Setting up PiPlay

First, you should head to the PiPlay website (, download the latest version of the OS, and write the image to an SD card. This is the same procedure that we followed with Raspbian in the two previous projects.

Once the image is written to the SD card, connect a network cable, USB keyboard, and monitor to the Pi and power it up. After a few minutes, you should see the PiPlay main screen, as shown in the following screenshot:

Setting up PiPlay

This shows a list of all the installed emulators and a count of how many games are installed for each one in the small red squares (obviously, for a clean install, there will not be any games installed).

PiPlay has a web interface that can be used to upload games to the arcade system. This is accessed using the IP address of the Pi, as shown in the following screenshot:

Setting up PiPlay

This interface can also be used to shutdown and reboot the Pi using the Tools menu. For now, we will use ROM Uploader to add a new game to the Gameboy emulator. The list of all the installed emulators is shown in the following screenshot:

Setting up PiPlay


There are many websites where ROMs can be downloaded. If you're looking for a particular game, the best option is to use a search engine with a query containing the name of the game and the platform you want to emulate it on.

Here, we will select the Gameboy emulator. This shows a page where you can drag and drop any ROM files from your PC that are to be uploaded to the Pi:

Setting up PiPlay

Once the upload is complete, the new game will be available in the menu for that emulator.

When a new game has been added for a certain emulator, PiPlay will ask whether you want to download its information from an online database, as shown in the following screenshot. This will automatically correct the name of the game and download a cover image if it is available; it is not required that you do this to play a game.

Setting up PiPlay

When an emulator is selected, a menu similar to the one shown in the following screenshot is shown, which lists all the games uploaded to the Pi for the current emulator. To start one, select it using the arrow keys and press Enter. To return to the main PiPlay menu, press Esc.

Setting up PiPlay
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