
Before you can build the ShapeEditor application, make sure that you have installed the following libraries and tools introduced in Chapter 3 and Chapter 6:

  • OGR
  • Mapnik
  • PROJ.4
  • pyproj
  • PostgreSQL
  • PostGIS
  • psycopg2

You will also need to download and install Django. Django ( comes with GeoDjango built-in, so once you've installed Django itself you're all set to go. Click on the Download link on the Django website and download the latest official version of the Django software.


If your computer runs Microsoft Windows, you may need to download a utility to decompress the .tar.gz file before you can use it.

Once you have downloaded it, you can install Django by following the instructions in the Django Installation Guide. This can be found at:

Once you have installed it, you may want to run through the GeoDjango tutorial (available at, though this isn't required to build the ShapeEditor application. If you decide not to follow the tutorial, you will still need to set up the template_postgis template so that new PostGIS databases can be created. To do this, follow the instructions at:

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