v)=dthen(u)+1d(u)+1=d(v)+2. Thus the edge gets cut again only if label increases by 2. Thus, for each edge, number of times it can get cut is O(n). So total number of cuts are O(nm).

3.As initially, there are at most n-single node trees, number of links are at most n + #no_of_cuts = n + O(nm) = O(nm).

Moreover, there is at most one tree operation for each relabeling, cut or link. Further, for each item in queue, one operation is performed. Thus,

Lemma 13.2

The time taken by the algorithm is O(log k × (nm + #No_of_times_an_item_is_added_to_the_queue)).

Root-Nodes: Let Tv denote the tree containing node v. Let r be a tree root whose excess has become positive. It can become positive either due to:

1.Push from a nonroot vertex w in Step 3 of the tree-push algorithm

2.Push from a root w in Step 2 /* find_size(w) + find_size(r) > k */

Remark 13.7

Push in Step 3 is accompanied by a cut (unless first push is nonsaturating). As the number of cuts is O(nm), number of times Step 3 (when first push is saturating) can occur is O(nm). Thus, we need to consider only the times when first push was nonsaturating, and the excess has moved to the root as far as push in Step 3 is concerned.

In either case let i be the pass in which this happens (i.e., w was added to the queue in pass (i − 1)). Let I be the interval from beginning of pass (i − 1) to the time when e(r) becomes positive.

Case 1: (Tw changes during I) Tw can change either due to link or cut. But number of times a link or a cut can occur is O(nm). Thus this case occurs at most O(nm) time. Thus we may assume that Tw does not change during interval I.

Vertex w is added to the queue either because of relabeling of w or because of a push in Step 2 from (say) a root v to w.

Case 2: (w is added because of relabeling) Number of relabeling steps are O(n2). Thus number of times this case occurs is O(n2). Thus we may assume that w was added to queue because of push from root v to w in Step 2.

Case 3: (push from w was saturating) As the number of saturating pushes is O(nm), this case occurs O(nm) times. Thus we may assume that push from w was nonsaturating.

Case 4: (edge (v, w) was not the current edge at beginning of pass (i − 1)). Edge (v, w) will become the current edge, only because either the previous current edge (v, x) got saturated, or because of relabel(v), or relabel(x). Note that if entire excess out of v was moved, then (v, w) will remain the current edge.

As number of saturating pushes are O(nm) and number of relabeling are O(n2), this case can occur at most O(nm) times. Thus we may assume that (v, w) was the current edge at beginning of pass (i − 1).

Case 5: (Tv changes during interval I) Tv can change either due to link or cut. But the number of times a link or a cut can occur is O(nm). Thus this case occurs at most O(nm) time. Thus we may assume that Tv has not changed during interval I.

Remaining Case: Vertex w was added to the queue because of a nonsaturating push from v to w in Step 2 and (v, w) is still the current edge of v. Moreover, Tv and Tw do not change during the interval I.

A tree at the beginning of the pass (i − 1) can participate in only one pair (Tw,Tv) as Tw, because this push was responsible for adding w to the queue. Observe that vertex w is uniquely determined by r.

And, a tree at the beginning of the pass (i − 1) can participate in only one pair (Tw,Tv) as Tv, because (v, w) was the current edge out of root v, at the beginning of the pass (i − 1) (and is still the current edge). Thus, choice of Tv will uniquely determine Tw (and conversely).

Thus as a tree Tx can participate once in a pair as Tv, and once as Tw, and the two trees are unchanged, we have (v,w)|Tv|+|Tw|2n (a vertex is in at most one tree). As push from v to w was in Step 2, find_size(v) + find_size(w) > k or |Tv|+|Tw|>k. Thus the number of such pairs is at most 2n/k.

But from Fact 13.8, as there are at most O(n2) passes, the number of such pairs are O(n3/k).

Nonroot Nodes: Let us count the number of times a nonroot can have its excess made positive. Its excess can only be made positive as a result of push in Step 2. As the number of saturating pushes is O(nm), clearly O(nm) pushes in Step 2 are saturating.

If the push is nonsaturating, then entire excess at that node is moved out, hence it can happen only once after a vertex is removed from Queue. If v was not a root when it was added to the queue, then it has now become a root only because of a cut. But number of cuts is O(nm). Thus we only need to consider the case when v was a root when it was added to the queue. The root was not earlier in queue, because either its excess was then zero, or because its distance label was low. Thus now either

1.Distance label has gone up—this can happen at most O(n2) times or

2.Now its excess has become positive. This by previous case can happen at most O(nm + (n3/k)) times.

Summary: If k is chosen such that nm = n3/k, or k = n2/m, time taken by the algorithm is O(nm log (n2/m)).

13.9Variants of Splay Trees and Top-Down Splaying

Various variants, modifications, and generalization of Splay trees have been studied [1316]. Two of the most popular “variants” suggested by Sleator and Tarjan [1] are “semi-splay” and “simple-splay” trees. In simple splay trees, the second rotation in the “zig-zag” case is done away with (i.e., we stop at the middle figure in Figure 13.3). Simple splaying can be shown to have a larger constant factor both theoretically [1] and experimentally [14]. In semi-splay [1], in the zig-zig case (see Figure 13.2) we do only the first rotation (i.e., stop at the middle figure) and continue splaying from node y instead of x. Sleator and Tarjan observe that for some access sequences “semi-splaying” may be better but for some others the usual splay is better.

“Top-down” splay trees [1] are another way of implementing splay trees. Both the trees coincide if the node being searched is at an even depth [14], but if the item being searched is at an odd depth, then the top-down and bottom-up trees may differ [14, Theorem 13.2].

Some experimental evidence suggests [3] that top-down splay trees [1,14] are faster in practice as compared to the normal splay trees, but some evidence suggests otherwise [4].

In splay trees as described, we first search for an item, and then restructure the tree. These are called “bottom-up” splay trees. In “top-down” splay trees, we look at two nodes at a time, while searching for the item, and also keep restructuring the tree until the item we are looking for has been located.

Basically, the current tree is divided into three trees, while we move down two nodes at a time searching for the query item.

Left tree: Left tree consists of items known to be smaller than the item we are searching.

Right tree: Similarly, the right tree consists of items known to be larger than the item we are searching.

Middle tree: This is the subtree of the original tree rooted at the current node.

Basically, the links on the access path are broken and the node(s) which we just saw are joined to the bottom right (respectively left) of the left (respectively right) tree if they contain item greater (respectively smaller) than the item being searched. If both nodes are left children or if both are right children, then we make a rotation before breaking the link. Finally, the item at which the search ends is the only item in the middle tree and it is made the root. And roots of left and right trees are made the left and right children of the root.


I wish to thank Anjana Singh for pointing an error in the previous version.


1.D. Sleator and R.E. Tarjan, Self-adjusting binary search trees, JACM, vol 32, 1985, 652–686.

2.R.E. Tarjan, Data Structures and Network Algorithms, SIAM, 1983.

3.J. Bell and G. Gupta, An evaluation of self-adjusting binary search tree techniques, Software: Practice and Experience, vol 23, 1993, 369–382.

4.H.E. Williams, J. Zobel and S. Heinz, Self-adjusting trees in practice for large text collections, Software: Practice and Experience, vol 31, 2001, 925–939.

5.A. Moffat, G. Eddy and O. Petersson, Splaysort, fast, versatile, practical, Software: Practice and Experience, vol 26, 1996, 781–797.

6.T. Bell and D. Kulp, Longest-match string searching for Ziv-Lempel compression, Software: Practice and Experience, vol 23, 1993, 757–771.

7.D.W. Jones, Application of splay trees to data compression, CACM, vol 31, 1988, 996–1007.

8.D. Grinberg, S. Rajagopalan, R. Venkatesh and V.K. Wei, Splay trees for data compression, Sixth Annual ACM-SIAM Symp. Discrete Algorithms (SODA), vol 6, 1995, 522–530.

9.R. Cole, On the dynamic finger conjecture for splay trees. Part II: The Proof, SIAM Journal on Computing, vol 30, no.1, 2000, 44–5.

10.J. Iacono. Key independent optimality, ISAAC 2002, vol LNCS 2518, 2002, pp. 25–31.

11.R.K. Ahuja, T.L. Magnanti and J.B. Orlin, Network Flows (Theory, Algorithms and Applications), Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993.

12.A.V. Goldberg and R.E. Tarjan, A new approach to the maximum-flow problem, JACM, vol 35, no.4, October 1988, pp 921–940.

13.S. Albers and M. Karpinkski, Randomized splay trees: Theoretical and experimental results, Information Processing Letters, vol 81, 2002, 213–221.

14.E. Mäkinen, On top-down splaying, BIT, vol 27, 1987, 330–339.

15.M. Sherk, Self-adjusting k-ary search trees, Journal. of Algorithms, vol 19, 1995, 25–44.

16.A. Subramanian, An explanation of splaying, Journal of Algorithms, vol 20, 1996, 512–525.

*All logarithms in this chapter are to base 2.

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