
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


Acceptance testing 520

accessibility tool 245

achievements 303

ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) 106

activities 56

activity chooser tool 215

Adaptable 406

Adminer 519, 527

interface 527

reference link 528

reference link, for installer 527

admin password

recovering, options 422, 423

admin tools

Command Line Interface (CLI) 519, 528, 529

conversion tools 520

database tools 520, 524

design tools 520

development tools 520

exploring 520

Moosh 519, 530, 531

site admin presets 519-521

Standard Moodle features 521

aggregation 385

analytics models

creating 411-413

analytics models, fields

analysis interval 411

indicators 411

insights 411

antivirus plugin

reference link 429

antivirus scanners

configuring 428, 429

Apache 33

Apache JMeter 490

app banners

configuring 374, 375

Apple Push Notification service (APNs) 370

application cache 470


assignments, configuring 295, 296

configuring 293

quizzes, configuring 297

SCORM, configuring 302

asynchronous communication 324

messaging 324

RSS feeds 329

Atto 222

functionality options 224

reference link 224

authentication 59

auto-save delay 299


badges 307

automatic awarding 309

course badges 308

criteria 308

managing 307-309

manual awarding 309

reference link 308

site badges 308

bad plugin

versus good plugin 267

BigBlueButton (BBB) 322

configuration options 323

setting up 322, 323

URL 322

Block context 182

roles, assigning 182, 183


configuring 220

parameters 221, 222

blocks, setting type

block appear 220

block setting 220

properties 220

blogs 274

configuring 274-276

Bootstrap 4 237

built-in database transfer facility 524

bulk user actions

characteristics 133

bulk user upload 136

data, loading 145, 146

default values and templates, setting 144, 145

settings 143

text file format 137

workflow 141, 142


cache definitions, MUC 473, 474


purging 478

cache store, MUC 471

mappings 473

Memcached store 473

reference link 472

cache types, MUC

application cache 470

request cache 471

session cache 471

caching-related settings

JavaScript caching 477

language caching 476

networking caching 477

repository caching 477

RSS caching 477

theme caching 477

caching services

reference link 469

calculated text fields 385

calendar editor role

reference link 193


configuring 340, 341

calendric information 339

capabilities 63, 185, 186

capabilities, components

description 187

name 187

permission 187

risks 188

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 241, 242

CAS Server (SSO) 165

certificate designer 311

controls 312

certificate elements

adding 312

dynamic certificate elements, adding 314

static certificate elements, adding 313, 314

validation certificate elements, adding 315-317

certificate module

installing, via Git 262-264

certificates 309

elements, adding 312

individual certificates 310

issuing 317, 318

issuing manually 317

managing 309-311

reference link 309

certificate templates 310

creating 310

dynamic elements 310

static elements 310

verification elements 310

Chat activity 320, 322

ClamAV 429

methods, running 429

URL 429

classification 408

code and data locations 35, 36

cohort enrolment 100-103

versus cohort synchronization 100, 101


managing 148-150

reference link 151

cohort synchronization 100-103

collaboration tools

blogs, configuring 274-276

comments, configuring 276

configuring 274

tags, configuring 276-280

Command Line Interface (CLI) 19, 519, 528, 529

Moodle installation, performing via 19, 21

reference link 528

used, for installing plugin 264

Comma Separated Value (CSV) file 137

comments 276

configuring 276

Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) 304

communication 320

asynchronous communication 324

support contact 330

synchronous communication 320

communication tools, configuring 320

competencies 304

completion 306

evidence 306

managing 304-307

reference link 304

review 306

configurable reports 392

content accessibility 246-248

content creation features

configuring 280

content bank, configuring 282-284

content creation settings, configuring 280, 281

filters, configuring 288-290

H5P, configuring 282-284

licenses, managing 291-293

LTI platforms, configuring 284-286

LTI tool, configuring 286-288

plagiarism prevention, configuring 291

content integrations 283

content-only backups 499

content security

antivirus scanners, configuring 428, 429

content created, limiting with Moodle 426

content visibility, setting up 427

ensuring 425

content types 283

context freezing 201

contexts 173-176

context unfreezing 201

conversion tools 520

core context 174

course backups 495, 497

backup schema 507, 508

confirmation and review 502

content-only backups 499

creating 497

file selection and confirmation 504

finalizing 502, 503

full-course backups 500

initial settings 498-500

locations 504-506

managing 497

restore destination, selecting 506, 507

restore, finalizing 508

restore settings 507

restoring 504

schema settings 500, 501

workflow 497

course badges 308

course categories

adding 72

deleting 75

example category hierarchies 69

managing 70, 71

moving 73

organizing 68, 73, 74

overview 68

sorting 74, 75

subcategories, creating 72

Course Category context 179

roles, assigning 179

Course Certificate activity 318

course content 179, 501

roles, assigning 179-181

course data

importing 508, 509

course enrolment

cohort enrolment 100

database-driven enrolment 103

enrolment on payment 111-115

enrolment plugins, managing 93, 94

forms 92

internal enrolment 95

meta courses 109

non-database enrolment 95

workflow 92

course format tool 214

courses 76

course approval 86

course creation workflow 76, 77

course dates 78, 79

course fields 80, 81

course formats 78

course requests, for delegating task to teachers 85

courses in bulk, managing 86, 87

creating 77, 78

custom course fields 81-84

settings 77

uploading 89-92

course templates

implementing 516

course templating mechanism

via on-board tools 215

via third-party plugins 215

cron execution

protecting 430

cron process 17

cron script 17

CSV enrolment file format 107

curl 551

custom reports 377, 379

creating 381

filters 381

custom roles

creating 192

example 193

parent/mentor role 193-196

reference link 193

testing 196-198



customizing 215, 216

defining 215

database-driven enrolment 103

external databases 106

flat files 107

IMS Enterprise file 108

LDAP 104, 105

database migration tool

reference link 524

database server 416

database tools 519, 520, 524

Adminer 527, 528

DB search and replace facility 526

Moodle database, transferring 524, 525

data registry

categories 448

categories, assigning to contexts 452, 453

categories, managing 449, 450

configuring 448, 449

purposes 448

purposes, assigning to contexts 452, 453

purposes, managing 450-452

data requests

data deletion 456-458

data export 455

managing 454, 455

workflow 454


access, configuring 429

data sources

selecting 380

DB search and replace facility

reference link 526

default roles

assigning 200, 201

demo teacher role

reference link 193

design tools 520

development tools 520

dirroot 9

document converters 296

duplicate email addresses 121

dynamic certificate elements 314

adding 314

certificate Date element 314

certificate Dynamic fields 314

certificate User field 314

certificate User picture 314


email-based self-registration 157-160

enrolment 59

enrolment on payment method 114, 115

enrol vs enroll lingua dispute 55

Enterprise Accessibility Toolkit

reference link 248


monitoring rules 396, 397

events list 394, 395

extensibility 175

external authentication mechanisms 165

CAS Server (SSO) 165

Shibboleth 165

external authentication methods 160

external authentication mechanisms 165

external databases 163-165

LDAP server 160, 161

external database enrolment 106

external database log store 398

configuring 399

external repository 343

external repository plugins 345

authentication types, for configuration 347

supported file formats 347

supported instances 346, 347

external system 540

web services, enabling 540


file picker 44, 342

with repositories 348, 349

filter 380

filter configuration, content creation features 288-290

flat file enrolment 107

FontAwesome 225

forum moderator role

reference link 193

front page context 174, 175, 183

roles, assigning 183

full-course backups 500

functions 535


General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 354, 435

data subject rights 437, 438

terminology 436

Git 26

reference link 26

used, for installing certificate module 262-264

global context 174

good plugin

versus bad plugin 267

Google Analytics 406

gradebook 293

grades 293

configuring 293

gradebook, configuring 293-295

high-level overview 294

Gravatars 123

grouped text fields 385


H5P content types 283

hardware requirements

CPUs 4

disk space 3

memory 4

network 4


customizing 218, 219

high-level permissions

overview 172

home page

customizing 207, 208

replacing 210

Site home settings, modifying 208-210

HTTPS conversion tool 520

reference link 431

HTTP security

configuring 431, 432

hyperlinked text fields 385


idiomas 331

import course data feature 508


reference link 499

IMS Enterprise file enrolment 108

inbound messaging

configuring 327, 328

incentive 303

managing 303

individual certificates 310

inheritance 175

inline frame (iframe) 366

installer script 12

integration plugin 253

internal authentication methods 156

email-based self-registration 157-160

manual account authentication 156, 157

internal enrolment, course enrolment 95

guest access 98, 99

manual enrolment 95, 96

self-enrolment 97, 98

internal reports 379

internal repository 343

internal repository plugins

embedded files 344

legacy course files 344

private files 344

recent files 344

server files 344

Internet Information Services (IIS) 463

IP addresses

allowing 432, 433

blocking 432, 433


JavaScript caching 477



reference link 516


LAMP environment

Moodle installation 6

LAMP stack 6

language caching 476

language import utility 333

language packs 331-333

language configuration 332

language strings 332

languages 331

customizing 336-338

language settings

configuring 334, 335

LDAP authentication

reference link 163

LDAP enrolments 104, 105

LDAP server 160

data mapping 162

settings 161

learning plans 306

reference link 193

Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) 284

legally binding contract 446

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) 104, 362, 422

Linux 33

live logs 403

locale 330

localization 330

local plugin 255

log-based reports 377

working with 399-403

logging 398

login pathway

customizing 206, 207

log manager 398

log store plugin 398

log stores 398

LTI Advantage 284

LTI platform

Moodle, acting as 284, 285

LTI tool

Moodle, acting as 286-288



reference link 554


manual account authentication 156, 157

Matamo 406

MaxMind GeoLite database

URL 403

media players 226, 227

testing 227

media recorders 228, 229

messaging 324, 328

inbound messaging 327, 328

outbound messaging 325, 326

meta courses 109-111

enrolment options 110, 111

scenarios 109

Microsoft Active Directory (MS-AD) 362

middleware 536


dealing with 447

digital age of consent, verifying 447, 448

sites, as majority of users 447

sites, as minority of users 447

mobile devices

Moodle, accessing from 356-358

Module context 181

roles, assigning 181


app plans 354, 355

as LTI platform I 284

as LTI platform II 285, 286

as LTI tool 286-288

as LTI tool I 287

as LTI tool II 287

download link 8

passwords, configuring 420-423

predefined roles, exploring 172

reference link 354

used, for limiting created content 426

web browser view 356


reference link 7

Moodle Academy

reference link 40

Moodle accessibility

content accessibility 247

content accessibility 246-248

ensuring 244

reference link 244

system accessibility 244, 245

theme accessibility 245, 246

Moodle activities

chat optimization 467

filter settings 468

forum optimization 468

gradebook optimization 466

Moodle administrator

admin bookmarks 38

admin menu 36

admin search 37

block drawer 37

docs and help 38-41

edit mode toggle 37

navigating 36, 37

search facility 37

site menu 36

user menu 36

Moodle admin tools. See  admin tools

Moodle Analytics 407, 414

components 408

machine learning-based models 407

setting up 409, 410

static models 407

workflow 408

Moodle app

accessing, from mobile devices 356-358

appearance, customizing 372

authenticating on 361-364

configuring 364

enabling 359

installing 360

login logo, changing 372, 373

look and feel, changing via remote themes 373

mobile app policy, configuring 371

mobile features, configuring 365-367

mobile notifications, configuring 368-370

preparing, to use 356

Moodle appearance

customizing 206

dashboard, customizing 215, 216

header, customizing 218, 219

home page, customizing 207, 208

login pathway, customizing 206, 207

My courses, customizing 211-213

user profile page, customizing 216, 217

Moodle architecture 31

Apache 33

code and data locations 35, 36

elements, interacting with 34

LAMP framework 32

Moodle Core 32

Moodle Core layer 34, 35

Moodle plugins 32

MySQL 33

operating system 33

PHP 33

Moodle Backup Format 502

Moodle backups 513

Moodle coding

reference link 269

Moodle component

accessibility 204

appearance 204

themes 204

Moodle concepts

high-level overview 54, 55

Moodle Core 32-35

Moodle courses 53

activities 56

categories 57

creating 57, 58

exploring 55

resources 55

sample content 56

moodledata 11, 12

Moodle database 513

Moodle data directory 514

Moodle Docs page

reference link 262

Moodle editor 222-226

Moodle feature performance

activities, optimizing 466, 467

functions, optimizing 465, 466

optimizing 465

Moodle file management 41

file types 48

file, uploading 43, 44

interface 41-45

private files 46

to copy 46, 47

to link 46, 47

Moodle functions

course backups 465

home page courses 466

log files 466

optimizing 465

roles and users 466

statistics 466

user selector 466

Moodle HQ 2

Moodle hub (MNet hub) 550

setting up 560, 561

Moodle installation

hardware requirements 3, 4

preparing 1

prerequisites 3

setup, selecting 2

setup selection criteria 2, 3

software requirements 4, 5

via command-line interface 19, 21

Moodle installation, in LAMP

command line, using 11

cron process, setting up 17

finalizing 18, 19

hosted server, using 10

installer script, running 12-17

Moodle database, creating 10

Moodle data directory, creating 11, 12

Moodle, downloading 8, 9

performing 6

Moodle LMS 33

Moodle logging framework 378, 393, 394

Moodle look and feel elements

exploring 204-206

MoodleNet 549

enabling 561-563

Moodle networking (MNet) 549

enabling 551, 552

prerequisites configuring 551

required PHP extensions checking 551

single sign-on (SSO) 550

topologies 550

Moodle performance 461, 462

content performance 464

database performance 462

hardware performance 464

JMeter support 490-492

monitoring 487

network performance 464

operating system performance 462

Performance info 487, 489

PHP performance 463

profiling 487

Tideways profiling 489, 490

web server performance 463

Moodle plugin 32, 252

overview 252-256

reference link 258

URL 32

used, for installing plugin 258, 259

Moodle plugins database 264

reference link 453

Moodle privacy 436

Moodle roadmap

reference link 6

Moodle roles 53

defining 64, 65

exploring 63

inserting, into context 63, 64

Moodle security

checks, inspecting 419

issues 416

notifications, configuring 417

notifications, setting up 417, 418

overview 415-417

Moodle shell. See Moosh

Moodle statistics 378

gathering 404-406

Moodle system performance

cron, managing 479, 480

global search, configuring 483-486

optimizing 478

scheduled tasks, managing 479-483

session handling 478, 479

system paths, setting 486

Moodle theme

advanced settings 241, 242

customizing 239

feature settings 243

general settings 240

selecting 237, 238

types 238, 239

using 236, 237

Moodle Tracker

reference link 40

Moodle Universal Cache (MUC) 469, 470

cache definitions 473-475

cache stores 471-473

cache types 470

configuring 475

factors impacting configuration 475

testing 476

Moodle update process

notifications, updating 27, 28

performing 21, 22

performing manually 23-26

performing, via CLI 26, 27

Moodle users 53

account, adding 60-62

authentication and enrolment 59

enroling 62, 63

exploring 59

Moodle versions 5

long-term support release 5

major versions 5

minor versions 5

reference link 5

standard support release 5

Moodle video and audio content

enabling 226

media players 226, 227

media recorders 228, 229

Moodle web services. See  web services

Moodle Workplace 33

reference link 33, 70

Moodle Workplace sharing entities 574

Shared content feature 575

Shared space feature 575, 576

Moodle Workplace tenants 572

properties 572

tenant admins 574

users, assigning 573

Moosh 9, 264, 519, 530

commands 531

examples 530

URL 264

working with 531

Moove 406

multi-authentication 151

Multilang upgrade 520

multilingual content

supporting 338

multiple roles

users, assigning to 184


definition 566

features 567

high-level view 566

Moodle Workplace sharing entities 572, 574

Moodle Workplace tenants 572

potential impacts 567

reference link 572, 576

sharing 567

supporting, in Moodle Workplace 571, 572

supporting, via categories 568, 569

supporting, via centralized code base 569-571

Mustache template 242

reference link 242

My courses

configuring 214, 215

course navigation 214

customizing 211-213

My Moodle 215

MySQL 33



URL 403

network caching 477

network peers

peer services, configuring 555

profile fields, configuring 556


OAuth 2 166

reference link 168


reference link 463

Open Authorization (OAuth) 362

openSSL 551

operating system 33

Ouriginal plugin 291

outbound messaging

configuring 325, 326

override permissions

reference link 184


allowing 199

overriding 175

Overview Statistics

reference link 406


password salting 422

payment account

creating 112

payment systems 111

PayPal gateway

configuring 113

peer-to-peer networks 550

MNet authentication, enabling 557

network enrolment, configuring 559, 560

network peers, adding 553, 554

Network servers block 558, 559

roaming, turning on 557, 558

setting up 553

Performance info 487, 489

permission checker 196, 197

permissions 187

tweaking 190

PHP 33, 416

PHP extensions

compulsory extensions 4

conditional extensions 4

recommended extensions 4

phpMyAdmin 10

PHP profiling

reference link 490

PHPUnit tests 520

Piwik 406

plagiarism prevention, content creation features

configuring 291

plugin 269

data storing 255

installing, from Moodle plugin 258, 259

installing, from ZIP file 260

installing, via command line 264

organizational criteria 270, 271

plugin directory

options 256

reference link 256, 269

plugin evaluation criteria 268

backup and restore support 269

code 269

data privacy 269

developer 269

documentation 268

forum posts 268

level of support 268

official approval 269

popularity 268

ratings 268

standalone 269

versions 269

plugin privacy compliance registry 453

plugin subtype 253

plugin type 253

reference link 253


creating 442-444

features 441

managing 440, 441

minors, dealing with 447

site policy handler, selecting 442

updating 444, 445

user agreements, monitoring 446


managing 349-352

plugins 350, 351

predefined roles

exploring 172

privacy officer

designating 438-440

profile spam

preventing 424

programs 111

reference link 111

push reports 390


question bank features 298

question behaviors 298

question creator role

reference link 193

question sharer role

reference link 193

question types 298


configuring 297

question bank and quiz activity, customizing 298, 299

Safe Exam Browser, enabling 299-302


read-only view

advantages 163

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) 329

RecordRTC 228

Recycle bin 48-50

options 49

working 50, 51

remote themes

Moodle app’s look and feel, changing 373

replacement values 144


audiences 389

building 383, 384

fields (columns), configuring 384-386

scheduling 390, 391

settings 382, 383

settings (rows), configuring 387

report builder 391

workflow 379, 380

report generator 378

report sources 379, 380

badges 382

cohorts 382

course participants 382

courses 382

selecting 380

tags 382

task logs 382

users 382

repositories 342

managing 342-344

repository caching 477

repository plugin

states 343

request cache 471

resources 55

Restriction by language

reference link 281

risks 188

role assignment

best practices 202

roles 171-173

assigning, in Block context 182, 183

assigning, in Course Category context 179

assigning, in Course context 179-181

assigning, in Front page context 183

assigning, in Module context 181

assigning, in System context 177-179

assigning, in User context 183, 184

assigning, to users 176, 177

default roles, assigning 200, 201

definitions 185, 186

designing, with capability risks 188

modifying 188-190

overriding 190, 191

structure 185

roles assignments

allowing 199

RSS caching 477

RSS feeds

configuring 329


Safe Exam Browser (SEB)

access rules 301

enabling 299, 300

templates 300

URL 299

Sassy CSS (SCSS) 241

scope 174

service 535

service provider-based authentication 166-169

session cache 471

settings (rows) configuration options, report

card view 389

conditions 387

filters 388

sorting 388, 389

Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) 302

configuring 302

Shared content, Moodle Workplace 575

Shared space, Moodle Workplace 575, 576

Shibboleth 165

reference link 165

single sign-on (SSO) 160, 362

Site 175

site admin presets 519, 521, 524

applying 523

creating 522, 523

workflow 521, 522

site badges 308

site errors 403, 404

Site home 207

modifying 208-210

parameters 209

site-level backups 495

automated backups, configuring 510, 511

backup reports and notifications 511, 512

backup strategy 512

managing 510

skill 303

managing 303

snapshots 513, 514

creating 514

software requirements

database 4


PHP extensions 4

web server 4

standard log store 398

Standard Moodle features 521

standard text 144

standard user actions

bulk user actions 132-135

performing 127

users, browsing 128, 129

users, filtering 129-132

static certificate elements 313

adding 313

certificate border 313

certificate image 313

certificate text 313

string identifiers (string IDs) 367

supervised learning 408

support contact 330

synchronous communication 320

instant messaging (Chat) 320-322

web conferencing (BigBlueButton) 322, 323

system accessibility 244, 245

system authentication methods 169

features 169

System context 177

roles, assigning 177-179

system-level backups 496

managing 513

Moodle backups 513

snapshots 513, 514

system plugin 253

system reports 378

system security

access to dataroot, configuring 429

cron execution, protecting 430

ensuring 429

HTTP security, configuring 431, 432

IP addresses, allowing 432, 433

IP addresses, blocking 432, 433


tag area 278

tag collections 278

tagging 276

tags 276

configuring 277-279

target types 230

block 230

page 230

selector 230

Template library 520

template modifiers 144

tenant admins 574

tenant authentication, configuring 574

tenant branding, adjusting 574

tenant dashboards, creating 574

tenant roles, managing 574

tenant users 573

text file format 137

text file format, data fields types

cohort fields 140

custom profile fields 139

enrolment fields 139, 140

optional fields 138, 139

password value 138

required field 138

special fields 140

system role 140

theme accessibility 245, 246

theme caching 477

theme presets 242

third-party add-ons

certificate module, installing via Git 262-264

installing 258

plugin, installing via command line 264

uninstalling 266, 267

Video Time plugin, installing via web interface 258

Zoom meeting plugin, installing manually 261, 262

third-party plugin 256

installation method 265

managing 257

updating 265

Tideways profiling 489

time zones

configuring 341, 342

TinyMCE 222

topics 56

topologies, Moodle networking

Moodle hub 550, 560, 561

peer-to-peer 550, 553

Turnitin plugin 291


UI component library 520

unique ID (UID) 374

user accounts

bulk upload 136

bulk user upload 136

creating 135

individual users, adding 136

user data, updating 136

user pictures upload 146, 148

user agreement 446

user authentication

configuring 151

exploring 151, 152

external authentication methods 160

internal authentication methods 156

managing 152-154

service provider-based authentication 166-169

settings 154, 155

system authentication methods 169

user context 183

roles, assigning 183, 184

user data 501

user pictures upload

workflow 146-148

user policies settings

modifying 200

user preferences 126, 127

user profile fields 118

Additional names 123

creating 124

General 119, 120

Interests 123

Optional 124

parameters 126

types 124, 125

User picture 122, 123

user profile fields, General profile element

authentication method, selecting 120

city/town 121

description 121

email address 121

email display 121

first name and surname 121

MoodleNet profile 121

new password 120

suspended account 120

timezone 121

username 120

user profile page 216

customizing 216, 217


assigning, to multiple roles 184

roles, assigning to 176, 177

user security

ensuring 420

spam, preventing 424, 425

user details, protecting 423, 424

user security, Moodle

elements 420

user tours

creating 231-233

exporting 236

importing 236

steps, adding 234-236

used, for creating walk-throughs 230, 231

user tours, steps

elements 234, 235

user upload

reference link 136


validation certificate elements 315

adding 315

certificate code 315

digital signatures 315-317

VideoJS 227

Video Time

reference link 228

Video Time plugin

installing, via web interface 258

Vimeo 228



creating, with user tours 230, 231

Web Analytics

reference link 406

web interface

used, for installing Video Time plugin 258

web server 416

web services 534

authentication plugin 535

configuring 536-539

enabling, for external systems 541, 544

enabling, for users 547, 548

protocols 535, 539

web services, for external systems

developer documentation, enabling 544

enabling 540

functions, adding 541

service, selecting 540, 541

specific user, creating 540

specific user, selecting 542, 543

testing 544-546

tokens, creating for users 543

user capability, checking 540

web traffic analysis

support, adding to Moodle 406

Workplace certificate manager 309

workplace course certificate

reference link 264

wwwroot 9



XMLDB editor 520

xmlrpc 551


year-end procedure

planning 515, 516


ZIP file

used, for installing plugin 260

Zoom meeting plugin 261

installing, manually 261, 262

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