
  1. What is a dashboard?
    1. It's a collection of report tables
    2. It's a report with a chart
    3. It's a report chart
    4. It is a collection of charts that come from different reports
  2. What is a dashboard component?
    1. It's a collection of report tables
    2. It's a report with a chart
    3. It's a report charted within a dashboard
    4. It is a collection of charts that come from different reports
  3. A component:
    1. Can have more than one source report
    2. Can be replaced with a lightning component
    3. Can be added anywhere in the dashboard grid
    4. Can be resized within the dashboard grid
  4. A dashboard viewed as Me:
    1. Means that any user running the dashboard will see components results as if the current user is running it
    2. Means that any user running the dashboard will see components results as if they are running it
    3. Means that any user can change the running user and see data as any other user in the org
  5. It is possible to use the chart on a source report instead of creating a new chart from the dashboard component:
    1. True; you can do this using the User chart settings from report
    2. False; source reports cannot have a chart
  1. All available charting types for reports are available on dashboard components:
    1. True
    2. False
    3. False; some are not available (such as gauge or metric charts)
    4. True; plus gauge and metric charts and lightning tables that are specific to dashboard components
  2. Regarding Chatter feeds and dashboards:
    1. You can use Chatter within dashboards
    2. You can post a component's picture as a Chatter post
    3. Chatter feed is not available for the dashboard object
    4. Only reports can be shared on Chatter
  3. Any dashboard can become an embedded dashboard on a lightning page unless:
    1. It is stored on a private folder
    2. It is stored on a public folder
    3. Reports are not viewable by the current user
    4. Reports are not manageable by the current user
  4. Dashboard filters are applied to any component, unless:
    1. The filter has been created before the component was created and it refers to fields that are not available for that source report
    2. The filter has been created after the component was created and it refers to fields that are not available for that source report
    3. The folder is not shared with the running user
    4. The folder is shared with the running user
  5. You should subscribe to a filter if:
    1. You want to automatically refresh it on a daily/monthly/weekly basis.
    2. You want to notify viewers by Chatter on a daily/monthly/weekly basis
    3. You want to notify editors by Chatter on a daily/monthly/weekly basis
    4. You want to receive a recap by email on a daily/monthly/weekly basis
  6. Dashboard and report folders can be shared with:
    1. Profiles
    2. Roles
    3. Users
    4. Groups
    5. Queues
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