Plugin spotlight – NERDTree

NERDTree is a handy plugin that emulates modern IDE behavior by displaying a file tree in a split buffer to the side of the screen. NERDTree is available from (see Installing Plugins earlier in this chapter for installation instructions). 

Once installed, you can invoke NERDTree by typing the following:


A list of files in a directory will show up:

Use h, j, k, and l or the arrow keys to navigate the file structure, and Enter or o to open the file. There are multiple useful shortcuts, and Shift ? brings up a handy cheat sheet.

A notable feature is bookmark support, which allows you to bookmark a directory (when placing the cursor over it in NERDTree) by executing :Bookmark. Press B when in a NERDTree window to display bookmarks at the top of the window.

In the following screenshot, you can see the bookmarks I have for code that supports chapters of this book (the Chapter01/ and Chapter02/ directories):

You can choose to always display bookmarks in a NERDTree window by setting the NERDTreeShowBookmarks option in your .vimrc file:

let NERDTreeShowBookmarks = 1  " Display bookmarks on startup.

You can bring NERDTree up or hide it by executing :NERDTreeToggleIf you're interested in having NERDTree up every time you're editing, you might want to add the following to your .vimrc file:

autocmd VimEnter * NERDTree  " Enable NERDTree on Vim startup.

Something I personally found really useful is to close the NERDTree window automatically when it's the last open window. I have the following in my .vimrc file:

" Autoclose NERDTree if it's the only open window left.
autocmd bufenter * if (winnr("$") == 1 && exists("b:NERDTree") &&
b:NERDTree.isTabTree()) | q | endif

These days, I rarely find myself using NERDTree. Before switching to Vim, I often relied on having a project outline in the view when I worked. In my early days of learning Vim, NERDTree was a lifesaver. Vim changed the way I work and having a file outline always on became distracting, so eventually I moved back to using Netrw.

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