

A-frame shiploader, 680
abrasion index (AI), 170
accuracy, 109
precision, 122–4
schematic diagram, 123
adsorption, 367
Advanced Energy Dynamics Inc, 496
Aerial ropeways, 633
Aerobelt, 633
agglomeration, 460
air dry basis, 156, 157–8
air-fluidised beds, 292
Air Jigs, 464–5
air-swept hammer mill dryer, 509
air tables, 292–4, 464–5
ALCAN, 556
Allen’s equation, 405
Allflux Hydrosizer, 321
allochthanous coal, 67
alternative fluidised bed dryer design, 509
ammonia-based chemical comminution processes, 481–4
continuous process using aqueous ammonia, 483–4
proposed continuous chemical comminution process using ammonia liquid, 484
gaseous ammonia usage, 482–4
anionic polyelectrolyte flocculants, 544
anthracite, 72, 227
anti-settling additives, 398
architectural options, 595
AS4264.1, 125
as received analysis, 46
as received basis, 156, 157–8
analysis, 166
set up, 167
composition, 44
determination in coal, 159
fusibility, 166–9
characteristic specimen shapes, 169
heated specimen for analysis, 168
image analysis of heated specimens, 168
fusion temperature, 44, 75, 446
ASTM D 1412–93, 385
ASTM D 5263–93, 385
Audibert-Arnu dilatometer, 174
auger mining, 201
Ausenco Sandwell, 718
coal resources and reserves classifications, 82–4
relationship between mineral resources and mineral reserves, 83
autochthonous coal, 67
autogenous dense medium effect, 269–70
automation, 214–20
Finsch Diamond Mine, 217
New Bucyrus Plow, 216
Rio Tinto remote loading and haulage, 219
Zhangji Mine layout, 218
Zhungeer Mine, 216


Baby Capes, 721
balanced resources, 93
Baleen filter, 515
banana screens, 254–5
screen deck shape in a banana-style vibrating screen, 255
banded coal, 35
bar-code coal, 68
batch process, 482
electromagnetic, 490
Bayer Process, 556
bed moisture, 46
belt discharge drum filter, 546
belt press filter, 431, 551
bench scale study, 512–13
beneficiation, 484–97
electrical separators, 495–7
flotation options, 486–9
magnetic processes, 489–95
niche process designs, 485
bi-modal progeny, 481
bias, 109
bimaceral microlithotype, 70
Binderless Coal Briquettes (BCB), 522
Bingham equation, 407
biochemical degradation, 72
biodiesel, 355
bituminous coal, 72, 401
Bivitec Screen, 513
‘black box’ optimisation, 615, 626
blast furnace, 16
boghead coal, 69
Bond theory, 424
Boycott effect, 289–90
Bradford breakers See rotary breakers
bradpactor, 244–5
schematic diagram, 245
Brazil class, 721
breakaway size, 279
Bretby Vorsyl, 276
bridge type thickener, 536
briquetting, 460, 522–4
improving coke oven operations, 522–4
schematic representation of DAPS process, 523
schematic representation of hot briquetting stages of SCOPE21 process, 524
improving export coal handling characteristics, 522
schematic representation of BCB process, 522
Broadbent screen bowl centrifuge, 501–2
brown coal, 72
bucket wheel type barge unloader, 685
bulk materials
supply chain management in coal industry, 589–626
customer-related management aspects, 604–14
future trends, 625–6
implementation approach, 593–7
optimisation, 615–25
raw material value chain, 597–604


cable belt, 633
cake formation, 424
caking index, G, 171–2
reported result as mean of duplicate determinations, 173
calorific value (CV), 163–4, 445–6
conversion factors, 163
determination in coal, 164
Canadian Institute for Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM), 84
cannel coal, 68–9
Capesize Vessel, 711
capillary phenomena, 379–80
capillary pressure curve, 424
capital cost, 458
carbominerite, 70
carbon capture and storage (CCS), 11, 13–14, 236
carbonate carbon, 165
set up for analysing content in coal, 166
carbonate mineral, 65
carbonisation, 25
Cassie-Baxter equation, 350
Casson equation, 407
Cavitation-Tubes, 325–6
CCSEM, 78, 79
cement industry
coal use, 22–4
cement road map indicators, 24
dry feed cement manufacturing plant, 24
Cement Road Map, 23–4
Central Fuel Research Institute (CFRI), 488
Centribaric centrifuge, 427–8, 503–4
centrifugal filters, 423
centrifugal solid-liquid separation, 425–8
applications of centrifuges, 426
other centrifuge types, 428
screen bowl centrifuges, 427–8
screen scroll basket centrifuges, 426–7
solid bowl centrifuges, 428
vibrating basket centrifuges, 426
CFRI Oleo flotation process, 489
chain-and-bucket elevator system, 683–4
chamber filter press, 430
Chance process, 273
chemical aids, 438
chemical cleaning, 499–501
hydrofluoric acid process, 498
hypercoal process, 498
schematic representation, 499
hypercoal vs UCC process, 499–500
ultra-clean coal (UCC) process, 499
schematic representation, 500
Chinamax, 721–2
design characteristics, 722
CIM Standards, 84–5
circuit optimisation, 272–3
circuit variations, 328–31
circuits used to minimise losses of carbonaceous matter in coarse coal, 332
deslime circuit with additional classification, 330
traditional by-zero circuit, 328
circular motion screens
circular motion inclined screen, 253
circulating fluidised bed combustion (CFBC), 11
clay, 64
clay separation, 513–15
Baleen filter, 515
fine coal screens, 513
Bivitec screen, 514
Bivitec screening principle, 513
sieve bends, 514–15
cleanability index (CI), 575
coarse and small coal, 263–96
classification targets, 264–6
dense medium separation, 273–87
dry separation, 290–5
future trends, 295–6
technology options foe density separations, 266–7
theory, 267–73
wet gravity separation, 287–90
fine and ultrafine coal, 301–43
application of separation process, 303
dry fine coal separations, 338–42
fine gravity separators, 305–23
froth flotation technologies and circuit variations, 323–38
future trends, 342–3
typical fine coal cleaning circuit, 304
generic coal preparation plant, 264
sample layout with four parallel circuits, 265
Clockspeed, 593
closed water conventional circuitry, 461–2
coagulation, 424–5
coal, 347
classification, 48–50, 260–1
hydrocyclone operation, 260
ISO coal classification, 49
coarse and small, cleaning of, 263–96
dense medium separation, 273–87
dry separation, 290–5
future trends, 295–6
theory, 267–73
wet gravity separation, 287–90
fine and ultrafine, cleaning of, 301–43
dry fine coal separations, 338–42
fine gravity separators, 305–23
froth flotation technologies and circuit variations, 323–38
future trends, 342–3
industrial use, 3–29
cement industry, 22–4
conversion, 24–8
in situ gasification, 28–9
ironmaking blast furnace, 7
power generation industry, 9–15
steel industry, 15–22
utilisation milestones, 5
poorly liberated, 458–61
Australian vacuum disk filter, 460
Derrick stack sizer technology, 461
Plate and frame pressure filter, 460
South African fine DMC circuitry, 459
post-treatment, 467–528
beneficiation, 484–97
chemical cleaning, 499–501
chemically treating raw coal for liberation, 481–4
clay separation, 513–15
coal quality characteristics, 469–70
definition, 467–8
dewatering, 500–4
drying, 504–13
estimating required liberation size, 470–3
milling coal for liberation, 473–81
other technologies, 515–24
rationale, 468
properties for utilisation, 44–8
ASTM classification of coals by rank, 47
basis for reporting coal analyses, 45
solid-liquid separation technologies, 422–41
centrifugal SLS, 425–8
emerging and future trends, 437–40
overview, 423–4
pre-treatment, 424–5
pressure filtration, 429–31
SLS equipment selection, 433–7
thermal drying, 432–3
vacuum filtration, 428–9
surface chemistry fundamentals
coal flotation, 351–60
fine coal handleability, 382–7
solid-liquid separation, 360–82
surface properties, 347–51
surface properties, 347–51
effect of coal rank on wettability, 349–51
variation in coal structure and carbon content with coal rank, 348
types, 35
coal analysis, 151–89
calorific value, 163–4
carbonate carbon, 165
coking coal tests, 171–6
future trends, 179–80
laboratory information management systems, 179
robotic automation and advanced coal techniques, 180
metallurgical (coking) and thermal coal test, 153–5
petrographic analysis, 176–8
proximate analysis, 155–61
sulphur, 161–3
thermal coal test, 165–70
ultimate analysis, 164–5
coal bed methane (CBM), 28
coal beneficiation, 425
coal comminution, 240–61
coal breakers, crushers and sizers, 240–50
coal screening and classification, 251–61
coal conversion, 8, 24–8
SASOL HTFT process, 27
coal conveying, 628–48
belt conveyor technology, 628–31
components, 628–9
belt selection, 634–7
belt strength for impact and chute design, 636–7
rubber power, 636–7
strength for tension, 634
design of large conveyor systems, 637–46
base-mounted helical drives for low head drive arrangement, 629
conveyor starting systems, 641–2
discrete element modelling of chutes, 645
horizontal curves, 640–1
illustration of low head drive arrangement, 630
large drive systems, 637–9
low head drive arrangements, 639
noise, 645–6
dynamics of starting and stopping, 642–45
equipment, 641
‘S’ start curve with a pretension zone at the start, 630
stopping dynamics, 643–4
integrated crushing systems, 646–51
250 t module for the ROM hopper, 638
arrangement of modular ROM hopper with sizer, 638
mobile and semi-mobile systems, 647–9
mobile elevator conveyor, 631
modular components, 649–51
trends in conveyor design, 632–33
conventional troughed belts, 632
non-conventional conveyors, 632–3
coal-derived fly-ash, 22
coal-derived power plant ash, 22
coal dewatering, 437
Coal Export Terminal Operators Association (CETOA), 715
coal extraction, 196–201
surface mining, 200–1
underground mining, 196–200
coal flotation, 351–60
desulfurising, 357–60
comparison of flotation recovery of fine coal, coal-pyrite and ore- pyrite, 360
effect of rank on flotability, 351–3
effect of petrographic composition and particle size on flotation kinetics, 353
minimum amount of frother and collector for optimum recovery of coals, 352
low rank coals, 356
general concept with emulsification of oily collector and stage addition of reagents, 357
reagents, 353–6
classification, 354
coal formation, 31–51
approximate values of some coal properties in different rank ranges, 34
coal properties and standards for classifications, 44–50
coal types, 35
coalification, 36–44
future trends, 50–1
global carbon cycle interrupted for fossil fuel formation, 32
coal grain analysis, 472
coal grinding, 473
coal handleability, 382–7
Durham Cone discharge rate, 384
Durham Cone discharge rate for LC 3 and LC 8U coal samples, 386
Durham Cone Index vs moisture x fine ash fraction parameter, 383
schematic diagram of Durham Cone, 382
schematic illustration of the effect of coal wettability o, 385
coal handling
auxiliaries, 695–703
dedusting and dust suppression, 696–7
defrosting of railway wagons, 698, 699
electrical and automation, 698–701
pre-set barge loading pattern, 701
real-time terrain stockyard model, 700
sampling, 701–3
self-unloading barges, 697
trans-shipment, 695–6
transhipment equipment, 696
conveying, 657–66
apron and belt feeders, 662–3
drag chain conveyors, 663
high-angle conveyors, 665–6
in-plant conveyors, 657–8
mobile and movable/shiftable conveyors (overburden, rejects), 663–5
overland conveyors, 658
pipe conveyor capacities, 662
pipe conveyor in difficult terrain, 660
pipe conveyor principle, 660
pipe conveyors, 658–62
simultaneous conveying in upper and lower strand, 662
tailings and overburden stacking system, 664
crushing stations, 692–5
fully mobile sizing station, 693–5
mobile sizing stations, 694
ship loading/unloading and train loading/unloading, 680–92
A-frame type shiploader, 681
batch loading vs volumetric loading, 691–2
bucket wheel type barge unloader, 686
continuous bucket elevator type ship-unloader, 684
continuous screw type unloader, 685
fixed type barge shiploader, 682
main components for train loading stations, 690
ship-unloading, 683–90
shiploader, 682
shiploading, 680–3
train loading station, 690
trainloading, 690–2
storage, 666–80
boom type bucket wheel reclaimer, 673
bridge type scraper reclaimer, 678
bucket wheel machines, 672–4
chevcon stacking, 670
chevron stacking, 668
coal stackyard with stacker and reclaimer, 672
cone-shell stacking, 670
design of bucket wheel reclaimer, 675
double bucket wheel bridge type reclaimer, 676
inside view of coal storage silo, EuroSilo, 679
introduction to stacking, 667–72
portal scraper with two reclaim booms, 677
scraper reclaimer, 674–7
special applications (silos, screw reclaimer), 677–9
stockyard arrangements, 671
stockyard with tripper car stacking, 672
strata stacking, 669
windrow stacking, 668
supply chain, 654–03
coal flow sheet, 657
generic flow chart coal handling, 655
generic flow chart coal processing and handling, 656
coal handling and preparation plant (CHPP), 264
coal industry
supply chain management for bulk materials, 589–626
customer-related management aspects, 604–14
future trends, 625–6
implementation approach, 593–7
optimisation, 615–25
raw material value chain, 597–604
transportation by rail and sea, 705–30
achieving high shiploading rates and safe carriage of cargo, 714–7
coal port and shipping route projects in planning or progress, 724–5
coal transportation system, 705–6
common shipping terms, 728–30
deballasting and transportable moisture limit, 717–8
delivery-cycle challenges, 720–1
optimisation of existing facilities, 719–20
pit-to-port and end user simulation, 718–9
rail car loading, 706–10
ships and ship loading, 710–3
trends in cargo shipping, 721–3
trends in terminal developments, 723–4
coal mining, 193–223
automation, 214–20
coal extraction form for underground and surface, 194
coal extraction methods, 196–201
future trends, 220–3
consolidation and financing, 221–2
productivity, 221
safety, 220–1
systems and information, 210–14
technology advances, 201–10
Cat 6060 Hydraulic Excavator, 202
remoteness of mining operations, 203
transition and progression, 195
coal particle breakage, 475
coal petrography, 53–79, 176–8
lithotypes, microlithotypes and abnormal conditions, 67–71
macerals and minerals, 55–66
modern techniques development, 77–9
petrographic characteristics impact on coal properties, 71–6
rank concept, 72–4
rank impact on maceral composition, 74–6
set up, 177
coal preparation plant
circuit simulation, 568–76
approximate Ep values for coal cleaning equipment, 574
approximate increase in RD cutpoints for various coal types and efficiency values, 576
calculations for partition curve construction, 570
calculations for partition curve simulations, 572
common transition functions used for partition curve fitting, 573
impacts of misplaced material, 574–6
models used for partition simulations, 573
need for simulations, 568
partition curves for perfect and imperfect separations, 569
partition modelling, 568–71
process simulation, 571–4
simple partition curve plot, 571
total plant yield as function of difference in RD50, 575
design and case studies in economic impact, 445–66
case studies, 453–8
current metallurgical coal plant design, 450–3
current steam coal circuit design, 445–9
future trends, 465–6
poorly liberated coals, 458–61
water constrained plants, 461–5
future trends, 584
industrial case studies, 577–83
benefits of improved dewatering, 581–3
dense medium circuit cutpoints, 577–8
effect of reducing moisture on overall plant production, 582
justification of equipment upgrades, 580–1
quality control strategies, 580
real-time quality control, 578–80
washability data for parallel dense medium circuits, 577
optimisation, simulation and control, 560–84
simplified flowsheet for a modern parallel-circuit coal processing facility, 561
yield maximisation, 562–8
ash content of float-sink fractions vs reciprocal of relative density, 567
blending calculations, 562
clean coal products obtained by treating parallel streams at constant cumulative ash and incremental ash, 565
combined clean coal ash and yield for combined dense medium vessel circuits, 564
correlation with relative density, 566–8
direct approach for maximising yield, 562–3, 564
maximising yield via constant incremental quality, 563, 565–6
simple coal blending calculations, 562
coal rank, 349–51
coal reserves, 80–105
calculations, 97–101
block model, 99
classifications, 81–96
Australia, 82–4
Canada, 84–5
Europe, 85–6
India, 96
People’s Republic of China, 95–6
Russian Federation, 93–5
South Africa, 86
United Nations, 86–8
United States of America, 88–93
future trends, 105
global distribution, 81
reporting, 101–3
assessment variable factors, 103
World coal reserves, 103–5
schematic diagram, 104
coal resources, 80–105, 98
calculations, 97–101
block model, 99
classifications, 81–96
Australia, 82–4
Canada, 84–5
Europe, 85–6
India, 96
People’s Republic of China, 95–6
Russian Federation, 93–5
South Africa, 86
United Nations, 86–8
United States of America, 88–93
future trends, 105
reporting, 101–3
coal sampling, 107–49
definitions, 109
future trends, 147–8
laboratory sample preparation, 147
heterogeneity, 109–19
variable nature of coal particle composition, 112
washability data, 111
principles, 119–7
sample preparation, 140–6
system types, 127–40
coal screening, 251–61
coal sizing, 240–61
coal breakers, crushers and sizers, 240–50
coal screening and classification, 251–61
coarse lump coal, 250–1
fine, 251
intermediate, 251
coal spirals, 307–8
coal storage, 666–80
bucket wheel machines, 672–4, 675
boom type bucket wheel reclaimer, 674
bucket wheel reclaimer design 1, 675
bucket wheel reclaimer design 2, 675
bucket wheel reclaimer designs, 675
introduction to stacking
chevcon stacking, 670
chevron stacking, 668
coal stackyard with stacker and reclaimer, 672
cone-shell stacking, 670
stockyard arrangements, 671
stockyard with tripper car stacking, 672
strata stacking` `, 669
windrow stacking, 668
scraper reclaimer
bridge type scraper reclaimer, 678
double bucket wheel bridge type reclaimer, 676
portal scraper with two reclaim booms, 677
special applications (silos, screw reclaimer)
inside view of coal storage silo, EuroSilo, 679
introduction to stacking, 667–72
scraper reclaimer, 674–7
special applications (silos, screw reclaimer), 677–9
coal tailings, 529–59
future trends, 555–9
Coal Board deep cone thickener, 556
deep cone thickening to produce ‘paste, ’, 555–7
further trends, 558–9
super polymers, 557–8
generic process flow diagram coal tailings treatment, 531
synthetic polymers as flocculants and the development of high rate thickening, 533–5
feed dilution, 533–4
FLSmidth E-Duc schematic, 534
solids concentration vs settling flux and flocculant dosage, 534
thickener sizing, 535
tailings’ dewatering technologies, 545–52
belt filter press photo, 551
comparative cost information, 551–2
continuous-belt filter press, 550
fully automatic filter press, 548
recessed plate filter presses, 547–50
rotary vacuum disc filter, 547
solid-bowl centrifuge, 550–1, 552
vacuum filters, 546–7
thickener rake design, 535–40, 541
bridge type thickener, 536
column type thickener, 537
drive selection, 538–9
K factors for thickening applications, 541
schematic, 536
single pinion central drive-heads, 540
thickener drive-head with epicyclic primaries powering conventional main gear-and-bearing assembly, 539
thickener drives, 538
traditional ‘worm-and-wheel’ type drive, 538
thickener tank configurations, 540–4
E-Cat thickener photo, 544
elevated concrete tank, 542
elevated steel tank, 542
on-ground concrete tank, 543
rakeless thickeners, 543
thickening, 532–45
photo, 545
flocculant preparation and dosing systems, 544–5
relative settling characteristics of particles, 533
sedimentation theory, 532–3
tailings ponds (open circuit), 545
water recirculation, discharge and process control, 552–5
clarified water circulation, 552–4
process control, 554
reactor-clarifier photo, 555
water treatment prior to discharge, 554
coal transportation system, 705–6
by rail and sea, 705–30
coal port and shipping route projects in planning or progress, 724–5
coal terminal developments, 724
developing the Panama Canal, 724
global terminal expansions and new facilities in development, 725
common shipping terms, 728–30
deballasting and transportable moisture limit, 717–8
delivery-cycle challenges, 720–1
optimisation of existing facilities, 719–20
pit-to-port and end user simulation, 718–9
rail car loading, 706–10
correct flat top profile has smooth airflow over the rail car, 709
dust and spillage control, 708–10
incorrect load level in rail car causes airflow turbulence, 709
load-out area, 706–7
shiploading rates and safe carriage of cargo, 714–7
are shiploading rates too high?, 716–7
hull stress levels, 715–6
regulations of the IMO regarding the safe carriage of cargo on the oceans, 714–5
ships and ship loading, 710–3
designing a shiploading system, 712–3
importance of early planning – greatest effects on project costs, 713
shiploading planning parameters, design variables and factors affecting efficiency, 713
transhipment, 712
trends in cargo shipping, 721–3
Brazil class 327 000 dwt bulk carrier, 723
Chinamax, 721–2
Chinamax design characteristics, 722
Newcastle Max – coal carrier, 722
trends in terminal developments, 723–4
typical transportation system, 707
vessel and shiploader types and loading plans, 711–2
types of shiploader, 711
vessel loading plans, 712
vessel types and sizes, 711
coal utilisation, 8–9
coal-water fuels (CWF) See coal-water slurries (CWS)
coal-water mixtures (CWM) See coal-water slurries (CWS)
coal-water slurries (CWS), 389–403
additives in preparation of CWs, 397–9
effect of concentration of sodium salt of naphthalene formaldehyde sulfonate, 399
schematic diagram of concentrated suspensions, 400
coal content and coal heating value, 390
coal reverse flotation, 401–3
PSS10 dispersant effect on apparent viscosity from forward flotation concentrates, 402
PSS10 dispersant effect on apparent viscosity from reverse flotation tailings, 403
schematic diagram of coal forward and reverse flotation process, 402
CWS from low-rank coals, 399–401
effect of coal particle-size distribution on rheology, 391–2
bimodal particle samples, 391
effect of -20µm fraction content on viscosity of bimodal CWS, 392
effect of coal surface properties on rheology, 392–7
apparent viscosity of CWS prepared from three different coal samples, 395
effect of humic acids on wettability of bituminous coal o, 394
relation between apparent viscosity and coal content for different coals, 397
relation between coal content at 100 mPa.s and coal equilibrium moisture, 398
yield stress values for aqueous suspensions of bituminous coal, 393
coalification, 33, 36–44
coal over geologic time, 37–40
peat swamp condition and presence of minerals, 41–4
pyrite filling a preserved plant cell in fusinite and pyrite, 42
standards for various coal analyses, 43
coarse coal centrifuges See vibrating basket centrifuges
coarse lump coal, 250–1
coke, 21–2
metallurgical industry, 76
coking coal, 15
colloidal systems, 362
column flotation, 303, 326, 450, 454
machines, 486
column type thickener, 537
Combined Reserves International Reporting Standards Committee (CRIRSCO), 81, 93
combustion, 74–6
comminution, 468, 470
minimum ash values estimation by crushing washing coal preparation plant, 470
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), 721
computational fluid dynamics (CFD), 284, 718
concentration criterion, 269
Concorde Cell, 516
Conklin process, 273
constant incremental quality, 563
continuous-belt filter press, 550
continuous electromagnetic processes, 491
continuous process, 482–3
continuous variation, 117
controlled retracting injection point (CRIP), 230
conveying, 657–66
Conveyor Dynamics Incorporated, 632
Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association (CEMA), 628
COREX, 19–20
Couette reactor, 371
counter-rotating flow, 306–7
CPT CoalPro, 327
cross-belt cutter, 129
cross-belt sampler, 127
Crossflow Separator, 321
crucible swelling number (CSN), 48, 171–3
heating coal to produce samples, 172
resultant coke buttons, 172
crushing stations, 692–5
cut, 109
cut point drift, 280
cyclic variation, 117


Darcy’s equation, 372–3
deballasting, 717
DeBeers Finsch mine, 216
deck location, 258
deep cone thickener (DCT), 462, 555
deliver, 600
dense media, 406
dense medium baths, 274–5
dense medium cyclones (DMC), 264, 275–86
DMC Ep vs geometric mean particle size for range of cyclone diameters, 280
measurement and control, 285–6
modelling and prediction, 281
empirical-based models, 281–4
simulation models, 284–5
partition curves showing pivot point, 281
relationship between Ep, cut point RD50 and particle size, 278
typical DSM design, 276
typical performance of standards DSM design DMCs for coal, 279
dense medium plants, 446
dense medium separation, 273–87, 403
choice of medium, 273–4
dense medium baths, 274–5
schematic of Teska drum, 275
Tromp bath, 274
dense medium cyclones (DMC), 275–86
medium separation and recovery circuits, 286–7
typical dense medium cyclone circuit featuring draft tube design feed sump, 287
density offset, 277
Derrick Screen, 513
Derrick Stack Sizer, 304, 460
deslime circuit, 329, 453
desmocollinite, 56
desulfurising flotation, 357–60
DevourX, 432
dewatering, 372, 500–4
Centribaric centrifuge, 503–4
decanter, 503
field data obtained with Prototype Centribaric Technology, 503
flocculant addition tube for screen bowl centrifuges, 501–3
major effect of injecting flocculant directly, 502
novel approach to adding flocculant to screen bowl centrifuge solids, 502
fundamentals, 424
differential, 277
dilatation, 173–4
set up, 174
DIN 22101, 634
direct liquefaction, 25
direct reduced iron (DRI), 8
direct reduction, 8
directional drilling, 234
discrete element modelling (DEM), 285, 718
dispersants, 397–8
distributional heterogeneity, 116–19
distribution frequency diagram for coal preparation plant feed ashes, 119
two-hourly coal preparation plant feed ash results, 117
types of ash variation with time, 118
DLVO theory, 362–4
Doppelmayr Ropecon system, 632
double-roll crushers, 245–6
double stage mechanical sampling, 135–6
downhole motor (DHM), 234
drift coal, 67
drift mine, 196
drum filtration, 451
dry ash-free basis, 156, 157–8
dry basis, 156, 157–8
dry beneficiation methods, 290
Dry Bulk Terminals Group (DBTG), 715
dry-cleaned and agglomerated pre-compaction system (DAPS), 523
dry cleaning, 464–5, 491
dry concentration See dry beneficiation methods
dry fine coal separations, 338–42
magnetic separations, 339–40
schematic of integration of MagMill process with pulveriser, 339
triboelectric separations, 340–2
schematic diagram utilising a variable speed rotor to generate surface charge, 341
dry process, 23
dry separation, 266, 290–5
air-fluidised beds, 292
air tables, 292–4
schematic of FGX Dry Separator, 293
stratification mechanism in FGX Dry Separator, 293
electrostatic and magnetic separators, 294–5
optical and X-ray sorting, 294
schematic of DRYSCAN sorter, 295
pneumatic jigs, 290–5
schematic of all mineral pneumatic allair jog design, 291
dry stack tailings system, 665
drying, 504–13
isobaric heat capacity of water, 504
microwave drying, 509–11
Nano Drying Technology, 511–13
relativity of energy required to heat and vaporise water, 505
saturated latent heat of water vaporisation, 505
thermally drying coal, 506–9
dual energy X-ray transmission (DE-XRT), 294
Durham Cone Index (DCI), 383
Durham Cone test, 382
Dynawhirlpool, 276


E-Cat, 543
Easy Loader, 715
Ecart Probable, 284, 568
Economic Commission for Europe (ECE), 86, 87
economic factors
coal preparation in plant design and case studies in economic impact, 445–66
case studies, 453–8
current metallurgical coal plant design, 450–3
current steam coal circuit design, 445–9
future trends, 465–6
poorly liberated coals, 458–61
water constrained plants, 461–5
efficiency factor, 259
EIMCO E-Duc Self-Diluting Feedwell, 534
electric-arc furnace (EAF), 8, 19
electrical separators, 495–7
horizontal belt separator, 496
rotary triboelectric separator, 496–7
vertical belt separator, 495–6
electron microscope, 472
electrostatic separators, 294–5
Ellipti-flo screens, 255–6
Metso continuous screen monitoring installation, 256
side-by-side comparison of banana screens with linear excitation, 256
empirical-based models, 281–4
emulsified oil, 375
energy barrier, 363
enhanced gravity separators (EGS), 302–3
enhanced linked vertical well (ELVW), 229–30
enhanced oil recovery (EOR), 236
Enterprise Report Planning (ERP), 621
epigenetic mineral, 63, 64
equiprobable sampling, 116, 137
Eriez Coalpro column, 448
Eriez StackCell, 328
error, 109
excluded mineral matter, 64
exinite See liptinite


falling steam sampler, 128
falling-stream cutter, 127
‘fast fill’ centrifugal pump, 549
feed mass, 306
feed medium density, 283
feed slurry, 325
FGX device, 465
FGX Dry Separator, 292
‘filter-aid’ flocculent, 547
filter press capacity, 549
filtration, 423, 425
fine coal screens, 513
fine coal sizing, 251
fine gravity separators, 305–23
fluidised-bed density separators, 317–23
spiral concentrators, 305–11
feed distribution system, 306
fine coal spiral conditions and performances, 307–10
operating principle, 306–7
ultrafine coal spiral operating conditions and performances, 310–11
water-only cyclones (WOC), 311–17
fines dewatering, 446
Finite Element Analysis, 718
fixed carbon, 161
fixed slewing type shiploader, 681
FL Smidth VXP Mill, 480
flash drying unit, 509
Floatex Separator, 321
floating cranes, 688
flocculants, 367–8
flocculation, 365–76, 424–5
polymer molecular weight, 368–70
intrinsic viscosity of different polymer-solvent systems, 369
polyacrylamide intrinsic viscosity effect on sedimentation rate, 369
testing, 370–2
schematic diagram set-up used to test flocculation, 371
testing the use of flocculants in filtration, 372–6
experimental set-up of fine coal dewatering by filtration, 374
schematic representation of stages in dewatering by filtration, 373
use of flocculants in coal processing, 376
Flory-Huggins measurement, 368
flotation coal concentrate, 428
flotation options, 486–9
Central Fuel Research Institute (CFRI) improved flotation process, 488
CFRI Oleo flotation process, 489
column flotation machines, 486
microcel units, 487
fluidised bed flotation unit, 488
schematic representation, 489
Jameson Cell flotation machines, 486
illustration, 487
mechanically agitated flotation machines, 486
supersonic column flotation machines, 487–8
schematic representation, 488
flotation reagents, 353–6
flotation technologies, 324–8
column vs conventional flotation cells, 327
cross-section of conventional flotation cell, 324
typical column flotation cell with external sparging system, 325
fluid density, 270
fluidised-bed classifier, 320
fluidised-bed density separators, 317–23
applications, 319–23
full-scale CrossFlow separation performances from Illinois Basin coal plant, 322
installation full-scale Reflux Classifier in fine coal circuit, 323
operating parameters, 319
control system for maintaining bed level and pressure at desired level, 320
operating principles, 317–19
schematic diagram, 318
fluidised bed flotation unit, 488
fractional dewatering approach, 425
fractional shovelling, 146
free-settling ratio, 268, 271
free swelling index (FSI), 48, 171
froth flotation, 450
froth flotation
equipment design specification, 331–8
froth loading and stability, 335–8
slurry residence time, 331, 333–4
froth flotation technologies
circuit variations, 323–38
equipment design specification, 331–8
flotation technologies, 324–8
froth handling, 336
froth loading, 335–8
column with deaeration tank and thickener with floating boom and sprays, 338
correlation between capacity, mean size and ultrafines content for coal flotation, 336
effect of froth overloading on recovery-residence time relationship, 335
froth discharge before and after changes to downstream piping, 337
froth stability, 335–8
frother, 355
fully automatic filter press, 548
fusinite, 59


gaseous ammonia
batch process, 482
continuous process, 482–3
gasification, 25
gate-roads, 199–200
Gaussian distribution, 113
Gekko Inline Pressure Jig, 289
geological losses, 100, 101
Gieseler plastometer, 172–3
global carbon cycle, 32
Global Supply Chain Forum, 591
goaf void, 196
Goodyear dynamic splice test machine, 634
GranuFlow processes, 438
gravimetric loading, 690
gravity separation methods, 358
gravity separation principles, 267–72
sample results for free-settling ratio, 269
schematic of phase inversion phenomenon, 271
Gray–King coke test, 175–6
gross calorific value (GCV), 163
grouping, 119


halfsize factor, 258
hammer crushers, 248–9
hammer mills, 142–3, 248–9
position of swinging hammers, 143
schematic diagram, 249
Handymax Vessel, 711
Handysize Vessel, 711
hard coal, 54
hard-rock mining, 209–10
remote control drills, 210
Hardgrove grindability index (HGI), 48, 169–70, 242, 446
set up to define samples, 170
Hein Lehmann Liwell Screen, 513
Hi-Rate Thickener, 543, 557
high-angle conveyor (HAC), 633, 665–6
high capacity designs, 277–8
high pressure grinding rolls (HPGR), 477
high-rank coal, 46, 50
High Temperature Fischer Tropsch (HTFT), 26, 27
hindered-bed devices, 450–1
hindered-bed separation, 465
HIsmelt, 20
Hoe Creek, 232
horizontal belt filtration, 451
horizontal belt separator, 496
schematic representation of Pittsburg Energy Technology Centre, 497
horizontal belt vacuum filter, 546
horizontal screens
exciter consisting of a pair of counter- rotating unbalanced flywheels, 254
horizontal vibrating screen, 254
horizontal vacuum belt filter, 429
hot briquetted iron (HBI), 19
hot briquetting stage, 524
hot water drying process, 400
humic coal, 35, 69
hybrid dewatering technologies, 438–9
hydrofluoric acid process, 498
hydrolysed polyacrylamide See polyacrylamide
hydrophobicity, 353
hyperbaric filters, 430
hypercoal process, 498


identified resources, 91
impactors, 249
schematic diagram, 250
in-pit-crushing and conveying (IPCC), 666
in-plant conveyors, 657–8
in situ chemical comminution, 484
in situ coal, 67
in situ gasification, 28–9
in situ monitoring, 235
included mineral matter, 64
increment, 109, 120–1, 128–30, 148
incremental ash, 273
incremental division, 145
incremental quality concept, 584
indicated reserves, 92
indicated resources, 83, 92
indirect liquefaction, 25
inert semifusinite, 59
inertinite maceral group, 55, 59
inertite, 70
inertodetrinite, 60
inertodetrite, 70
inertovitrite, 70
inferred reserves, 92
inferred resources, 82–3, 92
infrared, 294
inherent mineral, 64
inherent moisture, 46
integrated coal gasification combined cycle (ICGCC), 473
integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC), 6, 11, 13, 26
Integrated Pipeline Transportation and Coal Cleaning System (IPTACCS), 518
Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation (IMCO), 714
intermediate coal sizing, 251
International Coal Group (ICG), 222
International Maritime Organisation (IMO), 714
intrinsic heterogeneity, 112–14
Poisson distribution, 113
inventory control system, 212–14
RFID tags, 214
IsaMill, 476, 516
technology being developed for micronising coal, 476
ISO 501, 171
ISO 540, 166, 167
ISO 562, 160
ISO 589, 154
ISO 925, 165
ISO 1928, 163
ISO 5074, 169
ISO 11722, 156
ISO 12900, 170
ISO 12902, 164
ISO 13909–7, 125
ISO 15585, 171
ISO 19579, 162


Jameson Cell, 516
flotation machines, 486
Jameson columns, 327
Japanmax, 721
jar tests, 370
jaw crusher, 141
schematic diagram, 142
jigs, 288–9
end and side views of Baum jig, 288
side view of Batac under-air jig, 288
JORC Code, 82
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre (JKMRC), 281


kerogen, 33
kerosene, 375
Knelson-Deswik Mill See FL Smidth VXP Mill
Krieger-Dougherty equation, 389


Larcoderms, 276
large multistage sampling, 132
liberation, 473–81
chemically treating raw coal, 481–4
ammonia-based chemical comminution processes, 481–4
in situ chemical comminution, 484
milling coal, 473–81
size estimation, 470–81
coal grain analysis, 472
comminution, 470
evaluation by electron microscope and mineral liberation analysis, 472
implications for determination of, 473
tree flotation approach, 470–72
Lifshits-van der Waals, 348
lignite, 227
LIMN, 572
linear controlled retracting injection point (L-CRIP), 230
linked vertical well (LVW), 229–30
liptinite, 35
liptinite maceral group, 55
liquid hydrocarbons, 353–4
lithotypes, 67–70
quality distribution, 69–70
loading capacity, 335–6
Lone Mountain plant, 448
long range non-random variation, 117
longwall mining, 198–9
lot, 109
low-rank coal, 46, 50
low volatile bituminous coal, 73


maceral, 55–63, 351
reactivity of maceral groups, 178
composition, 469–70
inertinite – fusinite, 59
inertinite – inertodetrinite, 61
inertinite – semifusinite, 60
vitrinite, 57
vitrinite – desmocollinite, 58
within inertinite group, 62
within liptinite (exinite) group, 63
within vitrinite group in bituminous and anthracite coals, 56
macrinite, 62
MagMill, 339–40, 492
magnetic processes, 489–95
batch electromagnetic, 490
schematic representation, 491
continuous electromagnetic, 491
integration of magnetic separation with pulverisation milling, 491–3
EXPORTech magnetic separators in orange structure, 494
schematic representation of MagMill process, 493
magnetic reagents, 494–5
pre-treatment for magnetic separation, 494
schematic representation, 495
magnetic reagents, 494–5
magnetic separation, 339–40, 490, 491–3
pre-treatment, 494
magnetic separator, 294–5, 492
magnetite, 273
magnetite dense media, 403–13
dense medium separation, 403
magnetite medium viscosity, 406–13
Casson yield stress and viscosity for four studied magnetite samples, 410
effect of magnetite particle size and medium solid content on Casson yield stress, 410
example of rheogram of slurry fitted with either Bingham or Casson model, 409
flow curves of tested samples, 408
frothers utilised in coal flotation, 356
medium composition effect on medium differential measured in 6˝ cyclone, 412
medium density differential effect on shear rate for 2 mm particle, 411
particle-size distributions, 407
particle size effect on effective shear rate, 411
settling phenomena, 404–5
Magnex, 494
maintenance control system, 212–14
maintenance planning and execution, 213
RFID tags, 214
manual sampling, 136–40
collection of ladles, 139
marcasite, 65
marginal reserves, 92
marketable reserve, 84, 86
material weight factor, 258
mature coal, 54
maximum instantaneous slope (MIS), 646
maximum packing fraction, 391
mean maximum vitrinite, 177
mean random vitrinite, 177
measured reserves, 92
measured resources, 83, 92
measurement while drilling (MWD), 234
mechanical dewatering, 432
mechanical sampling, 127–36
analysis of tertiary system, 134
cross-belt sampler cutter, 128
falling-stream sampler cutter, 128
general analysis sample mass for coal top size, 130
precision vs. primary increment variance, 134
primary cross-belt sample cutter, 136
primary increment mass and coal flow rate relationship, 131
secondary stage of sampling system, 137
single, double and three stage system selection, 135–6
flow chart for determining sampling system requirement, 137
single-stage cross-belt sampling system, 135
three stage system, 133
two-stage sampling system, 136
medium split, 282
membrane filter press, 431
meta-anthracite, 72
metalliferous mining, 209–10
remote control drills, 210
metallurgical coal, 15, 43–4
market, 453–4
comparing different circuits, 455
plant design, 450–3
compound spiral benefit, 452
Reflux classifier schematic drawing, 451
screen bowl centrifuge arch coal cardinal plant, 452
test, 153–5
Metso stirred media detritor (SMD) mill, 479
Metso VERTIMILL, 480
schematic diagram, 479
MIBC, 357
micrinite, 61–2
Microcel columns, 327
MicroEnergy Systems inc. (MSI) Micronisation Mill, 474–5
conceptual illustration, 474
installation, 475
microlithotypes, 67–70
quality distribution, 69–70
schematic diagram, 71
Micronised Refined Coal process, 515–16
micronising, 473–81
FL Smidth VXP Mill (Knelson- Deswik Mill), 480
schematic diagram, 480
summary of VXP Mill unit capabilities, 481
high pressure grinding rolls, 477
KHD HPGRs, 476
IsaMill, 476
Metso stirred media detritor (SMD) mill, 478–9
Metso VERTIMILL, 480
MicroEnergy Systems inc. (MSI) Micronisation Mill, 474–5
Szego Mill, 478–9
microwave drying, 509–11
schematic representation, 512
milling coal
liberation, 473–81
micronising, 473–81
pulverising, 473
mineral liberation analysis (MLA), 472
mineral matter, 41–2
minerals, 63–6
various forms, 66
minerite, 70
mini-mill, 16, 18–19
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI), 11
mobile and movable/shiftable
conveyors (overburden, rejects), 663–5
module configurations, 228–31
schematic diagram, 229
moisture holding capacity, 154–5
monomaceral microlithotype, 70
motor full load torque (MFLT), 639


nano drying technology (NDT), 432, 511–13
natural size distribution, 469
near-density particles, 405
net calorific value (NCV), 163
Newcastle coals, 471
Newcastlemax, 721, 722
Newton’s equation, 404–5
Newton’s law, 267
second, 272
viscosity, 387
niche process designs, 485
particle size ranges separated by most commonly used process, 485
non-centrifugable moisture (NCM), 424
non-mechanical solid-liquid separation, 424


off-balanced resources, 93
oil agglomeration, 377–8, 517–19
effects of addition rate on diameter of agglomerate, 519
effects of increasing oil addition to oleophilic coal particles, 517
image of 4 t/h oil agglomeration operation in Australia, 519
schematic representation of fine coal agglomeration mechanism, 518
schematic representation of fine coal agglomeration process, 520
schematic representation of fine coal pendular flocculation, 518
schematic representation of IPACCS process, 520
oil droplets, 378
open area correction factor, 259
open cycle gas turbine (OCGT), 235
operating optimum pressure, 276
operational system, 210–12
HP desktop computer, 212
long term production planning using ‘Minesight, ’, 212
pit design using ‘Minesight, ’, 211
optical sorting, 294
optimisation, 562
optimum medium to solids feed ratio, 276–7
organic sulphur, 162
original resources, 89
Otisca-T oil agglomeration process, 358
overland conveyors, 658
‘overlapping zones’ concept, 595
oversize factor, 258
oxidant injection, 233
oxyfuel combustion, 14
Ozomin drive, 632


packing fraction, 387–8
Pan-European Reserves and Resources Reporting Committee (PERC), 85
Panamax Vessel, 711
parallel controlled retracting injection point (P-CRIP), 230
Parr formula, 41
partial washing, 463
particle agglomeration, 424–5
particle top size, 109
peat swamp condition, 41–4
peatification, 72
pelletisation, 379–82, 519, 521–2
schematic representation of palletisation growth and breakage mechanism, 521
People’s Republic of China
coal resources and reserves classifications, 95–6
Chinese mineral resources and reserves classification, 96
PERC Code, 85
phase inversion, 270
pilot-scale flotation tests, 336
pipe conveyors, 633, 658–62
principle, 659
‘piston diaphragm’ pump, 549
pit-to-port management systems, 618–22
Pittsburg Energy Technology Centre, 496
pivot point, 280
plant design
economic factors affecting coal preparation and case studies in economic impact, 445–66
case studies, 453–8
current metallurgical coal plant design, 450–3
current steam coal circuit design, 445–9
future trends, 465–6
poorly liberated coals, 458–61
water constrained plants, 461–5
pneumatic cleaning See dry beneficiation methods
pneumatic jigs, 291–2
Poisson distribution, 113
Poisson probability, 113
polyacrylamide, 367, 375
polyethylene flocculant (PEO), 376
polyethylene oxide, 367
polymers, 366–7
polystyrene sulfonate (PPS), 398
positive displacement pump, 549
Post Panamax, 721
power generation, 74–6
coal use, 9–15
IGCC plant flow, 12
PF-fired Boiler process, 10
relationship between plant efficiency and CO2 emission, 15
pre-deballasting, 717
precision, 109, 120–4
accuracy, 122–4
schematic diagram, 123
sublots, 122
pressure filters, 423
pressure filtration, 429–31
belt press filters, 431
chamber filter press, 430
hyperbaric filters, 430
membrane filter press, 431
other pressure filters, 431
ultrafine coal and tailings applications, 429–30
pressurised fluidised bed combustion (PFBC), 11
primary increment, 120–2
probability screens, 257
probable coal reserves, 84, 86
product development, 595
prognostic resources, 93
proved coal reserves, 84, 86
proximate analysis, 155–61
ash, 159
fixed carbon, 161
moisture in analysis sample, 155–8
basis for reporting results, 156
conversion equations, 156–8
different bases report, 158
volatile matter, 160–1
PulverDryer, 432
pulverisation milling, 491–3
pulverised coal See pulverised fuel (PF)
pulverised coal combustion (PCC), 6
pulverised coal injection (PCI), 17–18
pulverised fuel (PF), 9
pulverising, 473
typical Rod Mill, 474
pure coal, 46, 48
putrefaction, 72
pyrite, 65, 359
pyritic sulphur, 162


QEMSCAN, 78, 79
Qmastor, 620
quantitative evaluation of minerals by scanning electron microscope (QEMSEM), 472
quartz, 65


radio frequency identification (RFID), 214, 285
random spacing, 125
rank, 469–70
model, 322
reactive semifusinite, 60
reactor decommissioning, 233
reactor pressure, 233
recessed plate filter presses, 547–50
recoverable reserves, 86, 102
Reflux Classifier, 321–2, 451, 459
relative density (RD), 97, 98
remaining resources, 91
reserve base, 92
REVCAS code, 50
REVMAS code, 50
Reynolds number, 318
Richardson–Zaki equation, 268
riffles, 146
ring mills, 143–4
exposed rings and steel grinding mill, 144
Rio Tinto mine, 219
Rio Tinto Western Turner Syncline, 637
rise rate, 535
risk assessment approach, 592
roll crusher, 144, 245–8
schematic diagram, 246
roller mill technology, 478
room and pillar mining, 196, 199
Rosin-Rammler, 283
Rosin-Rammler-Bennett (RRB) particle-size distribution, 406
rotary breakers, 241–5
bradpactor, 244–5
conventional design, 241–4
capacities McLanahan breakers, 243
schematic diagram, 241
rotary disc filters, 546
rotary hearth furnace, 8
rotary kilns, 8
rotary sample divider, 145–6
schematic diagram, 145
rotary sample division, 145
rotary triboelectric separator, 496–7
schematic representation of tribo-electrostatic separator, 497
rotary vacuum disc filter, 547
Ruhr dilatometer, 174
run-of-mine (ROM) products, 423, 463
Russian Federation
coal resources and reserves classifications, 93–5
relationship of Russian and CRIRSCO classifications, 94


sample, 109
sample crushing, 141
sample division, 145
sample preparation, 140–6
flow chart, 142
gross sample to analysis sample, 140
sampling constant, 115–16
calculation of heterogeneity factor, precision and increment mass, 115
sampling scheme, 124–5
Sapozhnikov plastometer, 175
sapropelic coal, 35, 68, 69
screen bowl centrifuges, 453, 501–2
screen bowl decanter centrifuges, 426, 427–8
screen opening shape factor, 259
screen scroll basket centrifuges, 426–7
screen scroll dryers, 459
screen selection, 257–60
capacities for ‘standard’ screens, 258
secretinite, 61
sedimentation, 423
sedimentation theory, 532–3
segregation, 119
semi fusinite, 59
separation performances, 310–11
settling phenomena, 404–5
shaft process, 8
‘shear thinning’ recirculation pump, 557
shear vessel, 371
ship loading, 680–3
A-frame type shiploader, 681
right selection of shiploader, 681–3
ship-unloading, 683–90
comparison of different type of ship-unloaders, 689
continuous unloading, 683–6
discontinuous unloading, 686
double-lever luffing cranes, 687
double-lever luffing grab type ship-unloader, 688
gantry type grab ship-unloader, 687
gantry type ship-unloaders, 686–7
level luffing cranes, 687–90
short term random variation, 117
Sicon, 633
sieve bends, 252, 514–15
pressure, 514–15
Conn-Weld Inc pressure sieve bend test unit, 515
repulp, 514
Conn-Weld repulp sieve bend, 514
simulation models, 284–5
single pinion central drive-heads, 540
single-roll crushers, 245
single stage mechanical sampling, 130, 135–6
site selection, 231–2
size enlargement, 516–24
briquetting, 522–4
effect of moisture and minus0.5 mm coal fines levels on coal handleability test results, 516
oil agglomeration, 517–19
pelletising (granulating), 519, 521–2
sizers, 246–8
primary and tertiary sizers, 247
sizing centrifuges, 435–6
slewing shiploader, 680–1
slurry residence time, 331, 333–4
effect on recovery for flotation systems with different mixing characteristics, 333
theoretical recovery as a function of active residence time for column cells, 334
slurry tailings, 530
smelting-reduction, 8
soil water characteristics curve (SWCC), 424
solid bowl centrifuge, 428, 550–1, 552
solid-liquid separation, 360–82
coal, 422–41
centrifugal SLS, 425–8
pressure filtration, 429–31
thermal drying, 432–3
vacuum filtration, 428–9
DLVO theory, 362–4
effect of pH and hydrophobicity on coagulation of fine coal particles, 365
generalised zeta potential vs pH diagram for coals of various rank, 366
schematic illustration of two identically charged solid particles, 363
total interaction energy obtained by summation of an attraction curve, 364
emerging and future trends, 437–40
chemical aids, 438
future trends, 440
hybrid dewatering technologies, 438–9
improving the understanding of SLS, 439
other recent developments, 439–40
equipment overview, 433
application range within particle size and product moisture range, 435
equipment used for dewatering coal, 434
equipment selection and sizing, 433, 435–6
flocculation, 365–76
schematic diagram of bridging flocculation and restabilisation, 366
oil agglomeration, 377–8
flowsheet of Oilfloc test set-up, 379
oil distribution on moist agglomerates, 377
overview, 423–4
centrifugal filters, vacuum and pressure filters, 423
dewatering fundamentals, 424
driving forces for SLS, 423
filtration and sedimentation, 423
non-mechanical, 424
pelletisation, 379–82
flowsheet of coal palletising circuit with pelletisation disk, 380
influence of ash content of coal samples, 381
pre-treatment, 424–5
coagulation and flocculation, 424–5
fractional dewatering approach and coarse addition, 425
screening, 425
thickening prior to filtration, 425
SLS equipment selection, 433–7
advantages and disadvantages, 436–7
testing, 436
stability of mineral suspensions, 361–2
visual appearance, 362
variation in water content during various stages of processing, 361
water circuit of coal preparation plant, 361
SolveIT, 620
specified sampling precision, 129
spiral concentrators, 305–11
fine coal spiral conditions and performances, 307–10
conventional vs compound circuits at an operating processing plant, 310
effect of dry solids feed rate on SG cut-point and probable error, 309
separation performance comparison, 309
operating principle, 306–7
fundamental principles of particle separation by density, 307
repulping box on SX7 compound, 308
ultrafine coal spiral operating conditions and performances, 310–11
process performance and efficiency data from Coalberg seam coal cleaning, 311
spiraling, 465
stackable paste, 462
standard deviation, 109
stationary discrete Gaussian random function, 118
steam coal circuit design, 445–9
Australian thermal coal processing plant circuitry, 446
deslime column flotation plant, 449
South African thermal coal processing plant, 448
US thermal coal processing plant, 447
steam coal market, 454–8
comparing different circuits, 457
steam filtration, 439
steam-raising boilers, 6
steel industry
coal use, 15–22
COREX process, 20
development of blast furnace capacity, 17
EAF, 19
HIsmelt process, 21
projected steelmaking routes in 2050, 16
steeply dipping bed (SDB), 230–1
Stokes’ equation, 362, 404
Stokes Hydrosizer, 321
Stokes Law, 267
stop-belt sampling, 139
stripping ratio (SR), 101
sub-bituminous coal, 72, 73
subeconomic resources, 93
sublots, 109, 121
sulphur, 161–3, 358
determination in coal, 162
super-absorbent polymers (SAP), 557–8
super coke oven, 523
‘super-cycle’ commodity market, 626
supersonic column flotation machines, 487–8
supply chain execution (SCE), 603–4
supply chain management (SCM)
bulk materials in coal industry, 589–626
definitions, 590
essential elements, 590–1
customer issues management, 606–12
customer incident, 606–8
remedial actions, 608–12
customer-related management aspects, 604–14
controlling product quality parameters, 612
customer response process, 608
customer support management, 604–5
product development, 606
product evaluation process, 607
production flow management, 605–6
target grade averages flowsheet for product quality parameter, 610
target variability flowsheet for product quality parameter, 609
typical metallurgical coking coal specification, 611
future trends, 625–6
other factors, 625–6
people, 625
implementation approach, 593–7
business process integration, 596
customer-supplier relationship management, 596–7
integrating and managing business processes across the supply chain, 594
overlapping responsibilities across supply chain development activities, 595
supply chain relationships, 597
optimisation, 615–24
automation aspects, 616–18
collaborative approaches, 622–4
customer focused supply chain cost allocation, 624
laser range-finder block diagram, 617
laser scanner at the port of Hamburg, 619
opportunities, 620
pit-to-port management systems, 618–22
silo vs global optimisation, 615
raw material value chain, 597–604
raw material supply chain for iron ore supply to an integrated steelworks, 599
SCOR process reference model, 601
user’s perspectives, 598
risk management, 612–14
risk assessment tools (Enterprise Risk Management), 613–14
SWOT analysis, 614
supply chain processes, 591–3
elements of a supply chain, 591
goals, 592
success factors, 592–3
tools, 598–604
factors affecting change in dynamic supply chain, 603
reference models, 598–602
supply chain execution, 603–4
supply chain operations reference model (SCOR), 598
supply chain planning, 598
supply chain processes, 591–3
elements of a supply chain, 591
goals, 592
success factors, 592–3
surface chemistry
fine coal processing, 347–13
coal flotation, 351–60
fine coal handleability, 382–7
solid-liquid separation, 360–81
surface properties of coal, 347–51
rheology effects, 387–413
coal-water slurries (CWS), 389–403
magnetite dense media, 403–13
viscosity of suspension, 387–9
surface mining, 200–1
draglines, 200
operating bucketwheel excavator, 201
technology, 205–10
Bucyrus dragline, 206
Cat 797
mechanical drive haul truck, 208
IPC and conveyor transport, 209
P&H 2800 series rope shovel, 206
Wirtgen surface miner, 207
surface property, 392–7
suspension viscosity, 387–9
rheological curves for Newtonian and several non-Newtonian fluids, 388
schematic graph of concentration dependence of relative viscosity, 388
SX7 Multotec, 311
syngenetic mineral, 63, 64
systematic spacing, 125
Szego Mill, 478–9
General Comminution Inc. (GCI), 478
schematic arrangement, 477


tar coating method, 401
teeter-bed separator (TBS), 289, 317
telinite, 56
telocollinite, 56
tertiary sizers, 248
thermal coal dryer unit, 509
thermal coal test, 153–5, 165–70
thermal drying, 424, 432–3, 506–9
capture of airborne fine particles, 507
dryer types for coal drying, 432–3
drying curves at 105°C, 506
examples of direct thermal dryer systems, 508–9
120 t/h thermal coal dryer unit undergoing fabrication, 510
direct contact rotary dryer, 508
flash dryer system, 511
hammermill dryer, 512
vertical fluidised bed dryer, 509
vibrating horizontal fluidised bed dryers, 510
generation of hot air, 507
water evaporation and discharge of dried coal, 507
thickener drives, 538
thickening flotation, 425
three stage mechanical sampling, 135–6
tolerance, 109
total moisture, 153–4
trace elements, 170
traditional ‘worm-and-wheel’ type drive, 538
trainloading, 690–2
transhipment, 712
transportable moisture limit (TML), 717–8
tree flotation, 470–72
data for Newcastle measures coals and Wambo seam coal, 471
minimum ash values, 472
Tri-Flo, 276
trimacerite, 70
Tromp process, 273
two-stage reverse flotation process, 360


ULCC (ultra large crude carrier), 711
ultimate analysis, 164–5
set up, 165
ultra-clean coal (UCC) process, 499
ultrafine wet coal cleaning, 465–6
underground coal gasification (UCG), 28, 226–37
current trends, 235–6
future trends, 236–7
new technologies, 233–5
directional drilling, 234
in situ monitoring, 235
production well engineering, 234
seismic investigation, 234
previous trials, 227–33
module configurations, 228–31
reactor operation, 232–3
site selection, 231–2
underground mining, 196–200
Joy 12HM36 remote control continuous miner, 197
longwall method, 198
moveable roof support and shield, 199
room and pillar mining method, 197
technology, 203–5
Giant Joy Longwall shear with hydraulic chocks and conveyor, 205
Joy combination miner and rockbolter, 204
undiscovered resources, 95
unit area, 535
United Nations
coal resources and reserves classifications, 86–8
UNFC-2009 fossil energy reserves and resources primary classes, 89
United Nations Framework Classification (UNFC), 86–7
United States of America
coal resources and reserves classifications, 88–93
criteria for distinguishing coal resource categories, 90
reliability categories, 91


vacuum disc filter, 428–9
vacuum drum filter, 429
vacuum drying method, 401
vacuum filter, 423, 428–9, 546–7
flotation coal concentrate, 428
horizontal vacuum belt filter (HVBF), 429
vacuum disc filter (VDF), 428–9
vacuum drum filter, 429
van der Waals force, 364
variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF), 641
variance, 109, 114, 148–9
variogram, 125–7
calculations, 126–7
primary increments based on lot size, 127
vertical belt separator, 495–6
schematic representation of Advanced Energy Dynamics Inc, 496
vertical fluidised bed, 508
vibrating basket centrifuges, 426
vibrating screens, 252–3, 425
visible light, 294
vitrinertite, 70
vitrinite, 35
maceral group, 55, 56, 73
reflectance, 176–8
vitrite, 70
vitrodetrinite, 56
VLCC (very large crude carrier), 711
volatile matter, 46, 160–1
decrease of VM in bituminous coals, 160
determination in coal, 161
volumetric capacity, 306
volumetric flow rate, 308
volumetric loading, 690
vortex finder, 312


water constrained plants, 461–5
closed water conventional circuitry, 461–2
deep cone thickener, 462
coarse wash only plants, 463–4
Castle valley flowsheet, 464
West Elk plant, 464
dry cleaning, 464–5
Tangshan FGX plant, 465
water-only cyclones (WOC), 311–17
operating parameters, 313–14
bank of WOCs, 314
size and feed stream characteristics as function of feed particle size, 314
operating principles, 312–13
schematic diagram, 313
WOC-spiral concentrator circuit, 314–17
in-plant WOC-spiral circuit performances with and without middlings recycle, 317
spiral middlings recycle, 316
water vaporisation, 504
wet gravity separation, 287–90
extending fine gravity methods up to coarser sizes, 289–90
jigs, 288–9
wet process, 23
wet screening factor, 258
wet separation, 266
effect of coal rank, 349–51
schematic representation of coal surface, 350
water measured by captive-bubble and sessile-drop methods, 350
‘whole-of-supply-chain’ approach, 589
wireless local area network (WLAN), 218–19
work function, 340
Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd Marradong Bauxite project, 637
Wozmax, 721
Wren-CAT, 543


X-ray, 294
X-ray micro-computed tomography, 439
X-ray sorting, 266, 294
Xstrata Technology, 476


zeta potential, 363
Zhangji mine, 217
Zhungeer coal mine, 215
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