Time for action — adding contact information

  1. Go to Page Manager and open the Contact Us page in Page Editor, if it's not already open.
  2. Make Zone 2 narrower by dragging its right drag-handle towards the left as shown in the next image:
    Time for action — adding contact information
  3. The page should now look like this in Page Editor:
    Time for action — adding contact information
  4. Now make Zone 3 wider by dragging its left drag-handle towards the left. The page should look like this in Page Editor:
    Time for action — adding contact information
  5. Now, type your address information in Zone 3.
  6. Save your work and preview the page. It should look something like this:
    Time for action — adding contact information
  7. Depending on how wide your address lines are, your page might look a bit off-center, like the picture above. Let's fix that.
  8. Close the preview window and return to Page Editor.
  9. Drag the right drag-handle of Zone 2 and the left drag-handle of Zone 3 to the right until the page appears centered.
  10. Save your work and preview the page. It should now look something like this:
    Time for action — adding contact information
  11. That's much better! There's roughly equal white space on either side of the content.
  12. Close the preview window and return to Page Editor.

What just happened?

You added your contact information to the Contact Us page, so that people can contact you by phone, fax, or snail-mail as well.

In the bargain, you also learned how to adjust your page template to accommodate contents of different widths.

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