Special regex characters

Let's dig deeper into regex:




Any character, except for end of the line


The beginning of the line


The end of the line


Any character, including end of the line


The beginning of a word


The end of a word

You can see the full list of these using :help ordinary-atom.

There are also what Vim calls character classes:




Whitespace (Tab and Space)


A digit


A word character (digits, numbers or underscores)


A lowercase character


An uppercase character


An alphabetic character


These classes have the opposite effect when capitalized; for example, D matches all non-digit characters, whereas L matches everything but lowercase letters (note that this is different to just matching uppercase letters).

You can see the full list by checking out :help character-classes.

You can also specify a set of characters explicitly, using square brackets ([]). For instance, [A-Z0-9] will match all uppercase characters and all digits, while [,4abc] will only match commas, the number 4, and letters a, b, and c.

For sequences (such as numbers or letters of the alphabet), you can use a hyphen (-) to represent a range. For instance, [0-7] will include numbers from 0 to 7, and [a-z] will include all lowercase letters from a to z.

Here's one more example, including letters, numbers, and underscores: [0-9A-Za-z_].

Finally, you can negate an entire range by prefixing it with a caret (^). For instance, if you wanted to match all non-alphanumeric characters, you would put [^0-9A-Za-z].

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