
  1. From the CloudWatch dashboard, we can go to the Metrics page by clicking on the Metrics link on the sidebar. This will list all the services with their metric counts, as shown in the following screenshot:
  1. Click on Lambda. This will give us the options to search for metrics By Resource or By Function Name and provides an option to view metrics Across All Functions, as shown in the following screenshot:

  1. Click on By Function Name. This will list all of the function names available, as shown in the following screenshot. We can also filter the results:

  1. Click on the metric name Invocations and from the options, click on Add to graph for our metric to appear in the graph shown. By default, it gives us time durations starting with 1 hour. But we can set it with time intervals starting with 1 minute using the dropdown next to Custom, as shown in the following screenshot: 

I made a few invocations of the skill we created in the previous chapter and also set a 15-minute interval here.

You can go back to the All metrics page and go inside each of the other services and explore the various metrics available, along with the recipes for the corresponding service. 

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