


The basics pack an enormous punch, so be sure you perform them brilliantly. You don’t have time to smile and say, “Thank you”? Really? I’m not buying it, and neither are your coworkers. These interpersonal niceties aren’t superficial, they’re essential. They are the quickest and easiest ways to connect first as people. Employee disengagement and turnover are expensive and most frequently linked to feeling disrespected. Whatever your role is in the company, present yourself as the person people want to support because you won’t take anyone’s efforts for granted, no matter their position. Likely, you know you should say please and offer praise, but efficiency gets in the way of civility. Perhaps you already are that considerate colleague. Let’s be sure you are getting the dosage right. The volume on your appreciation meter may not be calibrated correctly to what your coworkers need, especially when everyone is under pressure and moving quickly.

Many organizational interactions don’t take place in person, either because your colleagues and clients are in remote locations or you have become reliant on technology to “talk” to each other even if you are seated in the same room. Don’t let projects become derailed because people assume you have an attitude. Recognize the increased importance placed on how you write to colleagues (even informally). It’s your remote handshake; it establishes your personality. Adding an emoticon doesn’t replace tuning into the emotions of those around you. In the absence of in-person contact, make coworkers feel valued by providing feedback and giving them the autonomy to manage their own time. Whether you are the CEO or the assistant, the manager or the associate, ignite joy by being your best and helping others do their best.

This Part Is for You If

   You want to feel good going to work.

   You have been described as rough around the edges, arrogant, aloof, or just too busy.

   Your organization is going through a transformation—again.

   Your team is under-resourced and overstressed.

   There are a lot of big shots making demands, and many invisible support staff making things happen.

   Colleagues are rude or “done” trying.

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