
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


Abbot, Introducing FEST
AccountManage plug-in, Managing User AccountsManaging User Accounts
add-maven-repo, Using Maven in Eclipse
aggregation, Project Inheritance and Aggregation
agile development, Preface, Unit Testing, Tracking Progress with Milestones
Agnew, Brian, Contributing Authors, Manipulating XML with XMLTask
AJAX, Using the Selenium IDE
Almost Plain Text (APT), APTAPT
annotations, Managing the Test Lifecycle, Using FindBugs AnnotationsUsing FindBugs Annotations
bootstrapping, Bootstrapping Your Build ScriptsBootstrapping Your Build Scripts
build scripts, Basic Ant Concepts, A Simple Ant Build FileRunning Ant
Checkstyle and, Using Checkstyle with AntUsing Checkstyle with Ant
Cobertura and, Running Cobertura with AntRunning Cobertura with Ant, Running Cobertura from AntRunning Cobertura from Ant, Enforcing High Code Coverage
code coverage in, Enforcing High Code Coverage
compiling Java code, Compiling Your Java Code in AntCompiling Your Java Code in Ant
Continuum and, Adding an Ant ProjectAdding an Ant Project
CruiseControl and, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project
DbUnit and, Exporting a Dataset with AntImporting a Dataset with Ant
dependencies, Dependencies Between TargetsDependencies Between Targets
dependency management, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven TasksUsing an Existing Maven POM File, Using Maven in AntUsing Maven in Ant
depends attribute, Dependencies Between Targets
deployment, Deploying Your ApplicationOther Deployment Techniques
described, Build Tools, Ant in the Build ProcessAnt in the Build Process
description attribute, Documenting Your Project
directory structure, A Simple Ant Build FileA Simple Ant Build File
documenting, Documenting Your ProjectDocumenting Your Project
Doxygen and, Using Doxygen with AntUsing Doxygen with Ant
in Eclipse, Using Ant in EclipseUsing Ant in Eclipse
FindBugs in, Using FindBugs in AntUsing FindBugs in Ant
functional testing in, Using Selenium with AntUsing Selenium with Ant
Hudson and, Building a Freestyle ProjectBuilding a Freestyle Project
installing, Installing AntANT_OPTS and ANT_ARGS: Some Other Useful Environment Variables
Javadoc and, Generating Documentation with JavadocGenerating Documentation with Javadoc
JUnit and
assertions, Using Asserts in Your Test CasesUsing Asserts in Your Test Cases
build file, Using JUnit 4 with AntUsing JUnit 4 with Ant
compiling unit tests, Preparing Your Build for Automated TestsPreparing Your Build for Automated Tests, Using JUnit 4 with AntUsing JUnit 4 with Ant
conditional tests, Running Tests ConditionallyRunning Tests Conditionally
directory structure, Preparing Your Build for Automated TestsPreparing Your Build for Automated Tests
forking, Running Tests in a Separate JVMRunning Tests in a Separate JVM
formatters, Using the <junit> TaskUsing the <junit> Task
generating reports, Generating HTML Test ReportsGenerating HTML Test Reports
haltonfailure attribute, Using the <junit> Task, Generating HTML Test ReportsGenerating HTML Test Reports
junit task, Using the <junit> TaskUsing the <junit> Task, Using JUnit 4 with AntRunning Tests Conditionally
multiple test cases, Running Multiple TestsRunning Multiple Tests
overview, Using JUnit in AntUsing JUnit in Ant
single tests, Selectively Running JUnit 4 Tests in AntRunning Individual Tests
JUnitPerf and, Separating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in AntSeparating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in Ant
Maven in, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven TasksUsing an Existing Maven POM File, Using Maven in AntGenerating Ant Script from a POM
in Maven, Using Ant in MavenMaking Ant Plug-Ins
Maven tasks, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven TasksUsing an Existing Maven POM File
Maven vs., Maven and AntMaven and Ant, Using Ant in Maven
Mojos, Making Ant Plug-Ins
in NetBeans, Using Ant in NetBeansUsing Ant in NetBeans
packaging applications, Packaging Your ApplicationGenerating a WAR File or an EAR File, Packaging the DependenciesPackaging the Dependencies
path definitions, Compiling Your Java Code in AntCompiling Your Java Code in Ant
performance testing, Separating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in AntSeparating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in Ant
plug-ins, Making Ant Plug-InsMaking Ant Plug-Ins
PMD in, Using PMD in AntUsing PMD in Ant
POM files and, The Maven 2.0 Ant Tasks, Using an Existing Maven POM File, Embedding Ant Code in the POMEmbedding Ant Code in the POM, Generating Ant Script from a POMGenerating Ant Script from a POM
projects, Basic Ant Concepts
properties, Basic Ant Concepts, Customizing Your Build Script Using PropertiesCustomizing Your Build Script Using Properties
proxy connections, ANT_OPTS and ANT_ARGS: Some Other Useful Environment Variables, Bootstrapping Your Build Scripts
QAlab and, Using QALab in AntUsing QALab in Ant
SchemaSpy in, Using SchemaSpy in AntUsing SchemaSpy in Ant
Selenium and, Using Selenium with AntUsing Selenium with Ant
SoapUI and, Running SoapUI from AntRunning SoapUI from Ant, Continuous Testing
StatSVN, Statistics in Ant with StatSVNGenerating the StatSVN Reports
Subversion in, Using Subversion in AntCreating a New Tag
targets, Basic Ant Concepts
tasks, Basic Ant ConceptsBasic Ant Concepts
TestNG and, Using TestNG in AntUsing TestNG in Ant, Using Test Groups
UmlGraph in, Using UmlGraph in AntUsing UmlGraph in Ant
unit testing, Running Unit Tests in AntRunning Unit Tests in Ant, Using JUnit 4 with AntRunning Tests Conditionally, Using TestNG in AntUsing TestNG in Ant, Using Test Groups, Running Cobertura from AntRunning Cobertura from Ant
controlling builds with, Driving Ant via XMLTaskDriving Ant via XMLTask
editing XML, Manipulating XML with XMLTaskDTDs and XMLTask, Changing encodingsConclusion
ANT_ARGS, ANT_OPTS and ANT_ARGS: Some Other Useful Environment Variables
ANT_HOME, Installing Ant on a Unix Machine, Installing Ant on Windows
ANT_OPTS, ANT_OPTS and ANT_ARGS: Some Other Useful Environment Variables
Apache BCEL library, FindBugs: A Specialized Bug Killer
Apache Derby, An Introduction to Continuum
Apache Velocity, Velocity Manipulation
APT (Almost Plain Text), APTAPT
archetype plug-in, Creating a Project Template with ArchetypesCreating a Project Template with Archetypes
adding files, Manually Deploying a File to an Archiva RepositoryManually Deploying a File to an Archiva Repository
browsing repositories, Browsing the RepositoryBrowsing the Repository
changing ports, Running Archiva on Another Port
configuring Maven, Using Maven with ArchivaUsing Maven with Archiva
configuring repositories, Configuring Repositories in ArchivaConfiguring Repositories in Archiva
installing, Installing ArchivaInstalling Archiva
managing users, User ManagementUser Management
proxy connections, Archiva Proxy ConnectorsArchiva Proxy Connectors, Configuring Archiva Behind a ProxyConfiguring Archiva Behind a Proxy
remote repositories, Setting Up Remote RepositoriesSetting Up Remote Repositories
artifactId element, Project Context and Artifacts
adding artifacts, Installing Artifacts to the RepositoryInstalling artifacts from Maven command line
adding repositories, Adding Other Remote RepositoriesAdding Other Remote Repositories
as mirror, Configure Maven using settings.xml
backing up repositories, Backing Up the RepositoryBacking Up the Repository
configuring Maven, Configuring Maven to Use the New RepositoryBuilding using the new Maven repository
configuring repositories, Set up the Maven repositoriesSet up the Maven repositories
described, Setting Up an Enterprise Repository Using ArtifactorySetting Up an Enterprise Repository Using Artifactory
installing, Setting Up the Maven Repository Using ArtifactoryDeploy in Tomcat 6
proxy connections, Running Artifactory Through a ProxyRunning Artifactory Through a Proxy
on Tomcat, Deploy in Tomcat 6
artifacts, Project Context and ArtifactsProject Context and Artifacts, Installing Artifacts to the RepositoryInstalling artifacts from Maven command line
assemblies, Creating AssembliesAssemblies with Profiles
in JUnit, Using Asserts in Your Test CasesUsing Asserts in Your Test Cases, Using assertThat and the Hamcrest LibraryUsing assertThat and the Hamcrest Library
in Selenium, Using the Selenium IDE, Using assertionsUsing assertions
in SoapUI, Web Service Testing, Testing Web Services with SoapUITesting Web Services with SoapUI, Load-Testing with SoapUILoad-Testing with SoapUI
in TestNG, Creating Simple Unit Tests with TestNG
Atlassian, What This Book Doesn’t Cover
atomic commits, An Introduction to CVS
atomic tests, Load-Testing Tests That Are Not Thread-Safe
atomic updates, Revision Numbers and Atomic Updates
available task, Bootstrapping Your Build Scripts


Artifactory, Backing Up the RepositoryBacking Up the Repository
Subversion, Backing Up and Restoring a Subversion RepositoryBacking Up and Restoring a Subversion Repository
Bamboo, What This Book Doesn’t Cover, Continuous Integration
batchtest task, Running Multiple Tests, Running Tests Conditionally
Beck, Kent, Unit Testing with JUnit 4
Berkeley DB, Subversion Repository TypesSubversion Repository Types
Beust, Cédric, Introducing TestNG, Introducing Jupiter—A Code Review Tool for Eclipse
bootstrapping, Bootstrapping Your Build ScriptsBootstrapping Your Build Scripts, Advanced Archetypes
branch coverage, Interpreting the Cobertura ReportInterpreting the Cobertura Report
Broadcast plug-in, Extended Functionality with Openfire Plug-Ins
bug patterns, FindBugs: A Specialized Bug Killer
classifications, Managing Groups of Products with ClassificationsManaging Groups of Products with Classifications
configuring, Setting Up Your Bugzilla Environment
creating an issue, Creating a New BugCreating a New Bug
customizing fields, Customizing Fields in BugzillaCustomizing Fields in Bugzilla
described, An Introduction to BugzillaAn Introduction to Bugzilla
installing, Installing BugzillaConfiguring the Web Server
milestones, Tracking Progress with MilestonesTracking Progress with Milestones
Mylyn and, Sharing Context with Other Developers
notification options, Scheduling Notifications (Whining)Scheduling Notifications (Whining)
searching for bugs, Searching for BugsSearching for Bugs
setting up a product, Configuring a ProductConfiguring a Product
user accounts, Managing User AccountsManaging User Accounts
user groups, Restricting Access Using User GroupsRestricting Access Using User Groups
whining, Managing User Accounts, Scheduling Notifications (Whining)Scheduling Notifications (Whining)
workflow, The Lifecycle of a Bugzilla BugThe Lifecycle of a Bugzilla Bug
build environment, IntroductionIntroduction
build lifecycle, Understanding the Maven 2 LifecycleUnderstanding the Maven 2 Lifecycle, Manipulating the Build LifecycleManipulating the Build Lifecycle
build loop, An Introduction to CruiseControl
build process, Build ToolsBuild Tools
build scripts, Basic Ant Concepts, A Simple Ant Build FileRunning Ant, Documenting Your ProjectDocumenting Your Project, Bootstrapping Your Build ScriptsBootstrapping Your Build Scripts
build statistics, IntroductionIntroduction, Introduction, Source Code Management Metrics with StatSCMSource Code Management Metrics with StatSCM, Statistics in Ant with StatSVNGenerating the StatSVN Reports
(see also QAlab)
build tools, Build Tools (see Ant) (see Maven)
builds, declarative, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management
builds, parallel, Configuring Hudson


Cactus, Introduction
Cargo, Deploying an Application Using CargoDeploying an Application Using Cargo
cargo-maven2-plugin, Deploying an Application Using Cargo
change sets, Working with Your Files—Updating and Committing, Using the Eclipse Change SetsUsing the Eclipse Change Sets
Ant and, Using Checkstyle with AntUsing Checkstyle with Ant
customizing, Customizing Checkstyle Rules in EclipseCustomizing Checkstyle Rules Using the XML Configuration Files
defining headers, Defining Rules for Source Code Headers with CheckstyleDefining Rules for Source Code Headers with Checkstyle
described, Quality Metrics ToolsQuality Metrics Tools, Using Checkstyle to Enforce Coding StandardsUsing Checkstyle to Enforce Coding Standards
IDE options, Using Checkstyle in Eclipse
installing, Using Checkstyle in EclipseUsing Checkstyle in Eclipse
Maven and, Using Checkstyle with MavenUsing Checkstyle with Maven
rules, Customizing Checkstyle: Common Rules That You Can Do Without, and Some That You Could UseCustomizing Checkstyle: Common Rules That You Can Do Without, and Some That You Could Use
running, Using Checkstyle in EclipseUsing Checkstyle in Eclipse
setting up a project, Using Checkstyle in EclipseUsing Checkstyle in Eclipse
suppressing violations, Suppressing Checkstyle TestsSuppressing Checkstyle Tests
classifier element, Project Context and Artifacts
ClearSilver, Installing TracInstalling Trac
Clover, What This Book Doesn’t Cover
Ant and, Running Cobertura with AntRunning Cobertura with Ant, Running Cobertura from AntRunning Cobertura from Ant, Enforcing High Code Coverage
coverage types, Interpreting the Cobertura ReportInterpreting the Cobertura Report
described, Test CoverageTest Coverage
Eclipse and, Code Coverage in EclipseCode Coverage in Eclipse
enforcing coverage, Enforcing High Code CoverageEnforcing High Code Coverage, Integrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build ProcessIntegrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build Process
generating XML reports, Running Cobertura from Ant
Hudson and, Reporting on Code CoverageReporting on Code Coverage
installing, Running Cobertura from Ant
Luntbuild and, Reporting on Test Coverage in Luntbuild Using CoberturaUsing the Extension
Maven and, Testing Your Code, Generating Cobertura Reports in MavenIntegrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build Process, Generating Cobertura Reports in Maven
TestNG and, Checking the Code Coverage of TestNG TestsChecking the Code Coverage of TestNG Tests
viewing results, Interpreting the Cobertura ReportInterpreting the Cobertura Report
cobertura plug-in, Testing Your Code
cobertura-check task, Enforcing High Code Coverage
cobertura-maven-plugin, Generating Cobertura Reports in Maven
Cockburn, Alistair, Preface
code analysis, Quality Metrics Tools, Quality Metrics Tools, Quality Metrics ToolsQuality Metrics Tools, Code Analysis ReportsCode Analysis Reports
(see also FindBugs)
(see also PMD)
code coverage
in Ant, Enforcing High Code Coverage
described, Unit Testing, Test CoverageTest Coverage
in Eclipse, Code Coverage in EclipseCode Coverage in Eclipse
enforcing, Enforcing High Code CoverageEnforcing High Code Coverage, Integrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build ProcessIntegrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build Process
in Hudson, Reporting on Code CoverageReporting on Code Coverage
in LuntBuild, Introduction
in Maven, Generating Cobertura Reports in MavenIntegrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build Process
on Maven project web site, Test Coverage Reports
TestNG and, Checking the Code Coverage of TestNG TestsChecking the Code Coverage of TestNG Tests
in TPTP, Basic Profiling with TPTP, Displaying Coverage StatisticsDisplaying Coverage Statistics
types of, Interpreting the Cobertura ReportInterpreting the Cobertura Report
code coverage tools (see Cobertura) (see Emma)
code metrics, Introduction, Source Code Management Metrics with StatSCMGenerating the StatSVN Reports
(see also QAlab)
code quality, Quality Metrics Tools, Keeping Track of Code MetricsKeeping Track of Code Metrics, Quality Metrics Tools, Quality Metrics Tools
(see also FindBugs)
(see also PMD)
code review phases, Conducting Personal Code ReviewsConducting Personal Code Reviews
code reviews, Quality Metrics Tools, Introducing Jupiter—A Code Review Tool for Eclipse, Introducing Jupiter—A Code Review Tool for EclipseIntroducing Jupiter—A Code Review Tool for Eclipse, ConfigurationConfiguration, Conclusion
(see also Jupiter)
coding standards, Quality Metrics Tools, Quality Metrics ToolsQuality Metrics Tools, Customizing Checkstyle: Common Rules That You Can Do Without, and Some That You Could Use
(see also Checkstyle)
Coenradie, Jettro, Contributing Authors
Cohen, Frank, Introduction
CollabNet, An Introduction to Subversion
collaboration diagrams, The Doxygen Reports
Conradie, Jettro, Reporting on Test Coverage in Luntbuild Using Cobertura, Integrating Luntbuild with Maven
context, Sharing Context with Other DevelopersSharing Context with Other Developers
context (Maven), Project Context and ArtifactsProject Context and Artifacts
context (Mylyn), Focusing on a Task with Context ManagementFocusing on a Task with Context Management
continuous integration, Continuous Integration Tools, Continuous IntegrationContinuous Integration, Continuous Integration, Continuous Integration, Continuous Integration, Continuous Integration
(see also Continuum)
(see also CruiseControl)
(see also Hudson)
(see also LuntBuild)
Ant and, Adding an Ant ProjectAdding an Ant Project
builds, Managing Your Project BuildsManaging Your Project Builds, Configuring and Scheduling BuildsDebugging Your Builds, Configuring a Manual Build TaskConfiguring a Manual Build Task
checking status, Checking the Status of the ServerChecking the Status of the Server
console mode, Running the Continuum Server in Verbose ModeRunning the Continuum Server in Verbose Mode
custom projects, Adding a Shell ProjectAdding a Shell Project
described, Continuous Integration, An Introduction to Continuum
installing, Installing a Continuum ServerInstalling a Continuum Server
Maven in, Adding a Maven ProjectAdding a Maven Project
Maven project website, Automatically Generating a Maven Site with ContinuumAutomatically Generating a Maven Site with Continuum
notification options, Setting Up NotifiersSetting Up Notifiers, Configuring the Continuum Mail ServerConfiguring the Continuum Mail Server
Openfire and, Using Openfire with ContinuumUsing Openfire with Continuum
ports, Configuring the Continuum Web Site PortsConfiguring the Continuum Web Site Ports
projects, Adding a Project GroupAdding a Shell Project
SoapUI and, Continuous Testing
starting/stopping, Installing a Continuum Server, Manually Starting and Stopping the ServerManually Starting and Stopping the Server
user management, Managing UsersManaging Users
verbose mode, Running the Continuum Server in Verbose ModeRunning the Continuum Server in Verbose Mode
version control options, Adding a Maven ProjectAdding a Maven Project
as Windows service, Installing a Continuum Server
copy task, Copying Files
Coughtrey, Keith, Contributing Authors, Introduction to Mylyn
CPD (Cut-and-Paste Detector), Detecting Cut-and-Paste with CPDDetecting Cut-and-Paste with CPD
cron syntax, Configuring and Scheduling Builds
cross-browser compatibility, Introduction
Crucible, What This Book Doesn’t Cover, Conclusion
adding projects, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project
Ant and, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project
build loop, An Introduction to CruiseControl
config.xml file, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project
Configuration UI, CruiseControl Configuration ToolCruiseControl Configuration Tool
configuring projects, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project
dashboard, The CruiseControl DashboardThe CruiseControl Dashboard
described, Continuous Integration, An Introduction to CruiseControlAn Introduction to CruiseControl
Firefox plug-in, Firefox and Thunderbird Integration
installing, Installing CruiseControlInstalling CruiseControl
JUnit and, Configuring an Ant Project
Maven and, Setting Up a Maven 2 Project in CruiseControlSetting Up a Maven 2 Project in CruiseControl
monitoring builds, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project, The CruiseControl DashboardThe CruiseControl Dashboard
notification options, Keeping People Notified with PublishersKeeping People Notified with Publishers
Openfire and, Using Openfire with CruiseControlUsing Openfire with CruiseControl
ports, Installing CruiseControl
properties, Configuring an Ant Project
scheduling builds, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project
setting up projects, Configuring an Ant ProjectConfiguring an Ant Project
Thunderbird plug-in, Firefox and Thunderbird Integration
unit tests and, Configuring an Ant Project
version control options, Configuring an Ant Project
wrappers, Configuring an Ant Project
Cut-and-Paste Detector (CPD), Detecting Cut-and-Paste with CPDDetecting Cut-and-Paste with CPD
binary file handling, Working with Binary FilesWorking with Binary Files
branches, Creating Branches in CVSMerging Changes from a Branch
change sets, Using the Eclipse Change Sets
checking out files, Checking Out a ProjectChecking Out a Project
committing changes, Working with Your Files—Updating and CommittingWorking with Your Files—Updating and Committing
creating a repository, Setting Up a CVS RepositorySetting Up a CVS Repository
deleting local copies, Working with Your Files—Updating and Committing
described, An Introduction to CVSAn Introduction to CVS
in Windows, Setting Up a CVS Repository
keyword substitution, Working with Keyword SubstitutionWorking with Keyword Substitution
projects, Creating a New Project in CVSCreating a New Project in CVS
remote access, Checking Out a Project
resolving conflicts, Working with Your Files—Updating and CommittingWorking with Your Files—Updating and Committing
reverting changes, Reverting ChangesReverting Changes
tagging, Tags in CVSTags in CVS
tracking changes, Revision Numbers and Atomic UpdatesRevision Numbers and Atomic Updates
unlocking a repository, Resolving a Locked RepositoryResolving a Locked Repository
updating local copies, Working with Your Files—Updating and CommittingWorking with Your Files—Updating and Committing
viewing change history, Viewing Change HistoryViewing Change History
vs. Subversion, An Introduction to CVS
in Windows, Using CVS in WindowsUsing CVS in Windows
cvs add, Working with Your Files—Updating and Committing
cvs annotate, Viewing Change History
cvs checkout, Checking Out a Project
cvs diff, Reverting Changes
cvs import, Creating a New Project in CVS
cvs init, Setting Up a CVS Repository
cvs log, Viewing Change History
cvs login, Creating a New Project in CVS
cvs rm, Working with Your Files—Updating and Committing
cvs tag, Tags in CVS
cvs update, Working with Your Files—Updating and Committing, Reverting Changes
CVSNT, Setting Up a CVS Repository
CVSROOT (variable), Creating a New Project in CVS
cvswrappers file, Working with Binary Files


data-driven testing, Test Parameters and Data-Driven TestingTest Parameters and Data-Driven Testing, Web Service Testing
database schemas (see SchemaSpy)
database testing, Introduction, Basic Profiling with TPTP
(see also DbUnit)
Ant and, Exporting a Dataset with AntImporting a Dataset with Ant
base classes, DbUnit StructureITableMetaData
data types, Dealing with Custom Data TypesSpecifying an INTERVALDS Data Type
datasets, IDataSetIDataSet, Verifying Querying a Single Row, Using an XLS DatasetUsing an InlineDataSet
dependency injection, Injecting the Test FixtureInjecting the Test Fixture
described, IntroductionPurpose of DbUnit
installing, Setting Up DbUnitRunning with DbUnit
priming the database, Priming the DatabaseVerifying Querying a Single Row, Specifying NULLs by OmissionSpecifying NULLs by DTD
replacing values, Replacing ValuesUsing an Image ValueReplacer
testing stored procedures, Testing a Stored ProcedureTesting a Stored Procedure
testing views, Testing a ViewTesting a View
transaction rollback teardown, Using Transaction Rollback TeardownUsing Transaction Rollback Teardown, Importing a Dataset with Ant
verifying database actions, Verifying Querying a Single RowVerifying Querying Multiple Rows, Verifying an UPDATEVerifying an INSERT, with the Key
deadlocks, Recording and Displaying Test Results, Detecting DeadlocksDetecting Deadlocks
debugging, Compiling Your Java Code in Ant, Using the <junit> Task, Debugging Your BuildsDebugging Your Builds, Getting More Details with the View Results Tree Listener, Quality Metrics Tools
(see also FindBugs)
declarative builds, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management
decorator pattern, Measuring Performance with TimedTests
declaring, Dependencies Between TargetsDependencies Between Targets, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management, Declaring DependenciesDeclaring Dependencies, Refactoring Your Dependencies Using PropertiesRefactoring Your Dependencies Using Properties
identifying, Looking for Dependencies with MvnRepositoryLooking for Dependencies with MvnRepository
in plug-ins, External DependenciesExternal Dependencies
packaging, Packaging the DependenciesPackaging the Dependencies
proprietary, Handling Proprietary DependenciesHandling Proprietary Dependencies
scope, Dependency ScopeDependency Scope
in TestNG, Using TestNG with Maven 2, Managing the Test Lifecycle, Managing DependenciesManaging Dependencies
transitive, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven Tasks, Managing Dependencies, Managing Transitive DependenciesManaging Transitive Dependencies
dependency graph, Dependencies Between Targets
dependency injection, Injecting the Test FixtureInjecting the Test Fixture
dependency management
Ant, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven TasksUsing an Existing Maven POM File
Maven, Managing DependenciesManaging Dependencies
TestNG, Managing DependenciesManaging Dependencies
dependency rules, Build Tools
dependency tree, Managing Transitive Dependencies
depends attribute, Dependencies Between Targets
Ant, Deploying Your ApplicationOther Deployment Techniques
Cargo, Deploying an Application Using CargoDeploying an Application Using Cargo
Maven, Packaging and Deploying Your ApplicationPackaging and Deploying Your Application
diagrams, UML, The Doxygen Reports, Embedding UML Diagrams in Your Javadoc with UmlGraphUsing UmlGraph in Maven
directory structure
Ant, A Simple Ant Build FileA Simple Ant Build File
Maven, Maven and the Development Build Process, The Maven Directory Structure
Subversion, Setting Up a New Subversion ProjectSetting Up a New Subversion Project, Working with Your Local CopyWorking with Your Local Copy
WAR files, Generating a WAR File or an EAR File
documentation, Technical Documentation Tools, Documenting Your ProjectDocumenting Your Project, Generating Documentation with Javadoc, Technical Documentation Tools, Technical Documentation Tools, Technical Documentation Tools, Technical Documentation ToolsTechnical Documentation Tools, The Maven 2 Project Web Site As a Communication Tool, Introduction, Documenting packagesDocumenting packages, Conclusion
(see also Doxygen)
(see also Javadoc)
(see also Maven project website)
(see also SchemaSpy)
(see also UmlGraph)
Doxia, Doxia, Using SnippetsUsing Snippets
in Ant, Using Doxygen with AntUsing Doxygen with Ant
coding tips, How to Make Your Java Classes Doxygen-FriendlyDocumenting the home page
configuring, Configuring DoxygenConfiguring Doxygen
described, IntroductionThe Doxygen Reports
Doxywizard, Configuring DoxygenConfiguring Doxygen
installing, Installing DoxygenInstalling Doxygen
running, Running Doxygen from the Command LineRunning Doxygen from the Command Line
DRY principle, Customizing Your Build Script Using Properties


EAR files, Generating a WAR File or an EAR File
EclEmma, Code Coverage in EclipseCode Coverage in Eclipse
Ant and, Using Ant in EclipseUsing Ant in Eclipse
change sets, Using the Eclipse Change SetsUsing the Eclipse Change Sets
Checkstyle in, Using Checkstyle in EclipseCustomizing Checkstyle Rules in Eclipse
Cobertura and, Code Coverage in EclipseCode Coverage in Eclipse
code coverage in, Code Coverage in EclipseCode Coverage in Eclipse
Findbugs in, Using FindBugs in EclipseInstalling the FindBugs Plug-In
JUnit 4 and, Using JUnit 4 in EclipseUsing JUnit 4 in Eclipse
Jupiter in, Installing Jupiter in EclipseInstalling Jupiter in Eclipse
LuntBuild and, Using LuntBuild with EclipseUsing LuntBuild with Eclipse
Maven and, Using Maven in EclipseUsing Maven in Eclipse
Mylyn in, Installing MylynInstalling Mylyn
PMD in, Using PMD in EclipseInstalling the PMD Plug-In, Configuring PMD Rules in EclipseConfiguring PMD Rules in Eclipse
SoapUI in, Installing SoapUI
Subversion and, Working with Your Local Copy, Using Subversion in EclipseBranching and Merging
TestNG and, The TestNG Eclipse Plug-InRunning TestNG Tests
unit tests, Using JUnit 4 in EclipseUsing JUnit 4 in Eclipse, The TestNG Eclipse Plug-InRunning TestNG Tests
eclipse (plug-in), Using Maven in EclipseUsing Maven in Eclipse
Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) (see TPTP)
Emma, Code Coverage in Eclipse
errorproperty attribute, Generating HTML Test Reports
Eviware, Introduction
exceptions, Checking for ExceptionsChecking for Exceptions


failureproperty attribute, Generating HTML Test Reports
FAQ Markup Language, FMLFML
creating tests, Testing GUIs with FESTTesting GUIs with FEST
described, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Introducing FESTIntroducing FEST
identifying GUI objects, Testing GUIs with FESTTesting GUIs with FEST, Testing Legacy ApplicationsTesting Legacy Applications
JUnit and, Verifying Test FailuresVerifying Test Failures
specifying following windows, Following Windows with FESTFollowing Windows with FEST
TestNG and, Testing GUIs with FEST, Verifying Test FailuresVerifying Test Failures
viewing failed tests, Verifying Test FailuresVerifying Test Failures
annotations, Using FindBugs AnnotationsUsing FindBugs Annotations
Ant and, Bootstrapping Your Build Scripts
in Ant, Using FindBugs in AntUsing FindBugs in Ant
build integration, FindBugs: A Specialized Bug Killer
described, Quality Metrics Tools, FindBugs: A Specialized Bug KillerFindBugs: A Specialized Bug Killer
filtering, Selectively Suppressing Rules with FindBug FiltersSelectively Suppressing Rules with FindBug Filters, Using FindBugs in Ant
increasing memory for, Using FindBugs in Maven
installing, Using FindBugs in EclipseInstalling the FindBugs Plug-In
jvmArgs, Using FindBugs in Ant, Using FindBugs in Maven
in Maven, Using FindBugs in MavenUsing FindBugs in Maven
suppressing violations, Using FindBugs Annotations
viewing results, Detecting and Displaying ErrorsDetecting and Displaying Errors
FireBug, Referring to objects on the web page
Firefox plug-in, Firefox and Thunderbird Integration
FishEye, What This Book Doesn’t Cover
fixture code, Managing the Test LifecycleManaging the Test Lifecycle, Managing Dependencies
Fixtures for Easy Software Testing (FEST) (see FEST)
fork attribute, Running Tests in a Separate JVM
formatters, Using the <junit> TaskUsing the <junit> Task
FSFS, Subversion Repository Types, Subversion Repository TypesSubversion Repository Types
ftp task, Other Deployment Techniques
functional testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing
(see also FEST)
(see also Selenium)
(see also SoapUI)
in Ant, Using Selenium with AntUsing Selenium with Ant
described, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance TestingIntegration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing
in Maven, Using Selenium with MavenUsing Selenium with Maven
TestNG and, Verifying Test FailuresVerifying Test Failures


haltonfailure attribute, Using the <junit> Task, Generating HTML Test Reports
Hamcrest library, Using assertThat and the Hamcrest LibraryUsing assertThat and the Hamcrest Library
headless testing, Web Service Testing
heap dumps, Diagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhatDiagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhat
heap memory, Detecting and Identifying Memory Leaks with the JDK ToolsDetecting and Identifying Memory Leaks with the JDK Tools
Heesch, Dimitri van, Introduction
Hoare, Tony, Introducing JUnitPerf
hook scripts, Customizing Subversion with Hook ScriptsCustomizing Subversion with Hook Scripts, Updating Trac Issues from Subversion
HSQLDB, Basic Profiling with TPTP
HTTP error codes, Getting More Details with the View Results Tree Listener
HttpUnit, Introduction
Ant and, Building a Freestyle ProjectBuilding a Freestyle Project
Cobertura and, Reporting on Code CoverageReporting on Code Coverage
code coverage options, Reporting on Code CoverageReporting on Code Coverage
code quality options, Keeping Track of Code MetricsKeeping Track of Code Metrics
configuring, Configuring HudsonConfiguring Hudson
creating build projects, Adding a New Build JobAdding a New Build Job
described, Continuous Integration, An Introduction to HudsonAn Introduction to Hudson
home directory, Managing the Hudson Home DirectoryManaging the Hudson Home Directory
installing, Installing HudsonManaging the Hudson Home Directory
issue management options, Viewing Changes
JUnit and, Keeping Track of Test ResultsKeeping Track of Test Results
managing builds, Organizing Your JobsMonitoring Your Builds
Maven and, Building a Maven ProjectBuilding a Maven Project
monitoring builds, Monitoring Your BuildsMonitoring Your Builds
notification options, Building a Freestyle Project
parallel builds, Configuring Hudson
plug-ins, Hudson Plug-InsHudson Plug-Ins, Keeping Track of Code MetricsKeeping Track of Code Metrics
ports, Installing Hudson
scheduling builds, Building a Freestyle ProjectBuilding a Freestyle Project
security, Configuring Hudson, Authentication and SecurityAuthentication and Security
tagging, Building a Freestyle Project, Viewing and Promoting a Particular BuildViewing and Promoting a Particular Build
unit tests in, Keeping Track of Test ResultsKeeping Track of Test Results
upgrades, Installing UpgradesInstalling Upgrades
user management, Managing UsersManaging Users
version control options, Configuring Hudson
viewing build details, Viewing and Promoting a Particular BuildViewing and Promoting a Particular Build
viewing changes, Viewing ChangesViewing Changes
Hurst, John, Contributing Authors, Introduction


J2EE application architecture, Testing a Struts ApplicationTesting a Struts Application
Jabber (XMPP protocol), Instant Messaging in a Development Project, Using Openfire with CruiseControlSending Jabber Messages from a Java Application Using the Smack API
JAR files, Generating a JAR FileGenerating a JAR File
jar task, Generating a JAR File
Java code, compiling, Compiling Your Java Code in AntCompiling Your Java Code in Ant, Customizing Your Build Process, Compiling CodeCompiling Code
Java Monitoring and Management Console (see jConsole)
Java Power Tools web site, Source Code
JavaBeans, Extending Luntbuild with Extension PointsExtending Luntbuild with Extension Points, More on the PMD Rulesets, Suppressing PMD Rules
javac task, Compiling Your Java Code in AntCompiling Your Java Code in Ant
JavaDB/Derby, Basic Profiling with TPTP
Ant and, Generating Documentation with JavadocGenerating Documentation with Javadoc
in Checkstyle, Customizing Checkstyle: Common Rules That You Can Do Without, and Some That You Could Use
on Maven project web site, JavadocsJavadocs
SoapUI and, Running SoapUI from AntRunning SoapUI from Ant
UML diagrams in, Embedding UML Diagrams in Your Javadoc with UmlGraphUsing UmlGraph in Maven
javadoc task, Generating Documentation with Javadoc
JAVA_HOME, Installing Ant on a Unix Machine
JCommon library, Using QALab in Ant
detecting deadlocks, Detecting DeadlocksDetecting Deadlocks
detecting memory leaks, Detecting and Identifying Memory Leaks with the JDK ToolsDetecting and Identifying Memory Leaks with the JDK Tools
finding process IDs, Connecting To and Monitoring a Java Application with jConsoleConnecting To and Monitoring a Java Application with jConsole
monitoring Java applications, Connecting To and Monitoring a Java Application with jConsoleConnecting To and Monitoring a Java Application with jConsole
monitoring Tomcat applications, Monitoring a Remote Tomcat Application with jConsoleMonitoring a Remote Tomcat Application with jConsole
JetBrains, What This Book Doesn’t Cover
Jetty web server, An Introduction to Continuum, Installing CruiseControl
JFreeChart library, Using QALab in Ant
jhat, Diagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhatDiagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhat
JIRA, What This Book Doesn’t Cover, Issue Management Tools
jmap, Diagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhatDiagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhat
configuration elements, Setting Up the HTTP Request Configuration ElementsSetting Up the HTTP Request Configuration Elements
described, IntroductionIntroduction, Introduction
HTTP requests, Setting Up the HTTP Request Configuration ElementsAdding an HTTP Request
installing, Installing JMeterInstalling JMeter
listeners, Recording and Displaying Test ResultsGetting the Executive Summary
Logic Controllers, Structuring Your Test CaseStructuring Your Test Case
recording test cases, Using the JMeter Proxy to Record a Test CaseUsing the JMeter Proxy to Record a Test Case
samplers, Adding an HTTP Request
scheduling tests, Scheduling Your TestsScheduling Your Tests
testing on multiple machines, Testing on Multiple MachinesTesting on Multiple Machines
thread groups, Setting Up a Thread GroupSetting Up a Thread Group
timer controllers, Structuring Your Test CaseStructuring Your Test Case
variables, Testing Using VariablesTesting Using Variables
viewing results, Recording and Displaying Test ResultsGetting the Executive Summary
web application testing, Testing a Simple Web ApplicationAdding an HTTP Request
JProbe, Conclusion
JUnit 4
@After, Setting Up and Optimizing Your Unit Test Cases
@AfterClass, Setting Up and Optimizing Your Unit Test Cases
@Before, Setting Up and Optimizing Your Unit Test Cases
@BeforeClass, Setting Up and Optimizing Your Unit Test Cases
@Test, Simple Performance Testing Using Timeouts
in Ant
assertions, Using Asserts in Your Test CasesUsing Asserts in Your Test Cases
build file, Using JUnit 4 with AntUsing JUnit 4 with Ant
compiling unit tests, Preparing Your Build for Automated TestsPreparing Your Build for Automated Tests, Using JUnit 4 with AntUsing JUnit 4 with Ant
conditional tests, Running Tests ConditionallyRunning Tests Conditionally
directory structure, Preparing Your Build for Automated TestsPreparing Your Build for Automated Tests
forking, Running Tests in a Separate JVMRunning Tests in a Separate JVM
formatters, Using the <junit> TaskUsing the <junit> Task
generating reports, Generating HTML Test ReportsGenerating HTML Test Reports
haltonfailure attribute, Using the <junit> Task, Generating HTML Test ReportsGenerating HTML Test Reports
junit task, Using the <junit> TaskUsing the <junit> Task, Using JUnit 4 with AntRunning Tests Conditionally
multiple test cases, Running Multiple TestsRunning Multiple Tests
overview, Using JUnit in AntUsing JUnit in Ant
single tests, Selectively Running JUnit 4 Tests in AntRunning Individual Tests
assertions, Using assertThat and the Hamcrest LibraryUsing assertThat and the Hamcrest Library
CruiseControl and, Configuring an Ant Project
Eclipse and, Using JUnit 4 in EclipseUsing JUnit 4 in Eclipse
exceptions, Checking for Exceptions the Easy WayChecking for Exceptions the Easy Way
FEST and, Verifying Test FailuresVerifying Test Failures
generating reports, Generating HTML Test ReportsGenerating HTML Test Reports
Hamcrest library, Using assertThat and the Hamcrest LibraryUsing assertThat and the Hamcrest Library
Hudson and, Keeping Track of Test ResultsKeeping Track of Test Results
integration tests, Integration TestsIntegration Tests
vs. JUnit 3, Running Multiple Tests
vs. JUnit 3, JUnit 3.8 and JUnit 4Unit Testing with JUnit 4
LuntBuild and, Introduction
matchers, Using assertThat and the Hamcrest LibraryUsing assertThat and the Hamcrest Library
Maven and, Testing Your Code, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2, Integration Tests
parameterized tests, Running Multiple Tests, Using Parameterized TestsUsing Parameterized Tests
test cases, Setting Up and Optimizing Your Unit Test CasesSetting Up and Optimizing Your Unit Test Cases
test libraries, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2
theories, JUnit 4 TheoriesJUnit 4 Theories
timeouts, Simple Performance Testing Using TimeoutsSimple Performance Testing Using Timeouts
junit task, Using JUnit in Ant, Using the <junit> TaskUsing the <junit> Task, Using JUnit 4 with AntRunning Tests Conditionally
Ant and, Separating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in AntSeparating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in Ant
decorator pattern, Measuring Performance with TimedTests
described, Introducing JUnitPerfIntroducing JUnitPerf
load tests, SimulatingLoad with LoadTestsLoad-Testing Tests That Are Not Thread-Safe
in Maven, Separating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in MavenSeparating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in Maven
test suites, Measuring Performance with TimedTests
timed tests, Measuring Performance with TimedTestsMeasuring Performance with TimedTests
TPTP and, Basic Profiling with TPTPBasic Profiling with TPTP
junitreport task, Generating HTML Test ReportsGenerating HTML Test Reports
code review phases, Conducting Personal Code ReviewsConducting Personal Code Reviews, Individual ReviewsRework Phase
configuring reviews, ConfigurationConfiguration
described, Quality Metrics Tools, Introducing Jupiter—A Code Review Tool for Eclipse
individual reviews, Individual ReviewsIndividual Reviews
installing, Installing Jupiter in EclipseInstalling Jupiter in Eclipse
personal reviews, Conducting Personal Code ReviewsConducting Personal Code Reviews
review checklist, Conducting Personal Code Reviews
review files, Jupiter Behind the ScenesJupiter Behind the Scenes
review process, Understanding the Jupiter Code Review ProcessUnderstanding the Jupiter Code Review Process
rework phase, Rework PhaseRework Phase
setting defaults, Setting Up Default Configuration ValuesSetting Up Default Configuration Values
team reviews, Team ReviewTeam Review
JVM profiling interface (JVMPI), TPTP and Java 6
JVM tool interface (JVMTI), TPTP and Java 6


Hamcrest, Using assertThat and the Hamcrest LibraryUsing assertThat and the Hamcrest Library
JCommon, Using QALab in Ant
JFreeChart, Using QALab in Ant
JUnit tests, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2
Maven, Dependency Management in Maven 2
line coverage, Interpreting the Cobertura Report
listeners (JMeter), Recording and Displaying Test ResultsGetting the Executive Summary
load testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, IntroductionIntroduction
(see also JMeter)
(see also SoapUI)
build languages, Builders
Cobertura and, Reporting on Test Coverage in Luntbuild Using CoberturaUsing the Extension
code coverage options, Introduction
configuring, Configuring the LuntBuild ServerConfiguring the LuntBuild Server
configuring a build, BuildersBuilders
configuring a project, Configuring the Project BasicsVCS Adaptors
creating a project, Adding a ProjectAdding a Project
described, Continuous Integration, An Introduction to LuntBuild
Eclipse and, Using LuntBuild with EclipseUsing LuntBuild with Eclipse
extending with JavaBean, Extending Luntbuild with Extension PointsExtending Luntbuild with Extension Points
installing, Installing LuntBuildInstalling LuntBuild
JUnit and, Introduction
logfiles, Build Results Diagnostics
Maven project website and, Integrating Luntbuild with MavenLuntbuild Configuration
modules, VCS Adaptors
naming builds, Scheduling, Using Project Variables for Version NumberingUsing Project Variables for Version Numbering
notification options, Configuring the LuntBuild ServerConfiguring the LuntBuild Server, Configuring the Project BasicsConfiguring the Project Basics
Openfire and, Using Openfire with LuntbuildUsing Openfire with Luntbuild
project variables, Configuring the Project Basics, Using Project Variables for Version NumberingUsing Project Variables for Version Numbering
quiet time, VCS Adaptors
scheduling a build, SchedulingScheduling
tracking revisions, Build Results DiagnosticsBuild Results Diagnostics
unit test options, Introduction
user management, Configuring the LuntBuild ServerConfiguring the LuntBuild Server, Configuring the Project BasicsConfiguring the Project Basics
version control integration, Build Results DiagnosticsBuild Results Diagnostics
version control options, VCS AdaptorsVCS Adaptors, Login MappingLogin Mapping
viewing build results, Build Results DiagnosticsBuild Results Diagnostics
Luntclipse plug-in, Using LuntBuild with EclipseUsing LuntBuild with Eclipse


m2eclipse plug-in, Using Maven in Eclipse
M2_REPO, Using Maven in Eclipse
makefiles, Build ToolsBuild Tools
Mangat, Avneet, Contributing Authors, Setting Up an Enterprise Repository Using Artifactory
MANIFEST.MF file, Generating a JAR File, Generating a WAR File or an EAR File
matchers, Using assertThat and the Hamcrest LibraryUsing assertThat and the Hamcrest Library
aggregation, Project Inheritance and Aggregation
Ant in, Using Ant in MavenMaking Ant Plug-Ins
in Ant, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven TasksUsing an Existing Maven POM File, Using Maven in AntGenerating Ant Script from a POM
Ant vs., Maven and AntMaven and Ant, Using Ant in Maven
archetypes, Creating a Project Template with ArchetypesCreating a Project Template with Archetypes, Advanced ArchetypesCreating Your Own Archetypes
artifacts, Project Context and ArtifactsProject Context and Artifacts
assemblies, Creating AssembliesAssemblies with Profiles
bootstrapping, Advanced Archetypes
build customization, Customizing Your Build ProcessCustomizing Your Build Process, Defining Build ProfilesDefining Build Profiles, Understanding the Maven 2 Lifecycle, Defining Arbitrary Environment-Specific Variables
build lifecycle, Manipulating the Build LifecycleManipulating the Build Lifecycle
build scripts (see POM files)
Cargo and, Deploying an Application Using CargoDeploying an Application Using Cargo
Checkstyle and, Using Checkstyle with MavenUsing Checkstyle with Maven
Cobertura and, Testing Your Code, Generating Cobertura Reports in MavenIntegrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build Process
code coverage in, Generating Cobertura Reports in MavenIntegrating Coverage Tests into the Maven Build Process
compiling Java code, Customizing Your Build Process, Compiling CodeCompiling Code
configuring, Configuring Maven to Your EnvironmentDefining Arbitrary Environment-Specific Variables
context, Project Context and ArtifactsProject Context and Artifacts
Continuum and, Adding a Maven ProjectAdding a Maven Project
CruiseControl and, Setting Up a Maven 2 Project in CruiseControlSetting Up a Maven 2 Project in CruiseControl
declarative builds, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management
in Ant, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven TasksUsing an Existing Maven POM File
declaring, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management, Declaring DependenciesDeclaring Dependencies, Refactoring Your Dependencies Using PropertiesRefactoring Your Dependencies Using Properties
identifying, Looking for Dependencies with MvnRepositoryLooking for Dependencies with MvnRepository
managing, Managing DependenciesManaging Dependencies, Dependency Management in Maven 2
proprietary, Handling Proprietary DependenciesHandling Proprietary Dependencies
scope, Dependency ScopeDependency Scope
transitive, Managing Transitive DependenciesManaging Transitive Dependencies
deployment, Packaging and Deploying Your ApplicationPackaging and Deploying Your Application, Deploying an Application Using CargoDeploying an Application Using Cargo
described, Build Tools, Maven and the Development Build ProcessMaven and the Development Build Process
directory structure, Maven and the Development Build Process, The Maven Directory Structure
documentation (see Maven project web site)
Eclipse and, Using Maven in EclipseUsing Maven in Eclipse
environmental variables, Defining Arbitrary Environment-Specific VariablesDefining Arbitrary Environment-Specific Variables
FindBugs in, Using FindBugs in MavenUsing FindBugs in Maven
functional testing in, Using Selenium with MavenUsing Selenium with Maven
Hudson and, Building a Maven ProjectBuilding a Maven Project
installing, Installing MavenInstalling Maven on a Windows Machine
integration tests, Integration Tests
JUnit 4 and, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2, Integration Tests
JUnitPerf and, Separating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in MavenSeparating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in Maven
lifecycle phases, Understanding the Maven 2 LifecycleUnderstanding the Maven 2 Lifecycle
local repository, Changing Your Maven Cache Location
Mojos, Creating a Plug-InCreating a Plug-In, Extending Maven to Support LuntBuild
MvnRepository, Looking for Dependencies with MvnRepositoryLooking for Dependencies with MvnRepository
in NetBeans, Using Maven in NetBeansUsing Maven in NetBeans
packaging options, Project Context and Artifacts, Packaging and Deploying Your Application
performance testing, Separating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in MavenSeparating Performance Tests from Unit Tests in Maven
and Plexus, Creating a Plug-In
plug-ins, Using Plug-Ins to Customize the Build Process
(see also plug-ins main entry)
adding to build lifecycle, Manipulating the Build LifecycleManipulating the Build Lifecycle
creating, Creating a Plug-InCreating a Plug-In
described, Using Plug-Ins to Customize the Build ProcessUsing Plug-Ins to Customize the Build Process
Maven parameters in, Hooking into MavenHooking into Maven
Plexus components in, Using Plexus ComponentsUsing Plexus Components
PMD in, Using PMD in MavenUsing PMD in Maven
POM files (see POM files)
profiles, Defining Build ProfilesDefining Build Profiles, Defining Arbitrary Environment-Specific Variables
project inheritance, Project Inheritance and AggregationProject Inheritance and Aggregation
project templates, Creating a Project Template with ArchetypesCreating a Project Template with Archetypes, Advanced ArchetypesCreating Your Own Archetypes
project web site (see Maven project web site)
proxy connections, Using a ProxyUsing a Proxy
QAlab in, Using QALab in MavenUsing QALab in Maven
remote repositories (see Archiva) (see Artifactory)
Selenium and, Using Selenium with MavenUsing Selenium with Maven
settings.xml file, Configuring Maven to Your Environment
SoapUI and, Running SoapUI from MavenRunning SoapUI from Maven, Continuous Testing
StatSCM, Source Code Management Metrics with StatSCMSource Code Management Metrics with StatSCM
Super POM, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management
test coverage, Testing Your Code
TestNG and, Using TestNG with Maven 2Using TestNG with Maven 2
unit tests, Testing Your CodeTesting Your Code, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2, Using TestNG with Maven 2Using TestNG with Maven 2
Maven project web site
adding reports, Integrating Reports into Your SiteCode Analysis Reports
continous integration and, The Continuous Integration SystemThe Continuous Integration System
customizing, Creating a Dedicated Maven Site ProjectDefining the Site Outline, Customizing the Look and Feel of Your SiteVelocity Manipulation
described, The Maven 2 Project Web Site As a Communication ToolThe Maven 2 Project Web Site As a Communication Tool
developers section, The Project TeamThe Project Team
formatting content, DoxiaXDoc
generating, Setting Up a Maven Site ProjectDescribing the Project
issue management and, Linking into the Issue Tracking SystemLinking into the Issue Tracking System
mailing lists, Mailing ListsMailing Lists
publishing, Distributing Your SiteDistributing Your Site
site outline, Defining the Site Outline
skins, Changing Skins
snippets, Using SnippetsUsing Snippets
templates, Velocity Manipulation
tracking changes, Change and Configuration ManagementChange and Configuration Management
tracking releases, Change and Configuration ManagementChange and Configuration Management
version control integration, The Source RepositoryThe Source Repository
Maven project website
adding reports, Generating Cobertura Reports in Maven
Cobertura and, Generating Cobertura Reports in Maven
Continuum and, Automatically Generating a Maven Site with ContinuumAutomatically Generating a Maven Site with Continuum
generating reports, Setting Up ReportingSetting Up Reporting
LuntBuild and, Integrating Luntbuild with MavenLuntbuild Configuration
project description, A Human-Readable Project DescriptionA Human-Readable Project Description
SchemaSpy in, Using SchemaSpy in MavenUsing SchemaSpy in Maven
source files, The Maven Directory Structure
templates, Creating a Project Template with Archetypes
UmlGraph in, Using UmlGraph in MavenUsing UmlGraph in Maven
maven-ant-plugin, Generating Ant Script from a POM
maven-antrun-plugin, Using Existing build.xml Files
maven-assembly-plugin, Creating Assemblies
maven-checkstyle-plugin, Setting Up Reporting
maven-compiler-plugin, Customizing Your Build Process, Compiling Code
maven-plugin-plugin, Making Ant Plug-Ins
McCabe cyclomatic complexity, Interpreting the Cobertura ReportInterpreting the Cobertura Report, Customizing Checkstyle: Common Rules That You Can Do Without, and Some That You Could Use
memory leaks, Recording and Displaying Test Results, Detecting and Identifying Memory Leaks with the JDK ToolsDetecting and Identifying Memory Leaks with the JDK Tools, Diagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhatDiagnosing Memory Leaks Using Heap Dumps, jmap, and jhat, Studying Memory Use with the Basic Memory Analysis ResultsStudying Memory Use with the Basic Memory Analysis Results
method coverage, Interpreting the Cobertura Report
mirrors, Using a Local MirrorUsing a Local Mirror, Configure Maven using settings.xml
Mojos, Creating a Plug-InCreating a Plug-In, Making Ant Plug-Ins, Extending Maven to Support LuntBuild
Mozilla plug-ins, Firefox and Thunderbird Integration
multithreaded testing, Parallel Testing
MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Introduction
mvn clean, Compiling Code
mvn compile, Compiling Code
mvn deploy, Packaging and Deploying Your Application
mvn eclipse, Using Maven in Eclipse
mvn install, Packaging and Deploying Your Application
mvn integration-test, Integration Tests
mvn site, Setting Up a Maven Site Project
mvn test, Testing Your Code
MvnRepository, Looking for Dependencies with MvnRepositoryLooking for Dependencies with MvnRepository
change sets, Using the Eclipse Change SetsUsing the Eclipse Change Sets
context, Focusing on a Task with Context ManagementFocusing on a Task with Context Management
context (Mylyn), Sharing Context with Other DevelopersSharing Context with Other Developers
described, Quality Metrics Tools, Introduction to MylynIntroduction to Mylyn
installing, Installing MylynInstalling Mylyn
issue management options, Interacting with Task RepositoriesInteracting with Task Repositories, Sharing Context with Other Developers
task repositories, Interacting with Task RepositoriesInteracting with Task Repositories, Sharing Context with Other Developers
Trac and, Managing User Accounts
tracking tasks, Tracking Tasks and IssuesTracking Tasks and Issues


packages, Documenting packagesDocumenting packages
packaging applications
Ant, Packaging Your ApplicationGenerating a WAR File or an EAR File, Packaging the DependenciesPackaging the Dependencies
Maven, Project Context and Artifacts, Packaging and Deploying Your Application
packaging element, Project Context and Artifacts
parallel builds, Configuring Hudson
parallel testing, Parallel TestingParallel Testing
parameterized tests, Running Multiple Tests, Using Parameterized TestsUsing Parameterized Tests
parent POMs, Project Inheritance and AggregationProject Inheritance and Aggregation
path definitions, Compiling Your Java Code in AntCompiling Your Java Code in Ant
performance monitoring (see jConsole)
performance testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance TestingIntegration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, Introducing JUnitPerfIntroducing JUnitPerf, IntroductionIntroduction, Introduction, Profiling Applications from Within an IDE
(see also JMeter)
(see also JUnitPerf)
(see also SoapUI)
(see also TPTP)
Personal Software Process, Conducting Personal Code Reviews
Plain Old Java Object (POJO), Creating a Plug-In
Plexus, Creating a Plug-In, Using Plexus ComponentsUsing Plexus Components, An Introduction to Continuum
AccountManager, Managing User AccountsManaging User Accounts
adding dependencies, External DependenciesExternal Dependencies
adding to build lifecycle, Manipulating the Build LifecycleManipulating the Build Lifecycle
in Ant, Making Ant Plug-InsMaking Ant Plug-Ins
archetype, Creating a Project Template with ArchetypesCreating a Project Template with Archetypes
Broadcast, Extended Functionality with Openfire Plug-Ins
cargo-maven2-plugin, Deploying an Application Using Cargo
cobertura, Testing Your Code
cobertura-maven-plugin plug-in, Generating Cobertura Reports in Maven
creating, Creating a Plug-InCreating a Plug-In
described, Using Plug-Ins to Customize the Build ProcessUsing Plug-Ins to Customize the Build Process
EclEmma, Code Coverage in EclipseCode Coverage in Eclipse
eclipse, Using Maven in EclipseUsing Maven in Eclipse
FireBug, Referring to objects on the web page
Firefox, Firefox and Thunderbird Integration
for Hudson, Hudson Plug-InsHudson Plug-Ins
Luntclipse, Using LuntBuild with EclipseUsing LuntBuild with Eclipse
m2eclipse, Using Maven in Eclipse
Maven parameters in, Hooking into MavenHooking into Maven
maven-ant-plugin, Generating Ant Script from a POM
maven-antrun-plugin, Using Existing build.xml Files
maven-assembly-plugin, Creating Assemblies
maven-compiler-plugin, Compiling Code
maven-plugin-plugin, Making Ant Plug-Ins
Plexus components, Using Plexus ComponentsUsing Plexus Components
Surefire, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2, Integration Tests, Using TestNG with Maven 2, Using Selenium with Maven, Unit Test Reports
Thunderbird, Firefox and Thunderbird Integration
User Import Export, Extended Functionality with Openfire Plug-Ins
User Service, Extended Functionality with Openfire Plug-Ins
Violations, Keeping Track of Code MetricsKeeping Track of Code Metrics
in Ant, Using PMD in AntUsing PMD in Ant
customizing, Configuring PMD Rules in EclipseConfiguring PMD Rules in Eclipse, Writing Your Own PMD RulesetWriting Your Own PMD Ruleset
cut and paste detection, Detecting Cut-and-Paste with CPDDetecting Cut-and-Paste with CPD
described, Quality Metrics Tools, PMD and Static Code Analysis
generating reports, Generating a PMD Report in EclipseGenerating a PMD Report in Eclipse, Using PMD in Ant
IDE options, PMD and Static Code Analysis
installing, Using PMD in EclipseInstalling the PMD Plug-In
in Maven, Using PMD in MavenUsing PMD in Maven
rulesets, Configuring PMD Rules in EclipseWriting Your Own PMD Ruleset
running, Detecting and Displaying ErrorsDetecting and Displaying Errors
setting up a project, Installing the PMD Plug-InInstalling the PMD Plug-In
suppressing violations, Suppressing PMD RulesSuppressing PMD Rules
POJO (Plain Old Java Object), Creating a Plug-In
POM files
Ant code in, Embedding Ant Code in the POMEmbedding Ant Code in the POM
Ant script from, Generating Ant Script from a POMGenerating Ant Script from a POM
artifacts, Project Context and ArtifactsProject Context and Artifacts
build section, Customizing Your Build ProcessCustomizing Your Build Process
ciManagement section, Declaring your Continuous Integration ServerDeclaring your Continuous Integration Server, Adding a Maven Project, The Continuous Integration System
context, Project Context and ArtifactsProject Context and Artifacts
Continuum and, Adding a Maven ProjectAdding a Maven Project
dependencies section, Managing DependenciesManaging Dependencies, Declaring DependenciesDeclaring Dependencies
described, An Introduction to Declarative Build ManagementAn Introduction to Declarative Build Management
developers section, Defining the Development TeamDefining the Development Team, The Project Team
distributionManagement section, Packaging and Deploying Your Application
issueManagement section, Linking into the Issue Tracking System
mailingLists section, Mailing Lists
parent POMs, Project Inheritance and AggregationProject Inheritance and Aggregation
profiles section, Defining Build ProfilesDefining Build Profiles
project description, A Human-Readable Project DescriptionA Human-Readable Project Description
properties, Refactoring Your Dependencies Using PropertiesRefactoring Your Dependencies Using Properties
properties section, Using SchemaSpy in Maven
reading from Ant, The Maven 2.0 Ant Tasks, Using an Existing Maven POM File
reporting section, Setting Up ReportingSetting Up Reporting, Integrating Reports into Your SiteCode Analysis Reports, JavadocsUnit Test Reports, Using UmlGraph in Maven
scm section, Adding a Maven Project, The Source Repository
Super POM, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management
Popescu, Alexandru, Introducing TestNG
Price, Yvonne Wang, Testing Swing GUIs with FEST
process IDs, listing, Connecting To and Monitoring a Java Application with jConsoleConnecting To and Monitoring a Java Application with jConsole
profiles, Defining Build ProfilesDefining Build Profiles, Defining Arbitrary Environment-Specific Variables
profiling tools (see jConsole) (see TPTP)
project inheritance, Project Inheritance and AggregationProject Inheritance and Aggregation
Project Object Model (see POM files)
project web site (see Maven project web site)
Ant, Basic Ant Concepts, Customizing Your Build Script Using PropertiesCustomizing Your Build Script Using Properties
CruiseControl, Configuring an Ant Project
Maven, Refactoring Your Dependencies Using PropertiesRefactoring Your Dependencies Using Properties
proxy connections
Ant, ANT_OPTS and ANT_ARGS: Some Other Useful Environment Variables, Bootstrapping Your Build Scripts
Artifactory, Running Artifactory Through a ProxyRunning Artifactory Through a Proxy
Maven, Using a ProxyUsing a Proxy
pserver, Creating a New Project in CVS, Checking Out a Project
Pulse, Continuous Integration
Python, Installing TracInstalling Trac, Customizing a Wiki Page with PythonCustomizing a Wiki Page with Python


samplers, Adding an HTTP Request
in Ant, Using SchemaSpy in AntUsing SchemaSpy in Ant
described, IntroductionAn Overview of SchemaSpy
installing, Installing SchemaSpyInstalling SchemaSpy
in Maven project website, Using SchemaSpy in MavenUsing SchemaSpy in Maven
running from command line, Using SchemaSpyUsing SchemaSpy
scp task, Other Deployment Techniques
SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle), Introduction
AJAX and, Using the Selenium IDE
Ant and, Using Selenium with AntUsing Selenium with Ant
assertions, Using the Selenium IDE, Using assertionsUsing assertions
browsers supported, Writing JUnit Tests with Selenium
described, Integration, Functional, Load, and Performance Testing, IntroductionIntroduction
identifying GUI objects, Referring to objects on the web pageReferring to objects on the web page
installing, Using the Selenium IDE
Maven and, Using Selenium with MavenUsing Selenium with Maven
ports, Using Selenium with Maven
programming language APIs, Writing JUnit Tests with Selenium
recording test scripts, Using the Selenium IDEUsing the Selenium IDE
test scripts, Writing Selenium Test ScriptsAn introduction to Selenese
test suites, Running a Selenium Test Suite with Selenium Core
variables, Using variablesUsing variables
writing tests, Writing JUnit Tests with SeleniumWriting JUnit Tests with Selenium
Selenium Core, Running a Selenium Test Suite with Selenium CoreRunning a Selenium Test Suite with Selenium Core
Selenium Remote Control, Writing JUnit Tests with SeleniumWriting JUnit Tests with Selenium
setproxy task, Bootstrapping Your Build Scripts
settings.xml file, Configuring Maven to Your Environment, Configure Maven using settings.xmlConfigure Maven using settings.xml
skins, Changing Skins
Smack API, Sending Jabber Messages from a Java Application Using the Smack APIReceiving Messages Using the Smack API
snippets, Using SnippetsUsing Snippets
Ant and, Running SoapUI from AntRunning SoapUI from Ant, Continuous Testing
assertions, Web Service Testing, Testing Web Services with SoapUITesting Web Services with SoapUI, Load-Testing with SoapUILoad-Testing with SoapUI
command-line options, Running SoapUI from the Command LineRunning SoapUI from the Command Line
continuous testing, Continuous TestingContinuous Testing
Continuum and, Continuous Testing
described, IntroductionWhen Is SoapUI Appropriate?
in Eclipse, Installing SoapUI
installing, Installing SoapUIInstalling a Local Web Service
in IntelliJ, Installing SoapUI
Javadoc reports, Running SoapUI from AntRunning SoapUI from Ant
load testing, Load-Testing with SoapUILoad-Testing with SoapUI
Maven and, Running SoapUI from MavenRunning SoapUI from Maven, Continuous Testing
in NetBeans, Installing SoapUI
projects, Testing Web Services with SoapUITesting Web Services with SoapUI
requests, Testing Web Services with SoapUITesting Web Services with SoapUI
test cases, Testing Web Services with SoapUITesting Web Services with SoapUI
test statistics, Load-Testing with SoapUILoad-Testing with SoapUI
test suites, Testing Web Services with SoapUI, Testing Web Services with SoapUITesting Web Services with SoapUI
software CM vs. version control, An Introduction to Subversion, Defect Tracking and Change Control
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Introduction
Spinellis, Diomidis D., Embedding UML Diagrams in Your Javadoc with UmlGraph
Spring, Injecting the Test FixtureInjecting the Test Fixture, Using Transaction Rollback Teardown, Introduction
SSH tunneling, Setting Up a Secure svnserve Server
StatSCM, Quality Metrics Tools, Source Code Management Metrics with StatSCMSource Code Management Metrics with StatSCM
StatSVN, Statistics in Ant with StatSVNGenerating the StatSVN Reports
stress testing (see load testing)
Struts, IntroductionTesting a Struts Application
configuring, Customizing the Test Environment
described, IntroductionIntroducing StrutsTestCase
error-handling tests, Testing Struts Error HandlingTesting Struts Error Handling
mock tests, Mock Tests Using StrutsTestCaseMock Tests Using StrutsTestCase
performance testing, First-Level Performance TestingFirst-Level Performance Testing
adding files, Working with Your Local Copy
in Ant, Using Subversion in AntCreating a New Tag
atomic updates, Revision Numbers and Atomic Updates
backing up files, Backing Up and Restoring a Subversion RepositoryBacking Up and Restoring a Subversion Repository
binary files, Handling Binary Files, Importing Existing Files into Subversion, Using File Locking with Binary FilesUsing File Locking with Binary Files
branches, Fast Branching and Tagging, Using Tags, Branches, and MergesUsing Tags, Branches, and Merges
change sets, Using the Eclipse Change Sets
checking out files, Checking Out Your Working CopyChecking Out Your Working Copy
commenting revisions, Committing Your WorkCommitting Your Work
committing changes, Committing Your WorkCommitting Your Work
copying files, Working with Your Local Copy
creating a repository, Setting Up a Subversion RepositorySetting Up a Subversion Repository, Setting Up a New Subversion ProjectSetting Up a New Subversion Project
creating directories, Importing Existing Files into Subversion
customizing, Customizing Subversion with Hook ScriptsCustomizing Subversion with Hook Scripts
CVS vs., An Introduction to SubversionHandling Binary Files
deleting files, Working with Your Local Copy
directory structure, Setting Up a New Subversion ProjectSetting Up a New Subversion Project
Eclipse and, Working with Your Local Copy
Eclipse and, Using Subversion in EclipseBranching and Merging
executable files, Preserving the Executable Flag using svn:executablePreserving the Executable Flag using svn:executable
ignoring files, Making Subversion Ignore Files with svn:ignoreMaking Subversion Ignore Files with svn:ignore
importing files, Importing Existing Files into SubversionImporting Existing Files into Subversion
in Windows (see TortoiseSVN)
installing, Installing SubversionInstalling Subversion
internet access, Setting Up a WebDAV/DeltaV Enabled Subversion ServerSetting Up a Secure WebDAV/DeltaV Server
issue management options, Defect Tracking and Change ControlDefect Tracking and Change Control
keyword substitution, Working with Keyword Substitution
line feeds, Handling OS-Specific End-of-Lines with svn:eol-styleHandling OS-Specific End-of-Lines with svn:eol-style
listing changes, Seeing Where You’re At: The Status CommandSeeing Where You’re At: The Status Command, Using Tags, Branches, and Merges
listing contents, Importing Existing Files into Subversion
locking files, Using File Locking with Binary FilesUsing File Locking with Binary Files, Making Locked Files Read-Only with the svn:needs-lock PropertyHandling OS-Specific End-of-Lines with svn:eol-style
moving files, Working with Your Local Copy
in NetBeans, Using Subversion in NetBeansBranching and Merging
network access, Setting Up a Subversion Server with svnserve
network load, Lightweight Network Transactions
network protocols, Setting Up a Subversion Server with svnserve
projects, Setting Up a New Subversion ProjectSetting Up a New Subversion Project
properties, Making Locked Files Read-Only with the svn:needs-lock PropertyHandling OS-Specific End-of-Lines with svn:eol-style
renaming files, Working with Your Local Copy
repository URLs, Understanding Subversion Repository URLsUnderstanding Subversion Repository URLs
resolving conflicts, Resolving ConflictsResolving Conflicts
restoring files, Backing Up and Restoring a Subversion RepositoryBacking Up and Restoring a Subversion Repository
reverting changes, Seeing Where You’re At: The Status Command, Rolling Back to a Previous RevisionRolling Back to a Previous Revision
revision trees, Revision Numbers and Atomic Updates
server setup, Setting Up a Subversion Server with svnserveSetting Up a Secure svnserve Server
setting file types, Forcing the File Type with svn:mime-typeForcing the File Type with svn:mime-type
storage options, Subversion Repository TypesSubversion Repository Types
structural changes, Working with Your Local CopyWorking with Your Local Copy
tagging, Fast Branching and Tagging, Using Tags, Branches, and MergesUsing Tags, Branches, and Merges
Trac and, Defect Tracking and Change ControlDefect Tracking and Change Control, Updating Trac Issues from SubversionUpdating Trac Issues from Subversion
tracking revisions, Revision Numbers and Atomic UpdatesRevision Numbers and Atomic Updates
unlocking files, Breaking and Stealing LocksBreaking and Stealing Locks
updating local copies, Updating Your Work DirectoryUpdating Your Work Directory
viewing change history, Change History in Subversion: Logging and BlamingChange History in Subversion: Logging and Blaming
vs. CVS, An Introduction to CVS
as Windows Service, Installing Subversion As a Windows ServiceInstalling Subversion As a Windows Service
successPercentage parameter, Handling Partial Failures
Super POM, An Introduction to Declarative Build Management
Surefire plug-in, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2, Integration Tests, Using TestNG with Maven 2, Using Selenium with Maven, Unit Test Reports
svn add, Working with Your Local Copy
svn annotate, Change History in Subversion: Logging and Blaming
svn blame, Change History in Subversion: Logging and Blaming
svn checkout, Checking Out Your Working Copy
svn commit, Committing Your Work
svn copy, Working with Your Local Copy
svn delete, Working with Your Local Copy
svn diff, Seeing Where You’re At: The Status Command
svn import, Setting Up a New Subversion Project, Importing Existing Files into Subversion
svn info, Using Tags, Branches, and Merges
svn list, Importing Existing Files into Subversion
svn lock, Using File Locking with Binary Files
svn log, Using Tags, Branches, and Merges, Change History in Subversion: Logging and Blaming
svn merge, Using Tags, Branches, and Merges
svn mkdir, Importing Existing Files into Subversion
svn move, Working with Your Local Copy
svn praise, Change History in Subversion: Logging and Blaming
svn propset, Making Locked Files Read-Only with the svn:needs-lock Property
svn resolved, Resolving Conflicts
svn revert, Seeing Where You’re At: The Status Command
svn status, Seeing Where You’re At: The Status Command
svn switch, Using Tags, Branches, and Merges
svn task, Installing the <svn> TaskInstalling the <svn> Task
svn unlock, Using File Locking with Binary Files
svn update, Updating Your Work Directory
svn+ssh protocol, Setting Up a Secure svnserve Server
svn:eol-style, Handling OS-Specific End-of-Lines with svn:eol-style
svn:executable, Preserving the Executable Flag using svn:executable
svn:ignore, Making Subversion Ignore Files with svn:ignore
svn:mime-type, Forcing the File Type with svn:mime-type
svn:needs-lock, Making Locked Files Read-Only with the svn:needs-lock Property
svnadmin create, Setting Up a Subversion Repository
svnadmin dump, Backing Up and Restoring a Subversion Repository
svnadmin load, Backing Up and Restoring a Subversion Repository
svnadmin lslocks, Breaking and Stealing Locks
svnadmin rmlocks, Breaking and Stealing Locks
SVNParentPath, Setting Up a WebDAV/DeltaV Enabled Subversion Server
svnserve server, Setting Up a Subversion Server with svnserveSetting Up a Secure svnserve Server
SVNService, Installing Subversion As a Windows Service
Swing, CruiseControl Configuration Tool
synchronization issues, Recording and Displaying Test Results


Tanenbaum, Andrew S., Quality Metrics Tools
targets, Basic Ant Concepts
taskdef task, Using TestNG in Ant
tasks, Basic Ant ConceptsBasic Ant Concepts
TeamCity, What This Book Doesn’t Cover, Continuous Integration
template-driven testing, Web Service Testing
test coverage (see code coverage)
Test Maker, Introduction
test task, Running Multiple Tests
test-driven development, Preparing Your Build for Automated Tests, Unit Testing
TestCase class, JUnit 3.8 and JUnit 4
testing, multithreaded, Parallel Testing
testing, parallel, Parallel TestingParallel Testing
@AfterClass, Managing the Test Lifecycle
@AfterMethod, Creating Simple Unit Tests with TestNG
@AfterSuite, Managing the Test Lifecycle
@BeforeClass, Managing the Test Lifecycle
@BeforeMethod, Creating Simple Unit Tests with TestNG
@BeforeSuite, Managing the Test Lifecycle
@Test, Creating Simple Unit Tests with TestNG
annotations, Managing the Test Lifecycle
Ant and, Using TestNG in AntUsing TestNG in Ant, Using Test Groups
assertions, Creating Simple Unit Tests with TestNG
Cobertura and, Checking the Code Coverage of TestNG TestsChecking the Code Coverage of TestNG Tests
code coverage of, Checking the Code Coverage of TestNG TestsChecking the Code Coverage of TestNG Tests
creating tests, Creating Simple Unit Tests with TestNGCreating Simple Unit Tests with TestNG
data-driven testing, Test Parameters and Data-Driven TestingTest Parameters and Data-Driven Testing
dependencies, Using TestNG with Maven 2, Managing the Test Lifecycle, Managing DependenciesManaging Dependencies
described, Introducing TestNG
Eclipse and, The TestNG Eclipse Plug-InRunning TestNG Tests
exceptions, Checking for ExceptionsChecking for Exceptions
failure handling, Handling Partial FailuresRerunning Failed Tests
FEST and, Testing GUIs with FEST, Verifying Test FailuresVerifying Test Failures
fixture code, Managing the Test LifecycleManaging the Test Lifecycle, Managing Dependencies
functional testing and, Verifying Test FailuresVerifying Test Failures
IntelliJ and, The TestNG Eclipse Plug-In
Maven and, Testing Your Code, Using TestNG with Maven 2Using TestNG with Maven 2
parallel testing, Parallel TestingParallel Testing
successPercentage, Handling Partial Failures
test groups, Using Test GroupsUsing Test Groups
test lifecycle, Managing the Test LifecycleManaging the Test Lifecycle
test suites, Defining TestNG Test SuitesDefining TestNG Test Suites, Using Test Groups
tests, atomic, Load-Testing Tests That Are Not Thread-Safe
tests, on multiple machines, Testing on Multiple MachinesTesting on Multiple Machines
tests, parameterized, Running Multiple Tests, Using Parameterized TestsUsing Parameterized Tests
tests, recording, Using the JMeter Proxy to Record a Test CaseUsing the JMeter Proxy to Record a Test Case, Using the Selenium IDEUsing the Selenium IDE
tests, timed, Structuring Your Test CaseStructuring Your Test Case
theories (JUnit), JUnit 4 TheoriesJUnit 4 Theories
Thunderbird plug-in, Firefox and Thunderbird Integration
timed tests, Measuring Performance with TimedTestsMeasuring Performance with TimedTests, Structuring Your Test CaseStructuring Your Test Case, Basic Profiling with TPTP, Analyzing Execution TimeAnalyzing Execution Time
TortoiseCVS, Using CVS in WindowsUsing CVS in Windows
browsing a repository, Exploring the RepositoryExploring the Repository
checking out files, Obtaining a Working CopyObtaining a Working Copy
committing changes, Committing Your Changes with TortoiseSVNCommitting Your Changes with TortoiseSVN
importing a project, Importing a New Project into the RepositoryImporting a New Project into the Repository
revision graph, Exploring the RepositoryExploring the Repository
updating local copies, Updating Your Working Copy
Windows Explorer interface, Using Subversion in WindowsUsing TortoiseSVN in Windows Explorer
coverage statistics, Displaying Coverage StatisticsDisplaying Coverage Statistics
described, Profiling Applications from Within an IDEThe Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform
filtering results, Using Filters to Refine Your ResultsUsing Filters to Refine Your Results
installing, Installing TPTPInstalling TPTP
Java version compatibility, TPTP and Java 6TPTP and Java 6
JUnitPerf in, Basic Profiling with TPTPBasic Profiling with TPTP
memory analysis, Studying Memory Use with the Basic Memory Analysis ResultsStudying Memory Use with the Basic Memory Analysis Results
performance testing, Basic Profiling with TPTPBasic Profiling with TPTP
profiles, Basic Profiling with TPTPBasic Profiling with TPTP
timed tests, Analyzing Execution TimeAnalyzing Execution Time
web application testing, Profiling a Web ApplicationProfiling a Web Application
on Apache server, Installing Trac on an Apache ServerInstalling Trac on an Apache Server
browsing repository, Browsing the Source Code RepositoryBrowsing the Source Code Repository
closing tickets, The Lifecycle of a Trac Ticket
creating reports, Reporting Using Trac Queries and ReportsReporting Using Trac Queries and Reports
creating tickets, Using the Trac Ticket Management SystemCreating a New Ticket
customizing, Tailoring the Trac Web Site: Using the Wiki FunctionTailoring the Trac Web Site: Using the Wiki Function, Customizing Trac Ticket FieldsCustomizing Trac Ticket Fields, Customizing a Wiki Page with PythonCustomizing a Wiki Page with Python
described, An Introduction to TracAn Introduction to Trac
installing, Installing TracInstalling Trac
monitoring progress, Managing Progress with Trac Roadmaps and TimelinesThe Timeline View
Mylyn and, Managing User Accounts
notification options, Setting Up Email NotificationsSetting Up Email Notifications, Using RSS and ICalendarUsing RSS and ICalendar
setting up a project, Setting Up a Trac ProjectSetting Up a Trac Project
Subversion and, Defect Tracking and Change ControlDefect Tracking and Change Control, Updating Trac Issues from SubversionUpdating Trac Issues from Subversion, Browsing the Source Code RepositoryBrowsing the Source Code Repository
ticket lifecycle, The Lifecycle of a Trac TicketThe Lifecycle of a Trac Ticket
trac-admin, Setting Up a Trac Project
tracd webserver, Running Trac on the Standalone ServerRunning Trac on the Standalone Server
TracLink syntax, Tailoring the Trac Web Site: Using the Wiki Function
updating tickets, Updating Trac Issues from SubversionUpdating Trac Issues from Subversion
user management, Administrating the Trac SiteManaging User Accounts
as Windows service, Setting Up Tracd As a Windows ServiceSetting Up Tracd As a Windows Service
trac-admin, Setting Up a Trac Project
tracd webserver, Running Trac on the Standalone ServerRunning Trac on the Standalone Server
TracLink, Tailoring the Trac Web Site: Using the Wiki Function
transaction rollback teardown, Using Transaction Rollback TeardownUsing Transaction Rollback Teardown
transitive dependencies, Using Maven Dependencies in Ant with the Maven Tasks, Managing Dependencies, Managing Transitive DependenciesManaging Transitive Dependencies
tstamp task, Generating a JAR File


UML diagrams, The Doxygen Reports, Embedding UML Diagrams in Your Javadoc with UmlGraphUsing UmlGraph in Maven
UmlGraph, Embedding UML Diagrams in Your Javadoc with UmlGraphUsing UmlGraph in Maven
unit tests
Ant and, Running Cobertura from AntRunning Cobertura from Ant
in Ant, Using JUnit 4 with AntRunning Tests Conditionally, Using TestNG in AntUsing TestNG in Ant, Using Test Groups
in CruiseControl, Configuring an Ant Project
described, Unit Testing, Unit TestingUnit Testing
in Eclipse, Using JUnit 4 in EclipseUsing JUnit 4 in Eclipse, The TestNG Eclipse Plug-InRunning TestNG Tests
in Hudson, Keeping Track of Test ResultsKeeping Track of Test Results
JUnitPerf and, Introducing JUnitPerfIntroducing JUnitPerf
in LuntBuild, Introduction
in Maven, Testing Your CodeTesting Your Code, Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2Using JUnit 4 with Maven 2, Using TestNG with Maven 2Using TestNG with Maven 2
on Maven project web site, Unit Test ReportsUnit Test Reports
unzip task, Bootstrapping Your Build Scripts
URLs, repository, Understanding Subversion Repository URLsUnderstanding Subversion Repository URLs
User Import Export plug-in, Extended Functionality with Openfire Plug-Ins
user interface testing, Introduction, IntroductionIntroduction, Testing Swing GUIs with FEST, IntroductionTesting GUIs Is Hard
(see also FEST)
(see also Selenium)
user interfaces, Tips for Writing Testable GUIsTips for Writing Testable GUIs
User Service plug-in, Extended Functionality with Openfire Plug-Ins
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