Table of Contents








Chapter 1. Joint Diversity and Beamforming for Downlink Communications

1.1. Introduction

1.2. Space diversity versus beamforming

1.3. Signal model

1.4. Beamforming by SNR maximization

1.5. Combining transmit diversity and beamforming

1.6. Minimum variance criterion

1.7. Minimum BER criterion

1.8. Conclusion

1.9. Bibliography


Chapter 2. Acoustic Antennas for Biomedical and Industrial Ultrasonic Imaging

2.1. Introduction

2.2. Basic ultrasonic transducers

2.3. Transducer arrays

2.4. Piezoelectric material issues

2.5. Modeling, design and characterization of ultrasonic antennas

2.6. High frequency (HF) acoustic antennas for biomedical microscanning applications

2.7. New acoustic antennas based on technology of capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers

2.8. Conclusion

2.9. Bibliography


Chapter 3. Space-time Exploration for Airborne Radars

3.1. Introduction

3.2. Colored space-time exploration

3.3. Interleaved scanning

3.4. Wideband GMTI

3.5. Conclusion

3.6. Bibliography


Chapter 4. Multifunction Antenna System Concepts: Opportunity for Ultra-wideband Radars?

4.1. Multifunction radio frequency (RF) systems

4.2. Multifunction RF systems and Ultra-Wideband (UWB) radars

4.3. Conclusion

4.4. Bibliography




Chapter 5. From a Molecule to an Electro-optic Antenna

5.1. Introduction

5.2. Synthesis of the electro-optic polymer

5.3. Antenna design

5.4. Device fabrication and poling

5.5. Experimental setup

5.6. Results

5.7. Conclusion

5.8. Acknowledgments

5.9. Bibliography


Chapter 6. Terahertz Broadband Micro-antennas for Continuous Wave Imaging

6.1. Introduction

6.2. UWB THz antennas for superconducting hot electron bolometers

6.3. High-impedance THz antennas for semiconducting bolometers

6.4. Conclusion

6.5. Acknowledgments

6.6. Bibliography


Chapter 7. Dual Frequency Millimeter Feed

7.1. Introduction

7.2. Overview

7.3. Technology and first design

7.4. Optimization and final design

7.5. The whole antenna: horn + reflector

7.6. Comparison to measurements

7.7. Conclusion

7.8. Acknowledgment

7.9. Bibliography


Chapter 8. Reconfigurable Printed Antennas

8.1. Introduction

8.2. Active antennas

8.3. Active components used for reconfiguration

8.4. Printed antennas and compact antennas

8.5. Frequency reconfigurable antennas

8.6. Radiation pattern reconfiguration

8.7. Polarization agile antennas

8.8. Self-adjusting antennas

8.9. Conclusion

8.10. Acknowledgments

8.11. Bibliography


Chapter 9. Wideband Antennas and Artificial Magnetic Conductors

9.1. Introduction

9.2. Wideband antenna and metamaterial

9.3. How to characterize an artificial magnetic conductor?

9.4. Narrow bandwidth antenna above an AMC

9.5. Wideband antenna placed above an AMC

9.6. Very wideband antenna placed above an AMC

9.7. Conclusions

9.8. Acknowledgments

9.9. Bibliography


Chapter 10. High Impedance Surface Close to a Radiating Dipole

10.1. Introduction

10.2. Antenna study

10.3. Analysis of the phenomena

10.4. Phenomenological model of the radiating array

10.5. Conclusion

10.6. Bibliography




Chapter 11. Advanced Processing for DOA Estimation

11.1. Introduction

11.2. Observation model, problem formulation and standard MUSIC method

11.3. Non-selective advanced DOA estimation techniques

11.4. Selective advanced DOA estimation methods

11.5. Conclusion

11.6. Bibliography


Chapter 12. Multifunction Airborne Antennas

12.1. Introduction

12.2. Functions performed by the principal sensors of a fighter aircraft

12.3. Technique of active antennas

12.4. Multifunction antennas

12.5. Model for the antenna

12.6. Potential prospects

12.7. Conclusion

12.8. Bibliography


Chapter 13. Active Sonar: Port/Starboard Discrimination on Very Low Frequency Triplet Arrays

13.1. Introduction

13.2. Port/starboard beamforming on a triplet array

13.3. Adaptive beamforming on a triplet array for reverberation reduction

13.4. Bibliography


Chapter 14. Airborne High Precision Location of Radiating Sources

14.1. Introduction

14.2. Problem formulation

14.3. Description of lab experiment

14.4. Conclusion

14.5. Bibliography


Chapter 15. Ground-based Deformable Antennas

15.1. Introduction

15.2. Impact of antenna distortions on radar systems

15.3. Instrumentation of deformable antennas

15.4. Compensation with knowledge of the antenna shape

15.5. Experimentation on a deformable antenna mock-up

15.6. Conclusion

15.7. Bibliography


Chapter 16. Automatic Take-off and Landing System

16.1. Introduction

16.2. State of the art

16.3. MAGIC ATOLS main features

16.4. Radar features

16.5. MAGIC ATOLS processing for low elevation measurement

16.6. On the field experimental results

16.7. Conclusion

16.8. Bibliography


Chapter 17. Anti-jamming for Satellite Navigation

17.1. Satellite navigation principles

17.2. Vulnerability of the GNSS signals

17.3. GNSS antennas

17.4. Anti-jamming principles

17.5. Antenna and associated electronics integration

17.6. New functions associated with the antenna array

17.7. Conclusion

17.8. Bibliography




Chapter 18. Ultra-wideband Antenna Systems

18.1. Introduction

18.2. The principles implemented through two applications

18.3. The ultra-wideband antennas

18.4. Limitations of a mono-source device: implementation of multi-source devices with optoelectronic excitation

18.5. Pulse antenna systems in high power microwaves

18.6. Conclusion

18.7. Bibliography


Chapter 19. Co-design of the Antenna with LNA for Ultra-wideband Applications

19.1. The interest in co-design

19.2. Low noise amplifier

19.3. The antenna

19.4. Co-design methodology

19.5. Protocols and measurement results

19.6. Bibliography


Chapter 20. Vector Spherical Harmonic Modeling of 3D-antenna Radiation Function or an UWB-RT Simulator

20.1. Introduction

20.2. Deterministic channel model based on ray tracing

20.3. Antenna vector function description via VSH

20.4. Immediate RT tool application

20.5. Conclusions

20.6. Bibliography


List of Authors



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