Time for action — add copy to the Home page

  1. Open the document that contains the text that you've just written. Select the entire copy and copy it to the clipboard.
  2. Open your Home page in the Page Editor.
  3. Select the text Page Header along with the horizontal line below it and delete it; you don't really need a page header on the Home page.
  4. Position the cursor in Zone 2 and paste the text from your clipboard.
  5. Format the text using Page Editor's editing features. When you have finished, your page should look something like this:
    Time for action — add copy to the Home page
  6. Save your work and preview the site.

What just happened?

You took the first stab at your Home page. Nothing exotic yet, but hopefully, you now have some meaningful content in place on the Home page. In the next chapter, we'll turn those bullet points into hyperlinks.

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