Getting ready

To follow the example in this recipe, you need a working AWS account. You should also set up Java Development Kit (JDK) and Maven in your local machine. I am currently using Java 8 and Maven 3.5.4. 

Example projects in this book uses a maven parent project, serverless-cookbook-parent-aws-java.The versions of libraries used within each Lambda project (for example, aws.sdk.version) are defined in the parent project POM file. 

If you want to extend any recipe for your particular use case without needing to have the parent project, you can easily get rid of the parent project by moving the required properties and dependencies into the individual projects. 

It is a good idea to create a folder within your operating system to manage the code files for this book. I will use a folder with the name serverless. You need to make sure that you can execute the following commands from this folder:

javac -version 
mvn -version

You can set up the parent project inside our parent folder (serverless in my case) by executing the following commands from the command line:

  1. Clone our book's Github repository:
git clone
  1. Go inside the repository folder, go inside our project-specific parent project, and run mvn clean install:
cd Serverless-Programming-Cookbook
cd serverless-cookbook-parent-aws-java
mvn clean install
The code repository of this book already has working code for all the recipes, where applicable. You may also create another folder within the parent folder (serverless is the parent folder in my case) to practice the examples within this book, and look into the code repository files only, when in doubt. 
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