


You took the time to listen, to praise, and to include others; you’ve stood in someone else’s shoes. You’ve learned that when you’re paralyzed by an issue, strength and wisdom will emerge by connecting first on a human level. You’ve seen how you can act with intention to accomplish your goals without withering your soul. You’ve cultivated your curiosity. Now what? Time to be joyfully courageous.

Don’t let your level of seniority or organizational role define you. Find ways to leverage your platform. No matter your position, there are ways to create meaning and drive positive impact by the choices you make and the expansiveness of your ideas.

Most of us want to make a difference but get overwhelmed when confronted with the enormity of the problems before us. This part provides the tools to broaden your definition of success, to work across generations, to consider how you want to leave a mark, to be significant.

This Part Is for You If

   You want to be remembered—with admiration.

   You’ve identified new, better, or different ways of doing things and you want to lead the change.

   You’re fed up with business as usual.

   You want to live your values at home and at work.

   Succession planning is, or should be, on the radar.

   Employees are pushing for more responsibility (and meaning).

   The roots of your organization aren’t known but could be inspirational to the newer members of your enterprise.

   Recruiting talent is a challenge.

   Experienced executives (yourself included) are uninspired and thinking of finding a new job to make a difference.

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