


1. Evolution of Microprocessors

1.1 Early Integrated Circuits

1.2 4-Bit Microprocessors

1.3 8-Bit Microprocessors

1.4 16-Bit Microprocessors

1.5 32-Bit Microprocessors

1.6 Recent Microprocessors

1.7 Microcontrollers and Digital Signal Processors

2. Fundamentals of a Computer

2.1 Calculator

2.2 Computer

2.3 Microcomputer

2.4 Computer Languages


3. Number Representation

3.1 Unsigned Binary Integers

3.2 Signed Binary Integers

3.3 Representation of Fractions

3.4 Signed Floating Point Numbers


4. Fundamentals of Microprocessor

4.1 History of Microprocessors

4.2 Description of 8085 Pins

4.3 Programmer's View of 8085: Need for Registers

4.4 Accumulator or Register A

4.5 Registers B, C, D, E, H, And L


5. First Assembly Language Program

5.1 Problem Statement

5.2 About the Microprocessor Kit

5.3 Using the Microprocessor Kit in Serial Mode


6. Data Transfer Group of Instructions

6.1 Classification of 8085 Instructions

6.2 Instruction Type MVI r, d8

6.3 Instruction Type Mov r1, r2

6.4 Instruction Type Mov r, m

6.5 Instruction Type Mov m, r

6.6 Instruction Type LXI rp, d16

6.7 Instruction Type MVI m, d8

6.8 Instruction Type LDA a16

6.9 Instruction Type STA a16

6.10 Instruction Type XCHG

6.11 Addressing Modes of 8085

6.12 Instruction Type LDAX rp

6.13 Instruction Type STAX rp

6.14 Instruction Type LHLD a16

6.15 Instruction Type SHLD a16


7. Arithmetic Group of Instructions

7.1 Instructions to Perform Addition

7.2 Instructions to Perform Subtraction

7.3 Instruction Type INX rp

7.4 Instruction Type DCX rp

7.5 Instruction Type DAD rp

7.6 Decimal Addition in 8085


8. Logical Group of Instructions

8.1 Instructions to Perform ‘and’ Operation

8.2 Instructions to Perform ‘or’ Operation

8.3 Instructions to Perform ‘EXCLUSIVE OR’ Operation

8.4 Instruction to Complement Accumulator

8.5 Instructions to Complement/Set ‘Cy’ Flag

8.6 Instructions to Perform Compare Operation

8.7 Instructions to Rotate Accumulator


9. NOP and Stack Group of Instructions

9.1 Stack and The Stack Pointer

9.2 Instruction Type POP rp

9.3 Instruction Type PUSH rp

9.4 Instruction Type LXI sp, d16

9.5 Instruction Type SPHL

9.6 Instruction Type XTHL

9.7 Instruction Type INX Sp

9.8 Instruction Type DCX Sp

9.9 Instruction Type DAD Sp

9.10 Instruction Type NOP


10. Branch Group of Instructions

10.1 More Details about Program Execution

10.2 Unconditional Jump Instructions

10.3 Conditional Jump Instructions

10.4 Unconditional Call and Return Instructions

10.5 Conditional Call Instructions

10.6 Conditional Return Instructions

10.7 RSTN – Restart Instructions


11. Chip Select Logic

11.1 Concept of Chip Selection

11.2 RAM Chip–Pin Details And Address Range

11.3 Multiple Memory Address Range

11.4 Working of 74138 Decoder IC

11.5 Use of 74138 to Generate Chip Select Logic

11.6 Use of 74138 in ALS-SDA-85M Kit


12. Addressing of I/O Ports

12.1 Need for I/O Ports

12.2 IN and OUT Instructions

12.3 Memory-Mapped I/O

12.4 I/O-Mapped I/O

12.5 Comparison of Memory-Mapped I/O and I/O-Mapped I/O


13. Architecture of 8085

13.1 Details of 8085 Architecture

13.2 Instruction Cycle

13.3 Comparison of Different Machine Cycles

13.4 Memory Speed Requirement

13.5 Wait State Generation



14. Simple Assembly Language Programs

14.1 Exchange 10 Bytes

14.2 Add two Multi-Byte Numbers

14.3 Add two Multi-Byte BCD Numbers

14.4 Block Movement without Overlap

14.5 Block Movement with Overlap

14.6 Add N Numbers of Size 8 Bits

14.7 Check the Fourth Bit of a Byte

14.8 Subtract two Multi-Byte Numbers

14.9 Multiply two numbers of Size 8 Bits

14.10 Divide a 16-Bit Number by an 8-Bit Number


15. Use of PC in Writing and Executing 8085 Programs

15.1 Steps Needed to Run an Assembly Language Program

15.2 Creation of .ASM File using a Text Editor

15.3 Generation of .OBJ File using a Cross-Assembler

15.4 Generation of .HEX File using a Linker

15.5 Downloading the Machine Code to the Kit

15.6 Running the Downloaded Program on the Kit

15.7 Running the Program using the PC as a Terminal


16. Additional Assembly Language Programs

16.1 Search for a Number using Linear Search

16.2 Find the Smallest Number

16.3 Compute the HCF of Two 8-Bit Numbers

16.4 Check for ‘2 out of 5’ Code

16.5 Convert ASCII to Binary

16.6 Convert Binary to ASCII

16.7 Convert BCD to Binary

16.8 Convert Binary to BCD

16.9 Check for Palindrome

16.10 Compute the LCM of Two 8-Bit Numbers

16.11 Sort Numbers using Bubble Sort

16.12 Sort Numbers using Selection Sort

16.13 Simulate Decimal up Counter

16.14 Simulate Decimal down Counter

16.15 Display Alternately 00 and FF in the Data Field

16.16 Simulate a Real-Time Clock


17. More Complex Assembly Language Programs

17.1 Subtract Multi-Byte BCD Numbers

17.2 Convert 16-Bit Binary to BCD

17.3 Do an operation on two Numbers Based on the Value of X

17.4 Do an operation on Two BCD Numbers Based on the Value of X

17.5 Bubble Sort in Ascending/Descending Order as per Choice

17.6 Selection Sort in Ascending/Descending Order as per Choice

17.7 Add Contents of N Word Locations

17.8 Multiply Two 8-Bit Numbers (Shift and Add Method)

17.9 Multiply two 2-Digit BCD Numbers

17.10 Multiply two 16-Bit Binary Numbers



18. Interrupts In 8085

18.1 Data Transfer Schemes

18.2 General Discussion about 8085 Interrupts

18.3 EI and DI Instructions

18.4 INTR and INTA* Pins

18.5 RST5.5 and RST6.5 Pins

18.6 RST7.5 Pin

18.7 Trap Interrupt Pin

18.8 Execution of ‘DAD rp’ Instruction

18.9 SIM and RIM Instructions

18.10 HLT Instruction

18.11 Programs using Interrupts


19. 8212 Non-Programmable 8-Bit I/O Port

19.1 Working of 8212

19.2 Applications of 8212


20. 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Chip

20.1 Description of 8255 PPI

20.2 Operational Modes of 8255

20.3 Control Port of 8255

20.4 Mode 1-Strobed I/O

20.5 Mode 2-Bi-Directional I/O


21. Programs using Interface Modules

21.1 Description of Logic Controller Interface

21.2 Successive Approximation ADC Interface

21.3 Dual Slope ADC Interface

21.4 Digital to Analog Converter Interface

21.5 Stepper Motor Interface



22. Interfacing of I/O Devices

22.1 Interfacing 7-Segment Display

22.2 Display Interface using Serial Transfer

22.3 Interfacing a Simple Keyboard

22.4 Interfacing a Matrix Keyboard

22.5 Description of Matrix Keyboard Interface

22.6 Intel 8279 Keyboard And Display Controller

22.7 Programs using 8279


23. Intel 8259A—Programmable Interrupt Controller

23.1 Need for an Interrupt Controller

23.2 Overview of the Working of 8259

23.3 Pins of 8259

23.4 Registers used in 8259

23.5 Programming the 8259 with no Slaves

23.6 Programming the 8259 with Slaves

23.7 Use of 8259 in an 8086-Based System

23.8 Architecture of 8259


24. Intel 8257—Programmable DMA Controller

24.1 Concept of Direct Memory Access (DMA)

24.2 Need for DMA Data Transfer

24.3 Description of 8257 DMA Controller Chip

24.4 Programming the 8257

24.5 Description of the Pins Of 8257

24.6 Working of the 8257 DMA Controller

24.7 State Diagram of 8085


25. Intel 8253—Programmable Interval Timer

25.1 Need for Programmable Interval Timer

25.2 Description of 8253 Timer

25.3 Programming the 8253

25.4 Mode 0–Interrupt On Terminal Count

25.5 Mode 1–Re-Triggerable Mono-Stable Multi

25.6 Mode 2–Rate Generator

25.7 Mode 3–Square Wave Generator

25.8 Mode 4–Software-Triggered Strobe

28.9 Mode 5–Hardware-Triggered Strobe

28.10 Use of 8253 in ALS-SDA-85 Kit


26. Intel 8251A—Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART)

26.1 Need for USART

26.2 Asynchronous Transmission

26.3 Asynchronous Reception

26.4 Synchronous Transmission

26.5 Synchronous Reception

26.6 Pin Description of 8251 USART

26.7 Programming the 8251

26.8 Use of SOD Pin of 8085 for Serial Transfer


27. Zilog Z-80 Microprocessor

27.1 Comparison of Intel 8080 with Intel 8085

27.2 Programmer's View of Z-80

27.3 Special Features of Z-80

27.4 Addressing Modes of Z-80

27.5 Special Instruction Types

27.6 Pins of Z-80

27.7 Interrupt Structure in Z-80

27.8 Programming Examples

27.9 Instruction Set Summary


28. Motorola M6800 Microprocessor

28.1 Pin Description of 6800

28.2 Programmer's View of 6800

28.3 Addressing Modes of 6800

28.4 Instruction Set of 6800

28.5 Interrupts of 6800

28.6 Programming Examples


29. 8051 Microcontroller

29.1 Main Features of Intel 8051

29.2 Functional Blocks of Intel 8051

29.3 Program Memory Structure

29.4 Data Memory Structure

29.5 Programmer's View of 8051

29.6 Addressing Modes of 8051

29.7 Instruction Set of 8051

29.8 Programming Examples


30. Advanced Topics in 8051

30.1 Interrupt Structure of 8051

30.2 Timers of 8051

30.3 Serial Interface

30.4 Structure and Operation of Ports

30.5 Power Saving Modes of 8051

30.6 Programming of Eprom in 8751BH




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