How to do it...

The volume exclusion feature can only be configured using PowerShell. In this example, we will exclude the H: drive and D:MountPointsMountPoint01 from being available to the DPM as disk storage:

Open a Windows PowerShell session on your DPM server and follow these steps:

  1. Run the Set-DPMGlobalProperty cmdlet followed by the -DPMStorageVolumeExclusion parameter. The full syntax based on our example is the following: Set-DPMGlobalProperty -DPMStorageVolumeExclusion "H:,D:MountPointsMountPoint01".
  2. Next, Rescan the storage using the DPM Administrator Console, or use the Start-DPMDiskRescan PowerShell cmdlet. When you try to Add a volume as disk storage, you will see that none of the previous available volumes will show:

  1. If you want to remove the volume exclusion, open Windows PowerShell and type the Set-DPMGlobalProperty cmdlet followed by the parameter -DPMStorageVolumeExclusion, without specifying any value. The full syntax will look like this: Set-DPMGlobalProperty -DPMStorageVolumeExclusion "".
  2. After removing volume exclusion, Rescan the storage again. All volumes and mount points that were previously removed, except for System Volumes, will be available to DPM as backup storage.

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