
Just like most other programming languages, Vim supports functions:

function AnimalGreeting(animal)
echo a:animal . ' says hello!'
In Vim, user-defined function names must start with a capital letter (unless they're within a script scope or behind a namespace). You'll get an error if you try to define a function starting with a lowercase letter.

You can try calling the function and you'll get the following output:

:call AnimalGreeting('cat')
cat says hello!

You can see that function arguments are accessed via the a: scope.

Functions, of course, can return values:

function! AnimalGreeting(animal)
return a:animal . ' says hello!'
Something to keep in mind is that in Vim a single script can get loaded multiple times (for example, when the user runs :source on a file). Redefining a function would throw an error, and a way to get around this is to use function! to define your functions, as shown before.

Now, echo the return value of the function so we can see it:

:echo AnimalGreeting('dog')
dog says hello!

Vim also supports a variable number of arguments via the ... notation (an equivalent to Python's *args):

function! AnimalGreeting(...)
echo a:1 . ' says hi to ' . a:2

Invoking this with the arguments 'cat' and 'dog' will produce the following result:

:call AnimalGreeting('cat', 'dog')
cat says hi to dog

You can access a list of all of the arguments with a:000:

function ListArgs(...)
echo a:000

Try invoking it with a few arguments:

:call ListArgs('cat', 'dog', 'parrot')
['cat', 'dog', 'parrot']

You can also combine variable arguments with explicitly specified arguments, just like you would in Python:

function! AnimalGreeting(animal, ...)
echo a:animal . ' says hi to ' . a:1

And here's the output:

:call AnimalGreeting('cat', 'dog')
cat says hi to dog

You can (and should) use local scope for your functions to keep them inaccessible from outside the file they are defined in:

function! s:AnimalGreeting(animal)
echo a:animal . 'says hi!'


function! s:AnimalGreeting(animal)
return a:animal . ' says hello!'

This will make sure that s:AnimalGreeting overwrites itself when sourcing the file again. But be careful not to overwrite somebody else's function.

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