Getting ready

Open the drop-down menu under the y axis, as shown in the following screenshot:

You will get the following options for the y axis:

  • SUM (Y Field): Draws a graph with the summary of a parameter in the tick interval
  • COUNT FRAMES (Y Field): Draws a graph that counts the occurrence of the filtered frames in the time interval
  • COUNT FIELDS (Y Field): Draws a graph that counts the occurrence of the filtered fields in the time interval
  • MAX (Y Field): Draws a graph with the average of a parameter in the time interval
  • MIN (Y Field): Draws a graph with the minimum of a parameter in the time interval
  • AVG (Y Field): Draws a graph with the average of a parameter in the time interval
  • LOAD (Y Field): Used for response time graphs

In the Y Field, you can set the parameters that you want to view.

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