So much is a man worth as he esteems himself.


You have figured out what you really love to do in life and have set up your life to do that (Part Six). You’ve handled the money, so that isn’t a problem (Part Three). Now comes the really good stuff. It is time to start taking care of your best asset—you!

You are ready to have everything in your life be just the way you want it—your job, home, family, relationships, health, and body. This is not about showing off; it is about taking extremely good care of yourself. The areas in your life that are not just the way you want them to be deplete your energy, and the areas that are perfect give you energy. By perfect, I mean that they are ideal for you and reflect your personal taste and style. The more energy you have, the more successful you will be and the more you will be able to give to others. Now that you have more than enough time and money, it is easy and natural to improve the quality of your life.

People often think Part Nine is about spending lots of money. There is a good reason why this section comes well after the money one—it is easier to do if you’ve handled the money—but it isn’t necessary to wait. Many of these tips can be accomplished with little or no money, and you can always be creative about finding ways to do the others. Barter, swap services with a friend, and be willing to let the universe help you out in any number of ways. Focus on what you want, not on the money that it would take to go out and buy it. You can follow these tips even if you have credit card debt. Just be prudent. Be responsible about it (don’t go into debt), and make sure you aren’t wasting money on things you don’t really enjoy and value (Tip 52). That being said, most people could easily improve the quality of their life with a few small changes. What is one thing you can afford to do right now that seems like an incredible luxury? Do that! No matter how little or how much money you have, there is something you can do to spoil yourself today. No excuses. Read on for simple tips on taking care of your best asset.

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