Searching with / and ?

Most times one of the fastest ways to navigate somewhere is to search for a particular string. Vim allows you to search for a match by typing in / (which puts you in command-line mode) followed by a search string. Once you hit Enter, your cursor will move to the first match.

Cycling through the matches in the same buffer can be done by pressing n to go to the next match and N to the previous match.

A useful option for searching is set hlsearch (consider setting it in your .vimrc file), since it highlights every match on the screen. For example, this is how running /kind in looks with hlsearch enabled:

You can clear the highlights by executing :noh.

Another nifty trick is using set incsearch. This will make Vim dynamically move you to the first match as soon as you type.

In case you want to search backwards, replace / with ?. This will also affect the way n and N will behave, showing a next backward match, and a previous backward match respectively.

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