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There are certain scenarios that you want to be aware of when using ILR in your environment, such as the following:

  • You cannot select and recover multiple virtual hard disks at the same time.
  • When you recover a virtual hard disk of a virtual machine that has Hyper-V checkpoints (formerly known as snapshots), the .avhdx files are not displayed in the Recoverable Items pane, but DPM recovers the parent virtual hard disk and all the associated .avhdx files.
  • DPM saves the recovery item in a custom directory structure in the VMName_<BackupTime><Path of the recovery item on the protected computer> format, with the exact file system hierarchy that is used on a protected computer with the DPM protection agent installed.
  • You must have the Hyper-V role enabled on the DPM server to perform item-level recoveries. Item-Level Recovery does not support recovery of an item to its original location. Item-Level Recovery is not supported if the differencing virtual hard disk and base (parent) virtual hard disk are on different volumes.
  • You cannot browse the mount points when you explore a virtual hard disk for Item-Level Recovery.
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