HTTP display filters

Some common HTTP display filters are as follows:

  • Display all HTTP packets going to hostname:
    • http.request.method == <"Request methods">
  • Packets with HTTP GET methods:
    • http.request.method == "GET"
  • Display URI requested by client:
    • http.request.method == <"Full request URI">
    • http.request.uri == "/v2/rating/"
  • Display URI requested by client that contains a specific string (all requests to Google in this example):
    • http.request.uri contains "URI String"
    •  http.request.uri contains ""
  • All cookie requests sent over the network (note that cookies are always sent from the client to the server):
    • http.cookie
  • All cookie set commands sent from the server to the client:
    • http.set_cookie
  • All cookies sent by Google servers to your PC:
    • (http.set_cookie) && (http contains "google")
  • All HTTP packets that contain a ZIP file:
    • http matches ".zip" && http.request.method == "GET"
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