Modifying for Navigate

If our modification creates a new table that will contain posted data and the records contain both Document No. and Posting Date fields, we can include this new table in the Navigate function.

The C/AL Code for Navigate functionality based on PostingDate + DocumentNo. is found in the FindRecords and FindExtRecords functions of Page 344 - Navigate. The following screenshot shows the segment of the Navigate CASE statement code for the CheckLedgerEntry table:

The code checks READPERMISSION. If that permission is enabled for this table, then the appropriate filtering is applied. Next, there is a call to the InsertIntoDocEntry function, which fills the temporary table that is displayed in the Navigate page. If we wish to add a new table to the Navigate function, we must replicate this functionality for our new table.

In addition, we must add the code that will call up the appropriate page to display the records that Navigate finds. This code should be inserted in the ShowRecords function trigger of the Navigate page, modeling on the applicable section of code in this function (that is, choose the code set that best fits our new tables). Making a change like this, when appropriate, will not only provide a powerful tool for our users, but also provide a powerful tool for us as developers.

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