Additional Ideas for Using AutoFill

AutoFill can be handy for helping you type less and browse more. Since many websites ask for your email address, create a second email account specifically for giving out to strangers, and store this second email account in the Contacts app. That way, each time a site asks for your email address, you can let AutoFill type in your second email account so you don't accidentally type your main email account that's reserved for your more crucial contacts.

If you're going to use the AutoFill password feature, make sure you set your four-digit passcode (see Chapter 8), which can prevent strangers from accessing your iPad. If they can't access Safari on your iPad, thieves or strangers can't take advantage of the password AutoFill feature either.

AutoFill is a handy feature that can make your iPad browsing experience faster and less annoying, but use it carefully to make sure someone else can't impersonate you over the Internet.

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