Scripts Menu

Entourage works well with AppleScript and Automator—so well that it reserves an entire menu for scripts and workflows. You can use one of the included scripts, and you can add your own scripts to this menu.

About this Menu

Opens a dialog box containing a short description of the Scripts Menu and a button that opens the Word Script Menu Items folder.

Create Event from Message

Attaches the selected message’s text to a new Entourage Event (a nifty trick if the message contains, for example, directions to a party). Keyboard shortcut: Control-E.

Create Note from Message

Attaches the selected message’s text to a new Entourage Note. Keyboard shortcut: Control-N.

Create Task from Message

Attaches the selected message’s text to a new Task. Keyboard shortcut: Control-T.

Insert Text File

Lets you insert a text file. Browse to the file you wish to insert, select it, and its text appears in your message.

Open E-mail Folder

Opens your Microsoft User Data folder in the Finder. This is useful for locating your email files for backup.

Save Selection

Saves your current message to a folder in the Finder.

Sample Automator Workflows

Displays a submenu with a collection of Automator workflows from which to choose.

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