Testing with Postman 

We will now look at how to test our API by using the Postman client. You can also use any other REST client that you are comfortable with:

  1. Search for Postman Chrome extension, and follow the search results to install the Postman extension in Chrome.
Postman is also available as a native app, to download, install, and use. It will also be the preferred way to use the Postman client, from this point forward.
  1. Once Postman has been added as an extension in Chrome, you can launch it from chrome://apps/. You can log in to your Google account, or skip logging in.
  2. Select the Request option. You can specify a folder to save the request in, or close the Save dialog box.
  1. Configure Postman to send requests to our API method, and click on Send:
    1. Select the POST method.
    2. Add our endpoint URL for the POST method.
    3. Go to the Body tab, click on raw, and select JSON (application/json) for the content type.
    4. Add our JSON payload, as follows:
  1. Once you have configured the options and have clicked on send, you should get a successful response, as follows:
..................Content has been hidden....................

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