


It’s about them. Whether the office is a glass skyscraper or your parents’ garage, you can’t achieve your goals alone. Getting the most out of the people you work with takes more than just money. Tap into what makes your colleagues tick.

When you’re plowing through the to-do list it’s easy to forget about them—your coworkers; the recipients of your latest request who are missing their kids’ soccer games, forgoing a date, or skipping sleep, just to help you hit another deadline. The questions coworkers ask you may be about the project at hand, but the questions they ask themselves are: “Do I matter?” “Does my work matter?” At the heart of contagiously positive group cultures are people working because they care and feel cared for. Anticipate what your colleagues need to achieve by connecting first as fellow humans. It’s the glue that bonds teams together. Demonstrate mutual commitment by adapting a generous mindset and a readiness to assist others. Reduce stress and enhance success by providing the clarity and context for coworkers to do their jobs.

Don’t be intimidated by the concept of mission-driven work. There’s always a why to what we do. Take a few minutes to identify your why, and don’t be afraid to share it with your colleagues. Elevate the office mood: secure time to joyfully celebrate each other’s success.

This Part Is for You If

   You are ready to make every day matter.

   It’s time to deepen team relationships.

   You are surrounded by good people, doing good things, but no one is feeling all that great.

   The long-term goal is far in the distance and interim milestones are needed.

   Noisy, needy team members are grabbing too much attention.

   Work is where fun goes to die.

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