File Menu

PowerPoint’s File menu, of course, is for working with files on your hard drive—whether that’s creating new files, saving them, or printing them.

Project Gallery, New Presentation, Open, Open Recent, Close, Save, Save As

These commands work exactly as they do in Excel; the only distinction here is the wording of the New command (New Presentation).

Save as Pictures

Saves each slide as a graphics file.

Save as Movie

Creates a QuickTime movie from the frontmost open presentation (see Saving Presentations as QuickTime Movies).

Save as Web Page

Saves the frontmost PowerPoint presentation as a series of Web pages, converting graphics and graphs to the proper kinds of graphics files and saving all of the data in HTML files (see Saving Slides as Graphics).

Web Page Preview

Shows you what your presentation looks like as a Web page. It opens a temporary Web page version of your file in your browser.

Page Setup, Print

These commands work just as they do in Excel.

Send To

PowerPoint’s Send To menu lets you send the currently open presentation directly to:

  • Mail Recipient (as Attachment). Attaches the frontmost presentation as a file attachment to an outgoing Entourage email message, so that you can send it to whomever you like.

  • Microsoft Word. Sends the frontmost presentation’s outline to Word, where you can edit it.

  • iPhoto. Sends the presentation to iPhoto as a group of JPEG or PNG graphics.


This command works just as it does in Excel (Page Setup).

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