
imagesNumbers & Symbols

!= (not equal to), 34

& (ampersand), 74, 162

* (asterisk) symbol, 74

{} (curly braces), 25

< (less than), 34

<= (less than or equal to), 34

== (equal to), 34

> (greater than), 34

>= (greater than or equal to), 34

% (modulo) operator, 304305,

4-bit mode, 172, 177

5-volt linear regulator, 4

5×7 LED dot matrix, 134

74HC595 Shift Register IC, 48, 116118, 122, 124, 129, 134

7-segment LED displays, 155

840 tie-point breadboard, 22

8-bit mode, 177

8×8 LED dot matrix display, 129, 134


access control system

circuit connections, 348

code overview, 351356,

parts required, 347

project code, 348351,

Adafruit shield, 215

Add File option, 18

addChar function, 409, 412

additive color model, 63

AFMotor.h library, 215

analog input/outputs, 57

Analog Pin 4 (SDA), 339

Analog Pin 5 (SCL), 339

analogRead command, 57

analogWrite() function, 60, 194

Anthros art installation, 5

API key, 376

Archive Sketch option, 18


advantages of, 1

components, 4

extensions, 5

getting started with, 610,

internal pull-up resistors, 48

introduction to, 36,

as open source, 4

programming, 4

testing, 10

uploading sketch, 1012,

uses of, 3

variants, 5

Arduino Boards menu, 10

Arduino Bootloader, 5, 18

Arduino Duemilanove, 6

Arduino Forum, 1, 18

Arduino IDE (Integrated Development Environment), 4

appearance of, 13

board and port selection, 810,

downloading, 26

installation, 78,

introduction to, 1219,

Arduino Mega 2560, 5

Arduino menu, 16

Arduino Project, 1

Arduino projects

1-wire digital temperature sensor, 283291

access control system, 347356

basic touch screen, 259266

DC motor control, 99104

digital barograph, 245257

digital pressure sensor, 231245

dual 8-bit binary counters, 124128

dual servo control, 196201

email alert system, 384393

Ethernet shield, 359367

interactive LED chase effect, 5457

interactive traffic lights, 3848

Internet weather display, 368383

joystick servo control, 201206

L293D motor driver IC, 104108

LCD control, 171181

LCD temperature display, 182188

LED chase effect, 5154

LED displays, 129169

LED fire effect, 6668

LED flasher, 2131

light sensor, 9296

line following robot, 219229

materials needed for, 2

motor shield, 213219

piezo knock sensor, 8992

piezo sounder alarm, 8185

piezo sounder melody player, 8589

pulsating lamp, 5860

RFID reader, 343346

RGB mood lamp, 6166

RSS weather reader, 401414

S.O.S. Morse Code Signaler, 3134

SD card read/write, 317317

serial controlled mood lamp, 6879

serial temperature sensor, 279283

servo control, 192196

shift register 8-bit binary counter, 111124

stepper control, 207213

temperature SD datalogger, 327340

touch screen keypad, 266272

touch screen light controller, 272278

traffic lights, 3437

Twitterbot, 393401

ultrasonic alarm, 305312

ultrasonic distance display, 298305

ultrasonic rangefinder, 293298

ultrasonic theremin, 312314

Arduino Tools menu, 9

Arduino-based boards, 4

array data type, 42

arrays, 53, 142

data type, 53

dots[], 252, 255

endTag, 411

RGB2, 64

two-dimensional, 142143

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), 159

ASCII characters, 159160, 353

ASCII code, 159

ASCIITable sketch, 15

Atmega chip, 4, 18, 19, 61, 137, 156

Atmega8U2 chip, 4

Atmega32 chip, 42

Atmega168 chip, 42

Atmega328 chip, 42, 155, 156

Atmel AVR Microprocessor, 34

attach command, 194

Austria Microsystems AS1107, 145

Auto Format function, 18

available() command, 365


base 10 number system, 114

basicPrintDemo() function, 177

battery assisted passive (BAP), 345

baud rate, 15, 71

begin() command, 364

bi-color dot matrix displays, 129

bi-color LEDs, 31

binary counters, 111128

dual 8-bit binary counters, 124128

shift register 8-bit binary counter, 111124

binary number system, 113115

bipolar motors, 208, 211, 213

bitmask, 120, 122, 157

bitshift command, 139

bitshift operator, 122

bitwise AND (&) operator, 120, 122, 157

bitwise NOT (~) operator, 121

bitwise operators, 120122, 157, 354

bitwise OR (|) operation, 121, 354

bitwise rotation, 144

bitwise XOR (^) operator, 121

BlankLine variable, 365

board selection, 810

boolean data type, 42

boolean operators, 44

boolean variables, 119

bootloader, 5

breadboards, 22, 2728

break command, 187

buttons, 45

byte data type, 42

bytes, 88


C language, 4

calibration routine, 226227

casting, 60

CdS (Cadmium-Sulfide), 94

changeLED() function, 54

changeLights() function, 39

char data type, 42

checkCard() function, 355356

checkForResponse() function, 381382

checksums, 354

chrPointer variable, 158

circular shift, 144

clean_buffer() function, 378

clear string (clearStr) function, 410, 412

clearDisplay() function, 156

client.println() command, 366 command, 365

clockPin, 157

clone boards, 4

.close() command, 326

colors, 63, 66

comments, code, 23

comparison operators, 34


breadboard, 2728

buttons, 45

LED, 30, 31

pull-down resistors, 4648

pull-up resistors, 4748

resistor, 2830

computer programs, 4

condition parameter, 33

conditional operators, 271

conditions, nested, 44

constrain() function, 65, 77

control structures, 43

Copy for Forum option, 18

counter variable, 252

createChar() function, 180

createGlyphDemo() function, 180

curly braces {}, 25

cursor() function, 179

.csv (comma separated values) file, 380


DallasTemperature library, 285, 289291, 329, 392

DATA command, 389

data type array, 53

data types, 4142

dataPin, 157

DC motors, 99110

L293D motor driver IC, 104108

power supply, 99102

simple motor control, 99104

circuit connections, 100

code overview, 101102

hardware overview, 102104

parts required, 100

project code, 101

decimal numbers, 114115

decode mode register, 155

define directives, 8688

detach() function, 195

DeviceAddress variables, 289

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol), 399

digital barograph

circuit connections, 246247

code overview, 252257

parts required, 245

project code, 247252

digital pins, 21, 54, 102

Digital Pin 2, 43, 48

Digital Pin 8, 83, 8889, 112

Digital Pin 9, 103, 222, 294296

Digital Pin 10, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 33

Digital Pin 11, 58, 60, 102

Digital Pin 13, 12

sending analog values to, 60

setting pinMode, 48

digital pressure sensors

circuit connections, 232233

code overview, 236244

parts required, 231232

project code, 233236

digital temperature sensors, 283

circuit connections, 284

code overview, 289291

parts required, 283

project code, 284289

setting resolution of, 290

digitalRead statement, 43

digitalWrite statement, 48

diodes, 103

direction variable, 54

disconnect_pachube() function, 381

display() function, 177

displayDigit() function, 304, 311

dot matrix displays, 129

basic animation, 129139

circuit connections, 130132

code overview, 137139

hardware overview, 134135

parts required, 129

pins required for, 131

project code, 132134

Pong game, 164

circuit connections, 164

code overview, 166169

parts required, 164

project code, 164166

scrolling message, 144

circuit connections, 145147

code overview, 155163

hardware overview, 152155

parts required, 145

project code, 147152

scrolling sprite, 139

code overview, 141144

project code, 139141

dotCursor variable, 252

dots[] array, 252, 255

double data type, 42

do-while loop, 324

drawPoints() function, 253254

DrawRect command, 252

DS1307 RTC (Real Time Clock) chip, 327, 339

DS18B20 digital temperature sensor, 283, 327

dual 8-bit binary counters

circuit connections, 125126

code and hardware overview, 127128

parts required, 124

project code, 126127

Dual H-Bridge, 107

dual servo control, 196201

circuit connections, 196197

code overview, 199201

parts required, 196

project code, 197199

Duemilanove, 46

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 399


Edit menu, 17

electromagnets, in stepper motors, 211

email alert system, 384

code overview, 387392

project code, 384387

endTag array, 411

.errorCode() command, 323

error messages, 16

error_P function, 322

Ethernet shield, 401

circuit connections, 360

code overview, 363367

parts required, 359

project code, 360363

Ethernet.begin command, 378

Ethernet.h library, 363

EthernetDHCP library, 393, 399400

EthernetDNS library, 393

external libraries, 132, 137, 144


File menu, 11, 17

FillRect() command, 253, 255

fire effect, 6668

circuit connections, 66

code overview, 68

parts required, 66

project code, 67

firstChrRow, 159160

flash memory, 156

float data type, 42

floating pins, 265

floating state, 46

for loop, 3334

FTDI USB-to-serial driver chip, 4

function calls, 45

functions, 2425, 45. See also specific functions

Toolbar button, 14

Verify/Compile, 18

passing control to, 54


GET command, 407408

.get() command, 336337

getPressure() function, 253

getTemp() function, 282

.getTempC() function, 290, 361, 365, 383

getTemperature() function, 338, 361362, 365367, 392

getTemperatures() function, 372, 379, 383

getTimeDate() function, 336, 338

GLCD.h library, 252

global scope, 34


Hardware Timer, 137

H-Bridge, 107108

heatsink, 105

Help menu, 19

hexadecimal numbers, converting ASCII characters to, 353

high impedance, 265

HTML (or HyperText Markup Language), 366

HTTP request, 366

HTTP version 1.1, 366


I/O (input/output) pins, 4

I2C (Inter-IC) protocol, 339340

ID12 readers, 343

IDE menus, 16

IDE window, 16

if statement, 43

impedance, 265

Import Library option, 18

include command, 137

increment parameter, 33

index variable, 352

indexes, 354

initialization parameter, 33

initMAX7219() function, 157


Mac OSX, 7

Vista, 7

Windows 7, 7

Windows XP, 7

integer data types, 4142

integers, 24

integrated circuits, 28

intensity register, 154

intensity() function, 157

interactive traffic lights, 3848

circuit connections, 3839

code overview, 4145

hardware overview, 4548

parts required, 38

project code, 3941

Internet weather display, 368383

code overview, 376383

project code, 371375

interrupt routine, 139

IP address, 362, 364, 384, 388

ISR (Interrupt Service Routine), 137


Joystick Servo Control, 201206

circuit connections, 201203

code overview, 204, 205

parts required, 201

project code, 204

jumper wires, 30


keypad, touch screen

circuit connections, 267268

code overview, 270272

parts required, 266267

project code, 268270

keywords, 24


L293D motor driver IC, 104108

circuit connections, 105

code overview, 106107

hardware overview, 107108

parts required, 104

project code, 105106

last_connect, 379

lcd object, creating, 270

lcd.clear() function, 177

LCDs. See liquid crystal displays

Least Significant Byte, 157

LED (light emitting diode) displays, 129170

basic animation, 129139

circuit connections, 130132

code overview, 137139

hardware overview, 134135

parts required, 129

project code, 132134

dot matrix display, 129

multiplexing, 135137

Pong game, 164169

circuit connections, 164

code overview, 166169

parts required, 164

project code, 164166

scrolling message, 144163

circuit connections, 145147

code overview, 155163

hardware overview, 152,–155

parts required, 145

project code, 147152

scrolling sprite, 139144

code overview, 141144

project code, 139141

LED Driver ICs, 144

LED effects, 5180

fire effect, 6668

circuit connections, 66

code overview, 68

parts required, 66

project code, 67

interactive LED chase effect, 5457

circuit connections, 55

code overview, 5657

hardware overview, 57

project code, 56

LED chase effect, 5154

circuit connections, 5152

code overview, 5354

parts required, 51

project code, 5253

pulsating lamp, 5860

circuit connections, 58

code overview, 60

parts required, 58

project code, 5960

RGB mood lamp, 6166

circuit connections, 61

code overview, 6366

parts required, 61

project code, 6163

serial controlled mood lamp, 6879

code overview, 7179

project code, 6970

pseudo-code, 7779

LED flasher, 2131

circuit, 22

code overview, 2327

connections, 22

entering code, 23

hardware overview, 2731

LedControl objects

creating instance of, 166

parameters required by, 166

LedControl.h library, 166, 303

ledOutput, 158

ledState Boolean value, 276

ledValue, 91

libraries, 18

DallasTemperature, 285, 289291, 329, 392

external, 132, 137, 144

LedControl.h, 166, 303

LiquidCrystal, 171181, 270

Matrix, 144

Onewire, 284, 329

pgmspace, 155, 161

SdFat, 319, 322

Servo.h, 191, 194195, 199

SoftwareSerial.h, 351

SPI.h, 363

Stepper, 18, 210211

TimerOne, 132, 137, 141, 156

Twitter, 394, 397

Wire.h, 334

Wprogram.h, 334

light controller, touch screen, 272

circuit connections, 273274

code overview, 276278

parts required, 272273

project code, 274276

Light Dependent Resistor (LDR), 9296

light emitting diode (LED), 3031,. See also LED displays

light sensor, 9296

circuit connections, 93

hardware overview, 9496

parts required, 92

project code, 9394

linear actuator, 196

linear regulator, 4

liquid crystal displays (LCDs), 171189

basic LCD control

code overview, 176181

hardware overview, 181

parts required, 171

pin connections, 172173

project code, 173176

LCD temperature display, 182188

circuit connections, 182

code overview, 185188

parts required, 182

project code, 183185

workings of, 181

LiquidCrystal object, 176, 185

LiquidCrystal.h library, 171181, 270

LM335 analog temperature sensor, 279280

LM35DT temperature sensor, 183

loadPin, 157158

local scope, 34, 75

Logic Analyzer, 117

logic circuits, 4546

logic statements, 44

logic states, 4546

logical AND (&&) operator, 44, 353

logical operators, 44, 271, 353

Logical OR (||) operator, 44

long data type, 4142

loop() function, 2425, 163

LV-MaxSonar ultrasonic range finder, 293


MAC (Media Access Control) address, 364

Mac OSX installation, 7

maintain command, 400

map() function, 167, 277

Master API Key, 370

matchTag function, 411, 413

Matrix library, 144

MAX7219 chips, 152155, 163

pin diagram, 152

register address map, 154

serial data format, 153

timing diagram for, 153

MAX7219 LED Display Driver chips, 144145, 298


data types and, 42

flash, 156

SRAM, 156

memset command, 378

messages window, 13

microblogging, 393

millis() function, 43, 160, 163, 377, 379, 390, 398, 400

mills() function, 379

modulo % operator, 304305

Morse Code, 31

Most Significant Byte, 157

motor shield

about, 218

line-following robot using, 219

circuit connections, 220222

code overview, 225229

parts required, 220

project code, 223225

types of, 219

using, 213

circuit connections, 214215

code overview, 217218

hardware overview, 218219

parts required, 213214

project code, 215217

motors, 103

bipolar, 208, 211, 213

controlling direction of, 218, 226

controlling speed of, 225

DC, 99110

stepper, 207213

turning off, 217

unipolar, 211, 212

multiplexing, 135139


Nano, 6

NeoCat, 393

nested conditions, 44

New button, 14

noDisplay() command, 177

NOT (!) operator, 44

NOT bitwise operator (~), 138

noTone() function, 83, 89, 312

NULL character, 72

numChar integer, 7273


O_APPEND flag, 337

O_CREAT flag, 325

O_EXCL flag, 325

O_READ flag, 326

O_WRITE flag, 325

Ohm, 28

OneWire library, 284, 289, 329

oops() function, 168

Open button, 14

open() command, 326

Optiboot, 5

or (logical OR ||) commands, 167

oscillator, 4


Pachube, 377378, 383

Pachube website, 368371, 375

pachube_data, 380

pachube_out() function, 379, 383

passive RFID, 345

PCB (Printed Circuit Board), 4

peizo sounder alarm, 8185

circuit connections, 81

code overview, 8384

hardware overview, 8485

parts required, 81

project code, 82

persistence of vision, 135

pgm_read_byte command, 162

PGMPrint() command, 323

pgmspace library, 155, 161

photoresistor, 94

Physical or Embedded Computing platform, 3

piezo disc, 85

piezo knock sensor, 8992

circuit connections, 90

code overview, 9192

parts required, 89

project code, 9091

piezo sounder, 84

piezo sounder melody player, 8589

code overview, 8689

project code, 8586

Pin 13 LED, 12

pinMode, 48


between Arduino, IC, and dot matrix display, 146

between Mega and the GLCD, 246

changing mode between INPUT and OUTPUT, 48

for dot matrix display, 131

for L293D, 109

for LCD, 268

for MAX7219, 152

pointers, 73

Pong game, 164169

port number, 364

port selection, 810

post() method, 398

post-decrement, 73

potential divider, 95

potentiometers, 5457, 99, 164, 166

for DC motor control, 102

joystick, 202

Preferences option, 16

pressure sensors, 231257


circuit connections, 232233

code overview, 236244

parts required, 231232

project code, 233236

digital barograph

circuit connections, 246247

code overview, 252257

parts required, 245

project code, 247252

print() command, 74, 177

println command, 74

printTemperature() function, 290

printTrend() function, 253256

PROGMEM command, 156

Program Space utilities, 155156

pull-down resistors, 38, 4548

pull-up resistors, 4748

pulsating lamp, 5860

circuit connections, 58

code overview, 60

parts required, 58

project code, 5960

pulse width, 60

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM), 60

pulseIn command, 296

PWM functions, 194


QUIT command, 390


random numbers, 6465

random() function, 6465

randomSeed command, 64, 167

read() command, 195, 326, 382

read_register16() function, 244

readPot() function, 310311

request_pause, 379

resetEthernetShield() function, 378

resistance, 28

resistive touch screens, 262

resistors, 2830

color codes, 29

pull-down, 38, 4548

pull-up, 4748

reverse voltage, 104

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) readers, 343357

access control system

circuit connections, 348

code overview, 351356

parts required, 347

project code, 348351

battery assisted passive, 345

passive, 345

simple, 343

circuit connections, 344345

hardware overview, 345346

parts required, 343

project code, 345

RGB LEDs, 31, 63, 272

RGB mood lamp, 6166

circuit connections, 61

code overview, 6366

parts required, 61

project code, 61, 63

RGB values, 6365, 70

RGB2 array, 64


controlling two-wheeled, 213219

line following, 219

circuit connections, 220222

code overview, 225229

parts required, 220

project code, 223225

rotate value, 226

RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 401

RSS Weather Reader, 401

code overview, 406414

project code, 401405


S.O.S. morse code signaler, 3134

code overview, 3334

project code, 323

Save button, 14

scan limit, 155

scope, variable, 34

SCP1000 absolute digital pressure sensor, 231

screenUpdate() function, 137138, 143144, 156, 163

screw terminal, 84

scroll() function, 158

scrollDisplayLeft() function, 178, 272

scrollDisplayRight() function, 178

scrollLCD() function, 271272

SD cards, 317

initializing, 337

simple/read write, 317

circuit connections, 318

code overview, 322327

parts required, 317

project code, 319322

temperature SD datalogger, 327

circuit connections, 328329

code overview, 334339

hardware overview, 339340

parts required, 327

project code, 329334

SD/MMC Card Breakout Board, 317

SdFat.h library, 319, 322

SdFatUtil.h library, 319

secondChrRow, 159160

Send button, 15

sendEmail function, 392

sensor bar, 221222


1-wire digital temperature sensor, 283291

analog temperature sensor, 279280

digital pressure sensor, 231245

light sensor, 9296

piezo knock sensor, 8992

pressure sensor, 231257

serial temperature sensor, 279283

serial buffer, 72

serial clock line (SCL), 339

serial communication, 7174

serial controlled mood lamp, 6879

code overview, 7179

project code, 6970

pseudo-code, 7779

serial data line (SDA), 339

serial monitor, 15, 70

Serial Monitor button, 15

Serial Peripherals Interface (SPI), 238240

Serial Port list, 10

serial temperature sensor

circuit connections, 280

code overview, 282283

parts required, 279

project code, 280281

serial window, 15

Serial.available() function, 72

Serial.begin() function, 71

Serial.flush() function, 71, 199

Serial.print() function, 74, 400 function, 73

serialEvent() function, 408

Serialprintln() function, 74

SerialPrintln_P command, 323

serial-to-parallel data conversion, 116

Servo.h library, 191, 194195, 199

servo1, 194

servos, 191206

continuous rotation, 195196

Dual Servo Control, 196201

Joystick Servo Control, 201206

linear actuator, 196

position control, 195

servo control, 192196

circuit connections, 193

code overview, 194195

hardware overview, 195196

parts required, 192

project code, 193

uses of, 191192

.set() function, 337

setCursor() function, 178

setDigit() function, 305

SetDot () function, 253

setLED() function, 76, 77

.setLed() function, 168

.setResolution() function, 290

.setRow() function, 169

setServo routine, 200

.setSpeed() function, 210

setup() function, 2426, 101, 163, 167, 324, 327

setupEthernet() function, 378, 383

shields, 5

shift registers, 111129

8-bit binary counter, 111124

circuit connections, 111112

code overview, 118124

hardware overview, 116118

parts required, 111

project code, 112113

daisy-chained, 124128

shiftIt() function, 139, 144

shiftOut() function, 119, 127

Show Sketch Folder option, 18

sin() function, 60

sine waves, 60

single pole, double throw type (SPDT) switch, 299

sinVal float variable, 83

sizeof() function, 88, 378

Sketch menu, 18

Sketch Window, 13

sketches, 4

uploading first, 1012

SoftwareSerial object, 351

SoftwareSerial.h library, 351

SONAR (sound navigation and ranging), 297

specifiers, 380

speed pins, 217

SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface), 231

SPI Control Register, 238, 239

SPI Status Register (SPSR), 240

SPI.h library, 363

spi_transfer() function, 242

splitString() function, 7376, 200

sprintf command, 379380, 399400

SRAM (Static Random Access memory), 156

standard value resistors, 28

.start() function, 337

startAlarm() function, 311

step angle, 210

Stepper library, 18

stepper motors, 207

about, 211

basic stepper control

circuit connections, 208209

code overview, 210211

hardware overview, 211213

parts required, 207

project code, 209210

increasing resolution of, 213

object creation, 210

setting speed of, 210

step angle, 210

step sequence for, 212

types and sizes, 211

stepper.h library, 210211

Stop button, 1415

.stop() command, 337, 367

strcmp() function, 356, 410

String Compare function, 356

string data type, 42

string manipulation, 7376

stripboard, 105

strLen() function, 380, 412

strLength variable, 159

strncpy command, 410

strstr command, 382

strtok command, 7576

strtol (String to long integer) command, 77

switch/case command, 186187

switches, 45


tactile switches, 38, 45

tag string (tgrStr), 410

temperature scales

converting between, 282, 290

temperature SD datalogger, 327

circuit connections, 328329

code overview, 334339

hardware overview, 339340

parts required, 327

project code, 329334

temperature sensors, 279291

calibrating, 281

digital, 283

circuit connections, 284

code overview, 289291

parts required, 283

project code, 284289


circuit connections, 280

code overview, 282283

parts required, 279

project code, 280281

temporary string (tmpStr), 410

Timer1 function, 138

TimerOne library, 132, 137, 141, 156

timestamp command, 325

tmpStr (temporary string), 410

toFahrenheit() function, 290

tone() command, 83

toneVal variable, 83

Toolbar, 1314

Toolbar button functions, 14

Tools menu, 18

touch function, 272

touch screens, 259278


circuit connections, 260261

code overview, 264266

hardware overview, 262263

parts required, 259

project code, 261262

light controller, 272

circuit connections, 273274

code overview, 276278

parts required, 272273

project code, 274, 276

resistive, 262

touch screen keypad, 266

circuit connections, 267268

code overview, 270272

parts required, 266267

project code, 268, 270

touch() function, 264, 277278

traffic lights, 3437

code, 3637

connections, 3536

parts required, 35

transistors, for DC motor control, 99, 102103

tri-color LEDs, 31

trimmer potentiometer, 279, 281

truth tables, 44

tweet() function, 400

Twitter library, 394, 397

Twitterbot, 393

code overview, 396401

project code, 393396

Two Wire Interface (TWI), 339

two-dimensional arrays, 142143


UBLB command, 244

ultrasonic alarm

circuit connections, 306307

code overview, 309312

parts required, 306

project code, 307309

ultrasonic distance display

circuit connections, 299301

code overview, 303305

parts required, 298299

project code, 301303

ultrasonic rangefinder, 293315


circuit connections, 293294

code overview, 295296

hardware overview, 297

parts required, 293

project code, 294295

ultrasonic theremin, 312

code overview, 313314

project code, 312313

unipolar motors, 211212

unlock() function, 356

Uno board, 46

unsigned char data type, 42

unsigned int data type, 42

unsigned long data type, 4142

Upload to I/O Board button, 15

USB A to Mini-B cable, 6

USB cable, 6

USB socket, 4

User-Agent request-header, 381


variable names, 24

variable scope, 34

variables, 24

direction, 54

local scope, 75

storage of, 42

Verify/Compile button, 14, 18

Vin pin, 208

Vista installation, 7

void keyword data type, 42

voltage, 28

voltage divider, 95


wait() function, 398

while() function, 72, 323

while loop, 73

Windows 7 installation, 7

Windows XP installation, 7

Wire.h library, 334

word data type, 42

WProgram.h library, 334

write() function, 181, 323

write_register() function, 241

writeCRLF() function, 323

writeString() function, 324

imagesX, Y, Z

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 401

XOR (Exclusive OR), 354

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