Map and filter

Vimscript supports map and filter—higher-order functions (aka functions that operate on functions). Both of these functions take either a list or a dictionary as a first argument, and a function as a second.

For instance, if we wanted to filter out every animal name that is not proper, we would write a filter function:

function IsProperName(name)
if a:name =~? '(Mr|Miss) .+'
return 1
return 0

IsProperName will return 1 (true) if the name starts with Mr or Miss (which is, as we know, a proper form to address an animal), and 0 (false) otherwise.

Now, given the following dictionary:

let animal_names = {
'cat': 'Miss Cattington',
'dog': 'Mr Dogson',
'parrot': 'Polly'

We will write a filter function that will only leave key or value pairs with proper names:

call filter(animal_names, 'IsProperName(v:val)')

And we'll do this to see that it worked:

:echo animal_names
{'cat': 'Miss Cattington', 'dog': 'Mr Dogson'}

If you're coming from other programming languages, this syntax probably feels somewhat awkward. The second argument to the filter function is a string, which gets evaluated for every key value pair of the dictionary. Here, v:val will get expanded to the dictionary value (while v:key could be used to access the key).

The second argument to filter can also be a function reference. Vim lets you reference a function like this:

let IsProperName2 = function('IsProperName')

Now, you can call IsProperName2 just like you would IsProperName:

:echo IsProperName2('Mr Dogson')

This can be used to pass functions around as arguments to any function:

function FunctionCaller(func, arg)
return a:func(a:arg)

Try running it:

:echo FunctionCaller(IsProperName2, 'Miss Catington')

Armed with this knowledge, we can also pass a function reference as a second argument to the filter function. However, if we decide to pass a function reference, we have to change our original function to take two arguments: the key and the value for the dictionary (in that order):

function IsProperNameKeyValue(key, value)
if a:value =~? '(Mr|Miss) .+'
return 1
return 0

Now, we can execute the filter function as follows:

call filter(animal_names, function('IsProperNameKeyValue'))

And to validate that it works, let's echo the animal_names dictionary:

:echo animal_names
{'cat': 'Miss Cattington', 'dog': 'Mr Dogson'}

When operating on lists, v:key refers to a item index, and v:val refers to the item value.

The map function behaves in a similar manner. It lets you modify each list item or dictionary value.

For example, let's make every name proper in the following list:

let animal_names = ['Miss Cattington', 'Mr Dogson', 'Polly', 'Meowtington']

In this exercise, we'll reuse the IsProperName function from the earlier example.

Lambdas come in especially useful with this type of function. Here's how we prefix 'Miss ' to a name if it's not proper:

call map(animal_names,
{key, val -> IsProperName(val) ? val : 'Miss ' . val})

Verify the results are as expected:

:echo animal_names
['Miss Cattington', 'Mr Dogson', 'Miss Polly, 'Miss Meowtington']

This Lambda is the equivalent of the following:

function MakeProperName(name)
if IsProperName(a:name)
return a:name
return 'Miss ' . a:name
call map(animal_names, 'MakeProperName(v:val)')

The map function can be called with a function reference the same way a filter is. The mapping function will still take two values (key and value for dictionaries, and index and value for lists).

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