Appendix D
Answers to Review/Discussion Questions

Lesson 1 Answers

1. Under the Tools menu

2. c

3. False. All AudioSuite plug-ins require rendering. RTAS plug-ins are real-time plug-ins.

4. To smooth out volume changes on a segment

5. False. AudioSuite plug-ins can operate on segments in a sequence or master clips in a bin.

6. b

Lesson 2 Answers

1. The Quick Transition button is located in the Timeline toolbar. The default shortcut key is the backslash () key.

2. You identify the cuts in the Timeline by adding an IN point just before the first cut that will receive a Dissolve transition and an OUT point just after the last cut that will receive a Dissolve transition.

3. The three different effect types are transition effects, segment effects, and motion effects. Transition effects are applied at the cut point between two clips. Segment effects are applied to an entire clip within a sequence. Motion effects are applied to entire clips within a sequence or source clips to vary the frame rate of the footage.

4. Handle is extra media on a clip, beyond what is edited into a sequence. It is used to create a transition.

5. Make sure the V track is enabled and that no audio tracks are enabled in the Track Selector panel.

6. True

7. True

8. False. To save an effect template, you drag the effect icon from the upper-left corner of the Effect Editor into a bin.

9. You must click the Transition Manipulation button before dragging transitions in the Timeline.

10. To select segments when adding multiple segment effects, you must first click a Segment Mode button in the Smart tool.

Lesson 3 Answers

1. In the Effect Preview monitor, the Resize effect displays a white frame outline with resize handles. The handle in the upper-right corner is used to maintain the aspect ratio when you scale.

2. The position bar located under the Effect Preview monitor represents the duration of the segment the effect is on.

3. In the Effect Editor, click the enable buttons for Scaling and Position. Disabling parameter groups in the Effect Editor is a good way to compare the results with the original video.

4. You can increase the size of the outer yellow search rectangle to increase the area where the tracker will look for the tracking data point. This is helpful if the object you are tracking is moving too fast across the frame.

5. In the tracking parameters, click the enable button for the first tracker labeled “No Tracker.” Enabling this tracker automatically assigns the tracking data point from the Tracking window to the Blur effect’s shape.

6. The Enlarge button zooms in on the image in the Effects Preview monitor, while the Reduce button zooms out.

7. The Illusion FX category

Lesson 4 Answers

1. Freeze frames, Motion effects, and Timewarps

2. a

3. If the render type is not set correctly, you can end up with a lower-resolution result, visible flicker within what was supposed to be a frozen frame, or a softer image.

4. a

5. In a Motion effect, you specify the rate of the effect; with Fit to Fill, you specify the amount of source material to use within a defined duration in the Timeline.

6. b

7. Their rendering method can be changed without re-creating the effect; they can easily be modified to change the frame that is frozen, which can help avoid problems that may be encountered in later stages of post production; they are much easier to run and therefore much easier for the online editor to troubleshoot and correct problems.

8. Linear, Spline, Bézier, and Shelf

9. Shelf

Lesson 5 Answers

1. A scene was shot with multiple cameras of different makes and captured the images a bit differently; a scene was shot with one or more cameras not properly white balanced; the camera’s auto-correction circuits inadvertently “fixed” a scene improperly, and what was recorded does not match what the subject really looks like; the cameraman deliberately captured the scene with low contrast so he could capture the maximum grayscale, expecting that the shot would be “fixed in post”; and the director or editor wants a shot to have a specific look that could not be captured in the camera.

2. Because the tonal range is the foundation of the image. It is not possible to achieve a good-looking image unless the tonal range is correct.

3. They are the defined limits for the grayscale within the digital video standards. Blacks should not go below video black or your program may be rejected by a broadcaster.

4. A response curve that defines how the tonal range transitions between black and white

5. To create a sepia tone, you add red and remove blue (which adds yellow).

6. The Safe Color Limiter effect is designed to prevent the grayscale from exceeding video white and video black and to ensure that the color does not exceed the limits typically allowed by broadcasters.

7. In the HSL group, you apply Auto Contrast and then Auto Balance, whereas in the Curves group, you apply Auto Balance and then Auto Contrast.

8. It allows you to identify a neutral tone in the image and create an additional point on each curve to correct for any color shifts that result from strictly balancing the red, green, and blue channels.

Lesson 6 Answers

1. Alt-drag (Windows) or Option-drag (Mac) an effect on top of the existing effect.

2. Autonesting

3. Simple nesting and expanded nesting

4. The video monitor follows you as you travel into the nest so you are able to see what is happening at a given level of the nest without seeing the effects above that level.

5. You always see the composited result of all effects in the nest regardless of where you are within the nest; you can hear audio when you play; you can access material before and after your effect nest.

6. Click and drag the effect icon in the Effect Editor for the effect you wish to reorder.

7. The Mask effect

Lesson 7 Answers

1. The Picture-in-Picture effect is a layering effect, allowing you to create multilayer composites from clips on multiple video tracks. Resize is a single-layer effect that is not designed for building multilayer composites.

2. Blanking is not designed to be seen. The black edges should not be part of an image used in a multilayer composite.

3. To create an image with a different aspect ratio, such as a wide bar or an image taller than it is wide

4. The first keyframe establishes the start of the move, while the second establishes the end. Without these two keyframes, the animation would not occur.

5. It reverses the order of all keyframes in an effect so that any animation plays backward. For example, if a PIP were animated to fly from right to left, reversing it would make it fly from left to right.

6. Ctrl+Shift

7. Keyframes are added to all parameters.

8. This command removes unnecessary keyframes and makes further keyframe manipulation easier.

9. An ease-in/out is added to every keyframe, making the motion smoother and more natural.

10. PIP is a two-input effect and has both a foreground and a background. Both of these are visible within the nest.

11. You can change the fill for the title by editing a different clip onto V2.

12. Nest when you want to add an element to another element or modify that element.

13. Layer when you want to add another element to a multilayer effect design.

14. To change the aspect ratio of the sequence

Lesson 8 Answers

1. c

2. True

3. A green or blue screen clip should be edited on the track directly above your background segment. In this example, the green screen should be edited onto track V3.

4. Left and right crop

5. False. A garbage mask is used to remove unwanted portions from the outer areas of the frame. The keyer is used to remove the remaining green/blue screen that immediately surrounds the subject.

6. To see the imperfections of a matte more clearly

Lesson 9 Answers

1. Select Clip > New Title and then click Marquee in the dialog box that appears.

2. Shift+Alt (Windows) or Shift+Option (Mac)

3. False. There is no Border check box. To add a border, you enable the Change Edge Properties check box in the Quick Titles window. Then choose an edging style from the pop-up menu.

4. Deselect Tint.

5. c

6. b

7. All styles are found in the Library tab. If the Library tab is not displayed, select Window > Library > Styles.

8. False. To add a keyframe, you right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac) on the animation curve and select Insert Key from the pop-up menu.

9. a

10. The first text box must be named Text Box 1.

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