Laying down a Navigation Mesh

A Navigation Mesh (also known as a Nav Mesh) is basically a definition of areas that an AI-controlled unit considers passable (that is, areas which the "AI-controlled" unit is allowed to move into or across). A Nav Mesh does not include geometry that would block the player if the player tried to move through it.

Getting ready

Constructing a Nav Mesh based on your scene's geometry is fairly easy in UE4. Start with a project that has some obstacles around it, or one that uses a terrain.

How to do it...

To construct your Nav Mesh, simply perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Modes | Volumes.
  2. Drag Nav Mesh Bounds Volume onto your viewport.


    Press the P key to view your Nav Mesh.

  3. Scale the Nav Mesh out to cover the area that the actors that use the Nav Mesh should be allowed to navigate and pathfind in.

How it works…

A Nav Mesh doesn't block the player pawn (or other entities) from stepping on certain geometry, but it serves to guide AI-controlled entities regarding where they can and cannot go.

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