
Vundle is vim-plug's predecessor (and possibly an inspiration), which works along similar lines. Plugin installation is synchronous, and the plugin packs slightly more weight than vim-plug. One of the differentiating factors is the availability of plugin search; Vundle allows you to search for plugins straight from Vim. In addition, Vundle lets you test out the plugins before permanently installing them. Vundle and its installation instructions are available from GitHub at

Vundle works similar to vim-plug, with the :PluginInstall, :PluginUpdate, and :PluginClean commands performing the same functions.

The search feature (possibly the most compelling argument to use Vundle) can be invoked by running :PluginSearch <string>. At the moment, Vundle only supports searching by plugin names. For example, let's look for a plugin that helps us manage making comments:

:PluginSearch comment

We'll get a list of potential matches in return:

Hover your cursor over a small plugin that adds a few useful comment-related key bindings: tComment. Hit i (or execute :PluginInstall) with your cursor over it. The plugin is now immediately available in Vim, without any commitment. You can try using tComment by opening a file (say, your .vimrc file), and executing gcc to comment and uncomment the current line.

This will not install the plugin permanently, and to do so you would have to add the plugin to your .vimrc file.

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