Additional Ideas for Listening to Audio Files

Many people just listen to songs or podcasts, but there's no reason why you can't play different types of audio files, such as playing a few songs, then playing a motivational seminar, playing a few more songs, then playing part of an audio book, and so on. By mixing up the types of audio files you hear, you won't get bored hearing the same type of audio, and you can take a break from listening to music and actually learn something from an audiobook or iTunes U course.

Although most people listen to audio files created by someone else, there's no reason why you can't create your own audio files, load them into iTunes, and then transfer them to your iPad. Record motivational speeches from yourself that you can listen to throughout the day to help you pursue a specific goal, such as sticking to a diet or quitting cigarette smoking. If you're learning a foreign language, record audio files of phrases and words or entire conversations so you can practice listening to that language.

With the iPad, you have your choice of blasting your audio files through the iPad's speakers or plugging in headphones and listening to your audio files in private. However you choose to enjoy your audio files, your iPad can help you take your audio files wherever you go and enjoy listening to them at any time.

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