How to do it...

Let us do dependency injection with Guice, which is a lightweight framework suggested by AWS.

  1. Add Maven dependency for Guice:
  1. Create the Guice configuration class to bind interfaces to implementation:
public class ApplicationModule extends AbstractModule {
protected final void configure() {
  1. Configure the handler class for using Guice:
public final class MyLambdaHandler implements RequestHandler<IAMOperationRequest, IAMOperationResponse> {

private static final Injector INJECTOR =
Guice.createInjector(new ApplicationModule());

private IAMService service;

public MyLambdaHandler() {

public void setService(final IAMService service) {
this.service = service;

I created a static Injector class and initialized it with our Guice configuration class. I added a default constructor to add this class to be injected by Guice. Objects.requireNonNull verifies if the implementation was injected successfully. I annotated it with Java's @Inject annotation for Guice to inject dependency.  

Let us write unit tests for our code. 

  1. Add Maven dependency for JUnit and Mockito:

  1. Create a simple test class for the handler that checks if the service implementation is injected:
package tech.heartin.books.serverlesscookbook;

import org.junit.Test;

public class MyLambdaHandlerTest {
public void testDependencies() throws Exception {
MyLambdaHandler testHandler = new MyLambdaHandler();
  1. Create a test class for the service class that uses Mockito to mock AWS calls:
public class IAMServiceImplTest {

private AmazonIdentityManagement iamClient;

private IAMService service;

public void setUp() {
service = new IAMServiceImpl(iamClient);
// Actual tests not shown here
  1. Add the test method for create user:
public void testCreateUser() {
IAMOperationResponse expectedResponse = new IAMOperationResponse(
"Created user test_user", null);
.thenReturn(new CreateUserResult()
.withUser(new User().withUserName("test_user")));
IAMOperationResponse actualResponse
= service.createUser("test_user");
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResponse, actualResponse);
  1. Add the test method to check user:
public void testCheckUser() {
IAMOperationResponse expectedResponse = new IAMOperationResponse(
"User test_user exist", null);
IAMOperationResponse actualResponse
= service.checkUser("test_user");
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResponse, actualResponse);

private ListUsersResult getListUsersResult() {
ListUsersResult result = new ListUsersResult();
result.getUsers().add(new User().withUserName("test_user"));
  1. Add the test method to delete user:
public void testDeleteUser() {
IAMOperationResponse expectedResponse = new IAMOperationResponse(
"Deleted user test_user", null);
.thenReturn(new DeleteUserResult());
IAMOperationResponse actualResponse
= service.deleteUser("test_user");
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResponse, actualResponse);
  1. To Package, deploy, and verify, follow the Using AWS SDK, Amazon CloudFormation and AWS CLI with Lambda recipe, and package, deploy, and verify by invoking the Lambda.
In real-world projects, you may follow the Test Driven Development (TDD) principle and write tests before actual code.
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