Review questions

  1. Client Add-ins must be written in what language? Choose one:

a) C#


c) A suitable .NET language


  1. The C/Side Testing tools allow the implementation of regression tests. True or False?
  2. You can enhance the Navigate function to include new tables that have been added to the system as part of an enhancement. True or False?
  3. Both, source code changes and setting Debugger Breaks can only be done in the C/AL Editor. True or False?
  4. NAV 2017 modifications should always be delivered to customers in the form of text files. True or False?
  5. Which of the following defines the Client Add-in feature? Choose one:

a) The ability to add a new client of your own design to NAV 2017

b) A tool to provide for extending the RTC User Interface behavior

c) A special calculator feature for the RTC client

d) A new method for mapping Customers to Contacts

  1. Designing to minimize disk I/O in NAV is not important because SQL Server takes care of everything. True or False?
  2. NAV's multi-language capability allows an installation to have multiple languages active at one time. True or False?
  3. Custom C/AL code is not allowed to call functions that exist in the base Microsoft created for NAV objects. True or False?
  4. Which of the following are good coding practices? Choose three:

a) Careful naming

b) Good documentation

c) Liberal use of wildcards

d) Design for ease of upgrading

  1. The Help files for NAV cannot be customized by Partner or ISV developers. True or False?
  2. Which one of the following provides access to several libraries of functions for various purposes widely used throughout the NAV system? Choose one:

a) Codeunit 412-Common Dialog Management

b) Codeunit 408-Dimension Management

c) Codeunit 396-NoSeriesManagement

d) Codeunit 1-Application Management

  1. When planning a new NAV development project, it is good to focus the design on the data structure, required data accesses, validation, and maintenance. True or False?
  2. The Navigate feature can be used for which of the following? Choose three:

a) Auditing by a professional accountant

b) User analysis of data processing

c) Reversing posting errors

d) Debugging

  1. The NAV 2017 Debugger allows the value of Watched Variables to be changed in the middle of a debugging session. True or False?
  2. The NAV 2017 Debugger runs as a separate session. True or False?
  3. The C/Side Testing tools support which of the following? Choose four:

a) Positive testing

b) Negative testing

c) Automated testing

d) C# test viewing

e) TestIsolation (roll-back) testing

  1. NAV 2017 includes a flexible multi-currency feature that allows transactions to begin in one currency and conclude in a different currency. True or False?
  2. NAV does not support linked SQL Server databases. True or False?
  3. Simple debugging can be done without use of the Debugger. True or False?
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