
You have now finished implementing the first part of the ShapeEditor application. Even at this early stage, you have made good progress, learning how GeoDjango works, designing the application, and laying the foundations for the functionality you will implement in the next two chapters.

In this chapter, you have learned:

  • That the GeoDjango extension to Django can be used to build sophisticated geo-spatial web applications.
  • That a Django project consists of a single database and multiple Django applications.
  • That Django uses objects to represent records in the database.
  • That a Django view is a Python function that responds when a given URL is called.
  • That the mapping from URLs to views is controlled by a URLConf module named defined at the project level.
  • That Django uses a powerful templating system to simplify the creation of complex HTML pages.
  • That Django allows you to define forms for handling the input of data
  • That Django form fields make it easy to accept and validate a variety of different types of data.
  • That GeoDjango provides its own set of form fields for editing geo-spatial data.
  • That an application's data objects are defined in a file called
  • That GeoDjango's built-in "admin" system allows you to view and edit geo-spatial data using slippy maps.

In Chapter 11, we will implement a view to show the available Shapefiles, as well as writing the rather complex code for importing and exporting Shapefiles.

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