Assume that the dividend polynomial A of degree n is given by

(18.1) c18e001

The divisor polynomial of degree m is given by

(18.2) c18e002

The polynomial division operation produces the quotient and remainder polynomials Q and R

(18.3) c18e003

(18.4) c18e004


(18.5) c18e005

The division operation is a series of multiply/subtract iterations such that after each iteration one coefficient of the quotient polynomial is obtained, in descending order. Also, a partial remainder polynomial having m terms is obtained after each iteration. At the end of the iterations, all the coefficients of Q are determined as well as the final remainder polynomial R.

The notation we use in this chapter for the partial remainder polynomials is as follows:

  • R(i): input partial remainder polynomial at iteration i
  • R(i + 1): resulting partial remainder polynomial at iteration i
  • rj(i): jth coefficient of R(i), 0 ≤ j < m

According to the above definitions, can express R(i) explicitly as

(18.6) c18e006

We can express the long-division algorithm for polynomials as an iteration using an LFSR as indicated in Algorithm 18.1.

Algorithm 18.1

Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) polynomial division algorithm

1: // Initialization of partial remainder R and q

2: qnm = an

3: for j = 0 : m − 1 do

4: rj(0) = anm+j

5: end for

6: // Start Iterations

7: for i = 0 : nm do

8: for j = 1 : m − 1 do

9: rj(i + 1) = rj−1(i) + qnmibj−1

10: end for

11: qnmi−1 = rm−1(i)

12: r0(i + 1) = anmi

13: end for

14: // Final remainder

15: for j = 0 : m − 1 do

16: rj = rj(nm + 1)

17: end for

Note from the algorithm that the most significant coefficient of the divisor polynomial B is not used. Instead we use our knowledge of the rm−1(i) to directly estimate the quotient coefficient qm−n−i for ensuring that rm(i) = 0.

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