

Abbe error, 437, 443

Abbe prism, 104

ACOS algorithm

estimated thickness profile, 764765

phase estimation, 761

phase unwrapping, 761762

Acousto-optic modulator (AOM), 434

frequency fluctuation, 306307

RF driver, 310311

AF, see Auto-focus (AF)

Air refractive index, 406

Ciddor’s equation, 415

Edlén equations, 415

interference phase topography, 417

Lorenz–Lorentz equation, 415

refractometric methods, 415

vacuum cell, 416

wavelength, 414

Amplitude modulation (AM), 313, 446

Antireflection coating (AR coating), 208, 244, 312, 407, 437, 729730

APD, see Avalanche photodiode (APD)

Apertureless probe, 391, 393394

Aspheric surfaces, 98

Astigmatism method, 9192, 99, 220, 481482

Atomic force microscope (AFM), 393, 396, 810811

Atomic force/photon scanning tunneling microscope (AF/PSTM), 396

Attenuator, 140, 143, 148, 214

Auto-edge detection technology, 830, 833

Auto-focus (AF), 844846, 849851

Avalanche photodiode (APD), 313

avalanche multiplication, 114115

breakdown voltage, 114

Geiger-mode APD

equivalent circuit, 115

MPPC, 115116

impact ionization, 114


Babinet–Soleil compensator, 383, 698

Babinet’s principle, 348

Band-pass filter, 732

Band-stop filter, 732733

Barrett’s esophagus (BE), 360361

Beam splitter (BS), 435

Benchtop configuration, 804806

Berek compensator, 383

Birefringence mapping techniques, 382

Birefringence measurement

applications, 678679

circular polariscope, 691692

Jones method, 687689

linear polariscope, 688691

Mueller method, 687689

optical heterodyne method, 696698

PEM, 693696

phase-shifting method

detected intensity, 699

LC retarders, 700

Mueller matrices, 698699

phase difference, 700

plastic disk inspection, 701702

Stokes parameters, 698699

uniaxial stretching, 701703

polarization society, 677

polarization states

circular polarization, 681682

electric field, 679680

elliptical polarization, 681682

Jones vector, 684685

linear polarization, 681

Poincaré sphere, 686687

stokes parameter, 685686

polarized light, 679680

refraction index, 682683

Senarmont method, 692693

Blackbody radiators, 28, 3637

Brewster angle, 179181, 706, 709, 734

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), 405


Calibration specimen, 156

Camera shutter, 148

Catadioptric design, 655656

Cathodoluminescence, 28, 33

Cauchy model, 715716, 718720

CCD-digital radiography (CCD-DR), 134

Charge-coupled device (CCD), 231, 519, 523

back-illuminated CCD, 57, 124, 126127

CCD-DR, 134

vs. CMOS, 126

dark current of, 126127

EM-CCD, 127128

front-illuminated CCD, 126127

I-CCDs, 130

interline-transfer and frame-transfer layouts, 124125

multi-port, 130

TDI-CCD, 130131

vacuum chamber, 127128

ZIMPOL, 633634

Chemical etching method, 391392

Chemiluminescence, 28, 3335

Chinese hamster’s oocytes (CHO), 355

Chromatic confocal imaging method, 490491

Circular birefringence, 631, 652, 668

Circular diattenuation, 628, 631

Circular polariscope, 691692

Circular retardance, 631

Circular retardation, 631

CMOS image sensor

vs. CCD, 126

schematic diagram, 124126

sCMOS, 128130

Coaxial confocal microscopic method, 486487

Coaxial-episcopic illuminator, 840

Coherence gating method, 360

Coherence scanning interferometry (CSI)

AFM measurements, 811

coherence-based method, 800

Fourier phases, 800

frequency-domain analysis method, 801, 808

highly textured surface structure, 799

modulation envelope, 798, 800, 808

numerical aperture (NA), 799

OCT, 802

serviceable conceptual model, 799

surface film structure, 809

tilt fringes, 797

top-surface location method, 810

Colorimetry, 5

chromaticity coordinates, 2425

CIE color matching functions, 2324

CIE test-color method, 25

colorimetric shift, 25

CRI, 25

spectroradiometers, 25

tristimulus colorimeters, 25

tristimulus values, 23

U–B/B–V color index, 26

Color rendering index (CRI), 25

Coma, 91, 94, 100, 220

Comité International des Poids et Mesures (CIPM), 406, 410

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), 39

Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor sensors (CMOS)

acquisition speeds, 243

vs. CCD, 126

digital holography, 597

ICCD camera, 671

MOS transistors, 124125

readout electronics, 121

sCMOS, 128, 130

spectral sensitivity, 763

Confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM), 397

Confocal light absorption and scattering spectroscopic (CLASS) microscopy, 364367

Confocal sensor, 847850

Contrast detection method, 486489

Corner reflector, 312, 434437, 778779

Correlated color temperature (CCT), 28, 36, 58

Cosine error, 412414, 423, 437

CSI, see Coherence scanning interferometry (CSI)

Cube interferometer, 410


Deep ultraviolet (DUV) linear birefringence polarimeter

accuracy error, 658659

CsI photomultiplier tube, 657

deuterium lamp, 643, 657

intrinsic birefringence, 656657

lens measurement, 660661

linear retardation maps, 658660

Mueller matrix calculus, 657658

Soleil–Babinet compensator, 658

stress-birefringence dispersion, 658660

Degrees of freedom (DOF), 459

Diascopic illuminator, 833, 838840

Diattenuation, 628, 630631, 647648, 652, 662663, 678


diffractographic method, 349351

Fraunhofer region, 343

fundamentals of

aperture, 345

Babinet’s principle, 348

Fourier transformation method, 346

Fresnel–Kirchhoff diffraction formula, 343344

mechanical micrometer method, 349

pattern, 346

tensile strength testing, 347

toolmaker’s microscope method, 349

grating diffraction method, 351352

Diffractography technique, 349

Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), 360

Digital holography, 226


in-line setup, 235236

large objects, 234, 236

lensless off-axis, 234235

CCD, 231

CMOS, 231

convolution method, 599

defect recognition, 242243

diffraction integral, 231233

electro-optical sensors, 231

ESPI, 241

FFT, 231, 233234

Fresnel transform method, 599600

high-resolution 3D representations, 231

interferometry, 601602

metrological application, 241


bright-field, 237238

scanning electron microscope, 237, 239

spatial resolution, 237

3D profile, 237

microsystems investigation, 244245

object beam, 597598

object deformations measurement, 241242

quantitative amplitude and phase, 600

reference beam, 597598

short coherence light source

light source, 236, 239

OCT, 237

phase-shifting method, 239

plane selection, 239

reconstructed images, fly, 239

rough metallic cone, 240241

2D discrete FT, 233

vibrations analysis, 242243

Digital mirror device (DMD), 145, 496, 500501, 523

Digital photogrammetry

automobile measurement

car bottom, 571

entire body, 572573

tire, 573575

cultural heritage, architecture, and topography application

aerial and ground photographs, 566, 568

Archaeological Museum of Messene (Greece), 565566

Byzantine church of Agia Samarina (Ancient Messene), 565, 567

Byzantine ruins on Gemiler Island, 564565

topography model, 566567

wall relief 3D modeling, 564

human body measurement

face modeling, 569570

photographing setup, 570

SLR-type digital camera, 570

surface model, 570

texture-mapping model, 570

indoor measurement, 575576

photogrammetric SLAM

SFM, 563

UAV, 577579

vehicle, 576577

visual SLAM, 563


bundle adjustment process, 558

single photogrammetry, 556557

stereo photogrammetry, 557558

process flow measurement, 559

camera calibration, 559560

exterior orientation, 561562

photographing, 560561

3D image reconstruction and output, 562563

3D measurement, 562

Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI)

fringe analysis

“difference-of-phases” method, 261263

out-of-plane displacement, 257259

“phase-of-differences” method, 261

phase ramp/carrier, 259

phase unwrapping method, 262

PZT, 261

SC fringe patterns, 259260

spatial carrier, 261

SPS, 260261

TPS, 259261

MEMS, 264266

optical systems

in-plane displacement, 262263

out-of-plane displacement, 262264

shearing devices, 264

thermal stress, 263264

3D profile measurement, 257

uses, 257

Digital speckle photography (DSP), 251, 636, 638, 640

Digital speckle shear pattern interferometry (DSSPI), 257

Discrete cosine transform (DCT), 262

Dispersion, light

anomalous, 188189

color of objects, 190

in dielectrics

dipole moment, 185186

linear complex dielectric susceptibility, 187

macroscopic polarization, 186187

refractive index, 185187

group velocity of wave packet, 189190

normal, 187188


distance measurements

air refractivity, 447448

fine scale, 445

modulation method, 446

optical frequency sweep method, 446447

optical measurements, 444

pulse method, 445

two color measurement, 448449

laser interferometer

Abbe error, 437

cosine error, 437

dead path, 436

Fabry–Perot cavity, 438

homodyne and heterodyne interferometer, 434

nonlinear errors, 437

optical path lengths and thermal change, 436437

optical system, 434435

refractive index of air, 435436

linear encoders

calibration of, 443444

diffraction scale encoders, 441

direction of, 442443

enclosed and exposed type, 439

hologram scale encoders, 442

image transmission scale encoders, 441

incremental-type and absolute-type, 440

magnetic type and the magnet-electric type, 438

manufacturing and machine tools, 438

Moiré method, 440441

optical scale, 438

rotary encoders, 438

scale mark detection, 440

Distortion, primary aberrations, 88, 9092

Divergence, lasers, 7879

DMD, see Digital mirror device (DMD)

Doppler method

defect, 321

Doppler shift, 320

vs. heterodyne method

accuracy, 321

velocity and displacement measurement, 322

principle, 320321

Drude model, 715717

DSP, see Digital speckle photography (DSP)

DSPI, see Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI)


BE, 361

classifications, 364

diagnosis of, 360

gastrointestinal tract, 361

inflammatory bowel disease, 361

LGD/HGD, 363


Edge-emitting LEDs, 5253, 80

Edge point detection, 841843

Effective medium approximation (EMA), 714, 716, 721

Ehringhaus compensator, 383

Eigen coordinate system, 380

Electric distance meters (EDMs), 446

Electroluminescence, 28, 32, 4142

Electronic speckle interferometry, 241, 257, 528

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI), 253, 257

Electron-multiplying CCD (EM-CCD), 127128

Electro-optic crystal, 383, 385

Electro-optic modulator (EOM), 306307, 321


definition, 705

dielectric constant, 705

dielectric function

definition, 714

Drude model, 715717

Lorentz model, 715717

Si crystal, 717

Tauc–Lorentz model, 715716

drawback, 706

features, 705706

linear polarization, 707

measurement principle, 707708

optical constants, 705

optical model

air/thin layer/substrate structure, 712

data analysis, 713714

EMA, 714

p- and s-polarization, 708709

plane of incidence, 708

polarized light, 706


Fourier coefficients, 710

light intensity, 710

normalized light intensity, 710711

schematic diagram, 709710

right-circular polarization, 707

single-wavelength ellipsometry

air/thin layer/c-Si structure, 718

mathematical inversion, 720722

SiO2/c-Si structure, 719720

spectroscopic ellipsometry, 718

VUV, 712

Elliptical polarization, 168, 679682, 707, 711

Ellipticity, 377380, 382387, 686687, 700

EMA, see Effective medium approximation (EMA)

Epithelial nuclei, 360

ESAD, see Extended shear angle difference (ESAD)

ESPI, see Electronic speckle interferometry; Electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI)

Evanescent field, 162, 390

Evanescent wave, 184185, 390, 397

Exicor OIA (oblique incident angle), 660661

Extended shear angle difference (ESAD), 471


Fab mode, 667

Fabry–Perot cavity, 72, 438, 445

Fast Fourier transform (FFT), 231, 286, 504, 843

FD-OCT, see Fourier-domain OCT (FD-OCT)

Femtosecond laser processing, 399

Field curvature, 9192

Film thickness profiling

pseudo-transmission interferometry, 753755

refractive index measurement, 755757

thick transparent films

KF algorithm, 745747

measurable range, 748

refractive index effect, 748, 750

repeatability, 748, 751

SP-500F film profiler, 747

steps/process, 748749

white-light interferometry, 744745

thin transparent films

CMP samples, 751754

cross section, 751

measurement results, 751752

repeatability, 751, 753

three wavelength interference color analysis

ACOS algorithm, 761762

Davidon–Fletcher–Powell method, 764

experimental apparatus, 762763

GMFT (see Global model fitting for thickness (GMFT))

spectral sensitivity, 762763

spectral transmittance, 762763

Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD), 356, 396397

Finite element method (FEM), 265

Fizeau interferometers, 409410

Fourier transform method, 469

interference fringe pattern, 462463

laser, 208

national standard Fizeau interferometer, 467468

optical arrangement, 208

optical configuration, 462463

optical flat, 462, 467468

optical parallels, 467468

phase distribution, 463464


coherent noise, 467

environmental fluctuations, 466

gravity deformations, 466467

mounting method, 466

phase-shifting errors, 466

PZT, 464

surface of transmission sphere, 209

surface profile determination, 464466

Flash tubes, 4041

Flatness measurements

angle sensor systems

contact systems, 470471

ESAD, 471

LTP, 471472

definition, 461462

Fizeau interferometer (see Fizeau interferometers)

oblique incidence interferometer, 469470

Flat panel display (FPD)

glass substrate, 662

in-line application, 667

off-line application, 666667

retardation compensation films, 666

RGB wavelengths, 663665

Flexible LEDs, see Polymer LEDs (PLEDs)

Flow measurement


data-processing computer, 606

Doppler burst, 607

Doppler frequency, 607

fiber-optic system, 610

optical arrangement and SNR, 608609

photodetector, 606

signal processor, 606

PIV (see Particle image velocimetry (PIV))

Fluorescence, 2930, 367, 669

Fluorescent lamps, 3839, 65

Focus-error detection method

astigmatism method, 481482

CD pickups, 485486

critical-angle method, 481482

focus detection method, 484

HIPOSS system, 483

optical stylus method, 483485

Rodenstock Model RM 600 3-D/C, 483484

Fourier analysis method, 390

Fourier-domain OCT (FD-OCT), 772, 777

Fourier transform (FT)

convolution theorem, 230

plane reference wave, 229

spectrums of, 229

2D function, 228

Fourier transformation method, 346, 542

Four-stepping phase-shifting algorithm, 498

FPD, see Flat panel display (FPD)

Fraunhofer diffraction, 343, 347

Free-space communication, 59

Frequency sweeping method

initial phase, 286

measurement result, 286287

temporal carrier frequency, 286

virtual wave number, 284

wavelength shift method, 284

Fresnel formulae

electric vector

parallel to plane of incidence, 176

perpendicular to plane of incidence, 175

energy, 177

incident, reflected, and refracted waves, 174

reflectivity and transmissivity, 177179

Fresnel–Kirchhoff diffraction formula, 343344

Fresnel’s biprism, 204

Fringe analysis

definition, 541

fringe images, 541542

intensity distribution, 542

multiple-input images, 542

phase-shifting method, 543544

three-buckets phase-shifting method, 544545

phase analysis, 541

phase unwrapping, 548550

profilometry, 550551

single-input image, 542

carrier fringes, 546

Fizeau interferometer, 547548

FT method, 546547

2D FT method, 547548

Fringe-counting interferometers, 410

Fringe evaluation techniques, 408

Full width at half maximum (FWHM), 398


Gas discharge lamps

high-pressure discharge lamps, 3941

ionized gas, 37

low-pressure discharge lamps, 3839

Geiger-mode APD

equivalent circuit, 115

MPPC, 115116

Geometrical distance, 407, 448449

Global model fitting for thickness (GMFT)

algorithm, 759760

flowchart, 757758

initial estimates, 760

necessary condition, 760

principle of, 760761

synthesized color chart, 758759

Global positioning system (GPS), 556, 566

GMFT, see Global model fitting for thickness (GMFT)

Goos–Hänchen shift, 184185, 192193

Grating monochromator

dispersion process, 18

geometrical optical process, 18

selection criteria, 1819

system configurations, 1920

Group refractive index, 448


Half-wave plate (HWP), 380, 696

Harmonic waves, 164

Heat stretching method, 391392

HeLa cells, 355

Heterodyne-type laser interferometer, 434435

High-brightness LEDs, 48, 51

High-grade dysplasia (HGD), 360361, 363

High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, 3940, 5859; see also High-pressure discharge lamps

High-pressure die-casting (HPDC), 507

High-pressure discharge lamps, 3941

High-pressure mercury-vapor (HMPV) lamps, 3940

High-pressure sodium (HPS) discharge lamps, 40

High-reflection coating, 730731

Holo-graphic method, 351

Holographic optical element (HOE), 257

Holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV) method

digital holographic PTV technique, 621623

off-axis holography, 619621


applications, 225

computer-generated holography, 226

concept, 225

digital holography (see Digital holography)


Fourier transform (see Fourier transform (FT))

reconstruction, 227228

recording, 226227

off-axis reference beam method, 225

3D images, 225

3D television and information storage, 226

HPDC, see High-pressure die-casting (HPDC)

HPIV method, see Holographic particle image velocimetry (HPIV) method

Huygens’ principle, 359

Hybrid photodetector (HPD), 118119

Hybrid sensing system

CAD model, 508510

coordinate measurement machine, 507508

die assembly, 507, 509511

engine block, 507510

HPDC, 507

laser sensor, 508509


Image intensifier

MCP, 129130

structure and operating principle, 128129

Image processing technique, 353, 542

Image sensors

and cameras

back-illuminated CCD, 126127

dark current of CCD, 126127

EM-CCD, 127128

front-illuminated CCD, 126127

high-speed cameras, 130131

image intensifier, 128130

sCMOS, 128129

vacuum chamber, 127128


CCD, 124126

CMOS, 124126

Indefinite for dysplasia (IND), 361

Infrared (IR) interferometry

focused and unfocused pupil, 212213

fringe pattern, 213

infrared optical systems, 211

MTF testing, 213

phase-shifting systems, 213

reflection configurations, 212

Inner profile measurement, 512513

Instrumentation, near-field optics

optical probe, 391394

probe height control system, 393395

SNOM, calibration of

optical false images, elimination of, 395396

resolution, 394

Instrument transfer function (ITF), 817819

Intensified CCD (I-CCD), 130, 671

Intensity detection method, 480481

Interference microscopy


coherence-based method, 800

Fourier phases, 800

frequency-domain analysis method, 801

highly textured surface structure, 799

modulation envelope, 798

numerical aperture, 798799

OCT, 802

serviceable conceptual model, 799

tilt fringes, 797

FOV images, 819820

height response, 819821

history, 792

instrument design

light source and detection, 802

optical system, 802804

postprocessing, 807

system configurations, 804807

Michelson interferometer, 794795

PCOR, 815816

profile fidelity, 822823


algorithm design, 796

arctangent function, 796

discrete sample intensities, 795

intensity sampling, 795

linear phase shift, 796

3D image, 797

roughness specimen, 792793

signal modeling

conceptual diagram, 808

model-based analysis, 810812

obliquity factor, 809

transparent film, 809810

surface structure analysis, 792793

surface topography

measurement, 792793

repeatability, 812814

3D metrology, 816819

vibration and environmental effects, 814815

Interference orders, 407, 417, 421422

Interferogram, 205, 235, 241, 407408, 419420, 745746, 775, 777, 782


additional corrections

optics error correction, 427428

platen flexing, 430

surface roughness and phase change on reflection, 429

wringing contact, body and platen, 429430

BIPM, 405

CIPM, 406

length measurements

Fizeau interferometers, 409410

Fringe-counting interferometers, 410

light sources, 410412

plane waves, 412414

principles, 406407

refractive index of air, 414417

temperature measurement, 417

Twyman–Green interferometer, 407409

prismatic bodies

imaging of body, pixel array, 418419

interferogram analysis, 419420

length evaluation, 421422

length measurement applications, 422426



astigmatism, 220

coma, 220

spherical, 220

Fizeau interferometer

laser, 208

optical arrangement, 207

surface of transmission sphere, 209

fringe analysis

computer-aided, 218

extrapolation, 219

MTF, 219

phase-shifting software, 219220

static fringe digitization software, 218220

Strehl ratio, 219

wavefront error, 218


Fresnel’s biprism, 204

Lloyd’s experiment, 205

Young’s slits, 204

interfering waves

angular subtense, 201

complex amplitude summation, 198

contrast, 199200

high- and low-contrast fringes, 199

non-equal amplitude summation, 198199

path difference, 201202

sag of wavefront, 202

two beam interference, 199200

wavefront aberration, 203

IR (see Infrared (IR) interferometry)

optical sources, 205206

simple interferometer, 206207

test arrangements

concave surfaces, 214

convex surfaces, 214

domes, 217

flats, 214

lens, 215

material blanks, 215

telescope, 216218

Twyman–Green interferometer, 209

laser sources, 209

Mach–Zender interferometer, 210

shear plate interferometer, 210211

Interpolation technology, 440


Jones matrices, 386, 687

Jones method, 687689

Jones/Muller matrix computation, 381

Jones vector, 590, 592, 684685


Kodak DCS Pro-Back, 564

Kösters prism, 408

Kösters–Zeiss interference comparator, 408409


Lab mode, 666667

Lanthanum-modified lead zirconate titanate (PLZT) shutter, 148

Laser auto-focus sensor, 849851

Laser diode (LD), 439, 464

Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), 605

data-processing computer, 606607

Doppler burst, 607

Doppler frequency, 607

fiber-optic system, 610

optical arrangement and SNR, 608609

photodetector, 606

signal processor, 607


cooling system, 72

gain medium, 6970

gas active medium, 7980

laser cavity, 71

light amplification, 69

light characteristics

divergence, 7879

irradiance, 79

laser beam focus, 79

monochromaticity, 75

temporal coherence, 7677

transverse spatial coherence, 7778

liquid active medium, 80

operating characteristics

axial modes, 72

continuous wave and pulsed operation, 75

Gaussian laser beams, 7375

resonant modes, 7273

transverse modes, 73

properties, 66

pump, 7071

semiconductor active medium, 8081

solid-state active medium, 80

stimulated emission, 6769

Laser Tracker® (Leica Geosystems), 447

LDV, see Laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV)

LEDs, see Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)

Left circularly polarized (LCP), 374375

Length measurement, interferometry


glass ceramics material, 426

length relaxation, 425426

single-crystal silicon, 424425

steel gauge block, 423424

thermocouples, 423

principles, 406407

requirements, 410417

types, 407410


aspheric surfaces, 98

elements, 94

optical materials (see Optical materials)

photogrammetry, 105

production tolerances, 9798

relay, 104

surfaces, 9495

telecentric, 104105

testing and single-wavelength systems, 99

Light control device, 145

Light deflection principle, 147

Light emission

bioluminescence, 3435

blackbody radiation

CCT, 28

incandescence, 26

luminosity of spherical star, 28

luminosity of Sun, 28

spectral exitance, 27

Stefan–Boltzmann constant, 28

total radiant exitance, 27

cathodoluminescence, 33

chemiluminescence, 3334

electroluminescence, 32

fluorescence, 29

multiphoton photoluminescence

bandgap energy, 3132

modified Roosbroeck–Shockley equation, 31

PL spectra, 31

three-dimensional micro-lithography, 30

two-photon absorption, 30

two-photon PL, 2930

upconversion fluorescence process, 30

phosphorescence, 29

photoluminescence, 28

scintillation, 35

sonoluminescence, 33

triboluminescence, 35

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs)


blue LED fishing lamp, 66

emission spectral range, 5758

high-speed pulsed LED light generator, 64

illumination, 5859

LED/LED two-way communication method, 60, 62

in medicine and dentistry, 6465

mold’s growth suppression, 66

optical communication, 5960

photo-coupler/photo-relay, 6263

photovoltaic effect, 6061

plant growth, 6566

solar cell, 62

translator, 63

dominant wavelength, 43

edge-emitting, 5253

electron–hole pairs, 42

emission output, 44

external quantum efficiency, 46

extraction efficiency, 45

FWHM, 4243

intensity of photon energy, 42

internal quantum efficiency, 44

Lambertian pattern, 4647

light intensity, 44, 46

linear encoders, 439

material systems, 4648


luminous flux measurements, 5556

luminous intensity measurements, 5455

mapping spatial radiation pattern, 56

measurement instrumentation, 5657

OLEDs, 5354

p−n junction, 4142

refractive index, 45

surface-emitting, 5152


luminous efficiency and CRI, 49

lunar white, 49

phosphor-based white LED, 4950

phosphorescence, 48

PRS-LED, 4951

wavelength conversion materials, 49

Light polarization

in dielectrics, 172

electric and magnetic field, 167168

in metamaterials (see Metamaterials (MMs))

reflection and refraction

boundary conditions, 172173

Brewster angle, 179180

degree of polarization, 179

external reflection, 180181

Fresnel formulae (see Fresnel formulae)

internal reflection, 181

laws of, 173174

normal incidence, 179

Light scattering

angle scattering, 356

basic principles, 357359


apoptosis, 367

CLASS microscope, 365

CLASS spectrum, 366

confocal reflectance microscopy, 364

elastic scattering spectroscopy, 364

exogenous fluorescence probes, 364

fluorescence microscopy, 367

optical coherent tomography, 364

scalar wave model, 365

early cancer detection, LSS

adenocarcinoma, 361


antibodies, 361

Barrett’s esophagus, 360

dysplasia, 360361

dysplasia/CIS classifications, 364

esophagectomy, 361

gastro-enterological endoscopy procedures, 362

HGD, 360361

IND, 363

LGD, 361

NDB, 363

nuclear size distributions, 362

optical diagnostic technology, 361

FDTD simulations, 356

LSS, 356, 359360

Mie theory, 355

refractive index, 356

scattering pattern, 355

single nanoparticles, LSS of, 368369

van de Hulst approximation, 355356

Light scattering spectroscopy (LSS), 356

Light sources

F-number, 16, 18

gas discharge lamps

high-pressure discharge lamps, 3941

ionized gas, 37

low-pressure discharge lamps, 3839

grating monochromator

dispersion process, 18

geometrical optical process, 18

selection criteria, 1819

system configurations, 1920

incandescent lamps, 3637

LEDs (see Light-emitting diodes (LEDs))

parasitic interference, 411

size of, 411

source power, 16

source size and shape, 18

spatial coherence, 411

specific spectral lamps, 410

spectral distribution, 1617

temporal coherence, 410

tungsten halogen lamps, 3637

Linear birefringence

computer-controlled X−Y stage

AC signals, 650652

Bessel function, 649

channel detectors, 648649

DC signals, 650652

instrumental noise, 650651

instrumental stability, 650651

magnitude and angular orientation, 650

Mueller matrix calculus, 649

retardation values, 651652

Soleil–Babinet compensator, 650651

DUV linear birefringence polarimeter

accuracy error, 658659

CsI photomultiplier tube, 657

deuterium lamp, 643, 657

intrinsic birefringence, 656657

lens measurement, 660661

linear retardation maps, 658660

Mueller matrix calculus, 657658

Soleil–Babinet compensator, 658

stress-birefringence dispersion, 658659


image quality, 655656

Moore’s law, 652

photomask blanks, 652654

requirements, 652

substrates, 652, 654655

retardation and diattenuation, 630631

Linearly horizontal polarized (LHP), 374

Linearly vertical polarized (LVP), 374375

Linear polariscope, 688, 690691

Linear retardation, see Linear birefringence

Liquid crystal cell, 383, 385

Liquid crystal display (LCD), see Flat panel display (FPD)

Liquid crystal (LC) polarization rotator

intensity equations, 592

Jones’ calculus, 592

MATLAB® algorithm, 593

polariscope system, 591592

stress distributions, 593594

Lloyd’s experiment, 205

Longitudinal spatial coherence, see Temporal coherence

Long trace profiler (LTP), 471472

Long-wave pass filter, 731732

Lorentz model, 715716

Low-grade dysplasia (LGD), 361, 363364

Low-pressure discharge lamps, 3839

Low-pressure mercury discharge lamps, 39

Low-pressure sodium (LPS) arc lamps, 39

Luminescent radiators, see Nonthermal radiators

Luminous efficiency

fluorescent lamps, 38

gas discharge lamps, 37

HPS lamps, 40

human eye and, 1516

incandescent/tungsten halogen lamps, 36

metal-halide lamps, 40

white-light LEDs, 49, 51


Machine geometry, 459460

Mach–Zender interferometer, 210

Magnescale Co., Ltd., 442

Magnetic field pitch angle, 636637

Magneto-optical (MO) method, 400

Maxwell’s equations

Ampere’s law for free space, 162163

electric permittivity and permeability, 163164

Faraday’s induction law for free space, 162163

FDTD method, 496497

forces, 163

Gauss’s law for electric field, 162

Gauss’s law for magnetic field, 162

vector divergence and curl, 164

Mechanical micrometer method, 349

Mechanism element, 149

Mercury–xenon arc lamps, 16, 40

Mesopic, 6

Metal-halide lamps, 40

Metamaterials (MMs)

amplitude reflection coefficients, 192

applications, 190

Goos–Hänchen shift, 192193

negative refraction, 191192

permittivity and permeability, 191192

phase velocity, 191192

total internal reflection, 192

Method of exact fractions, 421422

Michelson interferometer

interference signal, 794, 807808

laser interferometer, 434

OCT technique, 770773

shear interferometer, 263264

Twyman–Green interferometer, 407

Michelson-type interference objective, 802

Micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS)

fabrication technique, 264265

nanolithography, 398399

out-of-plane deformation, 244245

pressure sensor, 265266

scanning mirror, 502504

Micrometer, 153154, 349, 862863

Micromotion element, 153154

Micromotor, 155

Micro-PIV system, 616, 623625

Mie theory, 355356

Mirror mount, 149150

MMs, see Metamaterials (MMs)

Modulation transfer function (MTF), 213, 219, 817

Moiré method, 440441, 478, 519, 550551

Moiré metrology

applications, 273

diffraction grating, 288289

dot arrays and grid lines, 273274

flatness measurement system, 289290


linear strain measurement, 276277

pattern formation, 274275

shear strain measurement, 277278

interference pattern, 288289

moiré-based optical tweezers, 291


projection moiré methods, 278, 287288

shadow moiré method (see Shadow moiré method)

overlapping line grating/random patterns, 290

reflection moiré method, 288

sampling moiré method

principle, 295296

rotating tire, 3D shape measurement, 296

spatial phase-shifting methods, 295

specified camera system, 295

strain distribution measurement, 296297

shape measurement

liquid crystal grating and CCD camera, 292, 294295

moiré fringes, 292, 294

optical configuration, 292293

phase map, 292, 294

projection moiré, 292

reconstructed coin image, 292, 294

sample coin and measured results, 292, 294

stylus method, 292, 294

Monochromaticity, 75

Motional Stark effect (MSE) polarimeter, 637638

Mueller matrix polarimeter

dual PEM system, 645647

four modulator Mueller polarimeter, 647648

optical devices, 629630

Mueller method, 687689

Multiangle spectropolarimetric imager (MSPI), 634

Multiphoton photoluminescence

bandgap energy, 3132

modified Roosbroeck–Shockley equation, 31

PL spectra, 31

three-dimensional micro-lithography, 30

two-photon absorption, 30

two-photon PL, 2930

upconversion fluorescence process, 30

Multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC), 115116

Multi-pixel sensors, 121122, 135

Multipoint diffraction strain sensor (MISS), 595597


National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), 443444, 467468

Nature of light

electric and magnetic vectors, 165, 167

electromagnetic spectrum, 171172

energy flow, 168169

irradiance, 169170

light polarization (see Light polarization)

light speed in vacuum, 166

photons, radiation pressure, and momentum, 170171

Poynting vector, 169

three-dimensional plane electromagnetic wave, 166

transverse waves, 166

Near-field optics


FDTD method, simulation based on, 396397

micro-focused spot, 397

nanolithography, 398399

near-field storage, 400401

super resolution imaging, 397398

evanescent field, 390


optical probe, 391393

probe height control system, 393394

SNOM, calibration of, 394396

SNOM, 389

Newton–Raphson method, 587

NMIJ, see National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ)

Non destructive testing (NDT), 264

Non-dysplastic Barrett’s (NDB), 363

Nonlinear errors, 437

Nonpolarized beam splitter (NPBS), 312, 331

Nonthermal radiators, 28

Nucleated blood cells, 355

Numerical mathematical model, 381


Oblique incidence interferometer, 469470

Oblique light illuminator, 840841

OCT, see Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

Optical alignment systems

alignment autocollimator, 454

alignment collimator, 453454

alignment telescope, 453

autocollimator, 454

Optical bench, 140, 150151, 648

Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

operating principle

coherence length, 775776

Gaussian distribution, 773774

interference intensity, 775776

Michelson interferometer, 770771

signal processing, 777

white light interferometer, 771

ophthalmologic OCTs, 770, 772, 777, 786

portable version (see Portable OCT scanner)

SD-OCT and TD-OCT, 772, 777778

short coherence digital holography, 237, 239

Optical contacting, 430

Optical design


paraxial approximation, 90

Snell’s law, 8990

surface refraction, 90

thin lens approximation, 90

thin lens layout, 91

tools, 89, 97

Optical distance, 448449, 862

Optical element

infrared, 140141

mount, 149150

optical flat, 156157

optical parallel, 157158

ultraviolet, 141142

x-ray, 142143

Optical fibers

classification, 146

communications, 59

light propagation, 146147

mode, 147

probe, 361, 391393, 397

step-index-type optical fiber, 147

Optical flat, 156157, 411412, 427428, 467468

Optical heterodyne method

accuracy and noise reduction

AOM and RF driver, 310311

detectors, 313314

environment, 309

frequency-stabilized HeNe laser, 311312

interference circuit and parts, 312313

sample surface and sample holder, 312313


birefringence index and polarimeter, 318319

displacement measurement, 315

dynamical surface measurement, 320

femto-second pulse laser, 315

fiber sensors, 320

instruments and systems production, 315

photothermal interferometry, 317

positioning with stage, 315

profilometry, 315316

refractometry, 316317

thermal expansion coefficient, 317318

thick measurement, 315316

vibration amplitude and frequency, 315

Young’s modulus, thin film, 318319

birefringence measurement, 696698

cancelable optical circuit

AOM, 306307

circuit layouts, 303304

environment fluctuation, 305306

EOM, 306307

frequency fluctuation, 305

simultaneous measurement and basement displacement, 304

symmetrical layout, 307308

thickness variation measurement, 304305

two signal phases, 303

wavelength and optical path length, 302303

Doppler method

accuracy, 321

defect, 321

Doppler shift, 320

principle, 320321

shift value and measuring time, 308

velocity and displacement measurement, 308, 322

dynamic measurement, 314

high-precision measurement, 300302

static measurement, 314

transient measurement

cantilever vibration, 333, 335

concentration fluctuation, 335337

designing, 323325

dynamic phenomena, 322323

error factors, 329331

period detection, 327328

phase detection and displacement, 328329

photoelectric conversion circuit, 326327

reflection light detection, 323324

signal processing, 325326

static phenomena, 322

transmission light detection, 323324

tuning fork (see Tuning fork)

Optical integrated circuit, 147148

Optical materials

Abbe number, 9596

dispersion, 95

glass types, 9596

n−V glass chart, 95

refractive index, 9596

Optical modulator, 140, 145

Optical monitoring

antireflection coating, 737

band-pass filters, 734735

polarizer detector array, 736

reflection monitoring system, 735

TPM, 734

Optical parallel, 157158, 467468

Optical path difference (OPD), see Wave-front aberration

Optical polariscope, 147

Optical scanner, 147

Optical thin films

antireflection coating, 729730

band-pass filter, 732

band-stop filter, 732733

changes in reflectance, 727728

electric field, 726

ellipsometry, 738

equivalent refractive index, 728

high-reflection coating, 730731

interference filter, 725

light propagation, 726

long-wave pass filter, 731732

optical monitoring

antireflection coating, 737

band-pass filters, 734735

polarizer detector array, 736

reflection monitoring system, 735

TPM, 734

photometry, 738739

polarizer, 733734

reflectance and transmittance, 729

short-wave pass filter, 731732

single-layer film, 726

two-beam interference, 727728

Optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC), 148

Optoelectronic sensors

image sensors (see Image sensors)

multi-pixel sensors, 121122

photons–electrons conversion, 108110

point sensors (see Point sensors)

position-sensitive sensors, 122124

readout electronics recording methods, 120


factors, 108

guide, 135

spectral response, 111113

x-ray/gamma ray sensors

physics of detection, 131132

practical sensors, 132134

Organic LEDs (OLEDs), 5354


Particle image velocimetry (PIV)

classification, 613615

experimental setup, 614615

flow dynamics, 610

HPIV method

digital holographic PTV technique, 621623

off-axis holography, 619621

micro-PIV system, 623625

principle, 611613

SPIV method

axial-fan and measurement planes, 618619

principle, 616618

tracer particles, 614615

turbulent boundary layer, 616

Particle streak velocimetry (PSV), 613614

Particle tracking velocimetry (PTV), see Particle image velocimetry (PIV)

Pattern matching, 841, 843844

Pattern projection method

digital techniques

BGA, 498, 500

four-stepping phase-shifting, 498

LC grating, 498499

profile measurement system, 497

profilometric techniques

downsizing/compact system, 502507

high-speed measurement, 500502

hybrid sensing (see Hybrid sensing system)

inner profile measurement, 512513

shape reconstruction, 511512

traditional techniques

optical arrangement, 495

patterns, 495

period control, 495496

space coding method, 493494

P3D cameras, see Portable 3D (P3D) cameras

Pechan prism, 103

PEM, see Photoelastic modulator (PEM)

Petzval curvature/sum, see Field curvature

Phase change on reflection (PCOR), 815816

Phase-shifting interferometry (PSI)

algorithm design, 796

arctangent function, 796

coherent noise, 467

digital/electronic speckle and speckle shear, 257

discrete sample intensities, 795

environmental fluctuations, 466

gravity deformations, 466467

intensity sampling, 795

linear phase shift, 796

mounting method, 466

phase-shifting errors, 466

3D image, 797

Phase-shifting method

detected intensity, 699

four-step algorithm, 260261, 282, 291292

grating, vertical movement and rotation, 283284

intensity modulation, 284285

LC retarders, 700

limitation, 284

Mueller matrices, 698699

phase difference, 700

plastic disk inspection, 701702

shape measurement

coin surface arrangement, 291

mutual phase difference, 291292

score cap checking, 291293

Stokes parameters, 698699

uniaxial stretching, 701703

Phase-shifting speckle interferometry (PSSI), 257

Phase-stepping interferometry, 408409, 411412, 418419, 427

Phasogrammetry principle, 505506

Phosphorescence, 29, 4849

Photodiode (PD), 66, 108109, 313, 483, 485, 488, 712, 856

Photoelastic modulator (PEM); see also Mueller matrix polarimeter; Stokes polarimeter

design, 631

detected intensity, 695

optical arrangement, 693694, 696

optical element and piezoelectric transducer, 631632

phase modulation, 695

photoelastic effect, 631

polarization modulation, 631632

quality, 632

retardance, 694

Photogrammetry lenses, 105

Photographic filter, 143

Photoluminescence (PL), 28

Photometric measurements

astronomical object brightness

absolute photometry, 23

aperture photometry, 23

CCD cameras, 2223

differential photometry, 23

Johnson–Cousins photometric system, 22

Johnson–Morgan UBV system, 22

magnitudes, 21

red shift, 22

relative photometry, 23

trigonometric parallax, 22

goniophotometers, 21

rotating mirror photometers, 21

spherical photometers, 21


definition, 5

frequency range, 5

human eye, 56

measurements (see Photometric measurements)

quantities and units, 67

illuminance, 1214

light source (see Light sources)

lumens to watts conversion, 1516

luminous flux, 1114

luminous intensity, 12

watts to lumens conversion, 1315

Photomultiplier, 22, 35, 110, 115, 350, 353, 606, 609610, 643, 711712

Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), 110

applications, 118

flat panel, 117

gain characteristics, 116117

miniature, 118

sectional diagram, 116117

Photonic crystals (PCs), 53, 91, 401

Photons–electrons conversion

photoconductive effect, 109110

photoelectric effect, 110

photovoltaic effect, 108109

Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), 444, 467

Piezoelectric element, 149, 154155

Piezoelectric transducer (PZT), 261, 265, 464, 466, 544, 803

PIV, see Particle image velocimetry (PIV)

Planckian radiator, 28, 36, 56

Plane polariscope, 690691

Plane waves, generation and alignment

collimated beam, 412, 414

cosine error, 413

laser beams, 412

retroreflection method, 413414

visual autocollimation adjustment scheme, 413

Plastic optical fiber, 52, 59, 147

PMTs, see Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs)

Pneumatic spring, 152

Poincaré sphere, 629, 684, 686687

Point sensors

high-light-level applications, 113114

low-light-level applications

APD, 114116

HPD, 118119

PMT, 116118


camera imaging polarimeter, 671673

chemical, biochemical, and pharmaceutical applications

circular dichroism spectrometer, 668

fluorescence and light scattering, 633, 669

optical rotation, 668669

FPD industry

glass substrate, 662

in-line application, 667668

off-line application, 666667

retardation compensation films, 666

RGB wavelengths, 663665

linear birefringence, optical lithography industry (see Linear birefringence)

Mueller matrix polarimeter (see Mueller matrix polarimeter)

near-normal reflection, nuclear fuel industry, 662663


design, 631

optical element and piezoelectric transducer, 631632

photoelastic effect, 631

polarization modulation, 631632

quality, 632

retardation and diattenuation, 630631

silicon (Si)-based solar cell technology, 669671

Stokes polarimeter (see Stokes polarimeter)


circular polarization, 681682

complete polarization state generator

fixed linear polarizer and two variable retarders (type 2), 386387

fixed linear polarizer and two variable retarders (type I), 385386

independently rotating linear polarizer and quarter-wave plate, 381382

jointly rotating linear polarizer and variable retarder, 382383

rotating linear polarizer and fixed variable retarder, 383385

degenerate polarization states, 374

electric and magnetic fields, 373

electric field, 679680

ellipse, 374378

ellipse transformations, 378379

elliptical polarization, 681682

Jones vector, 684685

linear polarization, 681

linear retarder, 379381

Poincaré sphere, 686687

society, 677

stokes parameter, 685686

Polarization background subtraction technique, 360

Polarization beam splitter (PBS), 312, 435, 483, 655656

Polymer LEDs (PLEDs), 53

Porro prisms

chamfer, 102

paper-strip diagram, 101

tunnel diagram, 102103

Portable 3D (P3D) cameras, 505

Portable OCT scanner

industrial applications

laser fusion, 782

multichannel probe, 783784

multifunctioning system, 787788

plant measurement, 788

tablet coating, 783

transparent laminated tube, 782783

medical applications

atopic dermatitis, 786787

caries monitoring, 784785

EDJ monitoring, 785786

future technology, 788

ophthalmologic field, 784, 786

skin measurement, 786

operating principle

beat frequency shift, 778779

long-path scanning, 778779, 784

optical path difference, 778779

probe design/assembly, 780781

SLD light source, 779780

Positioning elements

micromotor, 155

PZT element, 154155

stepping motor, 155

Position-sensitive detector (PSD), 122123, 478, 486487, 519, 596, 819

Power LEDs, 5152, 5859

Primary aberrations, 88

astigmatism, 9192

coma, 91

distortion, 92

field curvature, 92

spherical aberration, 91

thin lens Seidel aberration

Abbe number, 94

biquadratic equations, 92

Fraunhofer doublet, 94

Hammer and Global optimization, 94

lens shape/bend, 9293

Steinheil doublet, 94


Abbe, 104

image orientation, 100101

vs. mirror, 99

Pechan, 103

Porro (see Porro prisms)

Production tolerances, 9798, 862

Propagation delay method, 406

PSD, see Position-sensitive detector (PSD)

Pseudo-transmission interferometry, 753755

Pulse height spectrum, 119120

PZT, see Piezoelectric transducer (PZT)


Quantitative birefringence imaging, 386

Quantum efficiency (QE), spectral response, 111112

Quarter-wave film (QWF), 386

Quarter-wave plate (QWP), 380381, 435, 442, 590, 592



definition, 45

optical range, 5

quantities and units, 67

irradiance, 8, 10

Lambert’s law and Lambertian sources, 1011

light source (see Light sources)

lumens to watts conversion, 1516

radiance, 9

radiant efficiency, 8

radiant exitance, 8

radiant flux, 910

radiant intensity, 8

solid angle, 79

watts to lumens conversion, 1315

RAE, see Rotating-analyzer ellipsometry (RAE)

Rayleigh–Gans approximation, 358

Rayleigh scattering, 357358

Red, green, and blue (RGB) wavelengths, 663665

Refractive design, 655

Region of interest (ROI), 419420

Relay lenses, 104

Resonant-cavity LEDs (RCLEDs), 52

Right circularly polarized (RCP), 374375

Rodenstock Model RM 600 3-D/C, 483484

Rotating-analyzer ellipsometry (RAE)

Fourier coefficients, 710

light intensity, 710

normalized light intensity, 710711

schematic diagram, 709710

Rugate filter, see Band-stop filter


Sampling moiré method

principle, 295296

rotating tire, 3D shape measurement, 296

spatial phase-shifting methods, 295

specified camera system, 295

strain distribution measurement, 296297

SBLEDs, see Superbright LEDs (SBLEDs)

Scanning near-field optical microscope (SNOM), 389, 394397

Scanning probe microscope (SPM), 389, 399

Scanning tunneling microscope (STM), 389

Scientific CMOS (sCMOS), 128129

Scintillation, 35, 132133

Scintillators, 35, 132134

SD-OCT, see Spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT)

Sellmeier model, 715716

Semiconductor sensors, 108, 113114, 121

Sénarmont compensator, 381382

Senarmont method, 692693

Serrodyne sweep method, 447

SFF sensor, see Shape from focus (SFF) sensor

Shadow moiré method

contour, 279280

intensity distribution

height-dependent, 280

vs. phase, 282

reference grating, 280282

sinusoidal grating, 280

problem, 286287

3D profile measurement, 278

frequency sweeping method (see frequency sweeping method)

phase-shifting method (see Phase-shifting method)

Shape from focus (SFF) sensor, 491494, 847849

Shear force method, 393

Shear plate interferometer, 210211

Short-wave pass filter, 731732

Shutter array, 148

Signal processing technique, 353

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 111, 254, 608609

Silicon photomultiplier (Si-PM), see Multi-pixel photon counter (MPPC)

Single-mode-type optical fiber, 147

Single photogrammetry, 556557

Single-wavelength ellipsometry

air/thin layer/c-Si structure, 718

mathematical inversion, 720722

SiO2/c-Si structure, 719720

spectroscopic ellipsometry, 718

Sinusoidal signals, 440, 854

SLDs, see Superluminescent diodes (SLDs)

Solid immersion lens (SIL) system, 398, 400

Solid mechanics

digital holography

convolution method, 599

Fresnel transform method, 599600

interferometry, 601602

object beam, 597

quantitative amplitude and phase, 600

reference beam, 597598

digital image correlation

3D DIC technique, 586587

2D DIC technique, 585586

external forces, 584

low birefringence polariscope

four-step phase-shifting method, 590591

Jones’ vector, 590

LC polarization rotator (see Liquid crystal (LC) polarization rotator)

principal stresses, 589

Mohr’s circle, 584

optical diffraction strain sensor

MISS, 595598

ODSS schematic, 595596

one-dimensional grating diffraction, 594595

residual strain measurement, 587588

stress components, 584

Sonoluminescence, 33

Space coding method, 493494

Spatial light modulator (SLM), 145

Spatial phase shifting (SPS), 260261

Spatial/spatial frequency filter, 143144

Speckle methods

advantages, 250

CCD and image processing system, 249

DSPI (see Digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI))

speckle interferometry

in-plane displacement measurement, 253255, 259

object deformation, 252

out-of-plane displacement measurement, 252253

schematic of, 251252

speckle pattern, 249

speckle photography, 250251

speckle shear interferometry/shearography, 255

curvature measurement, 256257

slope measurement, 255256, 259

Spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT), 771772, 777778

Spectral luminous efficiency function, 5

Spectral power distribution, 13, 23, 42, 44, 56

Spheres interferometer, 410

Spherical aberration, 91, 203, 212, 220

SS-OCT, see Swept-source OCT (SS-OCT)

Step-index-type optical fibers, 146147

Stepping motor, 155

Stereo photogrammetry, 557558, 560562

Stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV) method

axial-fan and measurement planes, 618619

principle, 616618

Stock tools, 97

Stokes parameter

PEM, 632634, 638639

polarimeters, 628629

polarization states, 685686

Stokes polarimeter

aerosol remote sensing, 634

astronomy, 632633

laboratory point-measurement, 634636

light polarization, 629

NIR, 640642

normalized Stokes parameters, chopper wheel

data collection, 638639

DOP, 639640

half-wave retarder, 639640

spin rate, 638

parameters, 629

spectroscopic polarimetry

iron oxide, 644645

leaf circular polarization, 644645

photosynthetic microbes, 642

Synechococcus WH8101, 642643

transmissive/reflective mode, 642643

Tokamak, 636638

vector, 629

ZIMPOL, 633634

Straightness measurement

angle instruments

angle interferometer, 459

autocollimators, 458459

electronic levels, 458

definition, 452

geometrical measurements, 451

integration of slope, 453

machine axis, 460

mechanical datum

error separation, reversal measurement, 456457

experimental result, 457

optical beam

laser beam alignment, 454455

optical alignment systems, 453454

straightness interferometer, 455

reversal technique, 453

rotational error measurement, machine axis, 460

straight datum, 453

traceability, 452

Strain gauge method, 351

Strain measurement

grating diffraction, 351

linear strain, 276277

residual plastic deformation, 587588

shear strain, 277278

Stress mapping

CaF2, 698

circular polariscope, 692

plane polariscope, 690

plastic disk inspection, 701702

Senarmont method, 692

Structure from motion (SFM), 563, 576

Sub-pixel technique, 352

Superbright LEDs (SBLEDs)

high-speed pulsed LED light generator, 64

photo-coupler, 6263

photovoltaic effect, 60

solar cell, 62

translator, 63

two-way LED/LED system, 6061

Superluminescent diodes (SLDs), 5253, 770772, 779

Superluminescent LEDs (SLEDs), 5860

Surface-emitting LEDs, 5152, 80

Swept-source OCT (SS-OCT), 772, 777


Tabletop, optical, 151152

Tauc–Lorentz model, 715716, 721722

TD-OCT, see Time-domain OCT (TD-OCT)

Telecentricity, 104105

Temperature measurements, 417, 423424

Temporal coherence, 7677

Temporal phase shifting (TPS), 259261

Thermocouples, 423

Thick film (KF) algorithm

calculation procedure, 746747

film thickness profile, 755757

interferogram, 745746

SP-500F film profiler, 747

Thin-film flip chip light-emitting diode (TFFC) LED, 58

Three-dimensional profilometry (3D profilometry)

classification, 476

full-field measurement

pattern projection (see Pattern projection method)

shape from focus method, 491494

historical background

measuring capsule unit, 478479

Moire topography, 477478

stereographic method, 477

triangulation method, 478480

point-wise technique

chromatic confocal imaging, 490491

coaxial confocal microscopic method, 486487

conoscopic holography method, 489

contrast detection method, 486489

focus-error detection (see Focus-error detection method)

intensity detection method, 480481

stand-off-distance, 476

Three-dimensional (3D) shape measurement

accuracy, 532

applications, 518

CAD data comparison, 524

calibration, 523

camera model, 523

CCD sensors, 523

component shape measurement, 525526

direct shape measurement, 530531

discontinuity ambiguity, 523524

full-field measurement, 530

global and local coordinate system, 521522

image data patching, 524

interferometry, 520

laser scanning, 519

laser tracking system, 520

LCDs, 522523

Moiré method, 519

paint defects, 528529

phase shifting, 523524

photogrammetry, 520

real-time computing, 530

sensor planning, 524525

shading problem, 531

speckle pattern sampling, 519520

structured light method, 521

system calibration and optimization, 532

terminology, 531

360° shape, 521

time-of-flight method, 518

vehicle shape measurement, 527

vibration, 528

Three wavelength interference color analysis

ACOS algorithm

estimated thickness profile, 764765

phase estimation, 761

phase unwrapping, 761762

experimental analysis

apparatus, 762763

Davidon–Fletcher–Powell method, 764

spectral sensitivity, 762763

spectral transmittance, 762763

features, 766767

GMFT method

algorithm, 759760

flowchart, 757758

initial estimates, 760

necessary condition, 760

principle of, 760761

synthesized color chart, 758759

thin film/soap film, 765766

Time-delayed integration (TDI), 130131

Time-domain OCT (TD-OCT), 772, 777779

Toolmaker’s microscope method, 349

Total internal reflection (TIR)

critical angle, 181

evanescent wave, 184185

prisms, 95

reflected wave

amplitude ratios, 181182

phase relation, reflected and incident waves, 182183

relative phase difference, 183

Transistor–transistor logic (TTL), 440

Transmission film (TF) algorithm

film thickness profile, 755757

measured vs. nominal values, 754755

polyester films, 754

principle of, 753754

Transverse spatial coherence, 7778

Triangle irregular network (TIN) model, 562563, 565

Triangle type optical benches, 150

Triboluminescence, 35

Tuning fork

damping oscillation, 332333

optical circuit, 331332

temperature dependence and frequency, 333334

transient characteristics, 332

vibration amplitude, 333334

Turning point method (TPM), 734735

TV holography (TVH), 257

Two-dimensional digital image correlation (2D DIC), 585586

Two-modulator generalized ellipsometry (2-MGE), 645647

Two-photon laser scanning fluorescence microscopy, 30

Two plus one phase-shifting algorithm, 502

Twyman–Green interferometer, 209

Fizeau interferometer, 409410

Kösters–Zeiss interference comparator, 409410

laser sources, 209

light sources, 411

Mach–Zender interferometer, 210

measurement pathway, 407408

optics error correction, 412, 427

reference pathway, 408

shear plate interferometer, 210211


Ultrasonic welding tool, 350

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), 577579


Vacuum interferometers, 443444

Vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) ellipsometry, 712

van de Hulst approximation, 355356

van de Hulst theory, 358

Vibration isolation system, 152153

Video measuring machines

applications, 831832

auto-edge detection, 830, 833

features of, 833

GRR validation method, 830831

height measurement

confocal sensor, 848850

laser AF sensor, 849851

SFF sensor, 847848

image processing

edge point detection, 841843

image rectification, 843

pattern matching, 843844

vision auto-focus, 844846

inspection time, 831832

ISO standard, 852

optical system

distortion factor, 836837

illumination, 838841

magnification, 837838

telecentric optics, 836837

profile measurement, 846847

structural analysis

application software, 833, 835

coordinate system, 834836

illumination system, 833

optical component layout, 833834

Visual simultaneous localization and mapping, 563


Wave equation, 165

Wave-front aberration, 88, 203

Wave fronts, 8788, 165, 198199

Wave number, 165, 772

Wave vector, 165, 174, 366

White light interferometer, 744745, 769771


Xenon arc lamps, 40

X-ray/gamma ray sensors

physics of detection, 131132

practical sensors, 132134

X-type optical benches, 150151


Yamaguchi–Hasunuma compensator, 385

Young’s slits, 204

Y-type optical benches, 150


Zeeman laser, 434

Zernike/Buchdahl notations, 88

Zurich imaging polarimeter (ZIMPOL), 633634

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