

1 The Evolution of an Industry

The changing face of graphic design

How it all started

From letterpress to litho

Advances in typesetting

The font wars

Film technology

Filmless technology

The offset litho process

Other printing methods

2 Four-Color Printing Explained

A word about paper weights and sizes


CMY... K?

Screen angles and screen clash

Beyond four colors

3 Understanding Color


Color opposites

How you perceive color

A case study

How do you pick the colors you need?

Some color psychology

Getting the most out of your monitor

Backward calibration

Other calibration methods

4 Calibrating a Grayscale Image

Dealing with highlights and shadows

Creating a dot-gain test strip

A practical example of grayscale calibration

Adding contrast

5 Bitmaps and Pixel Depths

Why are there 256 shades in a grayscale image?

Pixel depth in color images

6 Calibrating Color Images

Getting started

Gray component replacement

GCR in action

Highlights and mid-tones

Dealing with color balance

Photoshop color settings

Calibration test-strip settings

7 Good and Bad Image Formats… and Others!

Good image formats

Bad image formats

…and the “other” category

Images from the Web: optimization and resolution

Genuine fractals

8 Resolution and Scanning

What is so special about 300?

Creating an efficient workflow

Scanning original material

Scanning previously printed images

9 Trapping

What is trapping?

Adobe Illustrator and CorelDRAW

Photoshop, InDesign, and Quark

Creating and using a rich black

Registration and trim marks

Trapping into a rich black

10 Using Pantone Colors

The Pantone Formula Guides

Other Pantone products

11 Photoshop Tips and More

Changing an object’s color

Smooth gradients

Using desaturation to avoid RGB problems

Fixing foreshortening

Useful grayscale options

Sharpening images in Photoshop

Choosing the right halftone dot shape

12 Preparing the File for the Printer

A printing checklist

Using InDesign

Using Adobe Acrobat

Marks and bleeds



Using QuarkXPress

Tools of the trade, and more




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