Gathering information for credential cracking

In order to perform a successful credential crack, it is important to have a list of possible usernames and passwords. One of the ways this is possible is by making use of the dictionaries available in the Kali Linux Distro. These are located under /usr/share/wordlists/. The following screenshot shows the available wordlists in Kali:

Gathering information for credential cracking

You will find a rockyou.txt.gz file, which you will need to unzip. Use the following command in terminal to unzip the contents of the file:

gunzip rockyou.txt.gz

Once this is done, the file will be extracted, as shown in the preceding screenshot. This is a prebuilt list of available passwords in Kali Linux. Let us begin to formulate one of ours with the help of enumeration and information gathering.

Getting ready

To commence, we will first find the IP address of the hosted Stapler machine and begin enumerating information to collect and create a set of custom passwords.

How to do it...

The steps for the recipe are as follows:

  1. Discover the IP address of Stapler on the subnet, using the following command:
    nbtscan (x.x.x.1-255)

    The output will be as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

  2. Run a quick nmap scan to find the available ports:
    nmap -sT -T4 -sV -p 1-65535 <IP address>

    The output will be as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

  3. Connect to open ports and gather valuable information; let's enumerate the ftp, Ssh, and http ports. The following is a series of ways the information can be gathered and stored.

    Information gathering on the FTP port:

    We entered the default anonymous login by entering the username and password as Ftp: ftp.

    We successfully got access to the login and found a file called note. On downloading it, we got a few usernames. As a part of the information-gathering process, these were stored in a document. The same can be seen in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    Information gathering on SSH:

    We connect to SSH using the ssh client and gather information as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    We have found one more possible username.

    Information gathering on HTTP:

    There are quite a few ways to gather possible useful words from the Web application. On the nmap screen, we found out that there is one port, 12380, running a web server. On visiting and trying to check for robots.txt, we found some interesting folders as shown in the following screenshots:

    How to do it...

    How to do it...

    On accessing the /blogblog/ URL, we discovered that it is a WordPress site, so we'll try to enumerate the possible usernames for the WordPress blog.

    Use the following command to enumerate WordPress users:

            wpscan -u https://<IP address>:12380/blogblog/ --enumerate u

    The output will be as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    Information gathering via shares:

    Here we will gather information that will help us build our potential credentials list. Let's check how this is possible. We will run enum4linux on the machine, using the following command:

    enum4linux <IP address>

    The output will be as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    Share enumeration via enum4linux looks similar to the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    On doing so, we realize that there are more usernames available, and hence, we can add them to our username list. On further assessment, we hit the jackpot: the available usernames on the server. SID enumeration via enum4linux looks similar to the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    • Now an entire list of usernames is formulated and stored in the username file, which looks as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    Let's do the same for the Metasploitable 2 machine. In our testing lab, the Metasploitable 2 machine is hosted at We have created a custom grep that will enumerate the share for users and also give only the username as output:

    enum4linux <IP address> | grep "user:" |cut -d "[" -f2 | cut           -d "]" -f1

    The output will be as shown in the following screenshot:

    How to do it...

    Once this is done, save the usernames in a file of any name. In this case, we name it metasploit_users. This can be done by redirecting the output of the preceding command using the following command:

    enum4linux <IP address> | grep "user:" |cut -d "[  " -f2 |           cut -d "]  " -f1 > metasploit_users

    With this, we have completed the first recipe of information gathering to build a credible credentials dictionary. In the next recipe, we will look at how to make use of this to attack and try to gain access to the server.

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