

Absorption costing, 493

Access logs, reviewing, 268


in design/implementation team, 22

role in AIS, 22

unethical behaviors and, 2324, 70

Accounting cycle, 517

Accounting information system (AIS). See also Foundational concepts of AIS; Types of AIS

components of, 45

business process to capture accounting data, 45

internal and external reports, 5

internal controls, 5

manual or computer-based records, 5

raw accounting data, process, classify, summarize, and consolidate, 5

overview of, 46

Accounting software market segments, 5254

Accounts payable fraud, 91

Accounts payable subsidiary ledger, 373

Accuracy, 187

Acknowledgment, 335

Adams, Buzz, 510n1

Adequate records and documents

cash collection processes, 323

cash disbursement processes, 389

fixed assets processes, 451

general ledger processes, 525

payroll processes, 438

purchase return process, 381

purchasing processes, 374

sales processes, 309310

sales return processes, 315316

Administrative processes and controls, 509539. See also General ledger processes

capital processes, source of, 513514

corporate governance in, 531532

ethical issues in, 528531

investment processes, 514515

securities, 515

treasury stock, 515

underwriter, 514

Aftab, Parry, 605n8

AICPA Trust Services Principles, 140145

general controls from, 140145

availability, 140

confidentiality, 140

online privacy, 140

processing integrity, 140

security, 140

physical access risks, 145

unauthorized users, 141143

availability risks, 142143, 145

confidentiality risks, 142143, 145

processing integrity risks, 142143, 145

security risks, 141142, 144145

American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), 258

Analytics, 624

Antivirus software, 135

Application controls, 20, 129, 156164, 269274

input controls, 269

output controls, 273274

processing controls, 269273. See also individual entry

Application software, 156164


ASB has issued Statements on Auditing Standards (SASs), 258

Assurance services, 254

Attributes, 67, 549

Audit committee, 183

Audit evidence, 261

Audit objectives, 259261

Audit program, 259

Audit trails, 104, 273

Auditing information technology, 253297

assurance services, 254

audit completion/reporting, 276277

adverse opinion, 277

disclaimer, 277

qualified opinion, 277

unqualified opinion, 277

audit objectives, 259261

audit program, 259

auditing IT processes, 254

audits and auditors, types of, 254256

certified information systems auditors (CISAs), 255

certified internal auditors (CIAs), 255

certified public accountants (CPAs), 255

compliance audits, 254

external audit, 255

financial statement audits, 255

government auditors, 255

internal auditor, 255

IT auditors, 255

operational audits, 255

authoritative literature used in, 257259

balances tests, 274276

client's IT environment changes, 280281

computers in audits, 264265

different IT environments, 277280

availability risks, 279

compliance risks, 280

IT outsourcing, 279

processing risks, 280

security risks, 279

ethical issues related to auditing, 281285

due care, 282

integrity, 282

objectivity and independence, 282

professional skepticism, 283

public interest, 282

responsibilities, 282

scope and nature of services, 282

IT audit phases of, 261264

audit planning, 261264

materiality, 261

planning phase, 261

risk, 262

management assertions, 259261

sampling, 281

tests of controls, 265274. See also individual entry

transactions tests, 274276

Auditing Standards Board (ASB), 258

Auditor of AIS, 22

Authentication, 334

of users, 130

Authenticity tests, 268

Authoritative literature used in auditing, 257259. See also under Auditing information technology

Authority table, 132

Authorization of transactions

cash collection processes, 322

cash disbursement processes, 388389

fixed assets processes, 450451

general ledger processes, 520522

payroll processes, 437

purchase return process, 381

purchasing processes, 373

sales processes, 309

sales return processes, 313315

Automated matching, 1516, 393

availability risks, 395

defined, 1516, 393

process, 393

processing integrity risks, 395

requirements, 16

risks, 394395

security and confidentiality risks, 394395

Automation, 441

Availability, 110, 154, 334

Availability risks, 142145, 148, 331

automated matching, 1516, 393

defined, 143

e-business (expenditures), 398400

e-business (revenue), 328331

evaluated receipt settlement, 395

hacking, 144

physical access, 145


Back office modules, 626

Backbone provider, 582

Backbone, 582

Baitler, Jay, 329n2

Balances tests, 274276

Balancing tests, 270

Bar codes, 5556

Batch processing, 12, 5759, 546

advantages, 5758, 560

characteristics, 547

defined, 12, 546

determining, 546

disadvantages, 58, 560

legacy systems, 57

payroll use, 57, 440

real-time processing versus, 547

requirements, 57

sequential access files, 12

Batch totals, 105, 163

Battery power (UPS), 138

Benford's Law, 271

Best of breed versus ERP modules, 629

Big Bang approach, 632

Bill, 307

Bill of lading, 307, 371

Biometric devices, 132

Bit, 10

Blind purchase order, 371

Board of directors, 183

Borthick, F., 328n1

Bricks and clicks, 590

Bricks and mortar, 589

Business continuity planning (BCP), 139140

disaster recovery plan (DRP), 140

off-site backup, 140

redundant arrays of independent disks (RAIDs), 139

redundant servers, 139

Business continuity risks, 145

Business process linkage throughout the supply chain, 68

Business processes, 24

input methods used in, 5457. See also individual entry

internal controls, 4

IT enablement of, 810

types, 3

Business process reengineering (BPR), 9, 225, 327, 393, 630

defined, 9, 225, 630

in ERP system implementation, 630

IT enablement, 810

IT relationship, 226

in purchasing and payments, 364

in SDLC, 225226

Business to business (B2B), 328, 586, 594

Business to consumer (B2C), 328, 586587

Byte, 10


Cabena, Peter, 557n1

Capital budget, 445

Capital processes

risks and controls in, 516

source of, 513514

unethical management behavior, 529530

Cardinality, 67

Cases, this book

administrative processes/controls, 538539

auditing IT-based processes, 294295

conversion processes/controls, 502506

corporate governance, 208

data and databases, 573575

e-commerce and e-business, 612615

ERP systems, 645646

expenditure processes, 415421

foundation concepts, 7980

fraud, ethics, and internal control, 121124

internal controls/risks in IT systems, 173175

introduction to AIS, 3036

IT governance, 249250

payroll and fixed asset processes, 467471

sales and cash collection processes, 352359

Cash collection processes, 299362. See also Revenue processes; Sales processes

cash receipts journal, 318

and controls, 299362

IT-enabled systems of, 325328

remittance advice, 318

risks and controls in, 322325

Cash collections, 302

Cash disbursement processes, 383388

accounts payable records, 386

cash disbursements journal, 387

cash management, 383

IT systems, 391393

remittance advice, 387

risks and controls in, 388391

Cash disbursements journal, 387

Cash management, 383

Cash receipts journal, 318

Cash receipts theft, 91

Castellano, Joseph F., 23n5

Centralized processing, 559560

Certified fraud examiners (CFEs), 285

Certified information systems auditors (CISAs), 255

Certified internal auditors (CIAs), 255

Certified public accountants (CPAs), 255

Champy, James, 225n7

Channel stuffing, 337

Character, 544

Check fraud, 92


dual signature, 389

fraud, 92

writing, 383

Chief executive officer (CEO), 89, 216

Chief financial officer (CFO), 89, 216

Chief information officer (CIO), 216

Clicks and mortar, 590

Client server, cloud computing and, 51

Client's IT environment changes, 280281

Client-server computing, 4748

characteristics, 48

clients, 626

defined, 47

distributed applications, 48

distributed presentation, 48

servers, 617

task assignment, 47

web-based model, 48

Cloud-based databases, 561562

Cloud-based ERP, 627628

Cloud computing, 14, 4852, 154156

advantages, 49

cost savings, 50

expanded access, 49

reduced infrastructure, 50

scalability, 49

availability, 154

and audit risks, 279280

and client server, 51

as a conceptual design, 232

confidentiality, 155

cost savings, 50, 154

disadvantages, 50

expanded access, 49, 154

infrastructure is reduced, 154

processing integrity, 155

public cloud computing, 154

scalability, 49, 154

security, 154

COBIT, 109

Code of ethics, 20, 85, 281

company development/adherence, 20

concepts, 84, 97

defined, 282

as documented guidelines, 86

due care, 282

for financial officers, 195

maintaining, 9697

need for, 8486

objectivity and independence, 282

public interest, 282

responsibilities, 282

scope and nature of services, 282

Collusion, 91

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) Report, 18, 85, 99107, 113, 184

accounting internal control structure, 20

control activities, 102106. See also individual entry

control environment, 100101

information and communication, 106107

internal control environments, characteristics, 100

risk assessment, 101

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (CSOTC), 85n3

Common carrier, 366

Communities, 184


ethical responsibilities of, 564565

access, 565

choice and consent, 564

collection, 564

disclosure to third parties, 565

employees, 566

management, 564

monitoring and enforcement, 565

notice, 564

quality, 565

security for privacy, 565

use and retention, 565

Compensating control, 103

Completeness check, 162

Compliance audits, 254

Compliance, 186188

Computer-aided design (CAD) techniques, 490

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 491

Computer-assisted audit techniques (CAATs), 265, 271

defined, 265, 271

embedded audit modules, 272273

integrated test facility (ITF), 271272

list of, 272

parallel simulation, 271272

program tracing, 271272

test data method, 271272

Computer-based matching, 393394

risks and controls in, 394395

availability risks, 395

processing integrity risks, 395396

security and confidentiality risks, 394395

Computer fraud

external sources of, 9496

denial of service (DoS) attack, 95

hacking, 9495

spoofing, 9596

internal sources of, 9394

input manipulation, 93

output manipulation, 93

program manipulation, 93

salami technique, 94

trap door alteration, 94

Trojan horse program, 94

nature of, 9396

Computer-integrated manufacturing systems (CIMs), 492

Computer log, 132

Computers and IT concepts, 1014. See also under Information technology (IT) enabled business processes

file access and processing modes, 1112

internet, 1314

networks, 1314

Computers in audits, 264265

Conceptual design, 218, 229

Concurrency, 547

Confidentiality risks, 142145, 148, 330331

Confidentiality, 110, 155

Configuration tables, 133

Conflicting abilities, 637

Consolidation, 558

Continuous auditing, 274275

Control activities, 102106

adequate records and documents, 103105

batch totals, 105

categories, 102

authorization, 102

general authorization, 102

specific authorization, 102

compensating control, 103

independent checks, 105106

reconciliation, 105106

security of assets and documents, 105

segregation of duties, 103

Control Environment, 100101

factors of, 101

Control objectives for IT (COBIT), 114115, 213

Control structures types of, 18. See also Internal control structure of organizations

Control totals, 163, 335

Controls, 265274, 363423. See also Tests of controls

in IT, 110

availability, 110

confidentiality, 110

online privacy, 110

processing integrity, 110

security, 110

Conversion processes, 473508

basic features of, 474476

and controls, 473508

corporate governance in, 494

cost accounting reports generated by, 485486

ethical issues in, 493494

IT systems of, 489492

computer-aided design (CAD) techniques, 490

computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 491

computer-based conversion process, 490

computer-integrated manufacturing systems (CIMs), 492

computerized systems, 490

database containing conversion process, 490

enterprise-wide resource planning (ERP), 491

industrial robots, 491

just-in-time (JIT) production systems, 492

manufacturing resource planning (MRP-II), 491

materials resource planning (MRP), 491

radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems, 492

logistics function, components of, 477485. See also Logistics function

risks and controls in, 486489

authorization of transactions, 486

cost–benefit considerations, 488489

independent checks and reconciliation, 487488

physical inventory count, 488

physical inventory reconciliation, 488

security of assets and documents, 487

segregation of duties, 486487

Corporate governance, 2021, 179209. See also Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002

in administrative processes and reporting, 531532

in conversion processes, 494

ethics and, 200202

in expenditure processes, 403404

in fixed assets processes, 457459

functions within, 185189

ethical conduct, 189

financial stewardship, 188189

internal controls and compliance, 186188

management oversight, 185186

history of, 189190

importance AIS study, 199200

in payroll, 457459

participants in, 181185

audit committee, 183

board of directors, 183

communities, 184

creditors, 184

customers, 184

employees, 183

external auditors, 184

internal auditors, 183

investors, 184

management team, 182

regulators, 184

shareholders, 183

stakeholders, 181

suppliers, 184

in revenue processes, 339

tone at the top, 181

Corrective controls, 99

Cost accounting reports by conversion processes, 485486

periodic inventory systems, 486

perpetual inventory systems, 485

standard costs, 485

variances, 486

Cost–benefit considerations, 105, 310313, 324325, 375376

cash collection processes, 324325

cash disbursement processes, 390391

fixed assets processes, 453

payroll processes, 440

purchase return process, 382383

purchasing processes, 375376

sales processes, 310313

sales return processes, 316318

Cost savings, 154

Credit card fraud, 92

Credit limit, 303

Credit memorandum, 313

Creditors, 184

Crew, J., 328

Cunningham, Colleen, 186n3

Customer fraud, nature of, 92. See also under Fraud

Customer relationship management (CRM), 621, 625626

Customers, 184

Customers, ethical responsibilities of, 566

Cutoff, 372


Data, 541576. See also Distributed data processing (DDP); Normalized data

ethical issues in, 563566

identifying, 555556

IT controls for, 562563

need for, 542543

information, 542

standardizing, 556

storing and accessing data, 544545

structured data, 543

unstructured data, 543

uploading, 556

Data analysis software (DAS), 276

Data analysis tools, 556559

Data conversion, 236237, 631

Data flow diagram (DFD), 6567, 313

Data input, 160161

standard procedures for, 160161

data preparation, 160

error handling, 160161

Data mining, 1213, 557558

online analytical processing (OLAP), 557559

Data processing techniques, 546547

batch processing, 546

real-time processing, 546

Data redundancy, 547

Data segments, 332

Data structures, computer, 1011

Data warehouse, 1213, 554, 618

building, 555

Database administrator, 137

Database as a Service (DaaS), 49, 232, 561

Database management system (DBMS), 150, 548

accounts payable, 150

inventory, 150

purchasing, 150

Databases, 10, 149150, 278, 547551. See also Cloud-based databases

attributes, 549

concurrency, 547

data redundancy, 547

ethical issues in, 563566

flat file database model, 549550

hierarchical database model, 550

history of, 549551

IT controls for, 562563

network database model, 551

relational database model, 551

storage, trade-offs in, 554

Debit memo, 379

Defalcation, 87

Delta Air Lines, 328

Denial of service (DoS) attack, 95

Depreciation schedule, 447

Design or implementation team of AIS, 22

Detailed design, 219

Detailed design, 233234

Detective controls, 99

Digital Equipment Company (DEC), 580

Direct cutover conversion, 237

Disaster recovery plan (DRP), 140

Disbursements journal, 436

Distributed data processing (DDP), 559561

Distributed databases (DDB), 560

Document flowcharts, 6465

Documentation review, 224

Documenting processes and systems, 6069

data flow diagrams (DFD), 6567

document flowcharts, 6465

entity relationship (ER) diagrams, 6769

process maps, 6062

system flowcharts, 6264

Documenting the system, 236

Domain name servers (DNS), 584

Domain name, 584

Doug, Bartholomew, 616n1

Drill down, 558

Dual signature, 389

Dynamics ERP, 54

Dzinkowski, Ramona, 198n5


Earnings management, 87, 189, 493

E-business, 328331

availability risks, 331

confidentiality risks, 330331

IT infrastructure for, 615647

data warehouse, 618

enterprise resource planning (ERP), 616619

manufacturing resource planning (MRP), 617

operational database, 618

SAP in data processing, 620

Y2K compatible, 620

processing integrity risks, 330331

risks and controls in, 328331

security risks, 330331

eBusiness Transitionary Working Group (eBTWG), 73

E-business, 15, 5657, 398400, 577614

ethical issues in, 604605

extranets to enable, 598599

intranets to enable, 598599

risks and controls in, 398400

XBRL to enable, 601604

XML to enable, 601604

E-commerce, 5657, 327, 577614

advantages of, 329

benefits, 586590

for the business

benefits, 588589

disadvantages of, 588589

for the customer, 587588

disadvantages, 587588

ethical issues in, 604605

and IT enablement, 592596

examples, 596598

privacy expectations in, 590592

access, 591

choice and consent, 591

collection, 591

disclosure to third parties, 591

management, 590

monitoring and enforcement, 591

notice, 590

quality, 591

security for privacy, 591

use and retention, 591

traditional commerce and, 589590

Economic feasibility, 231

Economic order quantities (EOQ), 480

Electronic data interchange (EDI) systems, 15, 153, 234, 327, 331335, 398400

availability, 400

characteristics of, 15

intercompany, 15

controls, 331335

data segments, 332

header data, 332

labeling interchanges, 332

processing integrity, 399

risks in, 333, 398400

authentication, 334

availability, 334

confidentiality, 333

intrusion detection, 398

penetration testing, 398

processing integrity, 334

security and confidentiality, 399

security, 333

vulnerability testing, 398

trailer data, 332

value added networks (VANs), 332

Electronic data interchange (EDI), 56, 601, 619

traditional EDI, 602

Electronic funds transfer (EFT), 603

Electronic invoice presentment and payment (EIPP), 16, 229, 400, 594

E-mail spoofing, 9596

Embedded audit modules, 272

Emergency power supply (EPS), 138

Employee fraud, 9192

collusion, 91

defined, 91

ethical responsibilities with data, 528529

kickbacks, 91

larceny, 91

nature of, 91

skimming, 91

types, 91

Employees, 134, 183

ethical responsibilities of, 566

ghost, 456

hiring, 429

personnel records, 429

protection for, 195

public key, 134

salaried, 434

as stakeholders, 183

symmetric, 134

time sheets, 434435

training (ERP systems), 631

training, 236

Encryption, 335

Enterprise application integration (EAI), 46

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 16, 616619

benefits of, 634637

cloud-based ERP, 627628

current ERP system characteristics, 621622

history of, 619621

implementation of, 628634

best-fit ERP system, 628629

best of breed versus ERP modules, 629

customization of ERP system, 630

hiring a consulting firm, 628

modules, 629

training of employees, 631

market segments of, 625628

Oracle, 626

Peoplesoft, 626

SAP, 626

tier two software, 626627

methods of conversion to, 632634

Big Bang, 632

location-wise implementation, 633

modular implementation, 634

modules, 622625

analytics, 624

customer relationship management (CRM), 625

financials, 623

human resources, 624

procurement and logistics, 624

product development and manufacturing, 624

sales and services, 624

supply chain management (SCM), 624625

risks of, 634637

risks of ERP systems, 635637

implementation risks, 635636

operation risks, 636637

and Sarbanes–Oxley Act, 637639

Enterprise risk management (ERM), 18

Enterprise-wide resource planning (ERP), 491

Entities, 67

Entity relationship (ER) diagrams, 6769

attributes, 67

cardinality, 67

entities, 67

Environmental factors

risks from, 144

availability risks, 144

processing integrity risks, 144

E-payables, 16, 400401

Error handling, 160161

Errors avoidance, policies to assist in the and errors, 9697

E-tailers, 589

Ethical conduct, 189, 198

Ethical considerations

at AIS foundation, 6970

in E-business, 604605

in E-commerce, 604605

in IT governance, 240242

Ethical issues

in administrative processes and reporting, 528531

in auditing, 281285

in conversion processes, 493494

in expenditures processes, 401403

in IT systems, 164165

internal reporting of, 530531

in revenue processes, 337338

Ethical responsibilities

of company, 564565. See also under Company

of customers, 566

Ethics and AIS, 2224

Ethics and corporate governance, 200202

Ethics, 83125. See also Code of ethics

Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS), 16, 395396

risks and controls in, 397398

availability, 397398

processing integrity, 397

security and confidentiality, 397

Exception reports, 558

Exercises, this book

administrative processes/controls, 536537

AIS foundation concepts, 7778

auditing IT processes, 292293

conversion processes/controls, 499501

corporate governance, 207

data and databases, 572

e-business and e-commerce, 610611

ERP systems, 644

expenditure processes, 411

fraud, ethics, and internal control, 118119

internal controls and risks, 170172

introduction to AIS, 2829

IT governance, 247248

payroll and fixed asset processes, 464465

revenue processes, 345346

Expanded access, 154

Expenditures processes, 363423. See also Cash disbursement processes; Purchasing processes; Purchase return process

corporate governance in, 403404

ethical issues in, 401403

IT systems, 391393

Expense account fraud, 91

Exposure areas in IT system, 146

eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL), 601

to enable e-business, 601604

for financial statement reporting, 603604

eXtensible Markup Language (XML), 601

to enable e-business, 601604

in internet EDI, 601603

External audit, 255

External auditors, 184

External reports, 59, 527

External sources of computer fraud, 9496. See also under Computer fraud

Extranets, 14

to enable E-business, 598599

internal controls for, 599600


Feasibility study, 221222

economic feasibility, 221, 231

operational feasibility, 221, 231

schedule feasibility, 221, 231

technical feasibility, 221, 230231

Fiduciary duty, 188

Field check, 161

Field, 10, 544

File, 10, 544

access and processing modes, 1112

batch processing, 12

data mining, 13

online processing, 12

operational database, 12

random access, 11

real-time processing, 12

sequential access, 11

Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), 185

Financial statement audits, 255

Financial statement reporting, XBRL for, 603604

Financial stewardship, 198

Finished goods inventory, 480

Firewall, 133

Fixed asset processes, 427

Fixed asset subsidiary ledger, 446

Fixed assets disposals, 447449

Fixed assets processes, 442450

capital budget, 445

corporate governance in, 457459

depreciation schedule, 447

ethical issues related to, 455457

fixed asset acquisitions, 442446

fixed asset subsidiary ledger, 446

fixed assets continuance, 446447

fixed assets disposals, 447449

IT systems of, 453455

risks and controls in, 450453

Fixed assets, 425472

Flat file database model, 549550

Flowcharts, 6265

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), 113, 190

Forensic auditing, 285

Foundational concepts of AIS, 3981

client-server computing, 4748

ethical considerations at, 6970

interrelationships of business processes, 4143

processes, 42

resulting reports, 42

transactions, 42

outputs from AIS and business processes, 5960

Fraud avoidance, policies to assist in the and errors, 9697

Fraud, 83125

accounting-related fraud, 8689

categories of, 88

computer fraud, nature of, 9396

industrial espionage, 93

software piracy, 93

customer fraud, nature of, 92

check fraud, 92

credit card fraud, 92

refund fraud, 92

employee fraud, nature of, 9192

accounts payable fraud, 91

cash receipts theft, 91

collusion, 91

expense account fraud, 91

inventory theft, 91

kickback, 91

larceny, 91

payroll fraud, 91

skimming, 91

management fraud, 8990

Phar-Mor fraud scheme, 84

vendor fraud, nature of, 93

vendor audits, 93

Fraud triangle, 87

incentive, 87

opportunity, 87

rationalization, 87

Fraudulent financial reporting, 87

Front office modules, 626


General authorization, 102

General controls for IT systems, 130140

AICPA Trust Services Principles, 140145

antivirus software, 135

authentication of users, 130

authority table, 132

biometric devices, 132

computer log, 132

configuration tables, 133

encryption, 134

firewall, 133

hacking, 133136

intrusion detection, 136

log in, 131

network break-ins, 133136

nonrepudiation, 132

organizational structure, 136137

password, 131

penetration testing, 136

physical environment and security, 137139

battery power (UPS), 138

emergency power supply (EPS), 138

generators (EPS), 138

uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 138

public key encryption, 134

secure sockets layer (SSL), 135

security token, 131

service set identifier (SSID), 134

smart card, 131

symmetric encryption, 134

two-factor authentication, 132

user IDs, 131

user profile, 132

virtual private network (VPN), 135

virus, 135

vulnerability assessment, 135

wired equivalency privacy (WEP), 134

wireless protected access (WPA), 134

General controls, 20, 265269

General journal, 44

General ledger processes, 44, 516520

risks and controls in, 520528

special journals, 517

subsidiary ledgers, 518

Generalized audit software (GAS), 276

Generally accepted auditing standards (GAAS), 257

standards of fieldwork, 258

standards of reporting, 258

Generators (EPS), 138

Ghost employee, 456

Global positioning systems (GPSs), 234

Gould, Janet, 595n3

Governance, IT, 211251

cloud computing as a conceptual design, 232

detailed design, 233234

ethical considerations related, 240242

for consultants, 242

for employees, 241

for management, 240241

feasibility study, 221222

economic feasibility, 221

operational feasibility, 221

schedule feasibility, 221

technical feasibility, 221

internet commerce, 234

IT governance committee, 215

IT systems match to strategic objectives, 220221

strategic management, 213

system development life cycle (SDLC), 215219. See also individual entry

Governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC) activities, 274

Government auditors, 255

Graphical user interface (GUI), 581

Greer, Olen L., 97n8


Hacking, 9495, 133136

risks from, 144

Hammer, Michael, 225n7

Hardware exposures in IT systems, 145156

Hardware, costs of, 631

Hash totals, 163

Header data, 332

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), 605

Hierarchical Database Model, 550

High-impact processes (HIPs), 556

Hoffman, Thomas, 219n4

Human resources, 429, 479, 624

Hurt, Suzanne, 364n1


Incentive, 87

Independent checks and reconciliation, 105106

cash collection processes, 323

cash disbursement processes, 390

fixed assets processes, 451452

general ledger processes, 525526

payroll processes, 439

purchase return process, 381382

purchasing processes, 374

sales processes, 310

sales return processes, 316

Indexed sequential access method (ISAM), 12

Industrial espionage, 93, 565

Industrial robots, 491

Information criteria, 115

Information risk and IT-enhanced internal control, 256257

motive of the preparer, 257

remoteness of information, 256257

volume and complexity of underlying data, 257

Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA), 109, 213, 259

Information technology (IT). See also Auditing information technology

auditing IT processes, 254

controls, maintenance of, 109110

of conversion processes, 489492

of fixed assets processes, 453455

governance, 211251. See also Governance, IT

IT auditors, 255

IT governance committee, 136

resources, 115

risk and controls in, 110

availability, 110

confidentiality, 110

online privacy, 110

processing integrity, 110

security, 110

Information technology (IT) enabled business processes, 810, 592596

auditor of AIS, 22

automated matching, 1516

business-to-business (B2B), 594

computers and, 1014

basic computer data structures, 1011

bit, 10

byte, 10

database, 10

field, 10

file, 10

master files, 11

record, 10

relational database, 11

transaction file, 11

design or implementation team of AIS, 22

for e-business, 15, 615647. See also under E-business

electronic data interchange (EDI), 15

electronic invoice presentment and payment (EIPP), 16

enterprise resource planning (ERP), 1617

E-payables, 16

evaluated receipt settlement (ERS), 16

importance to accountants, 22

IT controls, 20

application controls, 20

general controls, 20

IT governance, 21

point of sale system (POS), 15

supply chain, 592

users of AIS, 22

Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), 213

Information, 542

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), 49, 232

In-house design, 228229

Input controls, 269

Input manipulation, 93

Input methods used in business processes, 5457

bar codes, 5556

dynamics ERP, 54

E-business, 5657

E-commerce, 5657

electronic data interchange (EDI), 56

keying, 5455

point of sale system (POS), 56

source documents, 5455

Integrated test facility (ITF), 271

Integrity risks, 330331

Intercompany, 15

Interconnected networks, 581

Internal Auditing Standards Board (IASB), 259

Internal auditors, 183, 255

Internal control standards, 113114

recent history of, 113114

Internal control structure of organizations, 1721

code of ethics, 20

corporate governance, 2021

enterprise risk management (ERM), 18

control activities, 19

event identification, 19

information and communication, 19

internal environment, 18

monitoring, 19

objective setting, 19

risk assessment, 19

risk response, 19

IT controls, 20

application controls, 20

general controls, 20

Internal control system, 4, 83125, 186188

and compliance, 196197

corrective controls, 99

detective controls, 99

maintenance of, 97108

monitoring, 107108

need for, 8486

objectives, 97

preventive controls, 97

reasonable assurance of, 108

Internal controls for IT systems, 156163

application controls, 129, 156164

programmed input validation checks, 161162. See also individual entry

source document controls, 157160

standard procedures for data input, 160161

application software, 156164

batch totals, 163

cloud computing, 154156

control totals, 163

database, 149150

electronic data interchange (EDI), 153

general controls, 129, 130140. See also individual entry

hash totals, 163

internet, 152

local area network (LAN), 151

mobile workers, 152153

processing controls, 163

record counts, 163

run-to-run control totals, 163

telecommuting workers, 152153

wide area network (WAN), 151

wireless networks, 151152

world wide web, 152

Internal documents, 59

Internal reporting, 527528

of ethical issues, 530531

function managed, 528

time horizon, 528

type of organization, 527528

Internal reports, 59

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 85, 566

Internal sources of computer fraud, 9394. See also under Computer fraud

Internal theft, 87

International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), 185

International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB), 258

International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), 258

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 213, 280

International Standards on Auditing (ISAs), 258

Internet, 1314, 152, 441, 581. See also Networks

cloud computing, 14

common standards of, 583586

extranet, 14

history of, 579582

internal controls for, 599600

internet commerce, 234

internet EDI, 601

XML in, 601603

intranet, 13

physical structure of, 582586

spoofing, 95

standards of, 582586

voice-over Internet protocol (VoIP), 14

World Wide Web (WWW), 13

Internet service providers (ISPs), 582

local ISPs, 583

regional ISPs, 582

Web server, 583

Interrelationships of business processes and AIS, 4143

processes, 42

resulting reports, 42

transactions, 42

Interviews, 225

Intranets, 13

to enable E-business, 598599

internal controls for, 599600

Intrusion detection, 136, 398

Inventory control, 479

Inventory status reports, 481

Inventory theft, 91

Investment processes, 514515

Investors, 184


Just-in-time (JIT) production systems, 492


Kelleher, Kevin, 221n6

Kickback, 91

Konrad, Rachel, 138n3


Labeling interchanges, 332

Lamberton, Barbara, 97n7

Larceny, 91

Leaving sales open, 337

Legacy systems, 4546

Lemos, Robert, 148n5

Letter of representations, 276

Limit check, 162

Local area networks (LANs), 13, 151, 278

Local ISPs, 583

Location-wise implementation of ERP, 633

Log in, 131

Logistics function, 476485

operations, 481485

quality control, 484

planning, 476479

bill of materials, 477

capital budgeting plans, 477

engineering, 477

operations list, 477

production orders, 479

production schedule, 479

research and development, 477

scheduling, 478

resource management, 479481

economic order quantities (EOQ), 480

finished goods inventory, 480

human resources, 479

inventory control, 479

inventory status reports, 481

maintenance and control, 479

raw materials, 480

routing, 480

routing slip, 480

warehousing, 481

work-in-process inventory, 480

Loomis, Carol J., 201n7

Loss of audit trail visibility, 257


Magnetic ink character recognition (MICR), 233

Magnetic tape, 545

Management assertions, 259261

Management fraud, 8990

Management oevrride, 90

Management oversight, 196

Manual systems, 4345

Manufacturing resource planning (MRP II), 491, 619

Manufacturing resource planning (MRP), 617

Many-to-many relationships, 548

Market segments of ERP systems, 625628

Oracle, 626

Peoplesoft, 626

SAP, 626

tier two software, 626627

Master files, 11


automated, 393395

document, 391393

invoiceless system, 395

Materiality, 261

Materials requirements planning (MRP), 619

Materials resource planning (MRP), 491

Mathematical accuracy tests, 270

McNally, Stephen J., 187n4

Messmer, Ellen, 333n3

Microsoft Dynamics GP®

bill of materials preparation, 478

credit limit, 308

general ledger posting, 524

list price of inventory items, 307

payments, 388

payroll register preparation, 435

purchase orders in, 371

purchase receipts in, 372

purchase returns in, 380

transaction modules, 520

Mihalek, Paul H., 97n7

Misappropriation of assets, 87

Misstatement of financial records, 87

Mobile workers, 152153

Modular implementation of ERP, 634

Monitoring, 107108

Monus, Michael, 402

Multidimensional analytical processing (MOLAP), 557


National Science Foundation (NSF), 581

Networks, 1314, 582583. See also Internet

break-ins, 133136

database model, 551

local area network (LAN), 13

risks from, 144

Nonrepudiation, 132

Normalized data

data warehouse, 554

need for, 551554

data normalization, 553

primary key, 551

structured query language (SQL), 552

operational database, 554

rules of, 553


Observation, 224

Off-site backup, 140

One-to-many relationships, 548

One-to-one relationships, 548

Online analytical processing (OLAP), 557559

consolidation, 558

drill down, 558

exception reports, 558

pivoting, 558

time series analysis, 558

what-if simulations, 559

Online privacy, 110

Online processing, 12, 5859

Operating system, 147149

Operation and maintenance, 217

Operation risks, 636637

availability, 636

confidentiality, 636

online privacy, 636

processing integrity, 636

security, 636

Operational audits, 255

Operational database, 12, 554, 618

Operational feasibility, 231

Operations personnel, 137

Opportunity, 87

Oracle, 626


chart, 429

IT governance importance in, 238240

SDLC as an internal control, 239240

SDLC as part of strategic management, 239

Organizational structure and general controls for IT systems, 136137

database administrator, 137

operations personnel, 137

programmers, 137

system development life cycle (SDLC), 137

systems analysts, 137

Output controls, 164, 273274

audit trail tests, 273

reasonableness tests, 273

reconciliation, 273

rounding errors tests, 273

Output manipulation, 93

Outputs from the AIS and business processes, 5960

external reports, 59

internal documents, 59

internal reports, 59

trading partner documents, 59


Packet switching, 580

Packing slip, 307, 371

Parallel conversion, 237

Parallel simulation, 272

Password, 131

Paymaster, 438

Payroll fraud, 9I

Payroll outsourcing, 441

Payroll processes, 427, 429437

corporate governance in, 457459

ethical issues related to, 455457

human resources department, 429

IT systems, 440442

organization chart, 429

payroll disbursements journal, 436

payroll register, 435

risks and controls in, 437440

time sheet, 434

Payroll register, 435

Payroll system flowchart, 63

Penetration testing, 136, 398

Peoplesoft, 626

Periodic inventory systems, 486

Perpetual inventory systems, 485

Phase-in conversion, 237

Physical access risks, 145

Physical environment and security, 137139

Physical inventory count, 488

Physical inventory reconciliation, 488

Pick list, 307

Pigeon, Paul, 402

Pilot conversion, 237

Pivoting, 558

Planning phase, 261

Platform as a Service (PaaS), 49, 232

Point of sale (POS) systems, 15, 56, 300, 327, 335336

controls, 335336

risks, 335336

Post-implementation review, 238

Preventive controls, 97

Price list, 303

Primary key, 551

Privacy expectations in e-commerce, 590592. See also under E-Commerce

Privacy, 110

Problems, this book

administrative processes/controls, 537538

auditing IT-based processes, 293294

conversion processes/controls, 501502

corporate governance, 207208

data and databases, 573

e-business and e-commerce, 611612

ERP systems, 644645

expenditure processes/controls, 411415

foundation concepts, 7879

fraud, ethics, and internal control, 119121

internal controls/risks in IT systems, 172173

introduction to AIS, 2930

IT governance, 248249

payroll and fixed asset processes/controls, 465466

revenue and cash collection processes/controls, 346352

Process maps, 6062

symbols, 61

Processing accounting data, 5759. See also Batch processing; Online processing; Real-time processing

Processing controls, 163, 269273

balancing tests, 270

Benford's Law, 271

computer assisted audit techniques (CAATs), 271

embedded audit modules, 272

integrated test facility (ITF), 271

mathematical accuracy tests, 270

parallel simulation, 272

program mapping, 271

program tracing, 271

run-to-run totals, 270

test data method, 271

Processing integrity risks, 142145, 148

Processing integrity, 110, 155, 334

Procurement and logistics, 624

Procurement cards, 401

Production orders, 479

Production schedule, 479

Program manipulation, 93

Program mapping, 271

Program tracing, 271

Programmed input validation checks, 161162

completeness check, 162

field check, 161

limit check, 162

range check, 162

reasonableness check, 162

self-checking digit, 162

sequence check ensures, 162

sign check, 162

validity check, 161

Programmers, 137

Protocol, 580

Public cloud computing, 154

Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), 113, 191, 258

Public key encryption, 134

Purchase order (PO), 303, 367

Purchase requisition, 367

Purchase return process, 376380

risks and controls in, 381383

Purchases journal, 370

Purchasing processes, 367373

bill of lading, 371

blind purchase order, 371

cutoff, 372

packing slip, 371

purchase order (PO), 367

purchase requisition, 367

purchases journal, 370

receiving report, 371

risks and controls in, 373376


Quality control, 484

Questionnaires, 225


Radio-frequency identification (RFID) systems, 492

Random access files, 11

Random access, 545

Range check, 162

Rationalization, 87

Raw materials, 480

Real-time processing, 12, 5859, 546

Reasonable assurance, 105, 108

Reasonableness check, 162

Reasonableness tests, 273

Receiving log, 313

Receiving report, 313, 371

Reconciliation, 105106, 273. See also Independent checks and reconciliation

Record, 10, 544

Record counts, 163

Record pointer, 550

Records and documents, 309310

Redundant array of inexpensive disks (RAID), 331

Redundant arrays of independent disks (RAIDs), 139

Redundant servers, 139

Refund fraud, 92

Regional ISPs, 582

Regulators, 184

Relational database management systems (RDBMS), 631

Relational database, 11, 551

Relational online analytical processing (ROLAP), 557

Remittance advice, 318, 387

Remoteness of information, 256257

Reporting as general ledger processes output, 526528

external reporting, 527

internal reporting, 527528

Request for proposal (RFP), 227

Resource management, 479481

Resources events agents (REA) in AIS, 7273

Revenue processes, 300303. See also Cash collection processes; Sales processes

and controls, 299362

corporate governance in, 339

ethical issues in, 337338

channel stuffing, 337

leaving sales open, 337

IT-enabled systems of, 325328

within the overall system, 301

Rework, 485

Rezak, Catherine J., 633n4

Risks, 262

assessment, 101

automated matching, 1516, 393

availability, 142143, 145, 279, 331

business continuity, 145

cash disbursement process, 388391

cash receipts process, 91

categories, 110

confidentiality, 110, 140, 143145, 329, 394395

conversion process, 486489

defined, 262

e-business (expenditures), 398400

e-business systems, 328331

EDI, 331335, 398400

from environmental factors, 144

ERP system, 635637

evaluated receipt settlement, 397398

fixed asset process, 450453

general ledger process, 520526

from hacking/network break-ins, 144

from network break-ins, 144

in not limiting unauthorized users, 141143

operating system, 148

payroll process, 437440

physical access, 145

POS systems, 335336

processing integrity, 110, 140, 143145, 148, 155, 329330, 334, 395, 397, 399, 636

purchasing process, 373376

purchase return process, 381383

reduction categories, 1718

sales process, 308313

sales return process, 313318

security, 141, 144145, 148, 279

Roehm, Harper A., 23n5

Rosenzweig, Kenneth, 23n5

Roth, H.P., 328n1

Rounding errors tests, 273

Router, 580

Routing, 480

Routing slip, 480

Run-to-run control totals, 163

Run-to-run totals, 270


Salami technique, 94

Sales allowance, 318

Sales invoice, 307

Sales journal, 308

Sales order, 303

Sales processes, 303308

bill of lading, 307

credit limit, 303

document flowchart, 305

packing slip, 307

pick list, 307

price list, 303

purchase order, 303

risks and controls in, 308313

sales invoice, 307

sales journal, 308

sales order, 303

sales process map, 304

Sales return processes, 302, 313

credit memorandum, 313

receiving log, 313

receiving report, 313

risks and controls in, 313318

Sampling, 281

Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, 96, 113, 190195, 283. See also Corporate governance

ERP systems and, 637639

conflicting abilities, 637

impact on on corporate governance, 196199

ethical conduct, 198

financial stewardship, 198

internal controls and compliance, 196197

management oversight, 196

key provisions of, 192

Section 201 (Services outside the scope of practice of auditors), 192193

Section 301 (Public company audit committees), 193

Section 302 (Corporate responsibility for financial reports), 193194

Section 401 (Disclosures in periodic reports), 194

Section 404 (Management assessment of internal controls), 194195

Section 406 (Code of ethics for senior financial officers), 195

Section 409 (Real-time disclosures), 195

Section 802 (Criminal penalties for altering documents), 195

Section 806 (Protection for employees of publicly traded companies who provide evidence of fraud), 195

Section 906 (Failure of corporate officers to certify financial reports), 194

Section 1102 (Tampering with a record or otherwise impeding an official proceeding), 195

Scalability, 154

Scalable ERP system, 634

Schedule feasibility, 231

Scheduling, 478

Schmelzle, George D., 97n8

Screen scrapers, 46

SDLC as an internal control, 239240

Secure socket layers (SSL), 135, 144, 586

Securities Act of 1933, 190

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 85, 184

Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 190

Security, 110, 154

Security controls, 267269

Security of assets and documents

cash collection processes, 323

cash disbursement processes, 389

fixed assets processes, 451

payroll processes, 438

purchase return process, 381

purchasing processes, 374

sales processes, 310

sales return processes, 316

Security risks, 141142, 144145, 148, 278, 330331

Security token, 131

Seddon, Peter B., 635n7

Segregation of duties, 103, 309

cash collection processes, 322323

cash disbursement processes, 389

fixed assets processes, 451

general ledger processes, 522524

payroll processes, 437438

purchase return process, 381

purchasing processes, 373374

sales processes, 309

sales return processes, 315

Self-checking digit, 162

Sequence check ensures, 162

Sequential access files, 11, 545

Service level agreement (SLA), 49, 232

Service Organization Controls (SOC) Framework, 280

Service set identifier (SSID), 134, 144

Shang, Shari, 635n7

Shareholders, 183

Sign check, 162

Skimming, 91

Small to medium-size enterprise (SME), 562

Smart card, 131

Smith, Carl, 97n7

Software as a Service (SaaS), 49, 232

Software exposures in IT systems, 145156

Software piracy, 93

Software programming, 236

Software purchase, 226228

Software selection, 218

Software testing, 236

Software, costs of, 631

Songini, Marc L., 632n3

Source document controls, 158160

form authorization and control, 158

form design, 158

retention of source documents, 158160

Source document, 43

Source of capital processes, 513

Special journals, 44, 517

Specific authorization, 102

Spoofing, 9596

e-mail spoofing, 95

internet spoofing, 95

Stakeholders, 181

Standard costs, 485

Stapleton, Gregg, 633n4

Station set identifiers (SSID), 152

Stewardship, 85, 188, 240

Storage of data terminology, 544

Strategic management, 213

Structured data, 543

Structured query language (SQL), 552

Subsidiary ledgers, 44, 518

Substantive testing, 274

Suppliers, 184

Supply chain management (SCM), 78, 621, 624625

Supply chain, 78, 592

business process linkage throughout, 68

Symmetric encryption, 134

System conversion, 237

System development life cycle (SDLC), 137, 215219

conceptual design, 218

detailed design, 219

evaluation and selection, 218

operation and maintenance phase of, 238

operation and maintenance, 217

as part of strategic management, 239

phases of, 219

post-implementation review, 238

software selection, 218

systems analysis phase of, 222226

interviews, 225

preliminary investigation, 222223

questionnaires, 225

system survey, 223224

user requirements, determination, 224225

systems analysis, 217

systems design phase of, 226234

conceptual design, 229

evaluation, 230232

hiring a consultant, 228229

in-house design, 228229

purchase of software, 226228

selection, 230232

systems design, 217

systems implementation phase of, 235238

data conversion, 236237

direct cutover conversion, 237

documenting the system, 236

parallel conversion, 237

phase-in conversion, 237

pilot conversion, 237

software programming, 236

software testing, 236

system conversion, 237

training employees, 236

systems implementation, 217

systems planning, 217

systems planning phase of, 219222

user acceptance, 237239

System flowcharts, 6264

payroll system flowchart, 63

symbols, 63

System survey analysis, 225226

business process reengineering (BPR), 225

systems analysis report, 226

Systems analysis, 137, 217

Systems design, 217

Systems development life cycle (SDLC) model, 632

Systems implementation, 217

Systems planning, 217

phase of SDLC, 219222

Systems survey, 223

Systems, Applications and Products (SAP) in data processing, 620


Technical feasibility, 230231

Telecommuting workers, 152153

Test data method, 271

Tests of controls, 265274

application controls, 269274. See also individual entry

authenticity tests, 268

general controls, 265269

IT administration, 266267

penetration tests, 268

review access, 268

security controls, 267269

vulnerability assessments, 268

Three way match, 391

Throughput, 223

Tier one, 625

tier one software, 625

Tier two software, 625627

Time series analysis, 558

Time sheet, 434

Tone at the top, 181


batch, 106, 163

control, 163, 335

hash, 163

run-to-run, 163, 270

Trade-offs in database storage, 554

Trading partner documents, 59

Traditional EDI, 602

Trailer data, 332

Training employees, 236

Transaction authorization

cash collection process, 322

cash disbursement process, 388389

conversion process, 486

fixed asset process, 450451

general ledger process, 520522

payroll process, 437

purchasing process, 373

purchase return process, 381

sales process, 309

sales return process, 313

Transaction file, 11

Transaction logging, 335

Transaction processing systems (TPS), 302, 364

Transactions tests, 274276

Transparency, 187

Trap door alteration, 94

Treadway Commission, 184

Trojan horse program, 94

Trust Services Principles. See AICPA Trust Services Principles

Turnaround document, 44

Two-factor authentication, 132

Types of AIS, 4347

enterprise application integration (EAI), 46

general journal, 44

general ledger, 44

legacy systems, 4546

manual systems, 4345

modern, integrated systems, 47

screen scrapers, 46

source document, 43

special journals, 44

subsidiary ledgers, 44

turnaround document, 44


Unauthorized users, 141143

Underwriter, 514

Unethical management behavior in capital sources and investing, 529530

Uniform resource locater (URL), 584

Uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 138

UNIX® computer, 580

Unstructured data, 543

User acceptance, 237239

User IDs, 131

User profile, 132, 638

Users of AIS, 22


Validity check, 130, 161

Value added networks (VANs), 332, 601

Variances, 486

Vendor audits, 93

Vendor fraud, nature of, 93

Vendor, 6, 364

Virtual private network (VPN), 135, 144

Virus, 135

Voice-over Internet protocol (VoIP), 14

Vulnerability assessment, 135

Vulnerability testing, 398


Warehousing, 481

Web-based sale system, 330

Web server, 583

What-if simulations, 559

Whistleblower, 195

Wide area network (WAN), 151, 278

Williger, Stephen D., 84n1

Wired equivalency privacy (WEP), 134, 144, 152

Wireless networks, 151152

Wireless protected access (WPA), 134, 144, 152

Work-in-process inventory, 480

World Wide Web (WWW), 13, 152


Y2K compatibility, 620


Zikmund, Paul, 92

Zipser, Andy, 337n4













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