3xx codes – redirection

The 3xx codes indicate that a redirection action needs to be taken in order to complete the request. They are described in detail here:


Event name



Multiple choices

The address in the request was resolved to several choices, and the accepting server can forward it to one of them. The UA can use the addresses in the contact header field for automatic redirection, or confirm it with the sender before redirecting the message.


Moved permanently

The user could not be located at the address in the Request URI, and the requesting client should try at the address provided in the contact header field. The sender should update its local directories with the change.


Moved temporarily

The requesting client should retry the request at the new address/addresses provided in the contact header field.


Use proxy

The requested resource must be accessed through the proxy, whose address is given by the contact field.


Alternative service

The call was not successful, so the recipient sends this response for alternative services to be made available on the receiver. These services are described in the message body.

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