Stephen Cobb and Corinne LeFrançois


7.1.1 Terminology

7.1.2 Role of Cryptography

7.1.3 Limitations


7.2.1 Early Ciphers

7.2.2 More Cryptic Terminology

7.2.3 Basic Cryptanalysis

7.2.4 Brute Force Cryptanalysis

7.2.5 Monoalphabetical Substitution Ciphers

7.2.6 Polyalphabetical Substitution Ciphers

7.2.7 The Vigenère Cipher

7.2.8 Early-Twentieth-Century Cryptanalysis

7.2.9 Adding Up XOR


7.3.1 Real Constraints

7.3.2 One-Time Pad

7.3.3 Transposition, Rotors, Products, and Blocks

7.3.4 Data Encryption Standard

7.3.5 DES Strength

7.3.6 DES Weakness


7.4.1 Key-Exchange Problem

7.4.2 Public Key Systems

7.4.3 Authenticity and Trust

7.4.4 Limitations and Combinations


7.5.1 Communications and Storage

7.5.2 Securing the Transport Layer

7.5.3 X.509v3 Certificate Format


7.6.1 Elliptic Curve Cryptography

7.6.2 RSA Patent Expires

7.6.3 DES Superseded

7.6.4 Quantum Cryptography

7.6.5 Snake Oil Factor




The ability to transform data so that they are accessible only to authorized persons is just one of the many valuable services performed by the technology commonly referred to as encryption. This technolosy has appeared in other chapters, but some readers may not be familiar with its principles and origins. The purpose of this chapter is to explain encryption technology in basic terms and to describe its application in areas such as file encryption, message scrambling, authentication, and secure Internet transactions. This is not a theoretical or scientific treatise on encryption, but a practical guide for those who need to employ encryption in a computer security context.

Organizations around the world increasingly rely on cryptography to communicate securely and to store information safely. Typically, the algorithms used by DoD organizations are employed and maintained for many years. For example, the Data Encryption Standard (DES) has been used in some form for over 20 years.1

This chapter is a brief overview of cryptography and its practical applications to the needs of normal business users, as distinct from the needs of high-security government agencies. A thorough examination of the mathematics that are the foundation of these topics is beyond the scope of this chapter, but we provide suggested readings for further study.

7.1.1 Terminology.

This list of basic terms will be helpful for readers as they continue through this chapter:

Algorithm—a finite list of well-defined instructions for accomplishing some task that, given an initial state, will terminate in a defined end state.

Cipher—the core algorithm used to encrypt data. A cipher transforms plaintext into ciphertext that is not reversible without a key.

Ciphertext—text in encrypted form, as opposed to the plain text. We show ciphertext in UPPERCASE throughout this chapter.

Codes—a list of equivalences (a codebook) allows the substitution of meaningful text for words, phrases or sentences in an innocuous message; for example, “I will buy flowers for Mama tomorrow for her party at 7 pm” might be decoded to mean “Launch the attack on the mother ship next week on Sunday.”

Decrypt/Decipher—the process of retrieving the plaintext from the ciphertext.

Encrypt/Encipher—to alter plaintext using a secret code so as to be unintelligible to unauthorized parties.

Key—a word or system for solving a cipher or code.

Plaintext—the original message to be encoded or enciphered. We show plaintext in lowercase throughout this chapter.

The science of cryptology (sometimes abbreviated as crypto) is the study of secure communications, formed from the Greek words κρψπτoσ (kryptos), meaning “hidden,” and λoγoσ (logos), “word.” More specifically, it is the study of two distinct, yet highly intertwined, fields of study: cryptography and cryptanalysis. Cryptography is “the science of coding and decoding messages so as to keep these messages secure.”2 Cryptanalysis is the art and science of “cracking codes, decoding secrets, violating authentication schemes, and in general, breaking cryptographic protocols,”3 all without knowing the secret key. Systems for encrypting information are referred to as cryptosystems.

Systems for encrypting information may also be referred to as ciphersystems, from cipher, meaning “zero,” or empty (a word rooted in the Arabic sifr). Terms using cipher and crypto are interchangeable, with some authors preferring cipher to avoid the religious and cultural connotations of crypt, a word with the same root as “encryption.” Thus, encryption may be referred to as encipherment, decryption referred to as decipherment, and so on.

The most obvious use of encryption is to scramble the contents of a file or message, using some form of shared secret as a key. Without the key, the scrambled data remain hidden and cannot be unscrambled or decrypted. The total number of possible keys for an encryption algorithm is called the keyspace. The keyspace is a function of the length of the key and the number of possible values in each position of the key. For a keylength of n positions, with each position having v possible values, then the keyspace for that key would be vn. For example, with 3 positions and 2 values per position (e.g., 0 or 1), the possible keys would be 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, and 111 for a total keyspace of 8.


EXHIBIT 7.1 Diagram of Cryptographic Terms

In cryptographic terms, the contents of a file before encryption are plaintext, while the scrambled or encoded file is known as ciphertext (see Exhibit 7.1). As a field of intellectual activity, cryptology goes back many millennia. Used in ancient Egyptian, China, and India, it was discussed by the Greeks and regularly employed by the Romans. The first European treatise on the subject appeared in the fourteenth century. The subject assumed immense historic importance during both world wars. The British success in breaking codes that the Germans used to protect military communications in World War II was a major factor in both the outcome of the war and in the development of the first electronic computer systems.

Since then, cryptography and computer science have developed hand in hand. In 1956, the United States National Security Agency (NSA), the U.S. Government department in charge of monitoring the worldwide flow of information, began funding improvements in computer hardware, pumping some $25 million into Project Lightning. This five-year development effort, intended to produce a 1,000-fold increase in computing power, resulted in over 150 technical articles. It also gave rise to more than 300 patent applications and succeeded in advancing the frontiers of hardware design. The NSA, based in Fort Meade, Maryland, was also involved in the creation of DES as the commercial encryption standard for much of the last 20 years. Today, the NSA is widely believed to have the world's largest collection of supercomputers and the largest staff of cryptanalysts.

7.1.2 Role of Cryptography.

The central role of cryptography in computer security is ensuring the confidentiality of data. But cryptography can support other pillars of computer security, such as integrity and authenticity. This section looks at the different roles of cryptography. Confidentiality.

The role of encryption in protecting confidentiality can be seen in a classic definition of encryption: “Encryption is a special computation that operates on messages, converting them into a representation that is meaningless for all parties other than the intended receiver.”4

Much of the literature on cryptography discusses the technology in terms of ensuring the confidentiality of messages, but this is functionally equivalent to protecting the confidentiality of data. The use of the term “message” reflects the traditional use to which cryptography has been put, both before and after the advent of computers. For example, Julius Caesar encrypted messages to Cicero 2,000 years ago, while today messages between a Web browser and a Web server are encrypted when performing a “secure” transaction.

When applying cryptography to computer security, it is sometimes appropriate to substitute the term “files” for “messages.” For example, hard drive encryption programs protect data files stored on a hard drive. However, data files take the form of messages when they are transferred from one computer to another, across a network, the Internet, or via phone lines. Practically speaking, data being transferred in this manner are exposed to a different set of dangers from those that threaten data residing on a computer in an office. Thus, the use of encryption to render files useless to anyone other than an authorized user is relevant both to files in transit and to those that reside on a server or a stand-alone computer, particularly when the latter is a laptop, notebook, or PDA. Integrity.

In the second half of the last century, following the advent of programmable computer systems, the ability of cryptography to transform data was applied in many new and interesting ways. As will be seen in a moment, many cryptographic techniques use a lot of mathematical calculation. The ability of computers to perform many calculations in a short period of time greatly expanded the usefulness of cryptography, and also inspired the development of ever-stronger ciphersystems.

Maintaining the integrity of data is often as important as keeping them confidential. When writing checks, people take pains to thwart alteration of the payee or the amount. In some cases, integrity is more important than confidentiality. Changing the contents of a company press release as it passes from the company to the press could have serious consequences. It is not only human actions that threaten data integrity; mechanical failures and logical errors can also change data. It is vital that such changes be detected, as was discussed in Chapter 4 of this Handbook, where it was observed that “[a]ll data movements and translations increase the likelihood of internal error, and for this reason parity checks and validity tests have become indispensable.”

That chapter covered the role of parity bits for error detection, the function of redundancy checks, and the use of checksums to provide a modification-detection capability. A type of cryptographic hash or checksum called a Message Authentication Code (MAC) can protect against intentional, but unauthorized, data modification as well as against accidental modification. A MAC is calculated by applying a cryptographic algorithm and a secret value, called the key, to the data. The data are later verified by applying the cryptographic algorithm and the same secret key to the data to produce another MAC; this mAc then is compared to the initial MAC. If the two mACs are equal, then the data are considered authentic (see diagram in Exhibit 7.2, which uses the public key cryptosystem, discussed later). Otherwise, an unauthorized modification is assumed (any party trying to modify the data without knowing the key would not know how to calculate the appropriate MAC corresponding to the altered data). Authentication.

In the context of computer security, authentication is the ability to confirm the identity of users. For example, many computers now ask users to log on before they can access data. By requesting a user name and password, systems attempt to assure themselves that only authentic users can gain access. However, this form of authentication is limited—merely assuring that the person logging on is someone who knows a valid user name and password pair. Cryptography plays a very important role in efforts to ensure stronger authentication, from encrypting the password data to the creation and verification of electronic identifiers such as digital signatures. These will be described in more detail later in this chapter, along with the differences between public key and private key cryptography, both of which may be used in these schemes.


EXHIBIT 7.2 Message Authentication Code Using Public Key Cryptosystem

Source: Copyright © 2008 M. E. Kabay. Used with permission.

Using a public key system, documents in a computer system can be electronically signed by applying the originator's private key to the document. The resulting digital signature and document then can be stored or transmitted. The signature can be verified using the public key of the originator. If the signature verifies properly, the receiver has confidence that the document was signed using the private key of the originator and that the message had not been altered after it was signed. Because private keys are known only to their owner, it is also possible to verify the originator of the information to a third party. Nonrepudiation.

An aspect of computer security that has increased greatly in significance, due to the growth in internetwork transactions, is nonrepudiation. For example, if someone places an electronic order to sell stocks that later increase in value, it is important to prove that the order definitely originated with the individual who placed it. Made possible by public key cryptography, nonrepudiation helps ensure that the parties to a communication cannot deny having participated in all or part of the communication.

7.1.3 Limitations.

One role that cryptography cannot fill is defense against data destruction. Although encryption does not assure availability, it does represent a very valuable extra line of defense for computer information when added to physical security, system access controls, and secure channels of communication. Indeed, when computers are mobile, or data are being communicated over insecure channels, encryption may be the main line of defense. However, even though applied cryptography can provide computer users with levels of security that cannot be overcome without specialized knowledge and powerful computers, encryption of data should not be thought of as an alternative to, or substitute for, system access control. According to Seberry and Pieprzyk4, the role of cryptography is to protect “information to which illegal access is possible and where other protective measures are inefficient.”

Encryption-based file access controls should be a third barrier after site and system access controls, if for no other reason than that encryption systems alone do little to prevent people deleting files.


The aim of cryptography is to develop systems that can encrypt plaintext into ciphertext that is indistinguishable from a purely random collection of data. This implies that all of the possible decrypted versions of the data except one will be hopelessly ambiguous, with none more likely to be correct than any of the others. One of the simplest ways to create ciphertext is to represent each character or word in the plaintext by a different character or word in the ciphertext, such that there is no immediately apparent relationship between the two versions of the same text.

7.2.1 Early Ciphers.

It is believed that the earliest text to exhibit the baseline attribute of cryptography, having a slight modification of the text, occurred in Egypt nearly 4,000 years ago. A scribe used a number of unusual symbols to confuse or obscure the meaning of the hieroglyphic inscriptions on the tomb of a nobleman named Khnumhotep II.5

It is also believed that the first effective military use of cryptography was a simple transposition cipher (see Section 7.3.3) by the Spartans, who “as early as 400 BCE employed a cipher device called the scytale for secret communication between military commanders.”6 The scytale was a cylindrical or tapered stick with a thin strip of leather or parchment wrapped around it spirally.7 The message to be hidden was written lengthwise with no blank spaces. When unraveled, the parchment appeared to hold nothing but random letters. To read the parchment, the recipient had to have a stick with exactly the same dimensions as the sender. The distribution of appropriate decoding scytales took place before the military commanders departed for the field.8 For example, a particular combination of stick and strip could allow the cleartext (shown in lowercase):


to be broken into up to six rows of eight letters to be written across the rolled-up strip, in this way:





EXHIBIT 7.3 Scytale in Use

Source: Copyright © 2008 M. E. Kabay. Used with permission.




The message might appear on the scytale as shown schematically in Exhibit 7.3.

Reading the unwrapped strip without the stick would produce this ciphertext (shown in uppercase):


“The first attested use of [a substitution cipher] in military affairs comes from the Romans.”9 During that time, Julius Caesar encoded all his messages by simply replacing every letter with the letter three positions away. For example, the letter a would become the letter d, the letter b would become the letter e, and so on. Now called the Caesar cipher, this scheme is best-known of all the monoalphabetic algorithms (see Section 7.2.5).10 Consider the Caesar cipher illustrated in the next comparison using the modern English alphabet, with the letters of the alphabet simply shifted three places.

Plaintext:  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

To encrypt a message, the sender finds each letter of the message in the plaintext alphabet and uses the letter below it in the ciphertext alphabet. Thus the clear message:

Plaintext: beware the ides of march

is transformed into the encrypted message:


This type of cipher is known as a substitution cipher. Although the Caesar cipher is relatively simple, substitution ciphers can be very powerful. Most examples of the Caesar cipher shift the alphabet three places, as shown, so that the ciphertext line begins with d, but some authors suggest Caesar might have used other numbers, so the term “Caesar cipher” is used for all ciphers that conform to this algorithm (an algorithm being a formula or recipe for solving a problem).

This level of encryption might seem rudimentary, but it is an important starting point for much that follows. For example, one way to visualize the Caesar cipher is as a pair of rings, one inside the other, as shown in Exhibit 7.4. Both circles contain the letters of the alphabet. If one is rotated relative to the other the result is a cipher wheel, something well suited to automation. Eventually this happened, at first mechanically, then electrically, and today digitally. Automation facilitates repetition, and messages encrypted with a substitution cipher can be more difficult to decipher if multiple different substitutions are used. Thus the code wheel earned a place in the seal of the NSA, the U.S. Government agency most influential in the development of encryption.


EXHIBIT 7.4 Code Wheels and the NSA Seal

7.2.2 More Cryptic Terminology.

The key or password for the Caesar cipher presented in the last section is the number of places the alphabet has been shifted, in this case three. Because this key must be kept private in order for the message to remain protected, it must be delivered to the recipient for the message to be decoded, or decrypted, back to plaintext. That is why the Caesar cipher is described as a private key algorithm and also a symmetrical encryption algorithm, the same private key being used to encrypt and decrypt the message. Algorithms of this type can be defeated by someone who has the key, an encrypted message, and knowledge of the algorithm used. This might sound like a statement of the obvious; however, as will be seen later in this chapter, there are encryption algorithms that use keys that can be openly exchanged without rendering the encrypted data accessible. Knowledge of the algorithm used can often be derived, or reverse-engineered, by analysis of its output.

Another seemingly obvious fact is that when a private key cipher is used in an effort to achieve confidentiality, one problem is swapped for another. The problem of exchanging messages while keeping the contents from unintended recipients is replaced by the problem of exchanging keys between sender and receiver without disclosing the keys. This new problem is known as the key-exchange problem. The key-exchange problem will be examined in more detail later.

7.2.3 Basic Cryptanalysis.

“The first people to understand clearly the principles of cryptography and to elucidate the beginnings of cryptanalysis were the Arabs.”11 By the fifteenth century, they had discovered the technique of letter frequency distribution analysis and had successfully decrypted a Greek message on its way to the Byzantine Emperor.12 In 1492, a man known as al-Kalka-shandi described this technique in an encyclopedia. He also described several cryptographic techniques, including substitution and transposition ciphers.13

Returning to the Caesar cipher, consider how this code could be broken using the science of cryptanalysis. When examined for a length of time, this particular code is fairly transparent. As soon as several letters are identified correctly, the rest fall into place. For example, because “the” is the most common three-letter word in the English language, testing “XLI” against “the” reveals that each letter of plaintext has a fixed relationship to the ciphertext: a shift of three to the right.

If that difference is applied to the rest of the message, the result is a piece of plaintext that is intelligible and thus assumed to be the correct solution to the problem. However, even in this simple example several sophisticated processes and assumptions are at work; they deserve closer attention before looking at more complex codes. First, the test of “the” against “XLI” assumes that the plaintext is English and that the attacker has some detailed knowledge of that language, such as the frequency of certain words. Second, it is assumed that the ciphertext follows the plaintext in terms of word breaks. Typically, this is not the case. Ciphertext usually is written in blocks of letters of equal length to further disguise it, as in:


When the recipient of the message decrypts it, the result, while not exactly easy reading, is nevertheless entirely intelligible:

Plaintext: bewar ethei desof march

Also note the convention of ignoring the case of individual letters and placing all plaintext in lowercase while all ciphertext is in capitals.

7.2.4 Brute Force Cryptanalysis.

The next thing to note about the Caesar cipher is that, using the English alphabet, there are 26 possible keys. This means that someone intercepting the encrypted message could mount a standard form of attack known as brute force cryptanalysis. This method runs possible keys through the decryption algorithm until a solution is discovered. Statistically speaking, the correct key is reached after testing only half of all possible keys. In Exhibit 7.5, a spreadsheet table details a brute force attack on the Caesar ciphertext. In the example, the plaintext appears in line 6, Key #3.


EXHIBIT 7.5 Brute Force Attack on the Caesar Cipher

Note that three items of information are required for this attack, and all three of them are relevant to encryption on personal computers:

  1. A knowledge of the encryption algorithm used
  2. The number of possible keys
  3. The language of the plaintext

Using a computer in an office is somewhat different from sending messages on the field of battle (at least on a good day). Unlike an enemy spy, someone who is attempting to gain unauthorized access to data already has a fairly good idea of which algorithm is being used. (There are relatively few in use, and they often are directly associated with particular applications). This takes care of the first item. The primary obstacle to a brute force attack is the second item, number of keys. In the case of the Caesar cipher, the number of possible keys is relatively small, so the work involved in carrying out the attack can be completed very quickly, which is highly significant. Time is often the most important factor in practical cryptanalysis. Being able to decrypt messages within 24 hours is of little use if the information pertains to events that are measured in minutes, such as orders to buy and sell stock, or to launch air raids. If the cipher consisted entirely of random letter substitutions, like this:

Plaintext:  abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

The number of possible keys (the keyspace) is now 26!, or ~4.03 × 1026, which looks even more daunting when written out:


Imagine a brute force attack using a computer that can perform 1 million decryptions per microsecond (considerably more number crunching than the average personal computer can perform). Using a single processor, it could take over 10 million years to execute a brute force attack on this code. Fortunately for the code breaker, there are other ways of cracking substitution ciphers, as discussed in a moment. The point is that, while brute force attacks are possible, they are not always practical.

Although it is true that by the central limit theorem of statistics, the most likely number of trials required to hit upon the correct key is one-half the total keyspace, the average reduction by a factor of 2 is negligible in the face of computational periods measured in years and the difficulty of identifying cleartext in the morass of incorrect decryptions.

Functionally, brute force attacks depend upon knowing which encryption algorithm is behind the ciphertext. Practically, they depend upon the feasibility of successes within an appropriate time frame. They also depend upon the third item of information in the list above: knowledge of the language of the plaintext. The solution to the Caesar cipher in Exhibit 7.5 tends to jump out because it is closer to plain English than any of the other solutions. However, without knowing what constitutes plaintext, a brute force attack will, at best, be inefficient, and, at worst, unsuccessful. This part of cryptanalysis, recognizing a positive result, is less amenable to automation than any other. The difficulty is compounded by encryption of purely numerical results where the correct cleartext can be impossible to determine without extensive additional knowledge.

7.2.5 Monoalphabetical Substitution Ciphers.

Both the Caesar cipher and the random substitution cipher shown are examples of monoalphabetic ciphers. This means that one letter of ciphertext stands for one letter of plaintext. This renders such codes susceptible to an attack quite different from brute force. Suppose a customs officer attempts to discover when and how an illegal weapons shipment will be entering the country. The following message is intercepted:


The person who encoded this text clearly substituted new letters for the original letters of the message. To the experienced code breaker or cryptanalyst, the task of deciphering this message is quite a simple one. First count how many times each letter occurs in the text. This produces a list like this:

Ciphertext: R Z X Y K J U O G
Frequency:  6 6 5 4 4 2 2 2 1

Note that the last three letters are discounted as they are merely filling out the five letter grouping. Next refer to a table of frequencies, which shows the relative frequency with which the letters of the alphabet occur in a specific language or dialect of that language. One such list is shown in Exhibit 7.6. This list was created for this example and proposes that the most commonly used letters in English in descending order of frequency are e, t, r, and so on. The actual order is more likely to be e, t, a, i, o, n, s, h, r, d, l, u, the order of keys on the English Linotype machine from the nineteenth century, although the precise order of frequencies can vary according to the region of origin or subject matter of the text.

Assuming that the original message is in English, a list that matches code letters to plaintext letters is easily derived.

Ciphertext: R Z X Y K J U O G
Frequency:  6 6 5 4 4 2 2 2 1
Plaintext:  e t r i n o a h s

EXHIBIT 7.6 Frequency Lists for English


The result is:

Plaintext:  itiso nthet hirte enten rareo retra inqqq

This is readable as “it is on the thirteen ten rare ore train.” Although this example obviously was contrived to make a point, it clearly illustrates an important cryptographic tool that can quickly decipher something that at first seems to be very forbidding. The encryption in the previous example could have been based on a simple substitution cipher. For example, after using the password “TRICK” followed by the regular alphabet minus the letters in the password for the plaintext, the ciphertext is the alphabet written backward:


Frequency analysis also works if the substitution is entirely random, as in the example shown earlier, the key for which is entirely random. The specialized tools, such as frequency tables, that are required to break codes point out a basic trade-off: If a basic level of protection is needed, it is easy to get but also easy to break, at least for an expert. The qualification “for an expert” is important because users of encryption need to keep its role in perspective. The salient questions are: Who can gain from decrypting the data, and what means do they have at their disposal? There is no point investing in powerful encryption hardware or software if those likely to attempt to read your files are not particularly sophisticated, dedicated, or well equipped. For example, a person who mails a postcard knows it can be read by anyone who sees it. Envelopes can be used to prevent this, hardly the ultimate in confidentiality, but widely used and relatively successful nonetheless.

7.2.6 Polyalphabetical Substitution Ciphers.

Even when the plaintext uses a wider range of letters than the contrived example, substitution ciphers can be cracked by frequency analysis. A powerful technique is to concentrate on the frequency of two-letter combinations, which are known as digraphs, the most common of which in English is “TH.” One way to counter frequency analysis is to use multiple substitutes for the more frequent letters. This cannot be done with a straightforward alphabetic coding. However, if using numbers for letters, it is possible to assign multiple numbers to some letters, such as 13 17 19 23 for E, which would help dilute the natural frequency of this letter. It would appear that supplying multiple substitutions, known as homophones, in proportion to the frequency of each letter would effectively counter frequency analysis. However, some of the underlying structure of the plaintext still survives, notably digraphs, which the cryptanalyst can use to crack the code.

In Europe during the Middle Ages, advances in cryptography were being made by the Papal States and Italian city-states to protect diplomatic messages. Then, in 1379, an Italian man named Gabriele de Lavinde created the first European manual on cryptography. “This manual, now in the Vatican archives, contains a set of keys for 24 correspondents and embraces symbols for letters, nulls, and several two-character code equivalents for words and names.”14 The nomenclature described by Lavinde's manual “was to hold sway over all Europe and America for the next 450 years.”15

Several other notable advances emerged in Europe during the period of Lavinde's manual. First, in 1470, Leon Battista Alberti published the first description of a cipher disk.16 Next, in 1563, Giambattista della Porta provided the first example of a digraphic cipher in which two letters are represented by one symbol.17

One method of decreasing the extent to which the structure of the plaintext is reflected in the ciphertext is to encrypt multiple letters of the plaintext. For example, “AR” might be encrypted as “CM.” This is the theory behind what is known as the Playfair cipher, which was invented in 1854 by a British scientist, Sir Charles Wheatstone, but that was named after his friend Baron Playfair who fought for its adoption by the British Foreign Office.18 Although the Playfair cipher remained in use through both world wars, it does not do enough to disguise the plaintext and cannot withstand a concerted frequency analysis.

7.2.7 The Vigenère Cipher.

A particularly important technique in the evolution of polyalphabetic ciphers has its roots in the sixteenth century. In 1586, Blaise de vigenère published a square encryption/decryption table, named after him as the vigenère Square, and descriptions of the first plaintext and ciphertext autokey systems.19 The vigenère cipher involves a table of letters, like the one shown in Exhibit 7.7, that are used with a key, to provide different monoalphabetic substitutions as the encryption proceeds through the plaintext. Thus each letter of the ciphertext has a different relationship with the plaintext, like this:

Key:        doomsdaydoomsdaydoomsdaydoomsday
plaintext:  sellentireportfolionowandbuygold

The message is enciphered by looking at the row in the table that begins with the first letter of the key. Then go along that row until the column headed by the first letter of the plaintext. The ciphertext substitution is the letter at that intersection in the table.


EXHIBIT 7.7 Vigenère Table

Thus, row d, column s, yields V. Then proceed to the second letter, and so on. Note that the first time the letter e is encrypted the cipher is S, but the second time it is W. The two ls in sell are encoded as Z and X respectively, and so on.

Does this cipher completely obscure the structure of the plaintext? Stallings notes: “If two identical sequences of plaintext letters occur at a distance that is an integer multiple of the keyword length, they will generate identical ciphertext sequences.”20 This means that the cryptanalyst can determine the length of the keyword. Once this is done, the cipher can be treated as a number of monoalphabetic substitutions, that number being equal to the key length. Frequency tables are again brought into play, and the code can be cracked. The cryptographer's response to this weakness is to use a longer key, so that it repeats less often. In fact, one technique, autokey, invented by vigenère, is to form the key from the plaintext itself, together with one code word, like this

Key:        doomsdaysellentireportfolionowan
plaintext:  sellentireportfolionowandbuygold

This system is very powerful, but it still can be attacked by statistical analysis based on frequencies, because the letters of the plaintext and key share roughly the same frequency distribution. The next level of defense is to use a keyword that is as long as the plaintext but bears no statistical relationship to it. This approach, which is of great cryptographic significance, was not hit upon until the twentieth century arrived, bringing with it binary code and global warfare.

7.2.8 Early-Twentieth-Century Cryptanalysis.

The advent of modern cryptography began with the invention and development of the electromagnetic telegraph system and the introduction of the Morse code. Samuel Morse brought a system of dots and dashes that allowed near real–time long-distance communication. He envisioned this system as a means of secure communications. It would be up to others to devise systems to encrypt telegraphic communications. Anson Stager, the supervisor of the U.S. Military Telegraph during the Civil War. Stager devised 10 ciphers for the Union Army that were never broken by the Confederacy.21

The use of telegraphic ciphers and codes continued into the two world wars. In fact, one of the most famous early successes of cryptanalysis prompted the entrance of the United States into World War I. When the war first started, the German transatlantic telegraph cable had been cut by the British, forcing all of Germany's international communications to route through the United Kingdom before being sent on to the Swedish or American transatlantic lines.22 In 1917, “British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, von Eckhardt.”23 It promised Mexico ownership over territory that belonged to the United States (California, e.g.), if Mexico joined the German cause and attacked the United States. The British informed President Wilson of their discovery, giving him a complete copy of the telegram, thus resulting in the United States declaring war on Germany.24 That telegram has become famous in the history of cryptanalysis as the Zimmermann Telegram.

World War II saw several Allied victories over the Axis powers by use of advanced cryptographic systems. Few of these victories are more widely known and celebrated than the cracking of the German Enigma cipher machine, described next:

Following the decryption of the Zimmerman Telegram during World War I and the effects that weak ciphers had on that war's outcome, Germany was looking for an unbreakable cipher and was interested in leveraging automation and the use of machinery to replace traditional paper and pencil techniques. The Enigma machine consisted of a basic keyboard, a display that would reveal the cipher text letter, and a scrambling mechanism such that each plain text letter entered as input via the keyboard was transcribed to its corresponding cipher text letter. The machine was modular in design and multiple scrambling disks were employed to thwart attempts at frequency analysis.25

A British cryptanalysis group, with the help of a group of Polish cryptanalysts, first broke the Enigma early in World War II, and some of the first uses of computers were for decoding Enigma ciphers intercepted from the Germans. Breaking Enigma was a major victory for the Allies, and in order to keep exploiting it, they kept the fact that they had cracked it a secret.26

Thus far, the encryption schemes or devices described have encrypted messages consisting of words and nothing more. However, the emergence of the computer, even in its initial rudimentary form, revolutionized cryptology “to an extent even greater than the telegraph or radio.”27 Most cryptologic advances since World War II have involved, or made use of, computers. In the last few decades, cryptographic algorithms have advanced to the point where computing them by hand would be unfeasible, and only computers can do the required mathematics.28 Relying on computers has broadened the kind of information that can benefit from encryption. Computers use a unique language that transforms all information stored into bits, each a 1 or a 0.29 “This, in effect, means that plaintext is binary in form, and can therefore be anything; a picture, a voice, an e-mail or even a video—it makes no difference, a string of binary bits can represent any of these.”30

7.2.9 Adding Up XOR.

In 1917, an engineer at AT&T, Gilbert Vernam, was working on a project to protect telegraph transmissions from the enemy. At that time, teletypewriters were used, based on a version of Morse code called Baudot code, after its French inventor. In Baudot code, each character of the alphabet is allotted five units, each of which is either an electrical current or absence of current, known as a mark or a space. For example, the letter a is represented by mark, mark, space, space, space. In binary terms, each unit constitutes a bit that is either 0 or 1 (the five-bit code for a would be 11000). This system of pulses allowed teletype machines to convert text to and from telegraph signals using a keyboard and punched paper tape for input (a hole represents a mark because it allows the reading device to make electrical contact and create a pulse, whereas a space is represented by leaving the paper intact). Anyone with a suitable machine could intercept and read the transmission.

The 32 possible combinations (25) in this code were assigned to the 26 letters plus six “shunts” that did various things like shift to capitals or go down to the next line. Vernam's brilliant idea was to use a tape of random characters in Baudot code as a key that could be electromechanically added to the plaintext. Kahn describes the method of addition like this:

If the key and plaintext pulses are both marks or both spaces, the ciphertext pulse will be a space. If the key pulse is a space and the plaintext pulse is a mark, or vice-versa, (in other words, if the two are different), the ciphertext will be a mark.31

Today, this is known as Exclusive-Or, sometimes referred to as bit-wise XOR or just XOR for short (see Exhibit 7.8). XOR is widely used in computerized encryption schemes. Consider what happens when encoding the letter a using “B” as the key:

Plaintext:  1 1 0 0 0 (=a)
Key:        1 0 0 1 1 (=B)
Ciphertext: 0 1 0 1 1


EXHIBIT 7.8 Diagram of XOR

In the first column, 1 + 1 = 0, as indicated in Exhibit 7.8. To decipher the encrypted character simply perform the same operation, but add the ciphertext to the key:

Ciphertext: 0 1 0 1 1
Key:        1 0 0 1 1 (=B)
Plaintext:  1 1 0 0 0 (=a)

At the time of its discovery, the significance of this method lay in its capacity for automation. The operator could feed the plaintext and key tapes into the teletype machine, and it would transmit an encrypted message with no further human input. No off-line preparation was required. Furthermore, as long as the receiver had the key tape, the teletype at the receiving end automatically printed out plaintext. This made Vernam's system the first to integrate encryption into the communication process, an essential feature of encryption systems for today's computer-based communications.


Although the use of XOR predated computers, the fact that it worked so well with binary code ensured that it would become an essential item in the modern cryptographer's toolkit. And so the focus of this chapter turns to modern cryptography and two of the most widely used cryptosystems today. The first is Data Encryption Standard (DES) and the second is Rivest, Shamir, Adleman (RSA).

7.3.1 Real Constraints.

As the preceding overview of the evolution of encryption suggests, major advances, which are few and far between, often are linked with the individuals who made them, such as vigenère, Playfair, and Vernam, none of whom had the benefit of computers. Today's computerized encryption schemes typically employ a number of classic techniques that, when combined, eliminate or minimize the short-comings of any single method. Several techniques will be discussed here, including transposition and rotors, that point the way to the most widely used encryption scheme to date: DES. First, however, consider the practical problems encountered by Vernam's otherwise brilliant scheme.

Vernam proposed a key that was a long series of random characters. This was coded on a loop of paper tape that eventually repeated (the tape held about 125 characters per foot). The length of the key made cryptanalysis of intercepted messages extremely difficult, but not impossible, because eventually the key repeated. With sufficient volume of ciphertext, the code would yield to frequency analysis. (Bear in mind that during time of war, or even military exercises, hundreds of thousands of words may be encrypted per day, providing a solid basis for cryptanalysis.)

7.3.2 One-Time Pad.

Several improvements then were suggested to avoid the impracticality of simply creating longer and longer key tapes. Another AT&T engineer, Lyman Morehouse, suggested using two key tapes of about eight feet in length, containing some 1,000 characters, to generate over 999,000 combinations of characters that could be fed into the encryption process as the key. This was an improvement in terms of practicality and security, but, as Major Joseph Mauborgne of the U.S. Army Signal Corps pointed out, heavy message traffic encrypted in this way still could be decoded. It was Mauborgne who realized that the only unbreakable cipher would use keys that are, as Kahn puts it “endless and senseless.”32 Thus he came up with what we know as the one-time system, the one unbreakable encryption scheme.

The one-time system sometimes is referred to as a one-time pad, because this is the way it has been deployed by intelligence agents in the field. The agent is issued a pad that aligns columns and rows of entirely random characters, as shown in Exhibit 7.9. The first letter of the plaintext is encrypted using the appropriate ciphertext from row 1, the second letter is encrypted from row 2, and so on. The result is ciphertext that contains no statistical relationship to the plaintext. When the message is encrypted the pad is destroyed. The recipient, who has a copy of the pad, uses it to reverse the process and decrypt the message.

The one-time pad essentially is a polyalphabetic substitution cipher, but with the same number of alphabets as there are characters in the message, thus defeating any kind of frequency analysis. A brute force attack is defeated by the fact that every possible result is as statistically significant as every other. As Kahn points out, a four-letter group of ciphertext could just as easily yield kiss, fast, slow, or any other possible four-letter combination.


EXHIBIT 7.9 One-Time Pad

So why is the unbreakable one-time system not in universal use? Well, it remains a favorite of intelligence agents in the field who have an occasional need to send short messages. However, for large-scale commercial or military encryption, it fails to solve the key size problem that Vernam's system brought to light. The key has to be as large as the total volume of encrypted information, and there is a constant demand for new keys. Furthermore, both sender and receiver have to hold and defend identical copies of this enormous key.

7.3.3 Transposition, Rotors, Products, and Blocks.

A completely different technique from substitution is transposition. Instead of substituting ciphertext characters for plaintext, the transposition cipher rearranges the plaintext characters. The simplest example is referred to as rail fence. For example, to encrypt “sell entire portfolio now and buy gold” each character is written on alternate lines, like this:


which results in this ciphertext:


So far, this does not present a serious challenge. More challenging is the next transposition into rows and columns that are numbered by akey (in this case, 37581426) so that the first set of ciphertext characters are under 1, the second under 2, and so on:

Key:         3 7 5 8 1 4 2 6
Plaintext:   s e l l e n t i
             r e p o r t f o
             l i o n o w a n
             d b u y g o l d

Although more complex, this transposition will still yield to cryptanalysis because it retains the letter frequency characteristics of the plaintext. The analyst also would look for digraphs and trigraphs while playing around with columns and rows of different length. (Kahn describes French code breakers during World War I literally cutting text into strips and sliding them up and down against each other to break German transposition ciphers.)

What makes transposition difficult to decipher is additional stages of encryption. For example, if the previous ciphertext is run through the system again, using the same key, all semblance of pattern seems to disappear.

Key:        3 7 5 8 1 4 2 6
Plaintext:  e r o g t f a l
            s r l d n t w o
            l p o u i o n d
            e e i b l o n y

The development of increasingly complex multiple-transposition ciphers pointed out the positive effects of multiple stages of encryption, which also apply to substitution ciphers. The prime examples of this are the rotor machines used by the Germans and Japanese in World War II. Some of the insights gained during the attack on German codes, such as Alan Turing's 1940 work on the application of information statistics to cryptanalysis, were considered so important that they remained classified for more than 50 years.

Although they eventually were defeated by Allied cryptanalysts, electromechanical systems such as Enigma were not only the most sophisticated precomputer encryption systems, but the effort to crack them was also a major catalyst in the development of computer systems themselves. When people started applying computer systems to code making rather than code breaking, they quickly hit upon the idea of chopping plaintext into pieces, or blocks, for easier handling. The term “block cipher” is used to describe ciphers that encrypt one block (e.g., 8 bytes of data) at a time, one block after another. Another result of computerizing the encryption process is a class of ciphers known as product ciphers. A product cipher has been defined as “a block cipher that iterates several weak operations such as substitution, transposition, modular addition/multiplication [such as XOR], and linear transformation.”33

The mathematics of product ciphers are beyond the scope of this chapter, but it is useful to note that “[n]obody knows how to prove mathematically that a product cipher is completely secure…[A] product cipher should act as a ‘mixing’ function which combines the plaintext, key, and ciphertext in a complex nonlinear fashion.”34 The parts of the product cipher that perform the rounds of substitution are referred to as S-boxes. The product cipher called Lucifer has two of these S-boxes, while DES encryption has eight S-boxes. The ability of a product cipher to produce truly random, nonlinear ciphertext depends on careful design of these S-boxes.

Examples of modern product ciphers include Lucifer (developed by IBM), DES (developed by IBM/NSA), LOKI (Brown, Pieprzyk, and Seberry), and FEAL (Shimizu and Miyaguchi). A class of product ciphers called Feistel ciphers operates on half of the ciphertext at each round, then swaps the ciphertext halves after each round. Examples of Feistel ciphers include Lucifer and DES, both of which are commercial systems, the subject of the next section of this chapter.

7.3.4 Data Encryption Standard.

Traditionally, the primary markets for code makers and computer makers have been the same: governments and banks. After World War II, computers were developed for both military and commercial purposes. By the mid-1960s, the leading computer maker was IBM, which could see that the growing role of electronic communications in commerce would create a huge market for reliable encryption methods. Over a period of years, mathematicians and computer scientists including Horst Feistel at the IBM research lab in Yorktown Heights, New York, developed a cipher called Lucifer that was sold to Lloyds of London in 1971 for use in a cash-dispensing system.35

The U.S. National Security Agency was in close touch with the Lucifer project, making regular visits to the lab (the constant flow of personnel between the NSA, IBM, and the mathematics departments of the major American universities tended to ensure that all new developments in the field were closely monitored). At roughly the same time, the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) was developing standard security specifications for computers used by the federal government. In 1973, the NBS invited companies to submit candidates for an encryption algorithm to be adopted by the government for the storage and transmission of unclassified information. (The government handles a lot of information that is sensitive but not sufficiently relevant to national security to warrant classification.)

IBM submitted a variation of its Lucifer cipher to the NBS, and after extensive testing by the NSA, this cipher was adopted as the nation's Data Encryption Standard (DES). The acronym actually refers to a document published as Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 46, or FIPS PUB 46 for short. This was published on January 15, 1977 and DES became mandatory for all “federal departments and agencies, for any…nonnational-security data.”36 The federal mandate also stated that commercial and private organizations were to be encouraged to use DES.37 As a result, DES became widely used, especially in the banking industry.38 The heart of DES is the Data Encryption Algorithm (DEA), which is described in a publication of the American National Standards Institute, titled American National Standard for Information Systems—Data Encryption Algorithm—Modes of Operation, 1983, referred to as ANSI X3.106-1983.

7.3.5 DES Strength.

DES became, and remained, the de facto standard for commercial encryption until the late 1990s, when doubts about its strength relative to the rapid advances in computer hardware and software led to a quest for an eventual replacement. However, DES is still widely deployed, so more detailed discussion of its use is needed before discussing its replacement. The first thing to note is that the only known method of deciphering data encrypted with DES without knowledge of the key is the use of brute force. This involves the computerized comparison of plaintext data with encrypted versions of the same data, using every possible key until both versions of the data match. With DES, the number of possible combinations is about 70 quadrillion. That is a very big number, and trying all those combinations within anything less than years requires relatively expensive hardware (or the carefully orchestrated application of large amounts of cheap hardware).

Technically speaking, the DEA is a combined substitution/transposition cipher, a product cipher that operates on blocks of data 64 bits, or 8 bytes, in length. Using 56 bits for the key produces a keyspace of 256, or 72, 057, 594, 037, 927, 940, a number in the region of 70 quadrillion. A diagram of DES is shown in Exhibit 7.10.

The difficulty of attacking DES can be increased fairly easily if double or triple encryption is used, but despite this, there has always been something of a cloud over DES. At the time the DEA was approved, two Stanford University professors who are preeminent in twentieth century cryptography, Martin Diffie and Whitfield Hellman, pointed out that the algorithm, as approved by the NBS, would be increasingly vulnerable to attack as computer equipment increased in power and came down in cost.

7.3.6 DES Weakness.

As the author George Sassoon writes, “Although both the U.S. Department of Commerce and IBM deny it vigorously, everyone in the know insists that the NSA enforced a halving of the DES key length to ensure that they themselves could break the ciphers even if nobody else could.” Although the NBS dismissed such criticisms, and the NSA flatly denied that they were behind any attempts to weaken the cipher, this opinion received some support from the NSA in 1986 when the agency announced it would no longer certify the DEA for nonclassified use, less than 10 years after the DES was approved. This move was prompted by the rapid development of parallel computers, which achieve amazing processing capabilities by using hundreds or even thousands of multiple processors, working in parallel. These machines offer enormous power at considerably less cost than traditional supercomputers. Perhaps the NSA could see the inevitability of something like the EFF DES Cracker, which was built in 1998 for less than $250,000 and broke a DES-encrypted message in fewer than three days.

The original Lucifer cipher used data blocks of 128 bits and a key of 112 bits. If this had been adhered to in the DEA, the difference in the number of possible key combinations would have been staggering. Although 256, the current keyspace, is a number greater than 7 with 16 zeroes behind it, 2112 is greater than 5 with 33 zeroes behind it. The practical consequence of this weakness in the DEA meant that the demand for stronger algorithms remained, and promising new ones emerged, such as Bruce Schneier's Blowfish.


EXHIBIT 7.10 Diagram of DES

There are still some positive aspects to DES that make it viable for some commercial uses. As was mentioned earlier, the cryptographic weakness of DES can easily be strengthened by double encryption, which doubles the difficulty of decryption, taking the task well into the realm of supercomputers and purpose-built, massively parallel machines. The fact that DES has been a standard for so long means that DES now is available in many forms, such as single-chip implementations that can be inserted into ROM sockets and integrated into all manner of hardware, such as expansion cards, PCMCIA cards, and smart cards.


Even with a longer key, the DEA still would have a major weakness, one that it shares with all of the other private key encryption systems mentioned so far. That weakness is the need to keep the key secret. In this section we examine this problem, and the “public key” solutions that are now available.

7.4.1 Key-Exchange Problem.

When password-protected data are sent from one place to another, either electronically or by hand, the need to transmit the password to the recipient presents serious obstacles. In cryptography, these are known collectively as the key-exchange problem. This is the way it is described by the Crypt Cabal:39

If you want your friends to be able to send secret messages to you, you have to make sure nobody other than them sees the key….[This is] one of the most vexing problems of all prior cryptography: the necessity of establishing a secure channel for the exchange of the key. To establish a secure channel, one uses cryptography, but private-key cryptography requires a secure channel!

So, even when using very powerful private key systems, such as DES, password or key distribution is a major problem. After all, the reason for encrypting valuable information in the first place is because it is assumed someone is trying to steal it or tamper with it. This implies a motivated and skilled adversary. Such an adversary is likely to use every opportunity to discover the password that will unlock the information. The password is perhaps most at risk from such an adversary when it is passed from one person to another. Although it sounds like the stuff of Bond movies, it actually is a very real and practical problem that had to be faced in many areas of legitimate organized activity, from businesses to public institutions, even when a powerful DEA-based computerized encryption system became available.

suppose an Suppose an encrypted file of sensitive accounting data needs to get to the head office. How does the recipient know the password needed to access the file? The sender could make a phone call. But will it be overheard? How is the identity of the person at the other end to be verified? A courier could be dispatched with a sealed envelope. The password could be encrypted. But all of these channels present problems. How to guarantee that the courier is honest or that the envelope will arrive intact? And if the password is encrypted, it will need a password itself, which will have to be transmitted. The recipient of the file can be provided with the password before the message is encrypted, but this is no guarantee that the password will not be intercepted. There are ways of making matters more difficult for the attacker, but the ideal solution would be to use a key that was useless to the attacker. This possibility is diagrammed in Exhibit 7.11.


EXHIBIT 7.11 Comparison of Private and Public Key Encryption

7.4.2 Public Key Systems.

A public key encryption system offers encryption that does not depend on the decryption key remaining a secret. It also allows the receiver of keys and messages to verify the source. The first published description of a public key cryptosystem appeared in 1976, authored by Stanford University professor Martin Hellman and researcher Whitfield Diffie. Ralph Merkle independently arrived at a similar system.

Ralph Merkle first proposed the idea of public key cryptography in 1974, and Martin Hellman and Whitfield Diffie brought the same idea to the public forum in 1976.40 The idea was considered a seminal breakthrough, “for it had not occurred to anyone else in the long history of cryptology that the deciphering key could be anything other than the inverse of the enciphering key.”41 The Diffie-Hellman system employs a form of mathematics known as modular arithmetic. “Modular arithmetic is a way of restricting the outcome of basic mathematical operations to a set of integers with an upper bound.”42 An excellent example of this mathematical principle is found by examining a military clock:

Consider a clock on military time, by which hours are measured only in the range from zero to 23, with zero corresponding to midnight and 23 to 11o'clock at night. In this system, an advance of 25 hours on 3 o'clock brings us not to 28 o'clock, but full circle to 4 o'clock (because 25 + 3 = 28 and 28 − 24 = 4). In this case, the number 24, an upper bound on operations involving the measurement of hours, is referred to as a modulus. When a calculation involving hours on a clock yields a large number, we subtract the number 24 until we obtain an integer between 0 and 23, a process known as modular reduction. This idea can be extended to moduli of different sizes.43

The Diffie-Hellman protocol allows two users to exchange a symmetric key over an unsecure medium without having any prior shared secrets. The protocol has two publicly known and widely distributed system parameters: p, a large prime integer that is 1,024 bits in length,44 and g, an integer less than p. The two users wishing to communicate are referred to as Alice and Bob for simplicity's sake. They proceed in this way.

First, Alice generates a random private value a, and Bob generates a random private value b. Both a and b are [less than p]. Then they derive their public values using parameters p and g and their private values. Alice's public value is ga mod p and Bob's public value is gb mod p. They then exchange their public values. Finally, Alice computes gab = (gb)a mod p, and Bob computes gba = (ga)b mod p. Since gab = gba = k, Alice and Bob now have a shared secret key k.45

This protocol introduced a concept to cryptography known as the discrete log problem. “The discrete log problem is stated as follows: given g, p, and gx mod p, what is x?”46 It is generally accepted throughout the mathematical and cryptologic communities that the discrete log problem is difficult to solve, difficult enough for algorithms to rely on it for security.47

An algorithm to perform public key encryption was published in 1977 by Ronald Rivest of MIT, Adi Shamir of the Weizmann Institute in Israel, and Leonard Adleman of the University of Southern California. These three men formed the RSA Data Security Company, which was granted an exclusive license to the patent that MIT obtained on their algorithm. A large number of companies licensed software based on this algorithm, from AT&T to IBM and Microsoft. The RSA algorithm is currently at work in everything from online shopping to cell phones. Because it resolved the secret key dilemma, public key cryptography was hailed by many as a revolutionary technology, “representing a breakthrough that makes routine communication encryption practical and potentially ubiquitous,” according to Sci. Crypt FAQ, which states:

In a public-key cryptosystem, E_K can be easily computed from some public key X, which in turn is computed from K. X is published, so that anyone can encrypt messages. If decryption D_K cannot be easily computed from public key X without knowledge of private key K, but readily with knowledge of K, then only the person who generated K can decrypt messages.

The mathematical principles that make this possible are beyond the scope of this chapter. Somewhat more detail can be found in the RSA Laboratories' Frequently Asked Questions About Today's Cryptography, which is distributed by RSA Data Security, the company that markets products based on the RSA algorithm. In brief, public key encryption is possible because some calculations are difficult to reverse, something pointed out by Diffie and Hellman who first published the idea of public key encryption. Here is how RSA describes the calculations that make it possible (with minor clarification from the author):

Suppose Alice wants to send a private message, m, to Bob. Alice creates the ciphertext c by exponentiating:

c = me mod n

where e and n are Bob's public key. To decrypt, Bob also exponentiates:

m = cdmod n

where d is Bob's private key. Bob recovers the original message, m; the relationship between e and d ensures that Bob correctly recovers m. Because only Bob knows d, only Bob can decrypt.


EXHIBIT 7.12 Public Key Diagram

This is diagrammed in Exhibit 7.12, which follows the scenario described. The lower part of the diagram uses numbers taken from an example given by Stallings. These numbers are much smaller than the actual numbers used by RSA. The point is that, given the ciphertext (c) and the public key (e, n) and knowledge of the algorithm, it is still impractical to decipher the message (m). This is because n is created by multiplying two prime numbers (normally represented as p and q) and e is derived from n combined with the secret key, d. To break the cipher, you need to factor a large number into a pair of prime numbers. How large? More than 150 digits in length (that is digits, not bits).

This cryptanalysis is very hard to do in a meaningful period of time, even with a very powerful computer. Large networks of computers have successfully factored a 100-digit number into two primes, but the RSA algorithm can use numbers even bigger if computer power and factoring algorithms start to catch up to the current implementations.

7.4.3 Authenticity and Trust.

The point of the public key cryptosystems is to provide a means of encrypting information that is not compromised by the distribution of passwords, but public key encryption does not solve all problems associated with key exchange. Because the keys are considered public knowledge, some means “must be developed to testify to authenticity, because possession of keys alone (sufficient to encrypt intelligible messages) is no evidence of a particular unique identity of the sender,” according to Sci. Crypt FAQ.

This has led to key-distribution mechanisms that assure listed keys are actually those of the given entities. Such mechanisms rely on a trusted authority, which may not actually generate keys but does employ some mechanism which guarantees that “the lists of keys and associated identities kept and advertised for reference by senders and receivers are ‘correct’”(Sci. Crypt FAQ). Another approach has been popularized by the program called Pretty Good Privacy, or PGP. This is the “Web of trust” approach that relies on users to distribute and track each other's keys and trust in an informal, distributed fashion.

Here is how RSA can be used to send evidence of the sender's identity in addition to an encrypted message. First, some information is encrypted with the sender's private key. This is called the signature and is included in the message sent under the public key encryption to the receiver. The receiver can “use the RSA algorithm in reverse to verify that the information decrypts sensibly, such that only the given entity could have encrypted the plaintext by use of the secret key” (Sci.Crypt FAQ).

What does “decrypts sensibly” mean? The answer involves something called a message digest, which is “a unique mathematical summary of the secret message” (Sci.Crypt FAQ). In theory, only the sender of the message could generate his or her valid signature for that message, thereby authenticating it for the receiver. Here is how RSA describes authentication, as diagrammed below in Exhibit 7.13.

Suppose Alice wants to send a signed document m to Bob. Alice creates a digital signature s by exponentiating: s = md mod n, where d and n belong to Alice's key pair. She sends s and m to Bob. To verify the signature, Bob exponentiates and checks that the message m is recovered: m = se mod n, where e and n belong to Alice's public key.

7.4.4 Limitations and Combinations.

As mentioned earlier, many products use RSA today, including Microsoft Windows, Lotus Notes, Adobe Acrobat, Netscape Navigator, Internet Explorer, and many more. In most of these examples, RSA is used for its authentication capabilities rather than for large-scale data encryption. That is because public key systems have one very noticeable downside: They are slow. This is balanced by the fact that they are harder to break. According to RSA, DES generally is at least 100 times as fast as RSA when implemented in software. In hardware, DES is between 1,000 and 10,000 times as fast, depending on the implementations. RSA may narrow the gap in coming years as more specialized chips are developed. However, public key algorithms are unlikely to ever match the performance of private key ciphers such as DES. Fortunately there is a simple solution: Use a fast private key algorithm for the data encryption, but use a public key system to handle the key exchange and authentication, as diagrammed in Exhibit 7.14.


EXHIBIT 7.13 Authentication with RSA


EXHIBIT 7.14 Combining Public and Private Key Encryption

The private key encryption system might be DES or a system such as RC2 and RC4, both of which are available from RSA Data Security, or Schneier's Blowfish, which is freely available. Just as there are other private key systems besides DES, there are other public systems besides RSA. One method, called SEEK, is patented, trademarked, and marketed by Cylink of Sunnyvale, California. This method uses an alternative algorithm for public key distribution. Cylink manufactures a range of DES encryptors that use SEEK for key distribution.


The primary market for encryption systems and devices is communications. However, the development of Internet commerce has resulted in a number of new and interesting crypto components that have considerable value for computer security.

7.5.1 Communications and Storage.

If you look at the commercial products on NIST's list of approved DES implementations, most are designed to protect information when it is being communicated, not when it is sitting on a machine for local use. This is understandable when you look at the development of computing, which has spread outward from “fortress mainframe.” Centralized data storage facilities lend themselves to physical access control. Encrypting data that stays behind walls and locked doors may be overkill in that scenario, particularly when there is a performance penalty involved.

Encryption was reserved for data in transit, between computers, across wires. This philosophy was extended to file servers on networks. File encryption on the server was not considered a priority as people assumed the server would be protected. Data encryption on stand-alone machines and removable media is a relatively recent development, particularly as more and more confidential data are packed into physically smaller and smaller devices. There are now many products with which to implement file encryption.


EXHIBIT 7.15 SSL 3.0 in Action

7.5.2 Securing the Transport Layer.

One of the most visible examples of encryption at work in computer security today is the security icon people see in their Web browser; see Exhibit 7.15 for examples of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. This is an example of something called transport layer security, which uses protocols that go by the name of SSL and TLS. Popular Protocols.

SSLs stand for Secure Sockets Layer, the software encryption protocol developed by Netscape and originally implemented in Netscape Secure Server and the Netscape Navigator browser. SSL is also supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer and a number of other products. TLS stands for Transport Layer Security, the name given to an Internet standard based on SSL, by the IETF (as in Internet Engineering Task Force, RFC 2246). There are minor differences between SSLv3.0 and TLSv1.0 but no significant differences as far as security strength is concerned, and both protocols interoperate with each other.

The TLS is a protocol, a standardized procedure for regulating data transmission between computers. It is actually composed of two layers of protocol. At the lowest level is the TLS Record Protocol, which is layered on top of some reliable transport protocol, typically the TCP in TCP/IP, the set of protocols that run the Internet. The TLS Record Protocol provides connection security that is both private (using symmetric cryptography for data encryption) and reliable (using a message integrity check). Above the TLS Record Protocol, encapsulated by it, is the TLS Handshake Protocol. This allows the server and client to authenticate each other, a major role for TLS in various forms of e-commerce, such as Internet banking. The TLS Handshake Protocol can also negotiate an encryption algorithm and cryptographic keys before any application protocol sitting on top of it, such as HTTP, transmits or receives its first byte of data (see Exhibit 7.16). Properties of TLS.

In providing connection security, the TLS Handshake Protocol delivers three basic properties. The identity of the parties can be authenticated using public key cryptography (such as RSA). This authentication can be made optional, but typically it is required for at least one of the parties (e.g., the Yahoo Travel server authenticates itself to the user's browser client, but the user's client does not authenticate itself to the Yahoo Travel server, a distinction discussed in a moment).

The second and third basic properties of the TLS Handshake Protocol are that a shared secret can be securely negotiated, unavailable to eavesdroppers, even by an attacker who can place itself in the middle of the connection; and the protocol's negotiation is reliable. In the words of RFC 2246: “no attacker can modify the negotiation communication without being detected by the parties to the communication.”


EXHIBIT 7.16 Creating a TLS Session

TLS can use a variety of encryption algorithms. For the symmetric encryption that is part of the Record protocol, DES or RC4 can be used. The keys for this symmetric encryption are generated uniquely for each connection and are based on a secret negotiated by another protocol (such as the TLS Handshake Protocol). The record protocol includes a message integrity check using a keyed MAC, with secure hash functions such as SHA and MD5, used for MAC computations. The encryption suite to be used for a specific connection is specified during the initial exchange between client and server, as shown in Exhibit 7.16. Tested in the Real World.

TLS/SSL has been widely used and extensively tested in the real world, and thoroughly probed by real cryptographers. Some of the caveats and limitations noted by these and other experts follow. The first is that neither a good standard nor a good design can guarantee a good implementation. For example, if TLS is implemented with a weak random number seed, or a random number generator that is not sufficiently random, the theoretical strength of the design will do nothing to protect the data that are thus exposed to potential compromise. (Although beyond the scope of this chapter, Pseudo-Random Number Generators, or PRNGs, play a vital part in many cryptographic operations, and they are surprisingly difficult to create; unless they closely simulate true randomness, an attacker will be able to predict the numbers they generate, thus defeating any scheme that relies on their “random” quality.)

The second major caveat is that, if clients do not have digital certificates, the client side of the TLS session is not authenticated. This presents numerous problems. Most of today's “secure” Web transactions, from airline tickets booked at Yahoo Travel to shares traded at most online brokerages, represent a calculated risk on the part of the vendor. Although the client doing the buying is assured, by means of the merchant certificate, that the merchant at really is Amazon, the merchant has no digital assurance that the client computer belongs to, or is being operated by, the person making the purchase. Of course, there are other assurances, such as the match between the credit card that the purchaser supplies and the other personal details that go along with it, such as billing address. But the merchant is still risking a charge-back and possibly other penalties for a fraudulent transaction.

In the case of larger and more sensitive financial transactions, the need to be assured of the client's identity is greater. A digital certificate is a step in the right direction, but it is a step many merchants have not yet taken, for several reasons. The first is the cost of issuing certificates to customers, and the second is the difficulty of getting those certificates onto their systems. Some merchants have decided that the cost and effort are worth it. For example, the Royal Bank of Scotland took this approach with its online banking system back in 1998.

There are other issues. The user needs to protect the certificate, even from such threats as hardware failure (user reformats the drive, loses the certificate) or unauthorized use (a family member uses the computer and thus has access to the certificate). Furthermore, the user needs to be able to move the certificate, for example, onto a laptop computer so that the bank account can be accessed while traveling. The obvious answer is to place the certificate on a robust removable medium (see Exhibit 7.17). Such media are generically referred to as hardware tokens. A standard for tokens has not yet emerged. Smart cards are an obvious choice, but card readers need to be deployed. There are alternatives, such as putting the certificate on a floppy disk or on a small key fob that plugs into a USB port. Cost of Secured Transactions.

For companies looking to perform highly secure transactions today, using SSL without client-side authentication is proving acceptable in the short term, at least for some categories of transaction. Even then it can be costly, in terms of either dollars or processing power. Although TLS is an open standard, and Netscape has provided crucial parts of the technology royalty free, there is still the question of which algorithms to use. Some algorithms are more expensive than others, and not always in obvious ways. For example, you have to license RC4, whereas DES is free, but RC4 is optimized for a 32-bit processor and DES is not.

Furthermore, research shows that the amount of “hits” that a Web server can handle drops dramatically when those hits require TLS (and it drops a whole lot more when processing client authentication as well as server authentication). The answer here may be specialized hardware. Several companies, such as IBM and Rainbow Technologies, make crypto-coprocessor cards that relieve the server's CPU of the specialized math processing involved in crypto. They are cheaper than adding another server to keep up with the very demanding task of providing secure Web transactions.


EXHIBIT 7.17 Using a Hardware Token for Digital Signatures

7.5.3 X.509v3 Certificate Format.

Another example of encryption widely used in computer security today is X.509. This is not a rocket ship but a standard for digital certificates, described earlier in this chapter. The ITU-T X.509 standards document states: “Virtually all security services are dependent upon the identities of the communicating parties being reliably known, i.e. authentication.” Consider how this affects Web transactions. The preceding section described how SSL can encrypt Web pages sent from Web server to Web client, and vice versa, but it cannot assure the identity of the parties involved. The X.509 standard helps to address this problem, which negatively impacts the profitability of Web-based businesses.

When a Web user asks for assurance that the Web site is actually Barnes & Noble, it can be provided by way of a digital certificate (see Exhibit 7.18). This means that an entity, known as a certificate authority (CA), has taken considerable pains to reliably identify, and consequently certify, the merchant as the rightful owner of an encryption key. This key is the public half of a uniquely and mathematically related public/private key pair, such that a message encrypted with the public key can only be decrypted with the corresponding private key.


EXHIBIT 7.18 Digital Certificate

Individuals, as well as merchants, can have a public/private key pair. A bank might then access that public key, and use it, plus the bank's private key, to encrypt the account details it sends to customers over the Web. Only the customer with the right private key can decrypt this information, using the bank's public key. At the same time, customers know the statement information can only have come from the bank (otherwise the bank's public key would not work to decrypt it). Customers also know, thanks to an encrypted message digest (a digital fingerprint of the message contents), that the data they get from the bank has not been altered. Thus it is very difficult for either party to claim that it never took place. In this way digital certificates can enhance confidentiality, integrity, and nonrepudiation. ISO/IEC/ITU 9594-8 a.k.a. X.509.

The management of public keys is the task of Public Key Infrastructure (PKI), of which the X.509 standard is an important part. For example, an organization's employees can perform secure business communications over the Internet, such as contract negotiation, using PKI. To engage in a secure transaction with someone, it is necessary to find and access the other person's public key, and vice versa. The answer is to publish public keys in the form of a digital certificate, then use some form of directory to locate them. In order for different systems to interoperate, standards for directories have been developed, notably X.500. This standard applies such elements of directory standardization as a hierarchical naming convention:

Country, Organization, Common Name.

So Fred Jones of Megabank might have the X.500 name:

[Country = US, Organization = Megabank, Inc., Common Name = Fred Jones]

A means of locating digital certificates to verify identities was a logical extension of the standard, thus X.509 was developed, officially known as ITU-T X.509 (formerly CCITT X.509) and also ISO/IEC/ITU 9594-8. In X.509 there is a definition of a basic certificate format, which consists of seven fields shown in Exhibit 7.19.

The certificate format has evolved considerably since 1988. The original format is now referred to as X.509v1. When X.500 itself was revised in 1993, two more fields were added to support directory access control, resulting in the X.509v2 format.48 X.509v2 added unique identifiers for the issuer and the subject, optional bit strings used to make the issuer and subject names unambiguous in the event that the same name is later reassigned to different entities. Suppose that Fred Jones, whose assigned X.500 name was given earlier, is an executive vice president of Megabank but is then hired away by a competitor. Megabank deassigns his name, but if a different Fred Jones, a programmer, then comes to work for Megabank, he is effectively reassigned the same X.500 name:

[Country = US, Organization = Megabank, Inc., Common Name = Fred Jones]

EXHIBIT 7.19 X.509 Certificate Format


This poses authorization problems for any access control lists attached to X.500 data objects, due to the difficulty of identifying all of the access control lists that grant privileges to a particular user's name. The unique identifier field added in X.509v2 provides somewhere to put a new value whenever a name is reused. In fact, a better solution is to use a better distinguisher in the X.500 name, such as

[Common Name = Fred Jones, Employee Number = 1000002].

In 1993, when the Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) RFCs were published, they included specifications for a public key infrastructure based on X.509v1 certificates. Attempts to deploy PEM, however, revealed deficiencies in the Version 1 and 2 certificate formats. Consequently, ISO/IEC/ITU and ANSI X9 developed the X.509v3 format, which greatly extends the capabilities of the format by providing extension fields and broader naming options in X.509v3. Extending the Standard.

Extensions were added in Version 3 to address problems discovered while implementing Version 1 and 2 certificates. These can be seen in the diagram in Exhibit 7.20. Particular extension field types may now be specified in standards or defined and registered by any organization or community.


EXHIBIT 7.20 X.509v3 Certificate

Each extension field is assigned a type by means of an object identifier, registered in the same way that an algorithm is registered. Although theoretically anyone can define an extension type, to achieve practical interoperability, common extension types need to be understood by different implementations. Thus, the most important extension types are standardized. But when X509v3 is used within a closed group—for example, a group of business partners—it is possible to define unique extension types to satisfy specific needs. X.509 Sources, Issues, and CAs.

Someone managing an e-commerce project does not necessarily need to know X.509 in detail but should at least read the Arsenault and Turner document; it clearly describes not only X.509 but the role it plays in PKI (which they define as “the set of hardware, software, people, policies and procedures needed to create, manage, store, distribute, and revoke certificates based on public-key cryptography.”). Also very helpful are the presentations by VeriSign's Warwick Ford, which NIST has online at its Web site. For the e-commerce developer who wants more detail, the next step is Ford's book, coauthored with fellow VeriSign executive Michael Baum, Secure Electronic Commerce.49 This documents other important aspects of X.509, such as the Certificate Revocation List, used to revoke certificates before they expire (e.g., if the private key has been compromised). A copy of the standard, available online, at the ITU Web site (, is also valuable.

The extensions and improvements in the X.509v3 certificate format greatly increase its usefulness, but providing a uniform method of going beyond the standard does raise the specter of a lack of standardization. This is something that the IETF's PKIX working group is addressing. And there are other issues to consider when evaluating X.509 as a security technology, many of which are raised by Ed Gerck of the Meta-Certificate Group. Articles at the group's Web site point out that X.509 does not address “the level of effort which is needed to validate the information in a certificate.” In other words, some security issues are beyond the scope of X.509, but they do need to be considered when deploying systems that rely on these certificates. For example, it does not make sense to rely on a digital certificate if the measures taken to assure the identity of the owner and user of the certificate are not commensurate with the risk involved in relying on the certificate. Furthermore, transactions that do not use certificates on both sides will remain inherently problematic.

These issues point to the importance of the role played by the certificate authority. As mentioned earlier, CAs are the entities that issue and sign certificates. Each has a public key that is listed in the certificate. The CA is responsible for scheduling an expiration date and for revoking certificates when necessary. The CA maintains and publishes a Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

In other words, ensuring the validity of certificates entails a lot of maintenance. The CRL, for example, is crucial if certificates are compromised or found to be issued fraudulently. This happened in 2001 when a number of VeriSign certificates were found to be issued in error to someone posing as Microsoft. Because some computer users now rely on certificates to guarantee the authenticity of software upgrades and components, failure to check the revocation list before downloading certified code could result in malicious code attacks.

Problems with certificates have the potential for widespread impact because the authority in certificates is hierarchical, as shown in Exhibit 7.21. When a CA issues a certificate, it signs it with its own key. Anyone relying on certificates issued by that CA needs to know by what authority the CA is issuing that certificate. To simplify, there are two possible answers. The CA is self-certifying, that is, providing its own “root” key, or it is relying on another CA for the root key. Clearly, any compromise of the root key undermines all certificates that gain their authority from it.


EXHIBIT 7.21 Certificate Authorities and the Root Key

See Chapter 37 of this Handbook for a more extensive discussion of PKI and Certificate Authorities.


Cryptography research and development did not stop with the development of the RSA algorithms. Events in the last two decades of the twentieth century and the first of the twenty-first, and their implications, are discussed in this final section of the chapter, which concludes with some warnings on implementing encryption.

7.6.1 Elliptic Curve Cryptography.

In 1985, Neal Koblitz from the University of Washington and Victor Miller of IBM independently discovered the application of elliptic curve systems to cryptography. When applied to public key cryptography, elliptic curve arithmetic has been found to offer certain advantages over first-generation public key techniques, such as Diffie-Hellman and RSA.

The security of elliptic curve algorithms is based on the same principle as the Diffie-Hellman algorithm, the discrete log problem, as described in Section 7.4.2. The advantages to elliptic curve algorithms lie in the key size needed to achieve certain levels of security. As one scales security upward over time to meet the evolving threat posed by eavesdroppers and hackers with access to greater computing resources, elliptic curves begin to offer dramatic savings over the old, first-generation techniques.50

Currently, public key systems use 1,024 bits or 2,048 bits for creating keys. NIST has recommended that after 2010, these systems will be unacceptably vulnerable and should be upgraded to a system that can provide adequate security. One way of doing this would be to increase the key size that is used. However, systems that are in place today become increasingly cumbersome the larger the key size. The NSA is endorsing elliptic curve cryptography, stating on its Web site that it has implemented elliptic curve public key cryptography systems to protect both classified and unclassified information.51 Elliptic curve systems offer a way to increase key size moderately when more security is required. Exhibit 7.22 shows the NIST recommended key size that RSA or Diffie-Hellman should use to protect the transportation of symmetric keys of various sizes as well as the corresponding elliptic curve key size.

EXHIBIT 7.22 NIST Recommended Key Sizes


Source: National Security Agency, “The Case for Elliptic Curve Cryptography,”

Thus, in order to use RSA to protect a 256-bit AES key, one should use a key of 15, 360 bits, which is an order of magnitude larger than the key sizes currently in use throughout the Internet. However, an elliptic curve key would need to be only 521 bits. Elliptic curve algorithms can use smaller keys because the math involved makes the inverse, or decryption, operations harder as the key length increases.52

Another feature that makes elliptic curves appealing is the fact that they are more efficient than the current implementations of public key cryptography, which tend to be relatively slow, causing them to be used more as key distribution methods than data encryption methods. Exhibit 7.23 shows the ratio of Diffie-Hellman computations versus elliptic curve computations for each of the key sizes listed in Exhibit 7.22.53

7.6.2 RSA Patent Expires.

On September 6, 2000, RSA Security released the RSA public key encryption algorithm into the public domain. This means that anyone can now create products that incorporate this algorithm (provided it is their own implementation and not one licensed from RSA). In effect, RSA Security waived its rights to enforce the patent for any development activities that include the RSA algorithm occurring after September 6, 2000. The U.S. patent for the RSA algorithm actually expired on September 20, 2000. The result has been an even broader use of public key encryption, at lower cost.

EXHIBIT 7.23 Relative Computation Costs of Diffie-Hellman and Elliptic Curves


Source: National Security Agency, “The Case for Elliptic Curve Cryptography,”

The RSA patent was always somewhat controversial, because it applied to a piece of mathematics, which is not what most people think of when they think of an invention. The owners of the patent were never able to expand protection beyond the United States. As a result, versions of public key encryption based on alternatives to the RSA algorithm were developed and marketed outside the country, by companies like Ireland's Baltimore Technologies, Finland's F-Secure, and Israel's Algorithmic Research. Now encryption companies can dispense with the costly maintenance of multiple versions of their public key products (U.S. and non-U.S.). In addition, U.S. companies can develop and market RSA-based products. Large companies actually can “roll their own” public-key encryption schemes for internal use, based on a proven, royalty-free algorithm.

7.6.3 DES Superseded.

RSA Security, the company that tried to make the RSA algorithm synonymous with public key encryption, played a leading role in the other watershed crypto event of 2000, the naming of a successor to DES, the Data Encryption Standard. As noted earlier, projects like the EFF DES Cracker showed that a computer built for less than $250,000 could decipher a DES-encrypted message in fewer than three days. In fact, this was part of the “DES Challenges” sponsored by RSA Security. DES Challenge I was won by Rocke Verser of Loveland, Colorado, who led a group of Internet users in a distributed brute force attack. The project, code-named DESCHALL, began on March 13, 1997 and was successfully completed some 90 days later. DES Challenge II consisted of two contests posted on January 13 and July 13, 1998. The first contest was cracked by a distributed computing effort coordinated by, which met the challenge in 39 days. The second contest was the one solved by EFF's purpose-built DES Cracker.

The effect of these projects was to focus attention on the need for stronger encryption. Companies and government agencies wanting to archive sensitive data need it to remain secure for decades, not days. However, as predicted in the 1970s, advances in computer power rendered “obsolete” the DEA, the widely used private key algorithm that forms the basis of the DES. Of course, the term “obsolete” is relative in this context. DES is not obsolete when applications need to encrypt bulk data to keep it confidential for a limited period of time, and a lot of data falls into this category. As Exhibit 7.24 shows, there is a direct relationship among time, technology, and the degree of protection that any ciphersystem provides.


EXHIBIT 7.24 Relationship among Time, Technology, and Protection

In 1997, the U.S. Government began the process of establishing a more powerful standard than DES, known as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). This is a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication, FIPS 197, specifying “a cryptographic algorithm for use by U.S. Government organizations to protect sensitive (unclassified) information.” The government anticipated correctly that AES would be “widely used on a voluntary basis by organizations, institutions, and individuals outside of the U.S. Government—and outside of the United States—in some cases.”

In essence, a competition was held to find the best possible algorithm for the job, and the winner, chosen in October 2000, was Rijndael (pronounced “Rhine Doll”). This algorithm was developed specifically for the AES by two cryptographers from Belgium, Dr. Joan Daemen and Dr. Vincent Rijmen. Rijndael is a block cipher with a variable block length and key length. So far, keys with a length of 128, 192, or 256 bits have been specified to encrypt blocks with a length of 128, 192, or 256 bits. (All nine combinations of key length and block length are possible.) However, both block length and key length can be extended very easily in multiples of 32 bits. Rijndael can be implemented very efficiently in hardware, even on smart cards.

7.6.4 Quantum Cryptography.

A new basis for computation will profoundly affect cryptographic strength in the coming decades. This section provides a brief and nontechnical summary of the science of quantum computation and quantum cryptography. Historical Perspective.

The entirety of this chapter has focused on the status of cryptography, as it currently exists. The classic computer has been sufficient to perform the computations and processes required of AES, RSA, and all of the cryptographic systems and algorithms that have been explored since the advent of cryptography. Although modern computers are fundamentally the same as they were in the 1950s, the machines we use today are significantly faster.54 Even though the speed has increased, the primary task of computers has remained the same: “to manipulate and interpret an encoding of binary bits into a useful computational result.”55 To push the bounds of computer performance ever forward, computer scientists' goal has “been the reduction of size in the transistors used in modern processors.”56

Early computers were constructed of gates and storage “bits” made of many thou-sands of molecules. The components of today's processors are moving in the direction of a few hundred molecules. The computing industry has always known that miniaturization would reach a barrier below which circuits could not be built, because their fundamental physical behavior would change.57

The components of modern computers are reaching this barrier; should transistors become much smaller, they will “eventually reach a point where individual elements would be no larger than a few atoms.”58 Computer scientists are concerned about this continual shrinking because at the atomic level, the laws of quantum mechanics will govern the properties and behavior of circuits, not the laws of classical mechanics.59

The science of quantum mechanics is not fully understood by scientists; it was initially thought to be a major limitation to the evolution of computer technology.60 It was not until 1982 that the scientific community saw any benefit from the unusual effects associated with quantum mechanics. That year, Richard Feynman theorized about a new type of computer that would harness the effects of quantum mechanics and use these effects to its advantage.61 In 1985, David Deutsch of the University of Oxford published a “ground breaking theoretical paper describing how any physical process could be modeled perfectly (in theory) using a quantum computing system.”62 He further argued that a quantum system would be able to execute tasks that no modern computer could perform, such as true random number generation.63 “After Deutsch published this paper, the search began to find interesting applications for such a machine.”64 Fundamentals.

A “quantum” is “the smallest amount of a physical quantity that can exist independently, especially a discrete quantity of electromagnetic radiation.”65 Quantum mechanics explains the physics and behaviors of particles, atoms, and energy.66 The idea of a quantum computer is based on the phenomena that occur at the atomic and subatomic level, which are explained by quantum mechanics and defy all classical laws of physics.67 These phenomena will be covered in more detail shortly; it is necessary at this point, however, to explain several fundamental differences between classical modern computers and the idea of a quantum computer.

Classical computers store and process information in units called bits, represented as a ‘0’ or a ‘1’ in a computer's transistors. Bits are then organized into bytes, a series of eight bits. Thus, the information stored on a computer is stored as individual bits grouped into bytes. Therefore, a document “comprised of n-characters stored on the hard drive of a typical computer is accordingly described by a string of 8n zeros and ones.”68 It is important to emphasize that bits “can only exist in one of two distinct states, a ‘0’ or a ‘1’.”69 This leads to the first difference between classical computers and quantum computers.

Quantum computers store and process information in units called quantum bits, referred to as qubits. “Qubits represent atoms, ions, photons or electrons and their respective control devices that are working together to act as computer memory and a processor.”70 Similar to a classic bit, a qubit is represented as a ‘0’ or a ‘1’. Unlike a classic bit, a qubit can also exist in a superposition of both a ‘0’ and a ‘1’. In other words, it is possible for a single qubit to exist as a ‘0’, a ‘1’, or simultaneously as both a ‘0’ and a ‘1’. A qubit that is in two positions at once is said to be in its coherent state.71 This can be explained more coherently with an example:

If a coin is flipped in a darkened room, the result of the coin being flipped is mathematically just as likely to be heads or tails. While the light is off, the coin is in a superposition—whereby it is both heads and tails at once, because an [observer] cannot see which it is. If [the observer] turns on the light, [he or she] “collapses” the superposition, and forces the coin to be either heads or tails by measuring it. Measuring something destroys the superposition, forcing it into being in just one classical state.72

This coherent state leads to the phenomenon that would make a quantum computer exponentially more powerful than any computer to date; this is the phenomenon called quantum parallelism.73 Essentially, because a qubit in a coherent state holds two values at once, a single operation done on such a qubit would act on both values at the same time.74 “Likewise, a two-qubit system would perform the operation on four values and a three-qubit system on eight [values].”75 To summarize, an operation done on a system of n qubits would act on 2n values simultaneously.76 Exhibit 7.25 shows this concept using a system containing three qubits, which represent eight states simultaneously.

“The very property that makes quantum computing so powerful also makes it very fragile and hard to control.”77 In order to harness the power of quantum parallelism, scientists need to be able to read and measure the output from the operations performed on groups of qubits. Herein lies the problem of decoherence. When a qubit in the coherent state measurably interacts with the environment, it will immediately decohere and resume one of the two classical states, either a ‘0’ or a ‘1’, and it will no longer exhibit its dual-state ability. In other words, simply looking at a qubit can cause it to decohere, and this makes measuring qubits directly impossible.78


EXHIBIT 7.25 Three-Qubit System

Source: Simon Bone and Matias Castro, “A Brief History of Quantum Computing,” Imperial College, London,

If scientists are unable to measure something directly, then they must find a way to measure indirectly, or a practical quantum computer will never be made. One possible answer lies in another property of quantum mechanics called entanglement. Entanglement is an obscure attribute that involves two or more atoms or particles. When certain conditions are met or certain forces are applied to two or more particles, then they can become entangled, whereby the particles exhibit opposite properties. The entangled particles will remain entangled, no matter the physical distance between them, and one entangled particle will always be able to communicate with its partner. Particles spin either up or down, and this spin is how scientists measure information about the particles. The property of coherence tells us that a particle will spin both up and down simultaneously until a scientist looks at it and measures it. “The spin state of the particle being measured is…communicated to the correlated particle, which simultaneously assumes the opposite spin direction to that of the measured particle.”79 Thus, entanglement could allow scientists to know the value of a qubit without actually looking at one. Scientists admit that entanglement is a difficult notion; they are still exploring the concept.80 They also acknowledge that it could be years before a workable solution to the problem of measuring information in a quantum system is discovered.81 Impacts.

Although quantum computers, in theory, can perform any task that a classical computer can, this does not necessarily mean that a quantum computer will always outperform a classical computer. Multiplication is an often-cited example of something that would be done just as quickly on a classical computer as on a quantum computer.82 From the early stages of quantum computing, scientists knew that to demonstrate the superior computing power, new algorithms would have to be designed to exploit the phenomenon of quantum parallelism. Such algorithms are complex and difficult to devise, but two are driving the development of this highly theorized field: Shor's algorithm and Grover's algorithm.83

Peter Shor of Bell Labs designed the first quantum algorithm in 1994. Shor's algorithm allows for rapid factoring of very large numbers into their prime factors. For example, scientific estimates state that it would take a modern computer 1024 years to factor a 1,000-digit number; it would take a quantum computer about 20 minutes.84 The implications of this quantum algorithm on classic algorithms that depend on the difficulty of factoring for security, such as the widely used RSA algorithm, are immense. “The ability to break the RSA coding system will render almost all current channels of communications unsecure.”85

Lov Grover, also of Bell Labs, invented the second quantum algorithm in 1996. Grover's algorithm allows a quantum computer to search databases of all kinds much more quickly than any capability existing today. Grover notes that the greatest benefit is gained when his algorithm is used on an unsorted database.86 On average, it takes a classical computer n/2 number of searches to find a specific entry in a database of n entries. Grover's algorithm allows the same search to be done in the square root of n number of searches. For example, in a database of 1 million entries, it would take a computer today on average of 500,000 searches to find the right answer; it would take a quantum computer using Grover's algorithm only 1,000 searches. This could have implications for symmetric key algorithms, such as DES, because this algorithm would allow an exhaustive search of all possible keys to occur quite rapidly.87 Current Status.

Encouraged by the repercussions of quantum computing and the related algorithms on the security of information and cryptography, governments around the world are funding efforts to build a practical quantum computing system. The United States has many initiatives on-going. In 2001, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the Department of Defense launched a $100 million effort that would last five years. In addition, the National Science Foundation has $8 million in grant money for researching quantum capabilities. DARPA's Quantum Information Science and Technology initiative will now exist indefinitely; it became a fully funded and permanent program in 2006.88 A number of other governments, primarily within Europe and Asia, are involved in quantum computation research and development. In 2000, the European Commission launched a comprehensive research effort with $20 million budgeted over three years. In Japan, the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications began an initiative in 2001 that will last 10 years with a total requested budget of $400 million. There are several commercial enterprises also involved in quantum projects. This includes IBM, Bell Labs, the Japanese firms of Fujitsu, Ltd., NEC Corporation, and Nippon Telephone and Telegraph Corporation.89 This list is by no means exhaustive, as there are universities and other organizations throughout the world with research efforts in full swing.

Because of the worldwide effort to understand quantum computing more thoroughly, several key advancements have been made. In 1998, researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory and MIT were able to spread a qubit over three nuclear spins of certain types of molecules. According to the experiments, spreading the information (qubit) out made it more difficult to corrupt, or decohere. The researchers were able to accomplish this using a technique called nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which allows the manipulation and control of a nucleus's spin. This technique allowed the researchers to use the property of entanglement to analyze indirectly the quantum information.90

In 2000, researchers at IBM developed a five-qubit computer, also using the nuclei of a liquid. The nuclei were programmed by radio frequency pulses and then detected by NMR techniques. Using this technique, the team was able to find the period of a particular function, or the length of the shortest interval over which it repeats its values. This problem would take a classical computer several repeated cycles to compute; the team at IBM was able to do it in one step. In 2001, a combined group of scientists from IBM and Stanford University demonstrated Shor's algorithm and were able to find the prime factors of 15. The seven-qubit computer correctly deduced that the prime factors were 3 and 5.91

In February 2007, a Canadian company called D-Wave claimed to demonstrate the first commercial quantum computer. It is a “supercooled, superconducted niobium chip housing an array of 16 qubits.”92 D-Wave chose not to focus on cryptographic efforts when building the Orion, as the computer is called. Instead, Orion focuses its energy on solving pattern-matching problems and nondeterministic polynomial problems (NP-complete problems). NP-complete problems are decision problems that contain searching and optimization problems, and are used when someone needs to know if a certain solution for a certain problem exists. Examples of such problems include database searches, pattern matching, identifying diseases from symptoms, and finding matches for genetic material.93 The company's demonstrations were done via a television feed from a remote location, due to the sensitive nature of the machine and the difficulty in transporting equipment that is cooled to just above absolute zero. Despite the demonstrations and the claims of D-Wave, scientists are skeptical that Orion is actually performing quantum computations. Even the chief executive of D-Wave said that, although all evidence indicates that Orion is performing quantum computations, there is some uncertainty. Nevertheless, D-Wave announced plans to boost the Orion to 1,000 qubits by 2008.94

The latest advancement occurred in July 2007, when scientists from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST, United States) and the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (United Kingdom) teamed up to explore magnetic quantum effects. This team reports having chained together “100 atoms of yttrium barium nickel oxide into a quantum spin-chain that, in effect, turn[ed] the 30-nanometer long magnetic molecule into a single element.”95 This discovery is an important step toward putting qubits onto solid-state circuits. Thirty nanometers is well beyond the atomic length scale, and it is unusual to see quantum coherence beyond the atomic level. However, the team did report stable coherent states at this size, which is large enough for the lithographic techniques used to create circuit boards and conductors of classical computers.96

Even with the advances just mentioned, skeptics believe that practical quantum computers that outperform classical computers are still years, or even decades, away. After conducting many hours of research on the topic of quantum computing, this author's opinion is that it is not a matter of if quantum computing will become a reality but a matter of when. That scientists have been able to demonstrate a few theoretical quantum computations on systems comprised of only a few qubits is highly promising. Yet scientists need to overcome many obstacles. Systems containing hundreds or thousands of qubits will be needed to perform useful computations. In addition, precise controls will be required to accomplish operations while avoiding decoherence; in fact, decoherence is perhaps the biggest obstacle to the creation of a quantum system. Until scientists can reliably measure information produced by qubits at work, it is unlikely that a practical quantum system will be built in the near future.97

7.6.5 Snake Oil Factor.

As encryption vendors and cryptographers come to grips with the implementation and extended testing of new algorithms, it is important to note these words from the AES competition requirements:

A complete written specification of the algorithm shall be included, consisting of all necessary mathematical equations, tables, diagrams, and parameters that are needed to implement the algorithm.

In other words, there is no secret about how the AES will make things secret, just as there is no secret about how DES works. This often strikes the crypto-novice as illogical. Why not keep the algorithm secret? Surely that will make any messages encrypted with it that much harder to decrypt. Not really. Any reliance on the secrecy of the algorithm inserts a weak link in the chain of security. Encrypting data does not guarantee that it will remain confidential. The keys must be kept secret, and the identity of persons requesting authorized access must be verified to ensure they are authentic, and so on. This is true of public key encryption as well as private key encryption.

There is no benefit to be gained by relying on an algorithm that has not been subject to open review, particularly when strong, reviewed algorithms exist. Beware of encryption vendors, or producers of any security products, that claim strength based on secret algorithms. Such claims are often a case of snake oil. (For more on bogus claims for crypto products, see Curtin's “Snake Oil FAQ.”)


As stated at the outset, this chapter was not designed to be an extensive treatise on cryptography or a complete guide to the implementation of encryption technology. There are many resources available to help readers deepen their understanding of this fundamental area of information security.

Books and Articles

Bishop, M. Computer Security: Art and Science. Addison-Wesley/Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ 2003.

Hinsley, F. H., and A. Stripp, eds. Codebreakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

Cobb, C. Cryptography for Dummies. Wiley Publishing, Hoboken, NJ, 2003.

Goldreich, O. Foundations of Cryptography: Volume I, Basic Tools. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Juels, Ari. “Encryption Basics.” In H. Bidgoli, ed., Handbook of Information Security, Vol. 2. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

Kahn, D. The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet, Revised Edition. New York: Scribner, 1996.

Katz, J., and Y. Lindell Introduction to Modern Cryptography. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2007.

Mao, W. Modern Cryptography: Theory and Practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2003.

Mel, H. X., and D. Baker. Cryptography Decrypted. Addison-Wesley, Upper Saddle River, NJ 2000.

Schneier, B. Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C, 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996.

Seberry, J., and J. Pieprzyk. Cryptography: An Introduction to Computer Security. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989.

Spillman, R. J. Classical and Contemporary Cryptology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 2004.

Web Resources

Arsenault, A., and S. Turner. “Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: PKIX Roadmap,” 2000;

Bacard, A. “Non-Technical PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) FAQ,” 2002;

Beezer, R. “Cryptography Independent Study,” 2002;

Cate, V. Vince Cate's Cryptorebel/Cypherpunk Page,

Cryptography Research Inc. Research Links:

Curtin, M. “Snake-Oil FAQ/Snake Oil Warning Signs: Encryption Software to Avoid,” 1998;

Electronic Frontier Foundation. “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About the Electronic Frontier Foundation's ‘DES Cracker’ Machine,” 1999;

Electronic Frontier Foundation RSA. “Code-Breaking Contest Again Won by Distributed.Net and Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). DES Challenge III Broken in Record 22 Hours,” 1999;

Gerck, E. “Why Is Certification Harder than It Looks?” 1999;

ICSA Labs' Cryptography Community.

International PGP Home Page. 2002;

Kessler, G. “An Overview of Cryptography,” 2004;

PGP Home.

RSA Security Content Library.

Schneier, B. Crypto-Gram newsletter archive, 1998–2008;


1. David Kahn, The Codebreakers: The Story of Secret Writing (New York: Scribner, 1996), pp. 980–984.

2. The American Heritage® New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, 3rd ed. s.v “cryptography,”

3. RSA Laboratories, “What Is Cryptanalysis?”

4. J. Seberry and J. Pieprzyk, Cryptography: An Introduction to Computer Security (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1989).

5. Kahn, Codebreakers, pp. 71–72

6. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, s.v. “cryptology,”

7. Brigitte Collard, “La cryptographie dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine. III. Le chiffrement par transposition,” Folia Electronica Classica (Louvain-la-Neuve) 7 (January-June 2004): section II(2), “Définition de la scytale”;

8. Brad Stark, “A Closer Look at Cryptography,” Bucknell University,

9. Kahn, Codebreakers, pp. 83–84.

10. “Time Table/Time-Travel through Cryptography and Cryptanalysis,”

11. Oliver Pell, “Cryptology,”

12. “Time Table/Time-Travel.”

13. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, s.v. “cryptology.”

14. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, s.v. “cryptology.”

15. Kahn, Codebreakers, p. 107.

16. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, s.v. “cryptology.”

17. National Security Agency, “The Rare Books Collection: Giovanni Battista Porta,”

18. D. Salomon, Coding for Data and Computer Communications (New York: Springer, 2005), p. 218; or

19. Encyclopedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, s.v. “cryptology.”

20. Stallings, W. Network and Internetwork Security Principles and Practices. Prentice Hall, January, 1995

21. Kevin Romano, “The Stager Ciphers and the US Military's First Cryptographic System,”

22. Cypher Research Laboratories, “A Brief History of Cryptography,”

23. National Archives, “Teaching with Documents: The Zimmermann Telegram,”

24. National Archives, “Teaching with Documents.”

25. Jacob Mathai, “History of Cryptography and Secrecy Systems,” Fordham University,

26. Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Edition, s.v. “cryptology.”

27. Judson Knight, “Cryptology, History,”

28. Knight, “Cryptology, History.”

29. Oli Cooper, “Cryptography,” University of Bristol,

30. Cooper, “Cryptology.”

31. Kahn, Codebreakers,

32. Kahn, Codebreakers,

33. Stallings, “Network and Internetwork Security”

34. SCI.CRYPT FAQ §5.2,

35. Kahn, Codebreakers, p. 979.

36. Juels, “Encryption Basics,” p. 980.

37. Juels, “Encryption Basics,” p. 981.

38. Juels, “Encryption Basics,” p. 471.


40. Bruce Schneier, Applied Cryptography, 2nd ed. (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1996), p. 461.

41. Kahn, Codebreakers, p. 982.

42. Juels, “Encryption Basics,” p. 474.

43. Juels, “Encryption Basics,” p. 474.

44. Juels, “Encryption Basics,” p. 474.

45. RSA Laboratories, “What Is Diffie-Hellman?”

46. Charlie Kaufman, “IPsec: IKE (Internet Key Exchange),” vol. 1, Handbook for Information Security (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006), p. 974.

47. Juels, “Encryption Basics,” pp. 474–475.

48. For more on this evolution, see the excellent IETF document, “Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure: PKIX Roadmap,” by A. Arsenault and S. Turner.)

49. Michael Baum, Secure Electronic Commerce (Prentice-Hall, 1997)

50. National Security Agency, “The Case for Elliptic Curve Cryptography,”

51. National Security Agency, “The Case for Elliptic Curve Cryptography.”

52. Certicom, “An Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Primer,”

53. National Security Agency, “The Case for Elliptic Curve Cryptography.”

54. Jacob West, “The Quantum Computer,”

55. West, “Quantum Computer.”

56. Simon Bone and Matias Castro, “A Brief History of Quantum Computing,” Imperial College, London,

57. Quantum Information Partners LLP, “Short History of Quantum Information Processing,”

58. West, “Quantum Computer.”

59. West, “Quantum Computer.”

60. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

61. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

62. Simon Bone, “The Hitchhiker's Guide to Quantum Computing,”

63. Bone, “Hitchhiker's Guide.”

64. West, “Quantum Computer.”

65. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, s.v. “quanta,”

66. Genomics and Proteomics, “Glossary: Quantum Mechanics,”

67. Stephen Jenkins, “Some Basic Ideas About Quantum Mechanics,” University of Exeter,

68. West, “Quantum Computer.”

69. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

70. Bonsor and Strickland, “How Quantum Computers Work,” computer.

71. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

72. Duncan McKimm, “Quantum Entanglement,”

73. West, “Quantum Computer.”

74. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

75. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

76. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

77. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

78. Bonsor and Strickland, “How Quantum Computers Work.”

79., “Entanglement,”,sid44_gci341428,00.html.

80. McKimm, “Quantum Entanglement.”

81., “Entanglement.”

82. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

83. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

84. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

85. Bone, “Hitchhiker's Guide.”

86. Lov Grover, “What's a Quantum Phone Book?”

87. Bone and Castro, “Brief History.”

88. Confidential Source #3, “Quantum Computing,” Internal Research branch Web site, August 10, 2007.

89. Confidential Source #3, “Quantum Computing.”

90. West, “Quantum Computer.”

91. Bonsor and Strickland, “How Quantum Computers Work.”

92. R. Colin Johnson “Quantum Computer ‘Orion’ Debuts,” EETimes,;jsessionid=LMGNMUNA3DEJQQSNDLPSKHSCJUNN2JVN?articleID=197004661.

93. Johnson, “Quantum Computer ‘Orion’ Debuts.”

94. Jordon Robertson, “Scientists Dubious of Quantum Computer Claims,”

95. R. Colin Johnson, “Circuit-Sized Quantum Effect Observed,” EETimes,;jsessionid=V0KJDCQ4XUOFUQSNDLPSKHSCJUNN2JVN?articleID=201202072.

96. Johnson, “Circuit-Sized Quantum Effect Observed.”

97. Confidential Source #3, “Quantum Computing.”

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