Video over IP and RTSP

As per the internet report published by internet Society, more than 70% of global consumer internet traffic is IP video traffic. In the world of entertainment and education, video content is very prevalent and leverages the maturity of IP network by using IP as transport media for video content delivery. Various codecs are used to encode the video content into bit streams and use RTP as the transport protocol for end-to-end video data delivery.

The video traffic can be streaming video or can be a one-to-one video call. While in either of the cases, RTP is used as the protocol for video data packets, different control plane signaling protocols can be used to establish the video call sessions. For example:

  • SIP can be used as the signaling protocol for video calls
  • RTSP can be used as signaling protocol for streaming video.

In this recipe, we will discuss about both the options and see how Wireshark can be used to analyze the normal operation.

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