He can attract it best by not being attached to it.


Ask successful people how they achieved success, and they will tell you they didn’t do it alone. We need other people for support and encouragement, we need them for ideas and friendship, and we need them for love and kindness. Having the right connections and knowing powerful people will greatly increase your chances for success. I’m not going to go through the standard stuff you’ve heard repeatedly about the importance of networking and joining the right associations. Anyone can run around and collect a bunch of business cards. Lots of people have huge databases, but few have a strong network of supportive and powerful friends. Part Five is about creating deep and lasting alliances with great people, not superficial acquaintanceships. We will go right to the heart of the matter and look at what it is that really attracts people to one another in business and personal relationships.

A word of warning: If you find that the tips in this part are too difficult, go back to Part One, “Increase Your Natural Power,” and see what you might have missed. Asking others to meet your needs is one of the most challenging and difficult of all the coaching assignments and it makes most people feel uncomfortable. Don’t let that stop you from doing this part. The payoff is well worth any initial discomfort.

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