Mode – aware remapping

The :map and :noremap commands work for normal, visual, select, and operator pending modes. Vim supports a more fine-grained control over which modes the mappings work in:

  • :nmap and :nnoremap: Normal mode
  • :vmap and :vnoremap: Visual and select modes
  • :xmap and :xnoremap: Visual mode
  • :smap and :snoremap: Select mode
  • :omap and :onoremap: Operator-pending mode
  • :map! and :noremap!: Insert and command-line modes
  • :imap and :inoremap: Insert mode
  • :cmap and :cnoremap: Command-line mode
Vim often uses an exclamation mark ! to force command execution, or to add additional functionality to a command. Try :help! for yourself!

For example, if you wanted to add some mappings to alter some insert mode behavior, you could do this:

" Immediately add a closing quotes or braces in insert mode.
inoremap ' ''<esc>i
inoremap " ""<esc>i
inoremap ( ()<esc>i
inoremap { {}<esc>i
inoremap [ []<esc>i

In the preceding example, we changed the default behavior of a key press in insert mode (for example, the opening square bracket [) to insert two characters instead of one ([]), leave insert mode, and immediately reenter it (to be placed between both braces, since insert mode is entered before the cursor).

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